bool DnDController::add_tile_cmd (const CommandParamList& params) { if (params.verify_signature ("iis")) { quint16 x = (quint16)params.get_param (0)->get_int (); quint16 y = (quint16)params.get_param (1)->get_int (); QString img = params.get_param (2)->get_str ().c_str (); add_tile (Tile::TILE_IMAGE, x, y, 0, 0, img); } else if (params.verify_signature ("iiiis")) { quint16 x = (quint16)params.get_param (0)->get_int (); quint16 y = (quint16)params.get_param (1)->get_int (); quint16 w = (quint16)params.get_param (2)->get_int (); quint16 h = (quint16)params.get_param (3)->get_int (); QString txt = params.get_param (4)->get_str ().c_str (); add_tile (Tile::TILE_CUSTOM, x, y, w, h, txt); } else { qDebug () << "Invalid add_tile params"; return false; } return true; }
void init_board(int board[SIZE][SIZE]) { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) { board[i][j] = 0; } } add_tile(board); add_tile(board); }
static void i_fg(void) { size_t sz_is, sz_pts; int x, y, w, h; const bool *m; INDEX_T *is = NULL; v2f_t *scrpts = NULL; v2f_t *texpts = NULL; w = e.levels[e.i].bmp.w; h = e.levels[e.i].bmp.h; m = e.levels[e.i].bmp.m; er.fg.no_indices = 0; er.fg.tex = er.fg_tex; er.fg.scl.x = 2.0f / (float) w; er.fg.scl.y = 2.0f / (float) h; er.fg.rot.x = 0; /* sin(0) = 0 */ er.fg.rot.y = 1; /* cos(0) = 1 */ = = -1; for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) add_tile(x, y, w, m, &er.fg.no_indices, &is, &scrpts, &texpts); add_dest(&er.fg.no_indices, &is, &scrpts, &texpts); sz_is = er.fg.no_indices * sizeof(*is); sz_pts= er.fg.no_indices / 6 * 4 * sizeof(*scrpts); er.fg.indices= mk_vbo(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sz_is, is, GL_STATIC_DRAW); er.fg.scrpts = mk_vbo(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sz_pts, scrpts, GL_STATIC_DRAW); er.fg.texpts = mk_vbo(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sz_pts, texpts, GL_STATIC_DRAW); free(texpts); free(scrpts); free(is); }
unsigned int send_add_tile(unsigned int i, int x, int y, int w, int h) { send_event(EVENT_ADD_TILE); send_index(i); send_value(x); send_value(y); send_value(w); send_value(h); return add_tile(i, x, y, w, h); }
void recv_add_tile(void) { unsigned int i = recv_index(); int x = recv_value(); int y = recv_value(); int w = recv_value(); int h = recv_value(); add_tile(i, x, y, w, h); }
void MapEntities::add_entity(MapEntity* entity) { if(entity == NULL) { return; } if(entity->is_tile()) { add_tile(static_cast<Tile*> (entity)); } else { if(entity->is_detector()) { std::cout << entity->get_entity_type() << std::endl; this->detector_entities.push_back(static_cast<Detector*>(entity)); } if(entity->is_obstacle()) { std::cout << entity->get_entity_type() << std::endl; this->obstacle_entities.push_back(entity); } } this->all_entities.push_back(entity); entity->set_map(map); }
int main() { grid testG = new_grid(); printf("grid created\n"); add_tile(testG); bool isGameOver = game_over(testG); if(isGameOver) // check if an empty grid is a gameover { return EXIT_FAILURE; } else printf("game not over with an empty grid\n"); // FILLING THE GRID WITH UNIQUE VALUES int k = 1; for(int i = 0; i < GRID_SIDE; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < GRID_SIDE; j++) { set_tile(testG, i, j, (tile)k); printf("[%d][%d]:%d\n", i, j, get_tile(testG, i, j)); k++; } } isGameOver = game_over(testG); if(!isGameOver) return EXIT_FAILURE; // check if it's game over with a grid filled with unique values else printf("gameover with a grid filled with unique values\n"); delete_grid(testG); printf("grid deleted\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { int board[SIZE][SIZE] = { 0 }; int empty_spot[2]; // Ensure rand() returns random value. srand(time(NULL)); init_board(board); print_board(board); printf("Up: 'k' Down: 'j' Left: 'h' Right: 'l'\n"); while(1) { if (has_move_left(board)) { perform_user_action(board); if (!board_full(board)) add_tile(board); print_board(board); } else { print_board(board); printf("You're all done! Loading new game.\n"); init_board(board); } } }
/*- * Add a forced tile to a given forced vertex. Basically an easy job, * since we know what to add. But it might fail if adding the tile * would cause some untiled area to become enclosed. There is also another * more exotic culprit: we might have a dislocation. Fortunately, they * are very rare (the PRL article reported that perfect tilings of over * 2^50 tiles had been generated). There is a version of the algorithm * that doesn't produce dislocations, but it's a lot hairier than the * simpler version I used. */ static int add_forced_tile(ModeInfo * mi, forced_node_c * node) { tiling_c *tp = &tilings[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; unsigned side; vertex_type_c vtype; rule_match_c hits[MAX_TILES_PER_VERTEX * N_VERTEX_RULES]; int n; if (node->forced_sides == (S_LEFT | S_RIGHT)) side = NRAND(2) ? S_LEFT : S_RIGHT; else side = node->forced_sides; n = match_rules(node->vertex, hits, True); n = find_completions(node->vertex, hits, n, side, &vtype /*, True */ ); if (n <= 0) { tp->done = True; if (MI_IS_VERBOSE(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Weirdness in add_forced_tile()\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "n = %d\n", n); } } return add_tile(mi, node->vertex, side, vtype); }
void map_fragment::add_tiles(const gamemap& map, const std::set<map_location>& locs) { BOOST_FOREACH(const map_location& loc, locs) { add_tile(map, loc); }
void map_fragment::add_tiles(const gamemap& map, const std::set<map_location>& locs) { for (const map_location& loc : locs) { add_tile(map, loc); } }
void play_game() { board *b = &grid; do { switch (os_wait_for_key()) { case ESC_KEY: return; case UP_KEY: if (can_move_up(b)) { shift_up(b); merge_up(b); shift_up(b); add_big_int(&score, &merge_score); break; } else { continue; } case DOWN_KEY: if (can_move_down(b)) { shift_down(b); merge_down(b); shift_down(b); add_big_int(&score, &merge_score); break; } else { continue; } case LEFT_KEY: if (can_move_left(b)) { shift_left(b); merge_left(b); shift_left(b); add_big_int(&score, &merge_score); break; } else { continue; } case RIGHT_KEY: if (can_move_right(b)) { shift_right(b); merge_right(b); shift_right(b); add_big_int(&score, &merge_score); break; } else { continue; } default: continue; } add_tile(b); display_board(b); } while (!game_is_lost()); }
void sync_display(void) { #ifdef CONF_MPI MPI_Status stat; int size = 0; #endif int rank = 0; char name[MAXNAME]; int i = 0; gethostname(name, MAXNAME); #ifdef CONF_MPI assert_mpi(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank)); assert_mpi(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size)); if (rank) { /* Send the name to the root, recieve the host index. */ MPI_Send(name, MAXNAME, MPI_BYTE, 0,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Recv(&i, 4, MPI_BYTE, 0,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat); } else { int j, k; /* Find a host definition for the root. */ i = find_display(name); /* Recieve a name from each client, send a host definition index. */ for (j = 1; j < size; ++j) { MPI_Recv(name, MAXNAME, MPI_BYTE, j,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat); k = find_display(name); MPI_Send(&k, 4, MPI_BYTE, j,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } #else i = find_display(name); #endif /* If no host definition was found, create a default. */ if (i == 0) { i = add_host(DEFAULT_NAME, DEFAULT_X, DEFAULT_Y, DEFAULT_W, DEFAULT_H); add_tile(i, DEFAULT_X, DEFAULT_Y, DEFAULT_W, DEFAULT_H); host[i].flags = HOST_FRAMED; } /* Note the indexed host definition as current. */ current_host = host[i]; /* Position the server window, if necessary. */ if (rank || (current_host.flags & HOST_FRAMED) == 0) set_window_pos(current_host.win_x, current_host.win_y); }
/* One step of the growth algorithm. */ void draw_penrose(ModeInfo * mi) { int i = 0, n; forced_node_c *p; tiling_c *tp; if (tilings == NULL) return; tp = &tilings[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (tp->fringe.nodes == NULL) return; MI_IS_DRAWN(mi) = True; p = tp->forced.first; if (tp->busyLoop > 0) { tp->busyLoop--; return; } if (tp->done || tp->failures >= 100) { init_penrose(mi); return; } /* Check for the initial "2-gon". */ if (tp->fringe.nodes->prev == tp->fringe.nodes->next) { vertex_type_c vtype = (unsigned char) (VT_TOTAL_MASK & LRAND()); MI_CLEARWINDOW(mi); if (!add_tile(mi, tp->fringe.nodes, S_LEFT, vtype)) free_penrose(tp); return; } /* No visible nodes left. */ if (tp->fringe.n_nodes == 0) { tp->done = True; tp->busyLoop = COMPLETION; /* Just finished drawing */ return; } if (tp->forced.n_visible > 0 && tp->failures < 10) { n = NRAND(tp->forced.n_visible); for (;;) { while (p->vertex->off_screen) p = p->next; if (i++ < n) p = p->next; else break; } } else if (tp->forced.n_nodes > 0) { n = NRAND(tp->forced.n_nodes); while (i++ < n) p = p->next; } else { fringe_node_c *fringe_p = tp->fringe.nodes; n = NRAND(tp->fringe.n_nodes); i = 0; for (; i <= n; i++) do { fringe_p = fringe_p->next; } while (fringe_p->off_screen); add_random_tile(fringe_p, mi); tp->failures = 0; return; } if (add_forced_tile(mi, p)) tp->failures = 0; else tp->failures++; }
/*- * Add a randomly chosen tile to a given vertex. This requires more checking * as we must make sure the new tile conforms to the vertex rules at every * vertex it touches. */ static void add_random_tile(fringe_node_c * vertex, ModeInfo * mi) { fringe_node_c *right, *left, *far; int i, j, n, n_hits, n_good; unsigned side, fc, no_good, s; vertex_type_c vtypes[MAX_COMPL]; rule_match_c hits[MAX_TILES_PER_VERTEX * N_VERTEX_RULES]; tiling_c *tp = &tilings[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) { tp->thick_color = NRAND(MI_NPIXELS(mi)); /* Insure good contrast */ tp->thin_color = (NRAND(2 * MI_NPIXELS(mi) / 3) + tp->thick_color + MI_NPIXELS(mi) / 6) % MI_NPIXELS(mi); } else { unsigned long temp = tp->thick_color; tp->thick_color = tp->thin_color; tp->thin_color = temp; } n_hits = match_rules(vertex, hits, False); side = NRAND(2) ? S_LEFT : S_RIGHT; n = find_completions(vertex, hits, n_hits, side, vtypes /*, False */ ); /* One answer would mean a forced tile. */ if (n <= 0) { tp->done = True; if (MI_IS_VERBOSE(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Weirdness in add_random_tile()\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "n = %d\n", n); } } no_good = 0; n_good = n; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fc = fringe_changes(mi, vertex, side, vtypes[i], &right, &far, &left); if (fc & FC_BAG) { tp->done = True; if (MI_IS_VERBOSE(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Weirdness in add_random_tile()\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "fc = %d, FC_BAG = %d\n", fc, FC_BAG); } } if (right) { s = (((fc & FC_CUT_FAR) && (fc & FC_CUT_LEFT)) ? S_RIGHT : S_LEFT); if (!legal_move(right, s, VT_RIGHT(vtypes[i]))) { no_good |= (1 << i); n_good--; continue; } } if (left) { s = (((fc & FC_CUT_FAR) && (fc & FC_CUT_RIGHT)) ? S_LEFT : S_RIGHT); if (!legal_move(left, s, VT_LEFT(vtypes[i]))) { no_good |= (1 << i); n_good--; continue; } } if (far) { s = ((fc & FC_CUT_LEFT) ? S_RIGHT : S_LEFT); if (!legal_move(far, s, VT_FAR(vtypes[i]))) { no_good |= (1 << i); n_good--; } } } if (n_good <= 0) { tp->done = True; if (MI_IS_VERBOSE(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Weirdness in add_random_tile()\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "n_good = %d\n", n_good); } } n = NRAND(n_good); for (i = j = 0; i <= n; i++, j++) while (no_good & (1 << j)) j++; if (!add_tile(mi, vertex, side, vtypes[j - 1])) { tp->done = True; if (MI_IS_VERBOSE(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Weirdness in add_random_tile()\n"); } free_penrose(tp); } }
int main(void) { int dir; srand(time(NULL)); uint8_t nb_empty_box, nb_merge; #if USE_BIN /* Creation of a grid */ grid_t grid = create_empty_grid_bin(); /* Grid backup */ grid_t saved_grid; /* Initialisation of the grid */ grid = init_grid_bin(grid, &nb_empty_box); /* Display the grid */ display_grid_bin(grid); /* Main loop for a game */ while (nb_empty_box > 0 || merge_possible_bin(grid)) { do { saved_grid = grid; /* While the move does not lead to a change on the grid */ // dir = random_move(); dir = best_move_bin(grid, nb_empty_box); /* Trying to play the move */ grid = move_bin(grid, dir, &nb_merge); nb_empty_box += nb_merge; } while (grid == saved_grid); /* Add tile */ grid = add_tile_bin(grid); nb_empty_box--; /* Display the new grid */ display_grid_bin(grid); printf("Empty boxes: %u\n", nb_empty_box); } #else /* Creation of a grid */ uint16_t **grid = create_empty_grid(); /* Initialisation of the grid */ init_grid(grid); /* Display the grid */ display_grid(grid); #if DEBUG printf("Value: %i\n", evaluate(grid)); #endif /* Main loop for a game */ while (!game_over(grid)) { /* While the move does not lead to a change on the grid */ do { #if IA #if RANDOM dir = random_move(); #else dir = best_move(grid); #endif #else dir = ask_dir(); #endif /* Trying to play the move */ } while (!move(grid, dir)); /* Add a new tile at the end of each round */ add_tile(grid); /* Display the new grid */ display_grid(grid); #if DEBUG printf("Value: %i\n", evaluate(grid)); #endif } #endif return 0; }