コード例 #1
  bool SrhSyntouchController::init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot, const std::string &joint_name)
    ROS_DEBUG(" --------- ");
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Init: " << joint_name);

    robot_ = robot;
    last_time_ = robot->getTime();

    joint_state_ = robot_->getJointState(joint_name);
    if (!joint_state_)
      ROS_ERROR("SrhMixedPositionVelocityController could not find joint named \"%s\"\n",
      return false;
    if (!joint_state_->calibrated_)
      ROS_ERROR("Joint %s not calibrated for SrhSyntouchController", joint_name.c_str());
      return false;

    //init the pointer to the biotacs data, updated at 1kHz
    actuator_ = static_cast<sr_actuator::SrActuator*>( robot->model_->getActuator( joint_name ) );

    return true;
コード例 #2
  bool SrhExampleController::init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot, const std::string &joint_name)
    robot_ = robot;
    last_time_ = robot->getTime();

    //We need to store 2 different joint states for the joint 0s:
    // They control the distal and the middle joint with the same control.
    if( joint_name.substr(3,1).compare("0") == 0)
      has_j2 = true;

      //The joint 0 is name *FJ0, and is controlling *J1 + *J2.
      std::string j1 = joint_name.substr(0,3) + "1";
      std::string j2 = joint_name.substr(0,3) + "2";

      //Get the pointer to the joint state for *J1
      joint_state_ = robot_->getJointState(j1);
      if (!joint_state_)
        ROS_ERROR("SrhMixedPositionVelocityController could not find joint named \"%s\"\n",
        return false;

      //Get the pointer to the joint state for *J2
      joint_state_2 = robot_->getJointState(j2);
      if (!joint_state_2)
        ROS_ERROR("SrhMixedPositionVelocityController could not find joint named \"%s\"\n",
        return false;
    else //"normal" joints: one controller controls one joint
      has_j2 = false;

      //get the pointer to the joint state
      joint_state_ = robot_->getJointState(joint_name);
      if (!joint_state_)
        ROS_ERROR("SrhMixedPositionVelocityController could not find joint named \"%s\"\n",
        return false;

    // after init creates the subscriber to the /command topic
    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: lambda-expressions.cpp プロジェクト: JaredCJR/clang
  // CHECK-LABEL: define void @_ZN7pr285954testEv()
  void test() {
    // CHECK: %[[SRC:.*]] = alloca [3 x [5 x %[[A:.*]]]], align 1
    A array[3][5];

    // Skip over the initialization loop.
    // CHECK: call {{.*}}after_init

    // CHECK: %[[DST_0:.*]] = getelementptr {{.*}} [3 x [5 x %[[A]]]]* %[[DST:.*]], i64 0, i64 0
    // CHECK: br label
    // CHECK: %[[I:.*]] = phi i64 [ 0, %{{.*}} ], [ %[[I_NEXT:.*]], {{.*}} ]
    // CHECK: %[[DST_I:.*]] = getelementptr {{.*}} [5 x %[[A]]]* %[[DST_0]], i64 %[[I]]
    // CHECK: %[[SRC_I:.*]] = getelementptr {{.*}} [3 x [5 x %[[A]]]]* %[[SRC]], i64 0, i64 %[[I]]
    // CHECK: %[[DST_I_0:.*]] = getelementptr {{.*}} [5 x %[[A]]]* %[[DST_I]], i64 0, i64 0
    // CHECK: br label
    // CHECK: %[[J:.*]] = phi i64 [ 0, %{{.*}} ], [ %[[J_NEXT:.*]], {{.*}} ]
    // CHECK: %[[DST_I_J:.*]] = getelementptr {{.*}} %[[A]]* %[[DST_I_0]], i64 %[[J]]
    // CHECK: %[[DST_0_0:.*]] = bitcast [5 x %[[A]]]* %[[DST_0]] to %[[A]]*
    // CHECK: %[[SRC_I_J:.*]] = getelementptr {{.*}} [5 x %[[A]]]* %[[SRC_I]], i64 0, i64 %[[J]]
    // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN7pr285954TempC1Ev
    // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN7pr285951AC1ERKS0_RKNS_4TempE
    // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN7pr285954TempD1Ev
    // CHECK: add nuw i64 %[[J]], 1
    // CHECK: icmp eq
    // CHECK: br i1
    // CHECK: add nuw i64 %[[I]], 1
    // CHECK: icmp eq
    // CHECK: br i1
    // CHECK: ret void
    // CHECK: landingpad
    // CHECK: landingpad
    // CHECK: br label %[[CLEANUP:.*]]{{$}}
    // CHECK: landingpad
    // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN7pr285954TempD1Ev
    // CHECK: br label %[[CLEANUP]]
    // CHECK: [[CLEANUP]]:
    // CHECK: icmp eq %[[A]]* %[[DST_0_0]], %[[DST_I_J]]
    // CHECK: %[[T0:.*]] = phi %[[A]]*
    // CHECK: %[[T1:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[A]], %[[A]]* %[[T0]], i64 -1
    // CHECK: call void @_ZN7pr285951AD1Ev(%[[A]]* %[[T1]])
    // CHECK: icmp eq %[[A]]* %[[T1]], %[[DST_0_0]]
    (void) [array]{};