コード例 #1
ファイル: tt.c プロジェクト: SCIInstitute/Cleaver
_ra2t(Nrrd *nten, double rad, double angle, 
      double mRI[9], double mRF[9], double hack) {
  double x, y, xyz[3], XX[3], YY[3], CC[3], EE[3], VV[3], tmp, mD[9], mT[9];
  float *tdata;
  int xi, yi, sx, sy;

  sx = nten->axis[1].size;
  sy = nten->axis[2].size;
  x = rad*sin(AIR_PI*angle/180);
  y = rad*cos(AIR_PI*angle/180);
  xi = airIndexClamp(0.0, x, sqrt(3.0)/2.0, sx);
  yi = airIndexClamp(0.0, y, 0.5, sy);
  ELL_3V_SET(VV, 0, 3, 0);
  ELL_3V_SET(EE, 1.5, 1.5, 0);
  ELL_3V_SET(CC, 1, 1, 1);
  ELL_3V_NORM(XX, XX, tmp);
  ELL_3V_NORM(YY, YY, tmp);
  ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3(xyz, 1.0, CC, hack*x, XX, hack*y, YY);
  ELL_3M_DIAG_SET(mD, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
  ell_3m_post_mul_d(mT, mRI);
  ell_3m_post_mul_d(mT, mD);
  ell_3m_post_mul_d(mT, mRF);
  tdata = (float*)(nten->data) + 7*(xi + sx*(yi + 1*sy));
  tdata[0] = 1.0;
  TEN_M2T(tdata, mT);
コード例 #2
ファイル: binningPull.c プロジェクト: rblake/seg3d2
** bins on boundary now extend to infinity; so the only time this 
** returns NULL (indicating error) is for non-existant positions
pullBin *
_pullBinLocate(pullContext *pctx, double *posWorld) {
  char me[]="_pullBinLocate", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  unsigned int axi, eidx[3], binIdx;

  if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(posWorld)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: non-existant position (%g,%g,%g)", me,
            posWorld[0], posWorld[1], posWorld[2]);
    biffAdd(PULL, err); return NULL;

  if (pctx->binSingle) {
    binIdx = 0;
  } else {
    for (axi=0; axi<3; axi++) {
      eidx[axi] = airIndexClamp(pctx->bboxMin[axi],
    binIdx = (eidx[0]
              + pctx->binsEdge[0]*(eidx[1] 
                                   + pctx->binsEdge[1]*eidx[2]));
  fprintf(stderr, "!%s: bin(%g,%g,%g) = %u\n", me, 
          _posWorld[0], _posWorld[1], _posWorld[2], binIdx);

  return pctx->bin + binIdx;
コード例 #3
ファイル: txf.c プロジェクト: CIBC-Internal/teem
_miteStageRun(miteThread *mtt, miteUser *muu) {
  static const char me[]="_miteStageRun";
  int stageIdx, ri, rii;
  unsigned int txfIdx, finalIdx;
  miteStage *stage;
  mite_t *rangeData;
  double *dbg=NULL;

  finalIdx = 0;
  if (mtt->verbose) {
    dbg = muu->debug + muu->debugIdx;
  for (stageIdx=0; stageIdx<mtt->stageNum; stageIdx++) {
    stage = &(mtt->stage[stageIdx]);
    if (stage->qn) {
      /* its a vector-valued txf domain variable */
      txfIdx = stage->qn(stage->val);
      /* right now, we can't store vector-valued txf domain variables */
    } else {
      /* its a scalar txf domain variable */
      txfIdx = airIndexClamp(stage->min, *(stage->val),
                             stage->max, stage->size);
      if (mtt->verbose) {
        fprintf(stderr, "!%s: %s=%g in [%g,%g]/%u -> %u\n", me,
                stage->label, *(stage->val),
                stage->min, stage->max, stage->size, txfIdx);
        dbg[0 + 2*stageIdx] = *(stage->val);
    finalIdx = stage->size*finalIdx + txfIdx;
    if (mtt->verbose) {
      dbg[1 + 2*stageIdx] = txfIdx;
    if (stage->data) {
      rangeData = stage->data + stage->rangeNum*finalIdx;
      for (rii=0; rii<stage->rangeNum; rii++) {
        ri = stage->rangeIdx[rii];
        switch(stage->op) {
        case miteStageOpMin:
          mtt->range[ri] = AIR_MIN(mtt->range[ri], rangeData[rii]);
        case miteStageOpMax:
          mtt->range[ri] = AIR_MAX(mtt->range[ri], rangeData[rii]);
        case miteStageOpAdd:
          mtt->range[ri] += rangeData[rii];
        case miteStageOpMultiply:
          mtt->range[ri] *= rangeData[rii];
      finalIdx = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: mchist.c プロジェクト: BRAINSia/teem
** hist[0]: hue vs sat
** hist[1]: hue vs val
imageProc(Nrrd *nhproj[3], Nrrd *nhist[2], unsigned int sH,
          float *rgb, unsigned int size0, unsigned int sXY,
          unsigned int overSampleNum, float overSampleScale) {
  unsigned int xyi, hi, si, vi, oi;
  float rr, gg, bb, hh, ss, vv, *hist[2];
  double rndA, rndB;

  hist[0] = AIR_CAST(float *, nhist[0]->data);
  hist[1] = AIR_CAST(float *, nhist[1]->data);
  for (xyi=0; xyi<sXY; xyi++) {
    rr = AIR_CLAMP(0, rgb[0], 255);
    gg = AIR_CLAMP(0, rgb[1], 255);
    bb = AIR_CLAMP(0, rgb[2], 255);
    rr = AIR_AFFINE(-1, rr, 256, 0, 1);
    gg = AIR_AFFINE(-1, gg, 256, 0, 1);
    bb = AIR_AFFINE(-1, bb, 256, 0, 1);
    dyeRGBtoHSV(&hh, &ss, &vv, rr, gg, bb);
    si = airIndexClamp(0, ss, 1, sH);
    vi = airIndexClamp(0, vv, 1, sH);

#define UPDATE_HIST(rnd)                                                \
    hi = airIndexClamp(0, hh + overSampleScale*(1-ss)*(rnd), 1, sH);    \
    hist[0][hi + sH*si] += 1.0/overSampleNum;                           \
    hist[1][hi + sH*vi] += 1.0/overSampleNum

    if (overSampleNum % 2 == 1) {
      airNormalRand(&rndA, NULL);
      overSampleNum -= 1;
    for (oi=0; oi<overSampleNum; oi+=2) {
      airNormalRand(&rndA, &rndB);
    rgb += size0;
  nrrdProject(nhproj[0], nhist[0], 1, nrrdMeasureHistoMean, nrrdTypeFloat);
  nrrdProject(nhproj[1], nhist[1], 1, nrrdMeasureHistoMean, nrrdTypeFloat);
  nrrdProject(nhproj[2], nhist[1], 1, nrrdMeasureSum, nrrdTypeFloat);
コード例 #5
ファイル: binning.c プロジェクト: CIBC-Internal/teem
** bins on boundary now extend to infinity; so the only time this
** returns NULL (indicating error) is for non-existent positions
pushBin *
_pushBinLocate(pushContext *pctx, double *_posWorld) {
  static const char me[]="_pushBinLocate";
  double posWorld[4], posIdx[4];
  unsigned int axi, eidx[3], binIdx;

  if (!ELL_3V_EXISTS(_posWorld)) {
    biffAddf(PUSH, "%s: non-existent position (%g,%g,%g)", me,
             _posWorld[0], _posWorld[1], _posWorld[2]);
    return NULL;

  if (pctx->binSingle) {
    binIdx = 0;
  } else {
    ELL_3V_COPY(posWorld, _posWorld);
    posWorld[3] = 1.0;
    ELL_4MV_MUL(posIdx, pctx->gctx->shape->WtoI, posWorld);
    ELL_34V_HOMOG(posIdx, posIdx);
    for (axi=0; axi<3; axi++) {
      eidx[axi] = airIndexClamp(-0.5,
    binIdx = (eidx[0]
              + pctx->binsEdge[0]*(eidx[1]
                                   + pctx->binsEdge[1]*eidx[2]));
  fprintf(stderr, "!%s: bin(%g,%g,%g) = %u\n", me,
          _posWorld[0], _posWorld[1], _posWorld[2], binIdx);

  return pctx->bin + binIdx;
コード例 #6
ファイル: apply2D.c プロジェクト: rblake/seg3d2
** _nrrdApply2DLutOrRegMap()
** the guts of nrrdApply2DLut and nrrdApply2DRegMap
** yikes, does NOT use biff, since we're only supposed to be called
** after copious error checking.  
** FOR INSTANCE, this allows nout == nin, which could be a big
** problem if mapAxis == 1.
** we don't need a typeOut arg because nout has already been allocated
** as some specific type; we'll look at that.
** NOTE: non-existant values get passed through regular maps and luts
** "unchanged".  However, if the output type is integral, the results
** are probaby undefined.  HEY: there is currently no warning message
** or error handling based on nrrdStateDisallowIntegerNonExist, but
** there really should be.
_nrrdApply2DLutOrRegMap(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin,
                        const NrrdRange *range0, const NrrdRange *range1,
                        const Nrrd *nmap, int ramps,
                        int rescale0, int rescale1) {
  char me[]="_nrrdApply2DLutOrRegMap";
  char *inData, *outData, *mapData, *entData;
  size_t N, I;
  double (*inLoad)(const void *v), (*mapLup)(const void *v, size_t I),
    (*outInsert)(void *v, size_t I, double d),
    val0, val1, domMin0, domMax0, domMin1, domMax1;
  unsigned int i, mapAxis, mapLen0, mapLen1, mapIdx0, mapIdx1,
    entSize, entLen, inSize, outSize;

  mapAxis = nmap->dim - 2;             /* axis of nmap containing entries */
  mapData = (char *)nmap->data;        /* map data, as char* */
                                       /* low end of map domain */
  domMin0 = _nrrdApplyDomainMin(nmap, ramps, mapAxis + 0);
  domMin1 = _nrrdApplyDomainMin(nmap, ramps, mapAxis + 1);
                                       /* high end of map domain */
  domMax0 = _nrrdApplyDomainMax(nmap, ramps, mapAxis + 0);
  domMax1 = _nrrdApplyDomainMax(nmap, ramps, mapAxis + 1);
  mapLen0 = nmap->axis[mapAxis+0].size;   /* number of entries in map axis 0 */
  mapLen1 = nmap->axis[mapAxis+1].size;   /* number of entries in map axis 1 */
  mapLup = nrrdDLookup[nmap->type];    /* how to get doubles out of map */
  inData = (char *)nin->data;          /* input data, as char* */
  inLoad = nrrdDLoad[nin->type];       /* how to get doubles out of nin */
  inSize = nrrdElementSize(nin);       /* size of one input value */
  outData = (char *)nout->data;        /* output data, as char* */
  outInsert = nrrdDInsert[nout->type]; /* putting doubles into output */
  entLen = (mapAxis                    /* number of elements in one entry */
            ? nmap->axis[0].size
            : 1);
  outSize = entLen*nrrdElementSize(nout); /* size of entry in output */
  entSize = entLen*nrrdElementSize(nmap); /* size of entry in map */

  fprintf(stderr, "!%s: entLen = %u, mapLen = %u,%u\n", me,
          entLen, mapLen0, mapLen1);

  N = nrrdElementNumber(nin)/2;       /* number of value pairs to be mapped */
  /* _VV = 1; */
  if (ramps) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: PANIC: unimplemented\n", me);
  } else {
    /* lookup table */
    for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
      val0 = inLoad(inData + 0*inSize);
      val1 = inLoad(inData + 1*inSize);
      if (rescale0) {
        val0 = AIR_AFFINE(range0->min, val0, range0->max, domMin0, domMax0);
      if (rescale1) {
        val1 = AIR_AFFINE(range1->min, val1, range1->max, domMin1, domMax1);
      if (AIR_EXISTS(val0) && AIR_EXISTS(val1)) {
        mapIdx0 = airIndexClamp(domMin0, val0, domMax0, mapLen0);
        mapIdx1 = airIndexClamp(domMin1, val1, domMax1, mapLen1);
        entData = mapData + entSize*(mapIdx0 + mapLen0*mapIdx1);
        for (i=0; i<entLen; i++) {
          outInsert(outData, i, mapLup(entData, i));
      } else {
        /* copy non-existant values from input to output */
        for (i=0; i<entLen; i++) {
          outInsert(outData, i, val0 + val1);  /* HEY this is weird */
      inData += 2*inSize;
      outData += outSize;

  return 0;
コード例 #7
** _nrrdApply1DLutOrRegMap()
** the guts of nrrdApply1DLut and nrrdApply1DRegMap
** yikes, does NOT use biff, since we're only supposed to be called
** after copious error checking.  
** FOR INSTANCE, this allows nout == nin, which could be a big
** problem if mapAxis == 1.
** we don't need a typeOut arg because nout has already been allocated
** as some specific type; we'll look at that.
** NOTE: non-existant values get passed through regular maps and luts
** "unchanged".  However, if the output type is integral, the results
** are probaby undefined.  HEY: there is currently no warning message
** or error handling based on nrrdStateDisallowIntegerNonExist, but
** there really should be.
_nrrdApply1DLutOrRegMap(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin, const NrrdRange *range, 
                        const Nrrd *nmap, int ramps, int rescale, int multi) {
  /* char me[]="_nrrdApply1DLutOrRegMap"; */
  char *inData, *outData, *mapData, *entData0, *entData1;
  size_t N, I;
  double (*inLoad)(const void *v), (*mapLup)(const void *v, size_t I),
    (*outInsert)(void *v, size_t I, double d),
    val, mapIdxFrac, domMin, domMax;
  unsigned int i, mapAxis, mapLen, mapIdx, entSize, entLen, inSize, outSize;

  if (!multi) {
    mapAxis = nmap->dim - 1;           /* axis of nmap containing entries */
  } else {
    mapAxis = nmap->dim - nin->dim - 1;
  mapData = (char *)nmap->data;        /* map data, as char* */
                                       /* low end of map domain */
  domMin = _nrrdApplyDomainMin(nmap, ramps, mapAxis);
                                       /* high end of map domain */
  domMax = _nrrdApplyDomainMax(nmap, ramps, mapAxis);
  mapLen = nmap->axis[mapAxis].size;   /* number of entries in map */
  mapLup = nrrdDLookup[nmap->type];    /* how to get doubles out of map */
  inData = (char *)nin->data;          /* input data, as char* */
  inLoad = nrrdDLoad[nin->type];       /* how to get doubles out of nin */
  inSize = nrrdElementSize(nin);       /* size of one input value */
  outData = (char *)nout->data;        /* output data, as char* */
  outInsert = nrrdDInsert[nout->type]; /* putting doubles into output */
  entLen = (mapAxis                    /* number of elements in one entry */
            ? nmap->axis[0].size
            : 1);
  outSize = entLen*nrrdElementSize(nout); /* size of entry in output */
  entSize = entLen*nrrdElementSize(nmap); /* size of entry in map */

  N = nrrdElementNumber(nin);       /* the number of values to be mapped */
  if (ramps) {
    /* regular map */
    for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
      /* ...
      if (!(I % 100)) fprintf(stderr, "I = %d\n", (int)I);
      ... */
      val = inLoad(inData);
      /* ...
      fprintf(stderr, "##%s: val = \na% 31.15f --> ", me, val);
      ... */
      if (rescale) {
        val = AIR_AFFINE(range->min, val, range->max, domMin, domMax);
        /* ...
        fprintf(stderr, "\nb% 31.15f (min,max = %g,%g)--> ", val,
                range->min, range->max);
        ... */
      /* ...
      fprintf(stderr, "\nc% 31.15f --> clamp(%g,%g), %d --> ",
              val, domMin, domMax, mapLen);
      ... */
      if (AIR_EXISTS(val)) {
        val = AIR_CLAMP(domMin, val, domMax);
        mapIdxFrac = AIR_AFFINE(domMin, val, domMax, 0, mapLen-1);
        /* ...
        fprintf(stderr, "mapIdxFrac = \nd% 31.15f --> ",
        ... */
        mapIdx = (unsigned int)mapIdxFrac;
        mapIdx -= mapIdx == mapLen-1;
        mapIdxFrac -= mapIdx;
        /* ...
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: (%d,\ne% 31.15f) --> \n",
                me, mapIdx, mapIdxFrac); 
        ... */
        entData0 = mapData + mapIdx*entSize;
        entData1 = mapData + (mapIdx+1)*entSize;
        for (i=0; i<entLen; i++) {
          val = ((1-mapIdxFrac)*mapLup(entData0, i) + 
                 mapIdxFrac*mapLup(entData1, i));
          outInsert(outData, i, val);
          /* ...
          fprintf(stderr, "f% 31.15f\n", val); 
          ... */
      } else {
        /* copy non-existant values from input to output */
        for (i=0; i<entLen; i++) {
          outInsert(outData, i, val);
      inData += inSize;
      outData += outSize;
      if (multi) {
        mapData += mapLen*entSize;
  } else {
    /* lookup table */
    for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
      val = inLoad(inData);
      if (rescale) {
        val = AIR_AFFINE(range->min, val, range->max, domMin, domMax);
      if (AIR_EXISTS(val)) {
        mapIdx = airIndexClamp(domMin, val, domMax, mapLen);
        entData0 = mapData + mapIdx*entSize;
        for (i=0; i<entLen; i++) {
          outInsert(outData, i, mapLup(entData0, i));
      } else {
        /* copy non-existant values from input to output */
        for (i=0; i<entLen; i++) {
          outInsert(outData, i, val);
      inData += inSize;
      outData += outSize;
      if (multi) {
        mapData += mapLen*entSize;

  return 0;