コード例 #1
void TimeInterpolatorRK4::interpolate(/// interpolated solution on this level coarsened
                                      LevelData<FArrayBox>&   a_U,
                                      /// time interpolation coefficient in range [0:1]
                                      const Real&             a_timeInterpCoeff,
                                      /// interval of a_U to fill in
                                      const Interval&         a_intvl)
  CH_assert(a_U.nComp() == m_numStates);

  LevelData<FArrayBox> UComp;
  aliasLevelData(UComp, &a_U, a_intvl);

  // For i in 0:m_numCoeffs-1,
  // coeffFirst[i] is index of first component of m_taylorCoeffs
  // that corresponds to a coefficient of t^i.
  Vector<int> coeffFirst(m_numCoeffs);
  int intervalLength = a_intvl.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < m_numCoeffs; i++)
      coeffFirst[i] = a_intvl.begin() + i * m_numStates;

  DataIterator dit = UComp.dataIterator();
  for (dit.begin(); dit.ok(); ++dit)
      FArrayBox& UFab = UComp[dit];
      const FArrayBox& taylorFab = m_taylorCoeffs[dit];

      // Evaluate a0 + a1*t + a2*t^2 + a3*t^3
      // as a0 + t * (a1 + t * (a2 + t * a3)).
      UFab.copy(taylorFab, coeffFirst[m_numCoeffs-1], 0, intervalLength);
      for (int ind = m_numCoeffs - 2; ind >=0; ind--)
          UFab *= a_timeInterpCoeff;
          UFab.plus(taylorFab, coeffFirst[ind], 0, intervalLength);
  // dummy statement in order to get around gdb bug
  int dummy_unused = 0; dummy_unused = 0;
コード例 #2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This does the actual computation to update the state variables.
// I've included this function since the initializeGlobalPressure() and advance()
// functions are, for the most part, the same piece of code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AMRNavierStokes::PPMIGTimeStep (const Real a_oldTime,
                                     const Real a_dt,
                                     const bool a_updatePassiveScalars,
                                     const bool a_doLevelProj)
    pout() << setiosflags(ios::scientific) << setprecision(8) << flush;

    // Set up some basic values
    const RealVect& dx = m_levGeoPtr->getDx();
    const DisjointBoxLayout& grids = newVel().getBoxes();
    DataIterator dit = grids.dataIterator();
    const Box domainBox = m_problem_domain.domainBox();
    const bool isViscous = (s_nu > 0.0);

    // Initialize all flux registers
    if (!finestLevel()) {
        for (int comp = 0; comp < s_num_scal_comps; ++comp) {

    // Sanity checks
    CH_assert(m_levGeoPtr->getBoxes() == grids);
    CH_assert(m_levGeoPtr->getDomain() == m_problem_domain);
    CH_assert(Abs(a_oldTime - (m_time - a_dt)) < TIME_EPS);
    CH_assert(s_num_scal_comps <= 1);
    CH_assert(s_num_scal_comps > 0 || s_gravityMethod == ProblemContext::GravityMethod::NONE);

    // Reference new holders
    LevelData<FArrayBox>& new_vel = newVel();
    LevelData<FArrayBox>& new_lambda = newLambda();
    LevelData<FArrayBox> new_b;
    if (s_num_scal_comps > 0) {
        aliasLevelData(new_b, &(newScal(0)), Interval(0,0));

    // Compute advecting velocities
    LevelData<FArrayBox> old_vel(grids, SpaceDim, m_tracingGhosts);
    fillVelocity(old_vel, a_oldTime);

    LevelData<FluxBox> adv_vel(grids, 1, IntVect::Unit); // Changed from m_tracingGhosts to 1
    computeAdvectingVelocities(adv_vel, old_vel, a_oldTime, a_dt);

    if (a_updatePassiveScalars) {
        // Lambda update
        LevelData<FArrayBox> old_lambda;
        fillLambda(old_lambda, a_oldTime);

        LevelData<FArrayBox> dLdt(grids, 1);
        getNewLambda(dLdt, new_lambda, old_lambda, old_vel, adv_vel, a_oldTime, a_dt, a_dt);

    LevelData<FArrayBox> old_b;
    if (s_num_scal_comps > 0) {
        // Scalar update
        fillScalars(old_b, a_oldTime, 0);

        LevelData<FArrayBox> dSdt(grids, 1);
        getNewScalar(dSdt, new_b, old_b, old_vel, adv_vel, a_oldTime, a_dt, a_dt, 0);

    for (int comp = 1; comp < s_num_scal_comps; ++comp) {
        // Scalar update
        LevelData<FArrayBox> old_scal;
        fillScalars(old_scal, a_oldTime, comp);

        LevelData<FArrayBox> dSdt(grids, 1);
        getNewScalar(dSdt, newScal(comp), old_scal, old_vel, adv_vel, a_oldTime, a_dt, a_dt, comp);

    {   // Update CC velocities
        LevelData<FArrayBox> dUdt(grids, SpaceDim);
        getNewVelocity(dUdt, new_vel, old_vel, adv_vel, a_oldTime, a_dt, a_dt);

    if (s_num_scal_comps > 0) {
        // Do implicit gravity update and CC projection.
        doCCIGProjection(new_vel, new_b, old_vel, old_b, adv_vel, a_oldTime, a_dt, a_doLevelProj);
    } else {
        // Do a standard CC projection.
        doCCProjection(new_vel, a_oldTime + a_dt, a_dt, a_doLevelProj);
コード例 #3
void TimeInterpolatorRK4::intermediate(/// intermediate RK4 solution on this level coarsened
                                       LevelData<FArrayBox>&   a_U,
                                       /// time interpolation coefficient in range [0:1]
                                       const Real&             a_timeInterpCoeff,
                                       /// which RK4 stage:  0, 1, 2, 3
                                       const int&              a_stage,
                                       /// interval of a_U to fill in
                                       const Interval&         a_intvl) const
  CH_assert(a_U.nComp() == m_numStates);
  CH_assert(a_stage >= 0);
  CH_assert(a_stage < 4);

  Real rinv = 1. / Real(m_refineCoarse);
  Vector<Real> intermCoeffs(4);
  // 0 is coefficient of m_taylorCoeffs[0] = Ucoarse(0)
  // 1 is coefficient of m_taylorCoeffs[1] =           K1
  // 2 is coefficient of m_taylorCoeffs[2] = 1/2 * (-3*K1 + 2*K2 + 2*K3 - K4)
  // 3 is coefficient of m_taylorCoeffs[3] = 2/3 * (   K1 -   K2 -   K3 + K4)
  Real diff12Coeffs;
  // coefficient of m_diff12               =              -   K2 +   K3
  switch (a_stage)
    case 0:
      intermCoeffs[0] = 1.;
      intermCoeffs[1] = a_timeInterpCoeff;
      intermCoeffs[2] = a_timeInterpCoeff * a_timeInterpCoeff;
      intermCoeffs[3] = a_timeInterpCoeff * a_timeInterpCoeff  * a_timeInterpCoeff;
      diff12Coeffs = 0.;
    case 1:
      intermCoeffs[0] = 1.;
      intermCoeffs[1] = 0.5*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff;
      intermCoeffs[2] = a_timeInterpCoeff * (rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff);
      intermCoeffs[3] = a_timeInterpCoeff * a_timeInterpCoeff * (1.5*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff);
      diff12Coeffs = 0.;
    case 2:
      intermCoeffs[0] = 1.;
      intermCoeffs[1] = 0.5*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff;
      intermCoeffs[2] = 0.5*rinv*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff * (rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff);
      intermCoeffs[3] = 0.375*rinv*rinv*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff * (1.5*rinv*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff * (1.5*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff));
      diff12Coeffs = -0.25 * rinv * rinv;
    case 3:
      intermCoeffs[0] = 1.;
      intermCoeffs[1] = rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff;
      intermCoeffs[2] = rinv*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff * (2.*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff);
      intermCoeffs[3] = 0.75*rinv*rinv*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff * (3.*rinv*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff * (3.*rinv + a_timeInterpCoeff));
      diff12Coeffs = 0.5 * rinv * rinv;
      MayDay::Error("TimeInterpolatorRK4::intermediate must have a_stage in range 0:3");
  LevelData<FArrayBox> UComp;
  aliasLevelData(UComp, &a_U, a_intvl);

  // For i in 0:m_numCoeffs-1,
  // coeffFirst[i] is index of first component of m_taylorCoeffs
  // that corresponds to a coefficient of t^i.
  Vector<int> coeffFirst(m_numCoeffs);
  int intervalLength = a_intvl.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < m_numCoeffs; i++)
      coeffFirst[i] = a_intvl.begin() + i * m_numStates;

  DataIterator dit = UComp.dataIterator();
  for (dit.begin(); dit.ok(); ++dit)
      FArrayBox& UFab = UComp[dit];
      const FArrayBox& taylorFab = m_taylorCoeffs[dit];

      // WAS:  Evaluate a0 + a1*t + a2*t^2 + a3*t^3
      // as a0 + t * (a1 + t * (a2 + t * a3)):
      // that is, set UFab to
      // a3, t*a3 + a2, t*(t*a3 + a2) + a1, t*(t*(t*a3 + a2) + a1) * a0.

      // NEW:  Evaluate a0*c0 + a1*c1 + a2*c2 + a3*c3,
      // where c0, c1, c2, c3 are scalars,
      // and c0 = intermCoeffs[0] = 1.
      UFab.copy(taylorFab, coeffFirst[0], 0, intervalLength);
      for (int ind = 1; ind < 4; ind++)
          UFab.plus(taylorFab, intermCoeffs[ind],
                    coeffFirst[ind], 0, intervalLength);
      const FArrayBox& diff12Fab = m_diff12[dit];
      UFab.plus(diff12Fab, diff12Coeffs, 0, 0, intervalLength);
  // dummy statement in order to get around gdb bug
  int dummy_unused = 0; dummy_unused = 0;