コード例 #1
bool FakeStackAllocator::allocate(cuda::GpuMat* mat, int rows, int cols, size_t elemSize) {
    if (memStack_ == 0)
        return false;

    size_t pitch, memSize;

    if (rows > 1 && cols > 1)
        pitch = alignUp(cols * elemSize, alignment_);
        memSize = pitch * rows;
        // Single row or single column must be continuous
        pitch = elemSize * cols;
        memSize = alignUp(elemSize * cols * rows, 64);

    unsigned char* ptr = memStack_->requestMemory(memSize);

    if (ptr == 0)
        return false;

    mat->data = ptr;
    mat->step = pitch;
    mat->refcount = (int*) cv::fastMalloc(sizeof(int));

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: loader.cpp プロジェクト: cfwprpht/wiiu-emu
   void * get(size_t size, uint32_t alignment = 4) {
      // Ensure section alignment
      auto alignOffset = alignUp(mPtr, alignment) - mPtr;
      size += alignOffset;

      // Double-check alignment
      void * ptrOut = mPtr + alignOffset;
      assert(alignUp(ptrOut, alignment) == ptrOut);

      // Make sure we have room
      assert(mPtr + size <= mEnd);

      mPtr += size;
      return ptrOut;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Nativei386.cpp プロジェクト: ahadzi/celtx
	NIns* Assembler::genPrologue(RegisterMask needSaving)
		 * Prologue
		uint32_t stackNeeded = STACK_GRANULARITY * _activation.highwatermark;
		uint32_t savingCount = 0;

		for(Register i=FirstReg; i <= LastReg; i = nextreg(i))
			if (needSaving&rmask(i)) 

		// After forcing alignment, we've pushed the pre-alignment SP
		// and savingCount registers.
		uint32_t stackPushed = STACK_GRANULARITY * (1+savingCount);
		uint32_t aligned = alignUp(stackNeeded + stackPushed, NJ_ALIGN_STACK);
		uint32_t amt = aligned - stackPushed;

		// Reserve stackNeeded bytes, padded
		// to preserve NJ_ALIGN_STACK-byte alignment.
		if (amt) 
#if defined NANOJIT_IA32
			SUBi(SP, amt);
#elif defined NANOJIT_AMD64
			SUBQi(SP, amt);

		verbose_only( verbose_outputf("        %p:",_nIns); )
コード例 #4
ファイル: isr.c プロジェクト: aadarshkenia/Preemptive-Unix-OS
void allocatePages(struct vma* vmas)
	int i=0;
	struct page* newPage=NULL;
	int perms;
	int numPages = ((uint64_t)alignUp((void *)vmas->end) - (uint64_t)alignDown((void *)vmas->start))/PAGE_SIZE;

	if(vmas->flags_vma & 0x2)

	for(i = 0; i<numPages; i++)
		if(!(*pml4Walk(current_pcb->pml4, (uint64_t)(vmas->start+i*PAGE_SIZE))))
			newPage = page_alloc();
			page_insert(current_pcb->pml4,(void *)(vmas->start+i*PAGE_SIZE), newPage, perms);
			//printf("Inserted new page PA:%x at faulting addr: %x\n", getPA(newPage), vmas->start+i*PAGE_SIZE);
    		//printf("walk: %x\n",*pml4Walk(current_pcb->pml4, vmas->start+i*PAGE_SIZE));

コード例 #5
void LargeObjectCache::
    cleanupCacheIfNeededOnRange(uintptr_t range, uintptr_t currTime)
    if (range >= cacheCleanupFreq
        || currTime+range < currTime-1 // overflow, 0 is power of 2, do cleanup
        // (prev;prev+range] contains n*cacheCleanupFreq
        || alignUp(currTime, cacheCleanupFreq)<=currTime+range)
        doCleanup(currTime, /*doThreshDecr=*/false);
コード例 #6
ファイル: NativeThumb.cpp プロジェクト: ahadzi/celtx
	NIns* Assembler::genPrologue(RegisterMask needSaving)
		 * Prologue

		// NJ_RESV_OFFSET is space at the top of the stack for us
		// to use for parameter passing (8 bytes at the moment)
		uint32_t stackNeeded = 4 * _activation.highwatermark + NJ_STACK_OFFSET;
		uint32_t savingCount = 0;

		uint32_t savingMask = 0;
		#if defined(NJ_THUMB_JIT)
		savingCount = 5; // R4-R7, LR
		savingMask = 0xF0;
		savingCount = 9; //R4-R10,R11,LR
		savingMask = SavedRegs | rmask(FRAME_PTR);

		// so for alignment purposes we've pushed  return addr, fp, and savingCount registers
		uint32_t stackPushed = 4 * (2+savingCount);
		uint32_t aligned = alignUp(stackNeeded + stackPushed, NJ_ALIGN_STACK);
		int32_t amt = aligned - stackPushed;

		// Make room on stack for what we are doing
		if (amt)
			// largest value is 508 (7-bits << 2)
			if (amt>508)
				int size = 508;
				while (size>0)
					SUBi(SP, size);
					amt -= size;
					size = amt;
					if (size>508)
				SUBi(SP, amt); 

			SUBi(SP, amt); 
		verbose_only( verbose_outputf("         %p:",_nIns); )
コード例 #7
void AddressSpace::delRMem(VAddr begVAddr, VAddr endVAddr){
  RAddr begRAddr=pageTable[getVPage(begVAddr)];
  free((void *)begRAddr);
  for(VAddr pageNum=getVPage(begVAddr);pageNum!=getVPage(endVAddr);pageNum++){
      fatal("AddressSpace::delRMem region not allocated contiguously");
コード例 #8
void AddressSpace::newRMem(VAddr begVAddr, VAddr endVAddr){
  void *realMem;
    fatal("AddressSpace::newRMem could not allocate memory\n");
  for(size_t pageNum=getVPage(begVAddr);pageNum!=getVPage(endVAddr);pageNum++){
      fatal("AddressSpace::newRMem region overlaps with existing memory");
コード例 #9
ファイル: mv2test.c プロジェクト: Ravenbrook/mps
static mps_res_t make(mps_addr_t *p, mps_ap_t ap, size_t size, mps_align_t align)
  mps_res_t res;

  size = alignUp(size, align);
  do {
    MPS_RESERVE_BLOCK(res, *p, ap, size);
    if(res != MPS_RES_OK)
      return res;
  } while(!mps_commit(ap, *p, size));

  return MPS_RES_OK;
コード例 #10
ファイル: large_objects.cpp プロジェクト: jckarter/tbb
void *ExtMemoryPool::mallocLargeObject(size_t size, size_t alignment)
    size_t headersSize = sizeof(LargeMemoryBlock)+sizeof(LargeObjectHdr);
    // TODO: take into account that they are already largeObjectAlignment-aligned
    size_t allocationSize = alignUp(size+headersSize+alignment, largeBlockCacheStep);

    if (allocationSize < size) // allocationSize is wrapped around after alignUp
        return NULL;

    LargeMemoryBlock* lmb = loc.get(this, allocationSize);
    if (!lmb) {
        BackRefIdx backRefIdx = BackRefIdx::newBackRef(/*largeObj=*/true);
        if (backRefIdx.isInvalid())
            return NULL;

        // unalignedSize is set in getLargeBlock
        lmb = backend.getLargeBlock(allocationSize);
        if (!lmb) {
            return NULL;
        lmb->backRefIdx = backRefIdx;
        STAT_increment(getThreadId(), ThreadCommonCounters, allocNewLargeObj);

    void *alignedArea = (void*)alignUp((uintptr_t)lmb+headersSize, alignment);
    LargeObjectHdr *header = (LargeObjectHdr*)alignedArea-1;
    header->memoryBlock = lmb;
    header->backRefIdx = lmb->backRefIdx;
    setBackRef(header->backRefIdx, header);

    lmb->objectSize = size;

    MALLOC_ASSERT( isLargeObject(alignedArea), ASSERT_TEXT );
    return alignedArea;
コード例 #11
VAddr AddressSpace::findVMemLow(size_t memSize){
  size_t needPages=alignUp(memSize,getPageSize())/getPageSize();
  size_t foundPages=0;
  // Skip the first (zero) page, to avoid making null pointers valid
  size_t pageNum=1;
      fatal("AddressSpace::findVMemLow not enough available virtual memory\n");
  return (pageNum-needPages)*getPageSize();
コード例 #12
VAddr AddressSpace::findVMemHigh(size_t memSize){
  size_t needPages=alignUp(memSize,getPageSize())/getPageSize();
  size_t foundPages=0;
  // Skip the last page, it creates addressing problems
  // becasue its upper-bound address is 0 due to wrap-around
  size_t pageNum=pageTable.size()-1;
    // Can not use page zero because that would make the null pointer valid
      fatal("AddressSpace::findVMemLow not enough available virtual memory\n");
  return pageNum*getPageSize();
コード例 #13
ファイル: coreinit_expheap.cpp プロジェクト: aspico/wiiu-emu
void *
MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx(ExpandedHeap *heap, uint32_t size, int alignment)
   ScopedSpinLock lock(&heap->lock);
   p32<ExpandedHeapBlock> freeBlock = nullptr, usedBlock = nullptr;
   auto direction = HeapDirection::FromBottom;
   uint32_t base;

   if (alignment < 0) {
      alignment = -alignment;
      direction = HeapDirection::FromTop;

   // Add size for block header and alignment
   size += sizeof(ExpandedHeapBlock);
   size += alignment;

   if (heap->mode == HeapMode::FirstFree) {
      if (direction == HeapDirection::FromBottom) {
         // Find first block large enough from bottom of heap
         for (auto block = heap->freeBlockList; block; block = block->next) {
            if (block->size < size) {

            freeBlock = block;
      } else if (direction == HeapDirection::FromTop) {
         // Find first block large enough from top of heap
         for (auto block = getTail(heap->freeBlockList); block; block = block->prev) {
            if (block->size < size) {

            freeBlock = block;
   } else if (heap->mode == HeapMode::NearestSize) {
      uint32_t nearestSize = -1;

      if (direction == HeapDirection::FromBottom) {
         // Find block nearest in size from bottom of heap
         for (auto block = heap->freeBlockList; block; block = block->next) {
            if (block->size < size) {

            if (block->size - size < nearestSize) {
               nearestSize = block->size - size;
               freeBlock = block;
      } else if (direction == HeapDirection::FromTop) {
         // Find block nearest in size from top of heap
         for (auto block = getTail(heap->freeBlockList); block; block = block->prev) {
            if (block->size < size) {

            if (block->size - size < nearestSize) {
               nearestSize = block->size - size;
               freeBlock = block;

   if (!freeBlock) {
      gLog->error("MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx failed, no free block found");
      return 0;

   if (direction == HeapDirection::FromBottom) {
      // Reduce freeblock size
      base = freeBlock->addr;
      freeBlock->size -= size;

      if (freeBlock->size < minimumBlockSize) {
         // Absorb free block as it is too small
         size += freeBlock->size;
         eraseBlock(heap->freeBlockList, freeBlock);
      } else {
         auto freeSize = freeBlock->size;

         // Replace free block
         auto old = freeBlock;
         freeBlock = make_p32<ExpandedHeapBlock>(base + size);
         freeBlock->addr = base + size;
         freeBlock->size = freeSize;
         replaceBlock(heap->freeBlockList, old, freeBlock);
   } else if (direction == HeapDirection::FromTop) {
      // Reduce freeblock size
      freeBlock->size -= size;
      base = freeBlock->addr + freeBlock->size;

      if (freeBlock->size < minimumBlockSize) {
         // Absorb free block as it is too small
         size += freeBlock->size;
         eraseBlock(heap->freeBlockList, freeBlock);

   // Create a new used block
   auto aligned = alignUp(base + static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(ExpandedHeapBlock)), alignment);
   usedBlock = make_p32<ExpandedHeapBlock>(aligned - static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(ExpandedHeapBlock)));
   usedBlock->addr = base;
   usedBlock->size = size;
   usedBlock->group = heap->group;
   usedBlock->direction = direction;
   insertBlock(heap->usedBlockList, usedBlock);
   return make_p32<void>(aligned);
コード例 #14
ファイル: mpmss.c プロジェクト: clojit/rust-mps-obj
static mps_res_t stress(mps_arena_t arena, mps_pool_debug_option_s *options,
                        size_t (*size)(size_t i), mps_align_t align,
                        const char *name, mps_pool_class_t pool_class,
                        mps_arg_s *args)
  mps_res_t res;
  mps_pool_t pool;
  size_t i, k;
  int *ps[testSetSIZE];
  size_t ss[testSetSIZE];
  size_t allocated = 0;         /* Total allocated memory */
  size_t debugOverhead = options ? 2 * alignUp(options->fence_size, align) : 0;

  printf("Pool class %s, alignment %u\n", name, (unsigned)align);

  res = mps_pool_create_k(&pool, arena, pool_class, args);
  if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
    return res;

  /* allocate a load of objects */
  for (i=0; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
    mps_addr_t obj;
    ss[i] = (*size)(i);
    res = mps_alloc(&obj, pool, ss[i]);
    if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
      return res;
    ps[i] = obj;
    allocated += alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead;
    if (ss[i] >= sizeof(ps[i]))
      *ps[i] = 1; /* Write something, so it gets swap. */
    check_allocated_size(pool, allocated);


  for (k=0; k<testLOOPS; ++k) {
    /* shuffle all the objects */
    for (i=0; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
      size_t j = rnd()%(testSetSIZE-i);
      void *tp;
      size_t ts;
      tp = ps[j]; ts = ss[j];
      ps[j] = ps[i]; ss[j] = ss[i];
      ps[i] = tp; ss[i] = ts;
    /* free half of the objects */
    /* upper half, as when allocating them again we want smaller objects */
    /* see randomSize() */
    for (i=testSetSIZE/2; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
      mps_free(pool, (mps_addr_t)ps[i], ss[i]);
      /* if (i == testSetSIZE/2) */
      /*   PoolDescribe((Pool)pool, mps_lib_stdout); */
      Insist(alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead <= allocated);
      allocated -= alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead;
    /* allocate some new objects */
    for (i=testSetSIZE/2; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
      mps_addr_t obj;
      ss[i] = (*size)(i);
      res = mps_alloc(&obj, pool, ss[i]);
      if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
        return res;
      ps[i] = obj;
      allocated += alignUp(ss[i], align) + debugOverhead;
    check_allocated_size(pool, allocated);
  die(PoolDescribe(pool, mps_lib_get_stdout(), 0), "PoolDescribe");

  return MPS_RES_OK;
コード例 #15
void TestObjectRecognition() {
    size_t headersSize = sizeof(LargeMemoryBlock)+sizeof(LargeObjectHdr);
    unsigned falseObjectSize = 113; // unsigned is the type expected by getObjectSize
    size_t obtainedSize;

    ASSERT(sizeof(BackRefIdx)==4, "Unexpected size of BackRefIdx");
    ASSERT(getObjectSize(falseObjectSize)!=falseObjectSize, "Error in test: bad choice for false object size");

    void* mem = scalable_malloc(2*slabSize);
    ASSERT(mem, "Memory was not allocated");
    Block* falseBlock = (Block*)alignUp((uintptr_t)mem, slabSize);
    falseBlock->objectSize = falseObjectSize;
    char* falseSO = (char*)falseBlock + falseObjectSize*7;
    ASSERT(alignDown(falseSO, slabSize)==(void*)falseBlock, "Error in test: false object offset is too big");

    void* bufferLOH = scalable_malloc(2*slabSize + headersSize);
    ASSERT(bufferLOH, "Memory was not allocated");
    LargeObjectHdr* falseLO = 
        (LargeObjectHdr*)alignUp((uintptr_t)bufferLOH + headersSize, slabSize);
    LargeObjectHdr* headerLO = (LargeObjectHdr*)falseLO-1;
    headerLO->memoryBlock = (LargeMemoryBlock*)bufferLOH;
    headerLO->memoryBlock->unalignedSize = 2*slabSize + headersSize;
    headerLO->memoryBlock->objectSize = slabSize + headersSize;
    headerLO->backRefIdx = BackRefIdx::newBackRef(/*largeObj=*/true);
    setBackRef(headerLO->backRefIdx, headerLO);
    ASSERT(scalable_msize(falseLO) == slabSize + headersSize,
           "Error in test: LOH falsification failed");

    const int NUM_OF_IDX = BR_MAX_CNT+2;
    BackRefIdx idxs[NUM_OF_IDX];
    for (int cnt=0; cnt<2; cnt++) {
        for (int master = -10; master<10; master++) {
            falseBlock->backRefIdx.master = (uint16_t)master;
            headerLO->backRefIdx.master = (uint16_t)master;
            for (int bl = -10; bl<BR_MAX_CNT+10; bl++) {
                falseBlock->backRefIdx.offset = (uint16_t)bl;
                headerLO->backRefIdx.offset = (uint16_t)bl;

                for (int largeObj = 0; largeObj<2; largeObj++) {
                    falseBlock->backRefIdx.largeObj = largeObj;
                    headerLO->backRefIdx.largeObj = largeObj;

                    obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(falseSO, NULL);
                    ASSERT(obtainedSize==0, "Incorrect pointer accepted");
                    obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(falseLO, NULL);
                    ASSERT(obtainedSize==0, "Incorrect pointer accepted");
        if (cnt == 1) {
            for (int i=0; i<NUM_OF_IDX; i++)
        for (int i=0; i<NUM_OF_IDX; i++) {
            idxs[i] = BackRefIdx::newBackRef(/*largeObj=*/false);
            setBackRef(idxs[i], NULL);
    char *smallPtr = (char*)scalable_malloc(falseObjectSize);
    obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(smallPtr, NULL);
    ASSERT(obtainedSize==getObjectSize(falseObjectSize), "Correct pointer not accepted?");

    obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(mem, NULL);
    ASSERT(obtainedSize>=2*slabSize, "Correct pointer not accepted?");
コード例 #16
ファイル: loader.cpp プロジェクト: Kinnay/wiiu-emu
static void
processSections(UserModule &module, std::vector<elf::Section> &sections, const char *strData)
   auto dataRange = std::make_pair(0u, 0u);
   auto codeRange = std::make_pair(0u, 0u);

   // Find all code & data sections and their address space
   for (auto i = 0u; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
      auto &rplSection = sections[i];
      auto &header = rplSection.header;

      if (header.type != elf::SHT_PROGBITS && header.type != elf::SHT_NOBITS) {

      auto section = new UserModule::Section();
      section->index = i;
      section->address = header.addr;
      section->name = strData + header.name;
      section->size = static_cast<uint32_t>(rplSection.data.size());

      if (header.type == elf::SHT_NOBITS) {
         section->size = header.size;

      auto start = section->address;
      auto end = section->address + section->size;

      if (header.flags & elf::SHF_EXECINSTR) {
         section->type = UserModule::Section::Code;
         if (codeRange.first == 0 || start < codeRange.first) {
            codeRange.first = start;

         if (codeRange.second == 0 || end > codeRange.second) {
            codeRange.second = end;
      } else {
         section->type = UserModule::Section::Data;

         if (dataRange.first == 0 || start < dataRange.first) {
            dataRange.first = start;

         if (dataRange.second == 0 || end > dataRange.second) {
            dataRange.second = end;

      rplSection.section = section;
      module.sectionMap[section->name] = section;

   // Create thunk sections for SHT_RPL_IMPORTS!
   for (auto i = 0u; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
      auto &rplSection = sections[i];
      auto &header = rplSection.header;

      if (header.type != elf::SHT_RPL_IMPORTS) {

      auto section = new UserModule::Section();
      section->index = i;
      section->name = strData + header.name;
      section->library = rplSection.data.data() + 8;
      section->size = static_cast<uint32_t>(rplSection.data.size());

      if (header.type == elf::SHT_NOBITS) {
         section->size = header.size;

      if (header.flags & elf::SHF_EXECINSTR) {
         section->type = UserModule::Section::CodeImports;
         section->address = alignUp(codeRange.second, header.addralign);
         codeRange.second = section->address + section->size;
      } else {
         section->type = UserModule::Section::DataImports;
         section->address = alignUp(dataRange.second, header.addralign);
         dataRange.second = section->address + section->size;

      rplSection.section = section;
      module.sectionMap[section->name] = section;

   // Allocate code & data sections in memory
   module.codeAddressRange = codeRange;
   module.dataAddressRange = dataRange;
コード例 #17
ファイル: loader.cpp プロジェクト: Kinnay/wiiu-emu
Loader::loadRPL(UserModule &module, const char *buffer, size_t size)
   auto in = BigEndianView { buffer, size };
   auto header = elf::Header { };
   auto info = elf::FileInfo { };
   auto sections = std::vector<elf::Section> { };

   // Read header
   if (!elf::readHeader(in, header)) {
      gLog->error("Failed elf::readHeader");
      return false;

   // Check it is a CAFE abi rpl
   if (header.abi != elf::EABI_CAFE) {
      gLog->error("Unexpected elf abi found {:02x} expected {:02x}", header.abi, elf::EABI_CAFE);
      return false;

   // Read sections
   if (!elf::readSections(in, header, sections)) {
      gLog->error("Failed elf::readSections");
      return false;

   // Process sections, find our data and code sections
   processSections(module, sections, sections[header.shstrndx].data.data());

   // Update EntryInfo
   loadFileInfo(info, sections);
   module.entryPoint = header.entry;
   module.defaultStackSize = info.stackSize;

   // Allocate code & data sections in memory
   auto codeStart = module.codeAddressRange.first;
   auto codeSize = module.maxCodeSize;
   gMemory.alloc(codeStart, codeSize); // TODO: Append code to end of other loaded code sections

   auto dataStart = alignUp(codeStart + codeSize, 4096);
   auto dataSize = alignUp(module.dataAddressRange.second - module.dataAddressRange.first, 4096);
   auto dataEnd = dataStart + dataSize;
   gMemory.alloc(dataStart, dataSize); // TODO: Use OSDynLoad_MemAlloc for data section allocation

   // Update MEM2 memory bounds
   be_val<uint32_t> mem2start, mem2size;
   OSGetMemBound(OSMemoryType::MEM2, &mem2start, &mem2size);
   OSSetMemBound(OSMemoryType::MEM2, dataEnd, mem2size - (dataEnd - mem2start));

   // Relocate sections
   relocateSections(sections, module.codeAddressRange.first, codeStart, module.dataAddressRange.first, dataStart);

   module.codeAddressRange.first = codeStart;
   module.codeAddressRange.second = codeStart + codeSize;

   module.dataAddressRange.first = dataStart;
   module.dataAddressRange.second = dataStart + dataSize;

   // Relocate entry point
   for (auto i = 0u; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
      auto &section = sections[i];

      if (section.header.addr <= header.entry && section.header.addr + section.data.size() > header.entry) {
         auto offset = section.section->address - section.header.addr;
         module.entryPoint = header.entry + offset;

   // Load sections into memory

   // Process small data sections

   // Process symbols
   // TODO: Support more than one symbol section?
   for (auto i = 0u; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
      auto &section = sections[i];

      if (section.header.type != elf::SHT_SYMTAB) {

      processSymbols(module, section, sections);

   // Process relocations
   for (auto i = 0u; i < sections.size(); ++i) {
      auto &section = sections[i];

      if (section.header.type != elf::SHT_RELA) {

      processRelocations(module, section, sections);
   if (0) {
      // Print address ranges
      gLog->debug("Loaded module!");
      gLog->debug("Code {:08x} -> {:08x}", module.codeAddressRange.first, module.codeAddressRange.second);
      gLog->debug("Data {:08x} -> {:08x}", module.dataAddressRange.first, module.dataAddressRange.second);

      // Print all sections

      for (auto i = 0u; i < module.sections.size(); ++i) {
         auto section = module.sections[i];
         gLog->debug("{:08x} {} {:x}", section->address, section->name, section->size);
      // Print all symbols

      for (auto i = 0u; i < module.symbols.size(); ++i) {
         auto symbol = module.symbols[i];

         if (symbol && symbol->name.size()) {
            gLog->debug("{:08x} {}", symbol->address, symbol->name);

   return true;
コード例 #18
ファイル: apss.c プロジェクト: CarterTsai/clasp
/* stress -- create a pool of the requested type and allocate in it */

static mps_res_t stress(mps_arena_t arena, mps_pool_debug_option_s *options,
                        mps_align_t align,
                        size_t (*size)(size_t i, mps_align_t align),
                        const char *name, mps_class_t class, mps_arg_s args[])
  mps_res_t res = MPS_RES_OK;
  mps_pool_t pool;
  mps_ap_t ap;
  size_t i, k;
  int *ps[testSetSIZE];
  size_t ss[testSetSIZE];
  size_t allocated = 0;         /* Total allocated memory */
  size_t debugOverhead = options ? 2 * alignUp(options->fence_size, align) : 0;

  printf("stress %s\n", name);

  die(mps_pool_create_k(&pool, arena, class, args), "pool_create");
  die(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate");

  /* allocate a load of objects */
  for (i=0; i<testSetSIZE; ++i) {
    ss[i] = (*size)(i, align);

    res = make((mps_addr_t *)&ps[i], ap, ss[i]);
    if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
      goto allocFail;
    allocated += ss[i] + debugOverhead;
    if (ss[i] >= sizeof(ps[i]))