void allocate_test ( ) { printf("Allocating age arrays\n"); // Allocate working and output arrays mn_test = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); mn_htest = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); }
void allocate_sf6 ( ) { mn_sf6 = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); sf6_init = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); sf6_sat = alloc2d(NXMEM,NYMEM); sf6_sol = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); mn_sf6sat = alloc2d(NXMEM,NYMEM); sf6_atmconc = alloc2d(NXMEM,NYMEM); mn_psf6 = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); psf6 = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); }
void das_getHE(dasystem* das) { observations* obs = das->obs; model* m = das->m; ENSOBSTYPE* Hx = NULL; int i, e; das->s_mode = S_MODE_HE_f; if (obs->nobs == 0) return; if (das->nmem <= 0) das_getnmem(das); enkf_printf(" ensemble size = %d\n", das->nmem); assert(das->nmem > 0); distribute_iterations(0, das->nmem - 1, nprocesses, rank, " "); /* * ensemble observation array to be filled */ assert(das->S == NULL); das->S = alloc2d(das->nmem, obs->nobs, sizeof(ENSOBSTYPE)); if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) Hx = calloc(obs->nobs, sizeof(ENSOBSTYPE)); for (i = 0; i < obs->nobstypes; ++i) { obstype* ot = &obs->obstypes[i]; float*** vvv = NULL; float** vv = NULL; H_fn H = NULL; int mvid; int ni, nj, nk; int nobs; int* obsids; char fname[MAXSTRLEN]; enkf_printf(" %s ", ot->name); fflush(stdout); mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[i].varname); if (mvid < 0) enkf_quit("variable \"%s\" required for observation type \"%s\" is not defined", obs->obstypes[i].varname, ot->name); if (ot->issurface) { model_getvardims(m, mvid, &ni, &nj, NULL); vv = alloc2d(nj, ni, sizeof(float)); } else { model_getvardims(m, mvid, &ni, &nj, &nk); vvv = alloc3d(nk, nj, ni, sizeof(float)); } /* * set H */ H = getH(ot->name, ot->hfunction); if (ot->isasync) { int t1 = get_tshift(ot->date_min, ot->async_tstep); int t2 = get_tshift(ot->date_max, ot->async_tstep); int t; for (t = t1; t <= t2; ++t) { enkf_printf("|"); obs_find_bytypeandtime(obs, i, t, &nobs, &obsids); if (nobs == 0) continue; if (das->mode == MODE_ENKF || !enkf_fstatsonly) { for (e = my_first_iteration; e <= my_last_iteration; ++e) { int success = model_getmemberfname_async(m, das->ensdir, ot->varname, ot->name, e + 1, t, fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, e + 1, t, ot->varname, ot->varname2, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, das->S[e]); enkf_printf((success) ? "a" : "s"); fflush(stdout); } } if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) { if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_VALUE) { int success = model_getbgfname_async(m, das->bgdir, ot->varname, ot->name, t, fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, -1, t, ot->varname, ot->varname2, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, Hx); enkf_printf((success) ? "A" : "S"); fflush(stdout); } else if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_INNOVATION) { Hx[0] = 0; enkf_printf("-"); fflush(stdout); } } free(obsids); } } else { obs_find_bytype(obs, i, &nobs, &obsids); if (nobs == 0) goto next; if (das->mode == MODE_ENKF || !enkf_fstatsonly) { for (e = my_first_iteration; e <= my_last_iteration; ++e) { model_getmemberfname(m, das->ensdir, ot->varname, e + 1, fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, e + 1, MAXINT, ot->varname, ot->varname2, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, das->S[e]); enkf_printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) { if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_VALUE) { model_getbgfname(m, das->bgdir, ot->varname, fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, -1, MAXINT, ot->varname, ot->varname2, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, Hx); enkf_printf("+"); fflush(stdout); } else if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_INNOVATION) { Hx[0] = 0; enkf_printf("-"); fflush(stdout); } } free(obsids); } next: if (ot->issurface) free2d(vv); else free3d(vvv); enkf_printf("\n"); } /* for i (over obstypes) */ #if defined(MPI) if (das->mode == MODE_ENKF || !enkf_fstatsonly) { #if !defined(HE_VIAFILE) /* * communicate HE via MPI */ int ierror, count; /* * Blocking communications can create a bottleneck in instances with * large number of observations (e.g., 2e6 obs., 144 members, 48 * processes), but asynchronous send/receive seem to work well */ if (rank > 0) { MPI_Request request; /* * send ensemble observations to master */ count = (my_last_iteration - my_first_iteration + 1) * obs->nobs; ierror = MPI_Isend(das->S[my_first_iteration], count, MPIENSOBSTYPE, 0, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request); assert(ierror == MPI_SUCCESS); } else { int r; MPI_Request* requests = malloc((nprocesses - 1) * sizeof(MPI_Request)); /* * collect ensemble observations from slaves */ for (r = 1; r < nprocesses; ++r) { count = (last_iteration[r] - first_iteration[r] + 1) * obs->nobs; ierror = MPI_Irecv(das->S[first_iteration[r]], count, MPIENSOBSTYPE, r, r, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &requests[r - 1]); assert(ierror == MPI_SUCCESS); } ierror = MPI_Waitall(nprocesses - 1, requests, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); assert(ierror == MPI_SUCCESS); free(requests); } /* * now send the full set of ensemble observations to slaves */ count = das->nmem * obs->nobs; ierror = MPI_Bcast(das->S[0], count, MPIENSOBSTYPE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); assert(ierror == MPI_SUCCESS); #else /* * communicate HE via file */ { int ncid; int varid; size_t start[2], count[2]; if (rank == 0) { int dimids[2]; ncw_create(FNAME_HE, NC_CLOBBER | NC_64BIT_OFFSET, &ncid); ncw_def_dim(FNAME_HE, ncid, "m", das->nmem, &dimids[0]); ncw_def_dim(FNAME_HE, ncid, "p", obs->nobs, &dimids[1]); ncw_def_var(FNAME_HE, ncid, "HE", NC_FLOAT, 2, dimids, &varid); ncw_close(FNAME_HE, ncid); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); ncw_open(FNAME_HE, NC_WRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_varid(FNAME_HE, ncid, "HE", &varid); start[0] = my_first_iteration; start[1] = 0; count[0] = my_last_iteration - my_first_iteration + 1; count[1] = obs->nobs; ncw_put_vara_float(FNAME_HE, ncid, varid, start, count, das->S[my_first_iteration]); ncw_close(FNAME_HE, ncid); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); ncw_open(FNAME_HE, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_varid(FNAME_HE, ncid, "HE", &varid); ncw_get_var_float(FNAME_HE, ncid, varid, das->S[0]); ncw_close(FNAME_HE, ncid); } #endif } #endif if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) { /* * subtract ensemble mean; add background */ if (!enkf_fstatsonly) { double* ensmean = calloc(obs->nobs, sizeof(double)); for (e = 0; e < das->nmem; ++e) { ENSOBSTYPE* Se = das->S[e]; for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) ensmean[i] += Se[i]; } for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) ensmean[i] /= (double) das->nmem; for (e = 0; e < das->nmem; ++e) { ENSOBSTYPE* Se = das->S[e]; for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) Se[i] += Hx[i] - ensmean[i]; } free(ensmean); } else { for (e = 0; e < das->nmem; ++e) { ENSOBSTYPE* Se = das->S[e]; for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) Se[i] = Hx[i]; } } } if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) free(Hx); }
void das_getHE(dasystem* das) { observations* obs = das->obs; model* m = das->m; ENSOBSTYPE* Hx = NULL; int i, e; das->s_mode = S_MODE_HE_f; if (obs->nobs == 0) return; if (das->nmem <= 0) das_setnmem(das); enkf_printf(" ensemble size = %d\n", das->nmem); assert(das->nmem > 0); distribute_iterations(0, das->nmem - 1, nprocesses, rank, " "); /* * ensemble observation array to be filled */ assert(das->S == NULL); das->S = alloc2d(das->nmem, obs->nobs, sizeof(ENSOBSTYPE)); if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) Hx = calloc(obs->nobs, sizeof(ENSOBSTYPE)); for (i = 0; i < obs->nobstypes; ++i) { obstype* ot = &obs->obstypes[i]; float*** vvv = NULL; float** vv = NULL; H_fn H = NULL; int mvid; int ni, nj, nk; int nobs; int* obsids; char fname[MAXSTRLEN]; enkf_printf(" %s ", ot->name); fflush(stdout); mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[i].varnames[0], 1); if (ot->issurface) { model_getvardims(m, mvid, &ni, &nj, NULL); vv = alloc2d(nj, ni, sizeof(float)); } else { model_getvardims(m, mvid, &ni, &nj, &nk); vvv = alloc3d(nk, nj, ni, sizeof(float)); } /* * set H */ H = getH(ot->name, ot->hfunction); if (ot->isasync) { int t1 = get_tshift(ot->date_min, ot->async_tstep); int t2 = get_tshift(ot->date_max, ot->async_tstep); int t; for (t = t1; t <= t2; ++t) { enkf_printf("|"); obs_find_bytypeandtime(obs, i, t, &nobs, &obsids); if (nobs == 0) continue; /* * for EnOI it is essential sometimes (e.g. in some bias * correction cases) that the background is interpolated first */ if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) { if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_VALUE) { int success = model_getbgfname_async(m, das->bgdir, ot->varnames[0], ot->name, t, fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, -1, t, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, Hx); enkf_printf((success) ? "A" : "S"); fflush(stdout); } else if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_INNOVATION) { Hx[0] = 0; enkf_printf("-"); fflush(stdout); } } if (das->mode == MODE_ENKF || !enkf_fstatsonly) { for (e = my_first_iteration; e <= my_last_iteration; ++e) { int success = model_getmemberfname_async(m, das->ensdir, ot->varnames[0], ot->name, e + 1, t, fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, e + 1, t, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, das->S[e]); enkf_printf((success) ? "a" : "s"); fflush(stdout); } } free(obsids); } } else { obs_find_bytype(obs, i, &nobs, &obsids); if (nobs == 0) goto next; /* * for EnOI it is essential sometimes (e.g. in some bias correction * cases) that the background is interpolated first */ if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) { if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_VALUE) { model_getbgfname(m, das->bgdir, ot->varnames[0], fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, -1, INT_MAX, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, Hx); enkf_printf("+"); fflush(stdout); } else if (enkf_obstype == OBSTYPE_INNOVATION) { Hx[0] = 0; enkf_printf("-"); fflush(stdout); } } if (das->mode == MODE_ENKF || !enkf_fstatsonly) { for (e = my_first_iteration; e <= my_last_iteration; ++e) { model_getmemberfname(m, das->ensdir, ot->varnames[0], e + 1, fname); H(das, nobs, obsids, fname, e + 1, INT_MAX, (ot->issurface) ? (void*) vv : (void*) vvv, das->S[e]); enkf_printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } free(obsids); } next: if (ot->issurface) free(vv); else free(vvv); enkf_printf("\n"); } /* for i (over obstypes) */ #if defined(MPI) if (das->mode == MODE_ENKF || !enkf_fstatsonly) { #if !defined(HE_VIAFILE) /* * communicate HE via MPI */ int ierror, sendcount, *recvcounts, *displs; recvcounts = malloc(nprocesses * sizeof(int)); displs = malloc(nprocesses * sizeof(int)); sendcount = my_number_of_iterations * obs->nobs; for (i = 0; i < nprocesses; ++i) { recvcounts[i] = number_of_iterations[i] * obs->nobs; displs[i] = first_iteration[i] * obs->nobs; } ierror = MPI_Allgatherv(das->S[my_first_iteration], sendcount, MPIENSOBSTYPE, das->S[0], recvcounts, displs, MPIENSOBSTYPE, MPI_COMM_WORLD); assert(ierror == MPI_SUCCESS); free(recvcounts); free(displs); #else /* * communicate HE via file */ { int ncid; int varid; size_t start[2], count[2]; if (rank == 0) { int dimids[2]; ncw_create(FNAME_HE, NC_CLOBBER | NETCDF_FORMAT, &ncid); ncw_def_dim(FNAME_HE, ncid, "m", das->nmem, &dimids[0]); ncw_def_dim(FNAME_HE, ncid, "p", obs->nobs, &dimids[1]); ncw_def_var(FNAME_HE, ncid, "HE", NC_FLOAT, 2, dimids, &varid); ncw_close(FNAME_HE, ncid); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); ncw_open(FNAME_HE, NC_WRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_varid(FNAME_HE, ncid, "HE", &varid); start[0] = my_first_iteration; start[1] = 0; count[0] = my_last_iteration - my_first_iteration + 1; count[1] = obs->nobs; ncw_put_vara_float(FNAME_HE, ncid, varid, start, count, das->S[my_first_iteration]); ncw_close(FNAME_HE, ncid); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); ncw_open(FNAME_HE, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_varid(FNAME_HE, ncid, "HE", &varid); ncw_get_var_float(FNAME_HE, ncid, varid, das->S[0]); ncw_close(FNAME_HE, ncid); } #endif } #endif if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) { /* * subtract ensemble mean; add background */ if (!enkf_fstatsonly) { double* ensmean = calloc(obs->nobs, sizeof(double)); for (e = 0; e < das->nmem; ++e) { ENSOBSTYPE* Se = das->S[e]; for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) ensmean[i] += Se[i]; } for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) ensmean[i] /= (double) das->nmem; for (e = 0; e < das->nmem; ++e) { ENSOBSTYPE* Se = das->S[e]; for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) Se[i] += Hx[i] - ensmean[i]; } free(ensmean); } else { for (e = 0; e < das->nmem; ++e) { ENSOBSTYPE* Se = das->S[e]; for (i = 0; i < obs->nobs; ++i) Se[i] = Hx[i]; } } } if (das->mode == MODE_ENOI) free(Hx); }
void tracer(int itts) { /* This subroutine time steps the tracer concentration. */ /* A positive definite scheme is used. */ double minslope; /* The maximum concentration slope per */ /* grid point consistent with mono- */ /* tonicity, in conc. (nondim.). */ double ***hvol; /* The cell volume of an h-element */ double slope[NXMEM+NYMEM][NTR]; /* The concentration slope per grid */ /* point in units of concentration (nondim.). */ double fluxtr[NXMEM+NYMEM][NTR];/* The flux of tracer across a */ /* boundary, in m3 * conc. (nondim.). */ double ***uhr; /* The remaining zonal and meridional */ double ***vhr; /* thickness fluxes, in m3.*/ double uhh[NXMEM]; /* uhh and vhh are the reduced fluxes */ double vhh[NYMEM]; /* during the current iteration, in m3.d */ double hup, hlos; /* hup is the upwind volume, hlos is the */ /* part of that volume that might be lost */ /* due to advection out the other side of */ /* the grid box, both in m3. */ double ts2; double landvolfill; /* An arbitrary? nonzero cell volume, m3. */ double ***ear; double ***ebr; double ***wdh; double bet[NXMEM]; /* bet and gam are variables used by the */ double gam[NZ][NXMEM]; /* tridiagonal solver. */ double hnew0[NXMEM]; /* The original topmost layer thickness, */ #if defined AGE2 || defined AGE3 // extern double hnew[NZ][NXMEM][NYMEM]; extern double ***hnew; #else double ***hnew; #endif double hlst1, Ihnew; double hlst[NYMEM]; // double MLMIN = EPSILON; /* min depth for ML */ double MLMIN = 4.25; double BLMIN = 0.20; #ifdef ENTRAIN double nts = dt/DT; /* number of timesteps (#day*86400/3600seconds) */ #endif int i, j, k, m, ii, pstage; int itt; double fract1; double fract2; # ifdef WRTTS double wrts; # endif hvol = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); if(hvol == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for hvol!\n"); } uhr = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); if(uhr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for uhr!\n"); } vhr = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); if(vhr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for vhr!\n"); } ear = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); if(ear == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for ear!\n"); } ebr = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); if(ebr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for ebr!\n"); } wdh = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); if(wdh == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for wdh!\n"); } #if !defined AGE2 && !defined AGE3 hnew = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM); if(hnew == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for hnew!\n"); } #endif landvolfill = EPSILON*1000000.0; /* This is arbitrary. */ /* zonal re-entrance */ #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for private(j,k) for (j=0;j<=NYMEM-1;j++) { for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { uhtm[k][nx+1][j] = uhtm[k][2][j]; uhtm[k][nx+2][j] = uhtm[k][3][j]; uhtm[k][0][j] = uhtm[k][nx-1][j]; uhtm[k][1][j] = uhtm[k][nx][j]; vhtm[k][nx+1][j] = vhtm[k][2][j]; vhtm[k][nx+2][j] = vhtm[k][3][j]; vhtm[k][0][j] = vhtm[k][nx-1][j]; vhtm[k][1][j] = vhtm[k][nx][j]; } for (k=0;k<NZ+1;k++) { wd[k][nx+1][j] = wd[k][2][j]; wd[k][nx+2][j] = wd[k][3][j]; wd[k][0][j] = wd[k][nx-1][j]; wd[k][1][j] = wd[k][nx][j]; } } /* meridional re-entrance */ #pragma omp for private(i,k,ii) for (i=2;i<=nx;i++) { ii = 363 - i; for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { uhtm[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*uhtm[k][i][ny]; uhtm[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*uhtm[k][i][ny-1]; vhtm[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*vhtm[k][i][ny]; vhtm[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*vhtm[k][i][ny-1]; } for (k=0;k<NZ+1;k++) { wd[k][ii][ny+1] = wd[k][i][ny]; wd[k][ii][ny+2] = wd[k][i][ny-1]; } } #pragma omp for private(i,j,k) for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { /* Put the thickness fluxes into uhr and vhr. */ for (j=0;j<=ny+2;j++) { for (i=0;i<=nx+2;i++) { uhr[k][i][j] = uhtm[k][i][j]*dt; vhr[k][i][j] = vhtm[k][i][j]*dt; if (h[k][i][j] < EPSILON) { h[k][i][j] = 1.0*EPSILON; } /* This line calculates the cell volume */ hvol[k][i][j] = DXDYh(i,j)*h[k][i][j]; hnew[k][i][j] = h[k][i][j]; } } } /* calculate the diapycnal velocities at the interfaces */ /* if we read in the ea, eb and eaml variables */ /* Otherwise we read in wd directly */ #ifdef ENTRAIN #pragma omp for private(i,j) for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++) for (j=Y0;j<=ny;j++) wd[0][i][j] = nts*eaml[i][j]; #pragma omp for private(i,j,k) for (k=1;k<NZ;k++) { for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++) for (j=Y0;j<=ny;j++) wd[k][i][j] = nts*(ea[k][i][j] - eb[k-1][i][j]); } #endif } // omp #define STANDARD_ADVECTION //#undef STANDARD_ADVECTION #ifdef STANDARD_ADVECTION /* pstage=1; print_tr(pstage); */ /* beginning of itt loop */ for (itt = 0; itt < NUM_ADV_ITER; itt++) { /* big loop over k */ //ompfail #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for private(i,j,k,m,minslope,slope,uhh,vhh,fluxtr,hup,hlos,ts2,hlst,hlst1,Ihnew) for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { /* To insure positive definiteness of the thickness at each */ /* iteration, the mass fluxes out of each layer are checked each */ /* time. This may not be very efficient, but it should be reliable. */ /* ============================================================ */ /* first advect zonally */ /* ============================================================ */ #ifndef ADV1D for (j=Y1;j<=ny;j++) { /* Calculate the i-direction profiles (slopes) of each tracer that */ /* is being advected. */ //#pragma omp for private(i,m,minslope) for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++) { for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { minslope = 4.0*((fabs(tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i][j]) < fabs(tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j])) ? (tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i][j]) : (tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j])); slope[i][m] = umask[i][j]*umask[i-1][j] * (((tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i][j]) * (tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j]) < 0.0) ? 0.0 : ((fabs(tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j])<fabs(minslope)) ? 0.5*(tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j]) : 0.5*minslope)); } } //#pragma omp barrier /* Calculate the i-direction fluxes of each tracer, using as much */ /* the minimum of the remaining mass flux (uhr) and the half the mass */ /* in the cell plus whatever part of its half of the mass flux that */ /* the flux through the other side does not require. */ //#pragma omp for private(i,m,hup,hlos,ts2) for (i=X0;i<=nx;i++) { if (uhr[k][i][j] == 0.0) { uhh[i] = 0.0; for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) fluxtr[i][m] = 0.0; } else if (uhr[k][i][j] < 0.0) { if (k==0 || k==1 ) { hup = (hvol[k][i+1][j]-DXDYh(i+1,j)*MLMIN); } else { hup = (hvol[k][i+1][j]-DXDYh(i+1,j)*EPSILON); } hlos = D_MAX(0.0,uhr[k][i+1][j]); if (((hup + uhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup + uhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) { uhh[i] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos); } else uhh[i] = uhr[k][i][j]; ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 + uhh[i]/hvol[k][i+1][j]); for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { fluxtr[i][m] = uhh[i]*(tr[m][k][i+1][j] - slope[i+1][m]*ts2); } } else { if (k==0 || k==1 ) { hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*MLMIN); } else { hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*EPSILON); } hlos = D_MAX(0.0,-uhr[k][i-1][j]); if (((hup - uhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup - uhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) { uhh[i] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos); } else uhh[i] = uhr[k][i][j]; ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 - uhh[i]/hvol[k][i][j]); for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { fluxtr[i][m] = uhh[i]*(tr[m][k][i][j] + slope[i][m]*ts2); } } } //#pragma omp barrier /* Calculate new tracer concentration in each cell after accounting */ /* for the i-direction fluxes. */ uhr[k][X0][j] -= uhh[X0]; // #pragma omp barrier //#pragma omp for private(i,m,hlst1,Ihnew) for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) { if ((uhh[i] != 0.0) || (uhh[i-1] != 0.0)) { uhr[k][i][j] -= uhh[i]; hlst1 = hvol[k][i][j]; hvol[k][i][j] -= (uhh[i] - uhh[i-1]); Ihnew = 1.0 / hvol[k][i][j]; for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { tr[m][k][i][j] *= hlst1; tr[m][k][i][j] = (tr[m][k][i][j] - (fluxtr[i][m]-fluxtr[i-1][m])) * Ihnew; } } } // #pragma omp barrier } /* j loop */ #endif /* ============================================================ */ /* now advect meridionally */ /* ============================================================ */ #ifndef ADV1D for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) { /* Calculate the j-direction profiles (slopes) of each tracer that */ /* is being advected. */ //#pragma omp for private(j,m,minslope) for (j=Y0;j<=ny+1;j++) { for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { minslope = 4.0*((fabs(tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j]) < fabs(tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i][j-1])) ? (tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j]) : (tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i][j-1])); slope[j][m] = vmask[i][j] * vmask[i][j-1] * (((tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j]) * (tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i][j-1]) < 0.0) ? 0.0 : ((fabs(tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j-1])<fabs(minslope)) ? 0.5*(tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j-1]) : 0.5*minslope)); } } // #pragma omp barrier /* Calculate the j-direction fluxes of each tracer, using as much */ /* the minimum of the remaining mass flux (vhr) and the half the mass */ /* in the cell plus whatever part of its half of the mass flux that */ /* the flux through the other side does not require. */ //#pragma omp for private(j,m,hup,hlos,ts2) for (j=Y0;j<=ny;j++) { if (vhr[k][i][j] == 0.0) { vhh[j] = 0.0; for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) fluxtr[j][m] = 0.0; } else if (vhr[k][i][j] < 0.0) { if (k==0 || k==1 ) { hup = (hvol[k][i][j+1]-DXDYh(i,j+1)*MLMIN); } else { hup = (hvol[k][i][j+1]-DXDYh(i,j+1)*EPSILON); } hlos = D_MAX(0.0,vhr[k][i][j+1]); if (((hup + vhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup + vhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) { vhh[j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos); } else vhh[j] = vhr[k][i][j]; ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 + vhh[j]/(hvol[k][i][j+1])); for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { fluxtr[j][m] = vhh[j]*(tr[m][k][i][j+1] - slope[j+1][m]*ts2); } } else { if (k==0 || k==1 ) { hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*MLMIN); } else { hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*EPSILON); } hlos = D_MAX(0.0,-vhr[k][i][j-1]); if (((hup - vhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup - vhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) { vhh[j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos); } else vhh[j] = vhr[k][i][j]; ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 - vhh[j] / (hvol[k][i][j])); for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { fluxtr[j][m] = vhh[j]*(tr[m][k][i][j] + slope[j][m]*ts2); } } } // #pragma omp barrier /* Calculate new tracer concentration in each cell after accounting */ /* for the j-direction fluxes. */ vhr[k][i][Y0] -= vhh[Y0]; // #pragma omp barrier //#pragma omp for private(j,m,Ihnew) for (j=Y1;j<=ny;j++) { if ((vhh[j] != 0.0) || (vhh[j-1] != 0.0)) { hlst[j] = hvol[k][i][j]; hvol[k][i][j] -= (vhh[j] - vhh[j-1]); Ihnew = 1.0 / hvol[k][i][j]; vhr[k][i][j] -= vhh[j]; for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { tr[m][k][i][j] *= hlst[j]; tr[m][k][i][j] = (tr[m][k][i][j] - fluxtr[j][m] + fluxtr[j-1][m]) * Ihnew; } } } // #pragma omp barrier } /* i loop */ #endif } /* end of big loop over k */ /* calculate new thickness field - to be used for vertical */ /* tracer advection from updated volumes (vol + fluxes) */ #pragma omp for private(i,j,k) for (k=0; k<=NZ-1; k++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { hnew[k][i][j] = hvol[k][i][j]/DXDYh(i,j); if (hnew[k][i][j] < EPSILON) { hnew[k][i][j] = EPSILON; } } } } /* ============================================================ */ /* now advect vertically */ /* ============================================================ */ #pragma omp for private(i,j,hup,hlos) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { /* work from top to bottom - by interfaces - interface k is the */ /* interface between layer k and layer k-1. net flux at this */ /* interface is wd[[k][i][j]= ea[k][i][j] and eb[k-1][i][j] */ /* k=0 */ if (wd[0][i][j] == 0.0) { wdh[0][i][j] = 0.0; } else if (wd[0][i][j] < 0.0) { hup = hnew[0][i][j] - MLMIN; hlos = D_MAX(0.0, wd[1][i][j]); if (((hup + wd[0][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup + wd[0][i][j]) < 0.0)) { wdh[0][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos); } else wdh[0][i][j] = wd[0][i][j]; } else { wdh[0][i][j] = wd[0][i][j]; } } } #pragma omp for private(i,j,hup,hlos) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { /* k=1 */ if (wd[1][i][j] == 0.0) { wdh[1][i][j] = 0.0; } else if (wd[1][i][j] > 0.0) { hup = hnew[0][i][j] - MLMIN; hlos = D_MAX(0.0, -wd[0][i][j]); if (((hup - wd[1][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup - wd[1][i][j]) < 0.0)) { wdh[1][i][j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos); } else wdh[1][i][j] = wd[1][i][j]; } else { hup = hnew[1][i][j] - MLMIN; hlos = D_MAX(0.0,wd[2][i][j]); if (((hup + wd[1][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup + wd[1][i][j]) < 0.0)) { wdh[1][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos); } else wdh[1][i][j] = wd[1][i][j]; } } } #pragma omp for private(i,j,hup,hlos) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { /* k=2 */ if (wd[2][i][j] == 0.0) { wdh[2][i][j] = 0.0; } else if (wd[2][i][j] > 0.0) { hup = hnew[1][i][j] - MLMIN; hlos = D_MAX(0.0, -wd[1][i][j]); if (((hup - wd[2][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup - wd[2][i][j]) < 0.0)) { wdh[2][i][j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos); } else wdh[2][i][j] = wd[2][i][j]; } else { hup = hnew[2][i][j] - EPSILON; hlos = D_MAX(0.0,wd[3][i][j]); if (((hup + wd[2][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup + wd[2][i][j]) < 0.0)) { wdh[2][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos); } else wdh[2][i][j] = wd[2][i][j]; } } } /* k=3 --> NZ-1 */ #pragma omp for private(i,j,k,hup,hlos) for (k=3; k<=NZ-1; k++) { for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { if (wd[k][i][j] == 0.0) { wdh[k][i][j] = 0.0; } else if (wd[k][i][j] > 0.0) { hup = hnew[k-1][i][j] - EPSILON; hlos = D_MAX(0.0, -wd[k-1][i][j]); if (((hup - wd[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup - wd[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) { wdh[k][i][j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos); } else wdh[k][i][j] = wd[k][i][j]; } else { hup = hnew[k][i][j] - EPSILON; if (k != NZ-1) { hlos = D_MAX(0.0,wd[k+1][i][j]); } else { hlos = 0.0; } if (((hup + wd[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && ((0.5*hup + wd[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) { wdh[k][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos); } else wdh[k][i][j] = wd[k][i][j]; } } /* k */ } /* j */ } /* i */ #pragma omp for private(i,j) for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { ear[0][i][j] = wdh[0][i][j]; /* added by Curtis - bottom ebr wasn't set anywhere else */ ebr[NZ-1][i][j] = 0; } #pragma omp for private(i,j,k) for (k=1;k<=NZ-1;k++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { ear[k][i][j] = 0.5 * (fabs(wdh[k][i][j]) + wdh[k][i][j]); ebr[k-1][i][j] = 0.5 * (fabs(wdh[k][i][j]) - wdh[k][i][j]); } } } #pragma omp for private(i,j,k,m,hnew0,bet,gam) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { hnew0[i] = hnew[0][i][j]; bet[i]=1.0/(hnew[0][i][j] + ebr[0][i][j] + wdh[0][i][j]); for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) tr[m][0][i][j] = bet[i]*(hnew0[i]*tr[m][0][i][j]); } for (k=1;k<=NZ-1;k++) { for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) { gam[k][i] = ebr[k-1][i][j] * bet[i]; bet[i]=1.0/(hnew[k][i][j] + ebr[k][i][j] + (1.0-gam[k][i])*ear[k][i][j]); for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) tr[m][k][i][j] = bet[i] * (hnew[k][i][j]*tr[m][k][i][j] + ear[k][i][j]*(tr[m][k-1][i][j]) ); } } for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) for (k=NZ-2;k>=0;k--) { for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) { tr[m][k][i][j] += gam[k+1][i]*tr[m][k+1][i][j]; } } } /*j*/ /* update hvol with diapycnal fluxes */ #pragma omp for private(i,j,k) for (k=0;k<NZ-1;k++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) hnew[k][i][j] += (wdh[k][i][j] - wdh[k+1][i][j]); } #pragma omp for private(i,j) for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) hnew[NZ-1][i][j] += wdh[NZ-1][i][j]; #pragma omp for private(i,j,k) for (k=0;k<=NZ-1;k++) for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { if (hnew[k][i][j] < EPSILON) hnew[k][i][j] = EPSILON; hvol[k][i][j] = DXDYh(i,j)*hnew[k][i][j]; if ( wd[k][i][j] > 0.0 && ( wdh[k][i][j] > wd[k][i][j] )) printf("case 1 wdh[k]\n"); else if ( wd[k][i][j] < 0.0 && ( wdh[k][i][j] < wd[k][i][j] )) printf("case 2 wdh[k]\n"); wd[k][i][j] -= wdh[k][i][j]; } #else /* STANDARD_ADVECTION */ /* big loop over k */ // printf("phos(%d,%d,%d)=%g,uhtm=%g\n",0,190,26,tr[mPHOSPHATE][0][190][26], // uhtm[0][190][26]); // exit(1); //yanxu: note these are null cycles, so I comment them out //yanxu for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { // first advect zonally //yanxu for (j=Y1;j<=ny;j++) { //yanxu for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++) { //yanxu for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { // fluxtr[i][m] = uhtm[i]*(tr[m][k][i][j]); //yanxu } //yanxu } //yanxu } // now advect meridionally // null cycles again, yanxu //yanxu for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) { //yanxu } //yanxu } /* end of big loop over k */ /* calculate new thickness field - to be used for vertical */ /* tracer advection from updated volumes (vol + fluxes) */ #pragma omp for private(i,j,k) for (k=0; k<=NZ-1; k++) for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { hnew[k][i][j] = hvol[k][i][j]/DXDYh(i,j); if (hnew[k][i][j] < EPSILON) hnew[k][i][j] = EPSILON; } // now advect vertically //yanxu: null cycles //yanxu for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { //yanxu for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { //yanxu //yanxu } //yanxu } #endif /* STANDARD_ADVECTION */ /* zonal re-entrance */ #pragma omp for private(j,k,m) for (j=0;j<NYMEM;j++) { for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { uhr[k][nx+1][j] = uhr[k][2][j]; uhr[k][nx+2][j] = uhr[k][3][j]; uhr[k][0][j] = uhr[k][nx-1][j]; uhr[k][1][j] = uhr[k][nx][j]; vhr[k][nx+1][j] = vhr[k][2][j]; vhr[k][nx+2][j] = vhr[k][3][j]; vhr[k][0][j] = vhr[k][nx-1][j]; vhr[k][1][j] = vhr[k][nx][j]; hvol[k][nx+1][j] = hvol[k][2][j]; hvol[k][nx+2][j] = hvol[k][3][j]; hvol[k][0][j] = hvol[k][nx-1][j]; hvol[k][1][j] = hvol[k][nx][j]; for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { tr[m][k][nx+1][j] = tr[m][k][2][j]; tr[m][k][nx+2][j] = tr[m][k][3][j]; tr[m][k][0][j] = tr[m][k][nx-1][j]; tr[m][k][1][j] = tr[m][k][nx][j]; } } } /* meridional re-entrance */ /* meridional re-entrance */ #pragma omp for private(i,k,ii,m) for (i=2;i<=nx;i++) { ii = 363 - i; for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { uhr[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*uhr[k][i][ny]; uhr[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*uhr[k][i][ny-1]; vhr[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*vhr[k][i][ny]; vhr[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*vhr[k][i][ny-1]; hvol[k][ii][ny+1] = hvol[k][i][ny]; hvol[k][ii][ny+2] = hvol[k][i][ny-1]; for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) { tr[m][k][ii][ny+1] = tr[m][k][i][ny]; tr[m][k][ii][ny+2] = tr[m][k][i][ny-1]; } } } } // omp #ifdef STANDARD_ADVECTION # ifdef WRTTS printf("itt = %i\n",itt); wrts = (double)(itts)+(double)(itt)/11.+0.0001; write_ts(wrts); # endif // WRTTS //**************************************************************************************** } /* end of temp itt iteration loop */ //**************************************************************************************** #endif fract1 = (double)(NTSTEP-itts) / (double)NTSTEP; fract2 = 1.0 - fract1; //#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,k) schedule(dynamic) for (k=0;k<=NZ-1;k++) { for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) { for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) { # ifdef USE_CALC_H h[k][i][j] = hnew[k][i][j]; if (h[k][i][j] < 0.0) printf("tracadv l 796 - h[%d][%d][%d] = %g\n", k,i,j, h[k][i][j]); # else h[k][i][j] = fract1*hstart[k][i][j] + fract2*hend[k][i][j]; //BX h[k][i][j] = hend[k][i][j]; # endif #ifdef HTEST htest[k][i][j] = hnew[k][i][j]; printf("htest(%d,%d,%d)=%g,hend=%g\n", k,i,j, // htest[k][i][j] = h[k][i][j]; #endif } } } //HF // zonal re-entrance //#pragma omp parallel for private(j,k) schedule(dynamic) for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { for (j=0;j<=NYMEM-1;j++) { h[k][nx+1][j] = h[k][2][j]; h[k][nx+2][j] = h[k][3][j]; h[k][0][j] = h[k][nx-1][j]; h[k][1][j] = h[k][nx][j]; } } // meridional re-entrance //#pragma omp parallel for private(i,k,ii) schedule(dynamic) for (i=2;i<=nx;i++) { ii = 363 - i; for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) { h[k][ii][ny+1] = h[k][i][ny]; h[k][ii][ny+2] = h[k][i][ny-1]; } } //HF-e # ifdef WRTTS printf("End of tracadv\n"); wrts = (double)(itts)+(double)(itt)/11.+0.0005; write_ts(wrts); # endif // WRTTS #ifdef DIFFUSE_TRACER if ((KD>0.0) || (KDML>0.0)) { diffuse_tracer(); } #endif pstage=4; print_tr(pstage); if ((KHTR>0.0)) { tracer_hordiff(); } pstage=5; print_tr(pstage); free3d(hvol, NZ); free3d(uhr, NZ); free3d(vhr, NZ); free3d(ear, NZ); free3d(ebr, NZ); free3d(wdh, NZ); #if !defined AGE2 && !defined AGE3 free3d(hnew, NZ); #endif }