コード例 #1
ファイル: codegen_pic.c プロジェクト: kl0ss/java2pic
void write_globals()
    int globals_width = list_length(bytecode->globals);
    printf("Need to allocate %i bytes for global variables\n", globals_width);
    if(globals_width == 0) return;

    fprintf(output, ";Declaring global variables\n");
    fprintf(output, "\tmovlw %i\n", globals_width);
    fprintf(output, "\tsubwf H'0c'\n\n"); // Move frame pointer to make room for globals
コード例 #2
ファイル: codegen_pic.c プロジェクト: kl0ss/java2pic
void write_functions()
    fprintf(output, "main_loop:\n");
    fprintf(output, "\tcall func_main\n");
    fprintf(output, "\tgoto main_loop\n");

    List *functions = (List *) bytecode->functions;
    while(functions->data != NULL)
        Function *function = functions->data;
        // Write function label
        fprintf(output, "func_%s:\n", function->name);

        // A stack frame needs 1 byte per static variable + 1 byte for saved frame pointer
        int frame_width = list_length(function->symbol_table) + 1;
        printf("Need to allocate %i byte stack frame for function %s\n", frame_width, function->name);

        fprintf(output, "; Saving frame pointer\n");
        fprintf(output, "\tmovf H'0c', 0\n"); // Load top of stack - 1 into FSR
        fprintf(output, "\taddlw -1\n");
        fprintf(output, "\tmovwf H'04'\n");
        fprintf(output, "\tmovf H'0c', 0\n"); // Store the current frame pointer into the top of the stack
        fprintf(output, "\tmovwf H'00'\n");
        fprintf(output, "\tmovlw %i\n", frame_width); // Now set the new frame pointer
        fprintf(output, "\tsubwf H'0c'\n\n");


        List *quads = function->statements;
        while(quads->data != NULL)
            Quad *quad = quads->data;
            write_quad(quad, function);
            quads = quads->next;

        // Restore previous frame pointer and return
        fprintf(output, "; Restoring previous frame pointer\n");
        fprintf(output, "\tmovf H'0c', 0\n"); // Load previous frame pointer
        fprintf(output, "\taddlw %i\n", frame_width - 1);
        fprintf(output, "\tmovwf H'04'\n");
        fprintf(output, "\tmovf H'00', 0\n");
        fprintf(output, "\tmovwf H'0c'\n");
        fprintf(output, "\treturn\n\n");
        functions = functions->next;

    fprintf(output, "\tend\n");
コード例 #3
Grid_2D& Grid_2D :: operator=(const Grid_2D &rhs)
	if(this != &rhs)
		delete this->connections;
		delete this->displays;
		delete this->weights;
		delete this->path;
		this->connections = NULL;
		this->displays = NULL;
	    this->weights = NULL;
	    this->path = NULL;
	return *this;
コード例 #4
Grid_2D :: Grid_2D(const Grid_2D &rhs)