/* * make_restrictinfo * * Build a RestrictInfo node containing the given subexpression. * * The is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, and pseudoconstant flags for the * RestrictInfo must be supplied by the caller, as well as the correct values * for outer_relids and nullable_relids. * required_relids can be NULL, in which case it defaults to the actual clause * contents (i.e., clause_relids). * * We initialize fields that depend only on the given subexpression, leaving * others that depend on context (or may never be needed at all) to be filled * later. */ RestrictInfo * make_restrictinfo(Expr *clause, bool is_pushed_down, bool outerjoin_delayed, bool pseudoconstant, Relids required_relids, Relids outer_relids, Relids nullable_relids) { /* * If it's an OR clause, build a modified copy with RestrictInfos inserted * above each subclause of the top-level AND/OR structure. */ if (or_clause((Node *) clause)) return (RestrictInfo *) make_sub_restrictinfos(clause, is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, pseudoconstant, required_relids, outer_relids, nullable_relids); /* Shouldn't be an AND clause, else AND/OR flattening messed up */ Assert(!and_clause((Node *) clause)); return make_restrictinfo_internal(clause, NULL, is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, pseudoconstant, required_relids, outer_relids, nullable_relids); }
/* * pull_ands * Recursively flatten nested AND clauses into a single and-clause list. * * Input is the arglist of an AND clause. * Returns the rebuilt arglist (note original list structure is not touched). */ static List * pull_ands(List *andlist) { List *out_list = NIL; ListCell *arg; foreach(arg, andlist) { Node *subexpr = (Node *) lfirst(arg); /* * Note: we can destructively concat the subexpression's arglist * because we know the recursive invocation of pull_ands will have * built a new arglist not shared with any other expr. Otherwise we'd * need a list_copy here. */ if (and_clause(subexpr)) out_list = list_concat(out_list, pull_ands(((BoolExpr *) subexpr)->args)); else out_list = lappend(out_list, subexpr); }
/* * Recursively insert sub-RestrictInfo nodes into a boolean expression. * * We put RestrictInfos above simple (non-AND/OR) clauses and above * sub-OR clauses, but not above sub-AND clauses, because there's no need. * This may seem odd but it is closely related to the fact that we use * implicit-AND lists at top level of RestrictInfo lists. Only ORs and * simple clauses are valid RestrictInfos. * * The same is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, and pseudoconstant flag * values can be applied to all RestrictInfo nodes in the result. Likewise * for security_level, outer_relids, and nullable_relids. * * The given required_relids are attached to our top-level output, * but any OR-clause constituents are allowed to default to just the * contained rels. */ static Expr * make_sub_restrictinfos(Expr *clause, bool is_pushed_down, bool outerjoin_delayed, bool pseudoconstant, Index security_level, Relids required_relids, Relids outer_relids, Relids nullable_relids) { if (or_clause((Node *) clause)) { List *orlist = NIL; ListCell *temp; foreach(temp, ((BoolExpr *) clause)->args) orlist = lappend(orlist, make_sub_restrictinfos(lfirst(temp), is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, pseudoconstant, security_level, NULL, outer_relids, nullable_relids)); return (Expr *) make_restrictinfo_internal(clause, make_orclause(orlist), is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, pseudoconstant, security_level, required_relids, outer_relids, nullable_relids); } else if (and_clause((Node *) clause)) { List *andlist = NIL; ListCell *temp; foreach(temp, ((BoolExpr *) clause)->args) andlist = lappend(andlist, make_sub_restrictinfos(lfirst(temp), is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, pseudoconstant, security_level, required_relids, outer_relids, nullable_relids)); return make_andclause(andlist); } else return (Expr *) make_restrictinfo_internal(clause, NULL, is_pushed_down, outerjoin_delayed, pseudoconstant, security_level, required_relids, outer_relids, nullable_relids); }