コード例 #1
ファイル: TabCtrlWin.cpp プロジェクト: martell/ConEmu
void CTabPanelWin::ShowBar(bool bShow)
	RECT client = {};
	if (bShow)
		client = gpConEmu->GetGuiClientRect(); // нас интересует ширина окна
	int nShow = bShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE;

	if (mh_Rebar)
		if (!IsWindowVisible(mh_Rebar))
			apiShowWindow(mh_Rebar, nShow);

		//MoveWindow(mh_Rebar, 0, 0, client.right, mn_TabHeight, 1);
		if (!IsWindowVisible(mh_Tabbar))
			apiShowWindow(mh_Tabbar, nShow);

		if (bShow)
			//if (gpSet->isTabFrame)
			//	MoveWindow(mh_Tabbar, 0, 0, client.right, client.bottom, 1);
			MoveWindow(mh_Tabbar, 0, 0, client.right, mn_TabHeight, 1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: TabCtrlWin.cpp プロジェクト: negadj/ConEmu
void CTabPanelWin::ShowBar(bool bShow)
	RECT client = {};
	if (bShow)
		client = gpConEmu->GetGuiClientRect(); // нас интересует ширина окна
	int nShow = bShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE;

	if (mh_Rebar)
		if (!IsWindowVisible(mh_Rebar))
			apiShowWindow(mh_Rebar, nShow);
		_ASSERTE((mh_Rebar!=NULL) && "ReBar was not created!");
コード例 #3
ファイル: WConsole.cpp プロジェクト: VladimirTyrin/ConEmu
//	Wrapper around WM_SETCONSOLEINFO. We need to create the
//  necessary section (file-mapping) object in the context of the
//  process which owns the console, before posting the message
BOOL SetConsoleInfo(HWND hwndConsole, CONSOLE_INFO *pci)
	DWORD   dwConsoleOwnerPid, dwCurProcId;
	PVOID   ptrView = 0;
	DWORD   dwLastError=0;
	WCHAR   ErrText[255];
	//	Retrieve the process which "owns" the console
	dwCurProcId = GetCurrentProcessId();
	DEBUGTEST(DWORD dwConsoleThreadId =)
	GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndConsole, &dwConsoleOwnerPid);

	// We'll fail, if console was created by other process
	if (dwConsoleOwnerPid != dwCurProcId)
		#ifdef _DEBUG
		// Wine related
		PROCESSENTRY32W pi = {};
		GetProcessInfo(dwConsoleOwnerPid, &pi);
		if (lstrcmpi(pi.szExeFile, L"wineconsole.exe")!=0)
			wchar_t szDbgMsg[512], szTitle[128];
			szDbgMsg[0] = 0;
			GetModuleFileName(NULL, szDbgMsg, countof(szDbgMsg));
			msprintf(szTitle, countof(szTitle), L"%s: PID=%u", PointToName(szDbgMsg), GetCurrentProcessId());
			msprintf(szDbgMsg, countof(szDbgMsg), L"GetWindowThreadProcessId()\nPID=%u, TID=%u, %s\n%s",
				dwConsoleOwnerPid, dwConsoleThreadId,
				pi.szExeFile, szTitle);
			MessageBox(NULL, szDbgMsg, szTitle, MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
		//_ASSERTE(dwConsoleOwnerPid == dwCurProcId);

		return FALSE;

	// Create a SECTION object backed by page-file, then map a view of
	// this section into the owner process so we can write the contents
	// of the CONSOLE_INFO buffer into it
	if (!ghConsoleSection)
		ghConsoleSection = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, gnConsoleSectionSize, 0);

		if (!ghConsoleSection)
			dwLastError = GetLastError();
			_wsprintf(ErrText, SKIPLEN(countof(ErrText)) L"Can't CreateFileMapping(ghConsoleSection). ErrCode=%i", dwLastError);
			return FALSE;

		_ASSERTE(OnShutdownConsole==NULL || OnShutdownConsole==ShutdownConsole);
		OnShutdownConsole = ShutdownConsole;

	//	Copy our console structure into the section-object
	ptrView = MapViewOfFile(ghConsoleSection, FILE_MAP_WRITE|FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, gnConsoleSectionSize);

	if (!ptrView)
		dwLastError = GetLastError();
		_wsprintf(ErrText, SKIPLEN(countof(ErrText)) L"Can't MapViewOfFile. ErrCode=%i", dwLastError);
		//2010-09-19 что-то на XP стало окошко мелькать.
		// при отсылке WM_SETCONSOLEINFO консоль отображается :(
		BOOL lbWasVisible = IsWindowVisible(hwndConsole);
		RECT rcOldPos = {0}, rcAllMonRect = {0};

		if (!lbWasVisible)
			GetWindowRect(hwndConsole, &rcOldPos);
			// В много-мониторных конфигурациях координаты на некоторых могут быть отрицательными!
			rcAllMonRect = GetAllMonitorsWorkspace();
			pci->AutoPosition = FALSE;
			pci->WindowPosX = rcAllMonRect.left - 1280;
			pci->WindowPosY = rcAllMonRect.top - 1024;

		memcpy(ptrView, pci, pci->Length); //-V106

		//  Send console window the "update" message
		SendMessage(hwndConsole, WM_SETCONSOLEINFO, (WPARAM)ghConsoleSection, 0);

		DEBUGTEST(DWORD dwConInfoErr = GetLastError());

		if (!lbWasVisible && IsWindowVisible(hwndConsole))

			apiShowWindow(hwndConsole, SW_HIDE);
			//SetWindowPos(hwndConsole, NULL, rcOldPos.left, rcOldPos.top, 0,0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);
			// -- чтобы на некоторых системах не возникала проблема с позиционированием -> {0,0}
			// Issue 274: Окно реальной консоли позиционируется в неудобном месте
			SetWindowPos(hwndConsole, NULL, 0, 0, 0,0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);

	return TRUE;