コード例 #1
static void api_ui_item_op_common(FunctionRNA *func)
コード例 #2
void RNA_api_ui_layout(StructRNA *srna)
    FunctionRNA *func;
    PropertyRNA *parm;

    static EnumPropertyItem curve_type_items[] = {
        {0, "NONE", 0, "None", ""},
        {'v', "VECTOR", 0, "Vector", ""},
        {'c', "COLOR", 0, "Color", ""},
        {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

    static EnumPropertyItem list_type_items[] = {
        {0, "DEFAULT", 0, "None", ""},
        {'c', "COMPACT", 0, "Compact", ""},
        {'i', "ICONS", 0, "Icons", ""},
        {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

    /* simple layout specifiers */
    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "row", "uiLayoutRow");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
                                    "Sub-layout. Items placed in this sublayout are placed next to each other "
                                    "in a row");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", 0, "", "Align buttons to each other");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "column", "uiLayoutColumn");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
                                    "Sub-layout. Items placed in this sublayout are placed under each other "
                                    "in a column");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", 0, "", "Align buttons to each other");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "column_flow", "uiLayoutColumnFlow");
    RNA_def_int(func, "columns", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Number of columns, 0 is automatic", 0, INT_MAX);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", 0, "", "Align buttons to each other");

    /* box layout */
    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "box", "uiLayoutBox");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Sublayout (items placed in this sublayout are placed "
                                    "under each other in a column and are surrounded by a box)");

    /* split layout */
    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "split", "uiLayoutSplit");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
    RNA_def_float(func, "percentage", 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Percentage", "Percentage of width to split at", 0.0f, 1.0f);
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", 0, "", "Align buttons to each other");

    /* items */
    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop", "rna_uiItemR");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Exposes an RNA item and places it into the layout");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "expand", 0, "", "Expand button to show more detail");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "slider", 0, "", "Use slider widget for numeric values");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "toggle", 0, "", "Use toggle widget for boolean values");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "icon_only", 0, "", "Draw only icons in buttons, no text");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "event", 0, "", "Use button to input key events");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "full_event", 0, "", "Use button to input full events including modifiers");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "emboss", 1, "", "Draw the button itself, just the icon/text");
    RNA_def_int(func, "index", -1, -2, INT_MAX, "",
                "The index of this button, when set a single member of an array can be accessed, "
                "when set to -1 all array members are used", -2, INT_MAX); /* RNA_NO_INDEX == -1 */

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "props_enum", "uiItemsEnumR");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop_menu_enum", "uiItemMenuEnumR");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop_enum", "uiItemEnumR_string");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "value", "", 0, "", "Enum property value");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop_search", "uiItemPointerR");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "search_data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take collection to search in");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "search_property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of search collection property");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator", "rna_uiItemO");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "emboss", 1, "", "Draw the button itself, just the icon/text");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "properties", "OperatorProperties", "",
                           "Operator properties to fill in, return when 'properties' is set to true");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_RNAPTR);
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Places a button into the layout to call an Operator");

    /*	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_enum_single", "uiItemEnumO_string");
    	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "value", "", 0, "", "Enum property value");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_enum", "uiItemsEnumO");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "operator", "", 0, "", "Identifier of the operator");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_menu_enum", "uiItemMenuEnumO");
    api_ui_item_op(func); /* cant use api_ui_item_op_common because property must come right after */
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    /*	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_boolean", "uiItemBooleanO");
    	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    	parm= RNA_def_boolean(func, "value", 0, "", "Value of the property to call the operator with");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

    /*	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_int", "uiItemIntO");
    	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    	parm= RNA_def_int(func, "value", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "",
    	                  "Value of the property to call the operator with", INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

    /*	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_float", "uiItemFloatO");
    	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    	parm= RNA_def_float(func, "value", 0, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "",
    	                    "Value of the property to call the operator with", -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

    /*	func= RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_string", "uiItemStringO");
    	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    	parm= RNA_def_string(func, "value", "", 0, "", "Value of the property to call the operator with");
    	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "label", "uiItemL");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Display text in the layout");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "menu", "uiItemM");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "menu", "", 0, "", "Identifier of the menu");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "separator", "uiItemS");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Inserts empty space into the layout between items");

    /* context */
    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "context_pointer_set", "uiLayoutSetContextPointer");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "name", "", 0, "Name", "Name of entry in the context");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Pointer to put in context");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_RNAPTR);

    /* templates */
    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_header", "uiTemplateHeader");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "menus", 1, "", "The header has menus, and should show menu expander");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_ID", "uiTemplateID");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    RNA_def_string(func, "new", "", 0, "", "Operator identifier to create a new ID block");
    RNA_def_string(func, "open", "", 0, "", "Operator identifier to open a file for creating a new ID block");
    RNA_def_string(func, "unlink", "", 0, "", "Operator identifier to unlink the ID block");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_ID_preview", "uiTemplateIDPreview");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    RNA_def_string(func, "new", "", 0, "", "Operator identifier to create a new ID block");
    RNA_def_string(func, "open", "", 0, "", "Operator identifier to open a file for creating a new ID block");
    RNA_def_string(func, "unlink", "", 0, "", "Operator identifier to unlink the ID block");
    RNA_def_int(func, "rows", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Number of thumbnail preview rows to display", "", 0, INT_MAX);
    RNA_def_int(func, "cols", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Number of thumbnail preview columns to display", "", 0, INT_MAX);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_any_ID", "uiTemplateAnyID");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "type_property", "", 0, "",
                          "Identifier of property in data giving the type of the ID-blocks to use");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    RNA_def_string_translate(func, "text", "", 0, "", "Custom label to display in UI");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_path_builder", "uiTemplatePathBuilder");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "root", "ID", "", "ID-block from which path is evaluated from");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_RNAPTR);
    RNA_def_string_translate(func, "text", "", 0, "", "Custom label to display in UI");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_modifier", "uiTemplateModifier");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Layout . Generates the UI layout for modifiers");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "Modifier", "", "Modifier data");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_constraint", "uiTemplateConstraint");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Layout . Generates the UI layout for constraints");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "Constraint", "", "Constraint data");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_preview", "uiTemplatePreview");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A preview window for materials, textures, lamps, etc");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "id", "ID", "", "ID datablock");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "show_buttons", 1, "", "Show preview buttons?");
    RNA_def_pointer(func, "parent", "ID", "", "ID datablock");
    RNA_def_pointer(func, "slot", "TextureSlot", "", "Texture slot");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_curve_mapping", "uiTemplateCurveMapping");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A curve mapping widget used for e.g falloff curves for lamps");
    RNA_def_enum(func, "type", curve_type_items, 0, "Type", "Type of curves to display");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "levels", 0, "", "Show black/white levels");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "brush", 0, "", "Show brush options");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_color_ramp", "uiTemplateColorRamp");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A color ramp widget");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "expand", 0, "", "Expand button to show more detail");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_histogram", "uiTemplateHistogram");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A histogramm widget to analyze imaga data");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_waveform", "uiTemplateWaveform");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A waveform widget to analyze imaga data");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_vectorscope", "uiTemplateVectorscope");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A vectorscope widget to analyze imaga data");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_layers", "uiTemplateLayers");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "used_layers_data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_RNAPTR);
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "used_layers_property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_int(func, "active_layer", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Active Layer", "", 0, INT_MAX);
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_color_wheel", "uiTemplateColorWheel");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A color wheel widget to pick colors");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "value_slider", 0, "", "Display the value slider to the right of the color wheel");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "lock", 0, "", "Lock the color wheel display to value 1.0 regardless of actual color");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "lock_luminosity", 0, "", "Keep the color at its original vector length");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "cubic", 1, "", "Cubic saturation for picking values close to white");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image_layers", "uiTemplateImageLayers");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image", "Image", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_user", "ImageUser", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image", "uiTemplateImage");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item(s). User interface for selecting images and their source paths");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_user", "ImageUser", "", "");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "compact", 0, "", "Use more compact layout");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image_settings", "uiTemplateImageSettings");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "User interface for setting image format options");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_settings", "ImageFormatSettings", "", "");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_movieclip", "uiTemplateMovieClip");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item(s). User interface for selecting movie clips and their source paths");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "compact", 0, "", "Use more compact layout");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_track", "uiTemplateTrack");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A movie-track widget to preview tracking image.");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_marker", "uiTemplateMarker");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A widget to control single marker settings.");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "clip_user", "MovieClipUser", "", "");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "track", "MovieTrackingTrack", "", "");
    RNA_def_boolean(func, "compact", 0, "", "Use more compact layout");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_list", "uiTemplateList");
    RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A list widget to display data. e.g. vertexgroups");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED|PROP_RNAPTR);
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", "", 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "active_data", "AnyType", "",
                           "Data from which to take property for the active element");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "active_property", "", 0, "",
                          "Identifier of property in data, for the active element");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    RNA_def_string(func, "prop_list", "", 0, "",
                   "Identifier of a string property in each data member, specifying which "
                   "of its properties should have a widget displayed in its row "
                   "(format: \"propname1:propname2:propname3:...\")");
    RNA_def_int(func, "rows", 5, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Number of rows to display", 0, INT_MAX);
    RNA_def_int(func, "maxrows", 5, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Maximum number of rows to display", 0, INT_MAX);
    RNA_def_enum(func, "type", list_type_items, 0, "Type", "Type of list to use");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_running_jobs", "uiTemplateRunningJobs");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

    RNA_def_function(srna, "template_operator_search", "uiTemplateOperatorSearch");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_header_3D", "uiTemplateHeader3D");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_edit_mode_selection", "uiTemplateEditModeSelection");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_reports_banner", "uiTemplateReportsBanner");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_node_link", "uiTemplateNodeLink");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "ntree", "NodeTree", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "node", "Node", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "socket", "NodeSocket", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_node_view", "uiTemplateNodeView");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "ntree", "NodeTree", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "node", "Node", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "socket", "NodeSocket", "", "");
    RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_texture_user", "uiTemplateTextureUser");
    RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_keymap_item_properties", "uiTemplateKeymapItemProperties");
    parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "item", "KeyMapItem", "", "");

    func = RNA_def_function(srna, "introspect", "uiLayoutIntrospect");
    parm = RNA_def_string(func, "string", "", 1024*1024, "Descr", "DESCR");
    RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
コード例 #3
void RNA_api_ui_layout(StructRNA *srna)
	FunctionRNA *func;
	PropertyRNA *parm;

	static EnumPropertyItem curve_type_items[] = {
		{0, "NONE", 0, "None", ""},
		{'v', "VECTOR", 0, "Vector", ""},
		{'c', "COLOR", 0, "Color", ""},
		{'h', "HUE", 0, "Hue", ""},
		{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

	static float node_socket_color_default[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };

	/* simple layout specifiers */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "row", "uiLayoutRow");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	                                "Sub-layout. Items placed in this sublayout are placed next to each other "
	                                "in a row");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", false, "", "Align buttons to each other");
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "column", "uiLayoutColumn");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	                                "Sub-layout. Items placed in this sublayout are placed under each other "
	                                "in a column");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", false, "", "Align buttons to each other");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "column_flow", "uiLayoutColumnFlow");
	RNA_def_int(func, "columns", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Number of columns, 0 is automatic", 0, INT_MAX);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", false, "", "Align buttons to each other");

	/* box layout */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "box", "uiLayoutBox");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Sublayout (items placed in this sublayout are placed "
	                                "under each other in a column and are surrounded by a box)");
	/* split layout */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "split", "uiLayoutSplit");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_float(func, "percentage", 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Percentage", "Percentage of width to split at", 0.0f, 1.0f);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "align", false, "", "Align buttons to each other");

	/* radial/pie layout */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "menu_pie", "uiLayoutRadial");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Sublayout. Items placed in this sublayout are placed "
	                                "in a radial fashion around the menu center)");

	/* Icon of a rna pointer */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "icon", "rna_ui_get_rnaptr_icon");
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "icon_value", ICON_NONE, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Icon identifier", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_NO_SELF | FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take the icon");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Return the custom icon for this data, "
	                                      "use it e.g. to get materials or texture icons");

	/* UI name, description and icon of an enum item */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "enum_item_name", "rna_ui_get_enum_name");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "name", NULL, 0, "", "UI name of the enum item");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_NO_SELF | FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "identifier", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of the enum item");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Return the UI name for this enum item");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "enum_item_description", "rna_ui_get_enum_description");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "description", NULL, 0, "", "UI description of the enum item");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_NO_SELF | FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "identifier", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of the enum item");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Return the UI description for this enum item");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "enum_item_icon", "rna_ui_get_enum_icon");
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "icon_value", ICON_NONE, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Icon identifier", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_NO_SELF | FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "identifier", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of the enum item");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Return the icon for this enum item");

	/* items */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop", "rna_uiItemR");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Exposes an RNA item and places it into the layout");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "expand", false, "", "Expand button to show more detail");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "slider", false, "", "Use slider widget for numeric values");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "toggle", false, "", "Use toggle widget for boolean values");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "icon_only", false, "", "Draw only icons in buttons, no text");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "event", false, "", "Use button to input key events");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "full_event", false, "", "Use button to input full events including modifiers");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "emboss", true, "", "Draw the button itself, just the icon/text");
	RNA_def_int(func, "index", -1, -2, INT_MAX, "",
	            "The index of this button, when set a single member of an array can be accessed, "
	            "when set to -1 all array members are used", -2, INT_MAX); /* RNA_NO_INDEX == -1 */
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "icon_value", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "Icon Value", "Override automatic icon of the item");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "props_enum", "uiItemsEnumR");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop_menu_enum", "rna_uiItemMenuEnumR");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop_enum", "rna_uiItemEnumR_string");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "value", NULL, 0, "", "Enum property value");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "prop_search", "rna_uiItemPointerR");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "search_data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take collection to search in");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "search_property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of search collection property");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator", "rna_uiItemO");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "emboss", true, "", "Draw the button itself, just the icon/text");
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "icon_value", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "Icon Value", "Override automatic icon of the item");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "properties", "OperatorProperties", "",
	                       "Operator properties to fill in, return when 'properties' is set to true");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR);
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Places a button into the layout to call an Operator");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_enum", "uiItemsEnumO");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "operator", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of the operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_menu_enum", "rna_uiItemMenuEnumO");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	api_ui_item_op(func); /* cant use api_ui_item_op_common because property must come right after */
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	/* useful in C but not in python */
#if 0

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_enum_single", "uiItemEnumO_string");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "value", NULL, 0, "", "Enum property value");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_boolean", "uiItemBooleanO");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_boolean(func, "value", false, "", "Value of the property to call the operator with");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_int", "uiItemIntO");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "value", 0, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "",
	                  "Value of the property to call the operator with", INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_float", "uiItemFloatO");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_float(func, "value", 0, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, "",
	                    "Value of the property to call the operator with", -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED); */

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "operator_string", "uiItemStringO");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in operator");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "value", NULL, 0, "", "Value of the property to call the operator with");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "label", "rna_uiItemL");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Display text and/or icon in the layout");
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "icon_value", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "Icon Value", "Override automatic icon of the item");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "menu", "rna_uiItemM");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "menu", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of the menu");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_property(func, "icon_value", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
	RNA_def_property_ui_text(parm, "Icon Value", "Override automatic icon of the item");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "separator", "uiItemS");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Inserts empty space into the layout between items");

	/* context */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "context_pointer_set", "uiLayoutSetContextPointer");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "name", NULL, 0, "Name", "Name of entry in the context");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Pointer to put in context");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR);
	/* templates */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_header", "uiTemplateHeader");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_ID", "uiTemplateID");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	RNA_def_string(func, "new", NULL, 0, "", "Operator identifier to create a new ID block");
	RNA_def_string(func, "open", NULL, 0, "", "Operator identifier to open a file for creating a new ID block");
	RNA_def_string(func, "unlink", NULL, 0, "", "Operator identifier to unlink the ID block");
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_ID_preview", "uiTemplateIDPreview");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	RNA_def_string(func, "new", NULL, 0, "", "Operator identifier to create a new ID block");
	RNA_def_string(func, "open", NULL, 0, "", "Operator identifier to open a file for creating a new ID block");
	RNA_def_string(func, "unlink", NULL, 0, "", "Operator identifier to unlink the ID block");
	RNA_def_int(func, "rows", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Number of thumbnail preview rows to display", "", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_int(func, "cols", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Number of thumbnail preview columns to display", "", 0, INT_MAX);
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_any_ID", "rna_uiTemplateAnyID");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "type_property", NULL, 0, "",
	                      "Identifier of property in data giving the type of the ID-blocks to use");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_path_builder", "rna_uiTemplatePathBuilder");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "root", "ID", "", "ID-block from which path is evaluated from");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR);
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_modifier", "uiTemplateModifier");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Generates the UI layout for modifiers");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "Modifier", "", "Modifier data");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_constraint", "uiTemplateConstraint");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Generates the UI layout for constraints");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "Constraint", "", "Constraint data");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "layout", "UILayout", "", "Sub-layout to put items in");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_preview", "uiTemplatePreview");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A preview window for materials, textures, lamps or worlds");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "id", "ID", "", "ID data-block");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "show_buttons", true, "", "Show preview buttons?");
	RNA_def_pointer(func, "parent", "ID", "", "ID data-block");
	RNA_def_pointer(func, "slot", "TextureSlot", "", "Texture slot");
	RNA_def_string(func, "preview_id", NULL, 0, "",
	               "Identifier of this preview widget, if not set the ID type will be used "
	               "(i.e. all previews of materials without explicit ID will have the same size...)");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_curve_mapping", "uiTemplateCurveMapping");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A curve mapping widget used for e.g falloff curves for lamps");
	RNA_def_enum(func, "type", curve_type_items, 0, "Type", "Type of curves to display");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "levels", false, "", "Show black/white levels");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "brush", false, "", "Show brush options");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "use_negative_slope", false, "", "Use a negative slope by default");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_color_ramp", "uiTemplateColorRamp");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A color ramp widget");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "expand", false, "", "Expand button to show more detail");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_icon_view", "uiTemplateIconView");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Enum. Large widget showing Icon previews");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "show_labels", false, "", "Show enum label in preview buttons");
	RNA_def_float(func, "scale", 5.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f, "Scale", "Scale the icon size (by the button size)", 1.0f, 100.0f);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_histogram", "uiTemplateHistogram");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A histogramm widget to analyze imaga data");
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_waveform", "uiTemplateWaveform");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A waveform widget to analyze imaga data");
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_vectorscope", "uiTemplateVectorscope");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A vectorscope widget to analyze imaga data");
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_layers", "uiTemplateLayers");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "used_layers_data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "used_layers_property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_int(func, "active_layer", 0, 0, INT_MAX, "Active Layer", "", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_color_picker", "uiTemplateColorPicker");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A color wheel widget to pick colors");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "value_slider", false, "", "Display the value slider to the right of the color wheel");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "lock", false, "", "Lock the color wheel display to value 1.0 regardless of actual color");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "lock_luminosity", false, "", "Keep the color at its original vector length");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "cubic", false, "", "Cubic saturation for picking values close to white");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_palette", "uiTemplatePalette");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A palette used to pick colors");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "color", 0, "", "Display the colors as colors or values");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image_layers", "uiTemplateImageLayers");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image", "Image", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_user", "ImageUser", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image", "uiTemplateImage");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item(s). User interface for selecting images and their source paths");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_user", "ImageUser", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "compact", false, "", "Use more compact layout");
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "multiview", false, "", "Expose Multi-View options");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image_settings", "uiTemplateImageSettings");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "User interface for setting image format options");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_settings", "ImageFormatSettings", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "color_management", false, "", "Show color management settings");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image_stereo_3d", "uiTemplateImageStereo3d");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "User interface for setting image stereo 3d options");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "stereo_3d_format", "Stereo3dFormat", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_image_views", "uiTemplateImageViews");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "User interface for setting image views output options");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "image_settings", "ImageFormatSettings", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_movieclip", "uiTemplateMovieClip");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item(s). User interface for selecting movie clips and their source paths");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "compact", false, "", "Use more compact layout");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_track", "uiTemplateTrack");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A movie-track widget to preview tracking image.");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_marker", "uiTemplateMarker");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A widget to control single marker settings.");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "clip_user", "MovieClipUser", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "track", "MovieTrackingTrack", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	RNA_def_boolean(func, "compact", false, "", "Use more compact layout");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_movieclip_information", "uiTemplateMovieclipInformation");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Movie clip information data.");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "clip_user", "MovieClipUser", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_list", "uiTemplateList");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A list widget to display data, e.g. vertexgroups.");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "listtype_name", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of the list type to use");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "list_id", NULL, 0, "",
	                      "Identifier of this list widget (mandatory when using default \"" UI_UL_DEFAULT_CLASS_NAME
	                      "\" class). "
	                      "If this is set, the uilist gets a custom ID, otherwise it takes the "
	                      "name of the class used to define the uilist (for example, if the "
	                      "class name is \"OBJECT_UL_vgroups\", and list_id is not set by the "
	                      "script, then bl_idname = \"OBJECT_UL_vgroups\")");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "dataptr", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take the Collection property");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "propname", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of the Collection property in data");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "active_dataptr", "AnyType", "",
	                       "Data from which to take the integer property, index of the active item");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "active_propname", NULL, 0, "",
	                      "Identifier of the integer property in active_data, index of the active item");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_string(func, "item_dyntip_propname", NULL, 0, "",
	               "Identifier of a string property in items, to use as tooltip content");
	RNA_def_int(func, "rows", 5, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Default and minimum number of rows to display", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_int(func, "maxrows", 5, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Default maximum number of rows to display", 0, INT_MAX);
	RNA_def_enum(func, "type", uilist_layout_type_items, UILST_LAYOUT_DEFAULT, "Type", "Type of layout to use");
	RNA_def_int(func, "columns", 9, 0, INT_MAX, "", "Number of items to display per row, for GRID layout", 0, INT_MAX);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_running_jobs", "uiTemplateRunningJobs");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

	RNA_def_function(srna, "template_operator_search", "uiTemplateOperatorSearch");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_header_3D", "uiTemplateHeader3D");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_edit_mode_selection", "uiTemplateEditModeSelection");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_reports_banner", "uiTemplateReportsBanner");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_node_link", "uiTemplateNodeLink");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "ntree", "NodeTree", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "node", "Node", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "socket", "NodeSocket", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_node_view", "uiTemplateNodeView");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "ntree", "NodeTree", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "node", "Node", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "socket", "NodeSocket", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_texture_user", "uiTemplateTextureUser");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_keymap_item_properties", "uiTemplateKeymapItemProperties");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "item", "KeyMapItem", "", "");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR | PROP_NEVER_NULL);

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_component_menu", "uiTemplateComponentMenu");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. Display expanded property in a popup menu");
	parm = RNA_def_pointer(func, "data", "AnyType", "", "Data from which to take property");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED | PROP_RNAPTR);
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "property", NULL, 0, "", "Identifier of property in data");
	RNA_def_property_flag(parm, PROP_REQUIRED);
	RNA_def_string(func, "name", NULL, 0, "", "");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "introspect", "uiLayoutIntrospect");
	parm = RNA_def_string(func, "string", NULL, 1024 * 1024, "Descr", "DESCR");
	RNA_def_function_return(func, parm);

	/* color management templates */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_colorspace_settings", "uiTemplateColorspaceSettings");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A widget to control input color space settings.");

	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_colormanaged_view_settings", "uiTemplateColormanagedViewSettings");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Item. A widget to control color managed view settings settings.");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	/* RNA_def_boolean(func, "show_global_settings", false, "", "Show widgets to control global color management settings"); */

	/* node socket icon */
	func = RNA_def_function(srna, "template_node_socket", "uiTemplateNodeSocket");
	RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Node Socket Icon");
	RNA_def_function_flag(func, FUNC_USE_CONTEXT);
	RNA_def_float_array(func, "color", 4, node_socket_color_default, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Color", "", 0.0f, 1.0f);