int main(int ac, char *av[]) { int r; unsigned int IV[4]; unsigned int m0[32]; unsigned int m1[32]; int c; int count; FILE *fin; FILE *fout; callback_t *cb = &progress_printer; unsigned int seed = time(NULL) ^ (getpid() << 16); /* command line options */ int iv_only = 0; char *collisionfile = NULL; char *goodfile = NULL; char *evilfile = NULL; char *infile = NULL; while ((c = getopt_long(ac, av, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': usage(stdout); exit(0); break; case 'V': version(stdout); exit(0); break; case 'L': license(stdout); exit(0); break; case 'i': iv_only = 1; break; case 'c': collisionfile = optarg; break; case 'g': goodfile = optarg; break; case 'e': evilfile = optarg; break; case 's': seed = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Try --help for more information.\n"); exit(1); break; } } count = ac-optind; if (count < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "No filename given. Try --help for more information.\n"); exit(1); } else if (count > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many filenames given. Try --help for more information.\n"); exit(1); } infile = av[optind]; if (!goodfile && !evilfile) { goodfile = append_string(infile, ".good"); evilfile = append_string(infile, ".evil"); } if (!collisionfile) { fin = fopen(infile, "rb"); if (!fin) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", NAME, infile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } r = find_iv(fin, IV); fclose(fin); if (r == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: no crib found.\n", NAME, infile); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "Initial vector: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", IV[0], IV[1], IV[2], IV[3]); if (iv_only) { return 0; } fprintf(stdout, "Searching for MD5 collision (this can take several hours)...\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Random seed: %u\n", seed); srandom(seed); md5coll_with_iv(IV, m0, m1, cb); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Collision blocks:\n"); write_collision_file(stdout, m0, m1); } else { fin = fopen(collisionfile, "r"); if (!fin) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", NAME, collisionfile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } r = read_collision_file(fin, m0, m1); fclose(fin); if (r != 64) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: bad file format, %d of 64 values read\n", NAME, collisionfile, r); exit(1); } } if (goodfile) { fin = fopen(infile, "rb"); if (!fin) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", NAME, infile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } fout = fopen(goodfile, "wb"); if (!fout) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", NAME, goodfile, strerror(errno)); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Writing 'good' file %s.\n", goodfile); r = evilize(fin, fout, m1, m1); if (r) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: not a valid template file, crib not found\n", NAME, infile); exit(1); } fclose(fout); } fclose(fin); } if (evilfile) { fin = fopen(infile, "rb"); if (!fin) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", NAME, infile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } fout = fopen(evilfile, "wb"); if (!fout) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", NAME, evilfile, strerror(errno)); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Writing 'evil' file %s.\n", evilfile); r = evilize(fin, fout, m0, m1); if (r) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: not a valid template file, crib not found\n", NAME, infile); exit(1); } fclose(fout); } fclose(fin); } return 0; }
void fuzzy_time_to_words(int hours, int minutes, char* words, size_t length) { int fuzzy_hours = hours; int fuzzy_minutes = ((minutes + 2) / 5) * 5; // Handle hour & minute roll-over. if (fuzzy_minutes > 55) { fuzzy_minutes = 0; fuzzy_hours += 1; if (fuzzy_hours > 23) { fuzzy_hours = 0; } } if (fuzzy_minutes > 30) { fuzzy_hours = (fuzzy_hours + 1) % 24; } size_t remaining = length; memset(words, 0, length); if (fuzzy_hours == 0 && fuzzy_minutes == 0) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_MIDNIGHT); } else if (fuzzy_hours == 12 && fuzzy_minutes == 0) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_NOON); } else if (fuzzy_hours % 12 == 0) { remaining -= append_number(words, 12); } else { remaining -= append_number(words, fuzzy_hours % 12); } if (fuzzy_minutes != 0 && (fuzzy_minutes >= 10 || fuzzy_minutes == 5 || fuzzy_hours == 0 || fuzzy_hours == 12)) { if (fuzzy_minutes == 15) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_AFTER); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_QUARTER); } else if (fuzzy_minutes == 45) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_TO); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_QUARTER); } else if (fuzzy_minutes == 30) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_PAST); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_HALF); } else if (fuzzy_minutes < 30) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_AFTER); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_number(words, fuzzy_minutes); } else { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_TO); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_number(words, 60 - fuzzy_minutes); } } if (fuzzy_minutes == 0 && !(fuzzy_hours == 0 || fuzzy_hours == 12)) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STR_OH_CLOCK); } }
void fuzzy_time_to_words(int hours, int minutes, char* words1, char* words2, char* words3, size_t length) { size_t remaining1 = length; size_t remaining2 = length; size_t remaining3 = length; memset(words1, 0, length); memset(words2,0,length); memset(words3,0,length); if (minutes == 0) { if (hours == 0) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "mitter-"); remaining2 -=append_string(words2,remaining2,"nacht"); } else { remaining1-=append_string(words1,remaining1,"genau"); if (hours % 12 == 1) { remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "ein"); } else { remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, STUNDEN[hours % 12]); } remaining3 -= append_string(words3, remaining3, "uhr"); } return; }; if (minutes <= 2) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "kurz"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"nach"); } else if (minutes <= 7) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "fünf"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"nach"); } else if (minutes <= 12) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "zehn"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"nach"); } else if (minutes <= 17) { remaining1-= append_string(words1, remaining1, "viertel"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"nach"); } else if (minutes <= 22) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "zwanzig"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"nach"); } else if (minutes <= 27) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "fünf"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"vor "); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"hb"); } else if (minutes <= 28) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "kurz"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"vor "); remaining2 -= append_string(words2,remaining2,"hb"); } else if (minutes <= 30) { remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "halb"); } else if (minutes <= 32) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "kurz"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "nach "); remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "hb"); } else if (minutes <= 37) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "fünf"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "nach "); remaining2-= append_string(words2, remaining2, "hb"); } else if (minutes <= 42) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "zwanzig"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "vor"); } else if (minutes <= 47) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "viertel"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "vor"); } else if (minutes <= 52) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "zehn"); remaining2-= append_string(words2, remaining2, "vor"); } else if (minutes <= 57) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "fünf"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "vor"); } else if (minutes <= 58) { remaining1 -= append_string(words1, remaining1, "kurz"); remaining2 -= append_string(words2, remaining2, "vor"); } if (minutes < 23) { remaining3 -= append_string(words3, remaining3, STUNDEN[hours % 12]); } else { remaining3 -= append_string(words3, remaining3, STUNDEN[(hours+1) % 12]); } }
void Inspect::operator()(Parent_Selector* p) { append_string("&"); }
template_t * template_load(const char *filename) { struct template_chunk *chunk; FILE *f; char *buf = NULL, *q; size_t buf_len, line; template_t *tpl = NULL; int c; char entity[128], *e = NULL; RUNTIME_ASSERT(filename != NULL); f = safer_fopen(filename, SAFER_FOPEN_RD); if (!f) { WARN("could not open \"%s\": %s", filename, compat_strerror(errno)); goto failure; } tpl = calloc(1, sizeof *tpl); if (!tpl) { CRIT("Out of memory"); goto failure; } tpl->chunks = NULL; buf_len = 4096; buf = calloc(1, buf_len); if (!buf) { CRIT("Out of memory"); goto failure; } for (line = 1; /* NOTHING */; line++) { char *p; p = fgets(buf, buf_len, f); if (!p) { if (!ferror(f)) break; CRIT("fgets() failed: %s", compat_strerror(errno)); goto failure; } q = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (!q) { CRIT("Line too long or unterminated: \"%s\"", buf); goto failure; } while (isspace((unsigned char) *q)) { *q = '\0'; if (q == buf) break; q--; } if (q == buf && *q == '\0') break; if (line == 1 && 0 == strncmp(buf, "HTTP/", sizeof "HTTP/" - 1)) { uint64_t code; char *endptr; int error; struct http_response hres; size_t size; snode_t *sn; p = strchr(buf, ' '); if (!p) { WARN("Invalid HTTP response: \"%s\"", buf); goto failure; } p = skip_spaces(p); code = parse_uint64(p, &endptr, 10, &error); if (code < 100 || code > 999) { WARN("Invalid HTTP result code: \"%s\"", buf); goto failure; } p = skip_spaces(endptr); hres.code = code; size = sizeof hres.msg; append_string(hres.msg, &size, p); RUNTIME_ASSERT(hres.msg == (char *) &hres); chunk = template_raw_chunk_new(chunk_http_response, (char *) &hres, sizeof hres); if (NULL == (sn = snode_new(chunk))) { CRIT("snode_new() failed"); goto failure; } tpl->chunks = snode_prepend(tpl->chunks, sn); } else { size_t len; snode_t *sn; if (!isalpha((unsigned char) buf[0]) || NULL == strchr(buf, ':')) { WARN("Invalid HTTP header: \"%s\"", buf); goto failure; } for (p = buf; (c = (unsigned char) *p) != ':'; ++p) if (!isalpha(c) && c != '-') { WARN("Invalid character HTTP in header name: \"%s\"", buf); goto failure; } len = strlen(buf) + 1; chunk = template_raw_chunk_new(chunk_http_header, buf, len); if (NULL == (sn = snode_new(chunk))) { CRIT("snode_new() failed"); goto failure; } tpl->chunks = snode_prepend(tpl->chunks, sn); } } if (feof(f)) { tpl->chunks = snode_reverse(tpl->chunks); return tpl; } q = buf; e = NULL; for (;;) { c = fgetc(f); if (c == EOF) { if (!ferror(f)) break; CRIT("fgetc() failed: %s", compat_strerror(errno)); goto failure; } if ((size_t) (q - buf) >= buf_len) { char *n; buf_len += 4096; n = realloc(buf, buf_len); if (!n) { CRIT("Out of memory"); goto failure; } q = &n[q - buf]; buf = n; } *q++ = c; if (c == ';' && e != NULL) { RUNTIME_ASSERT(e >= entity && e < &entity[sizeof entity]); *e = '\0'; chunk = template_chunk_new(entity); if (chunk) { struct template_chunk *data; size_t data_len; snode_t *sn; data_len = (q - buf) - strlen(entity) - 2; RUNTIME_ASSERT(data_len <= INT_MAX); if (data_len > 0) { data = template_raw_chunk_new(chunk_data, buf, data_len); if (NULL == (sn = snode_new(data))) { CRIT("snode_new() failed"); goto failure; } tpl->chunks = snode_prepend(tpl->chunks, sn); buf_len = 4096; buf = calloc(1, buf_len); if (!buf) { CRIT("Out of memory"); goto failure; } } q = buf; if (NULL == (sn = snode_new(chunk))) { CRIT("snode_new() failed"); goto failure; } tpl->chunks = snode_prepend(tpl->chunks, sn); } e = NULL; } if (e) { bool b = isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_'; if (b && e < &entity[sizeof entity - 1]) { *e++ = c; } else { e = NULL; } } if (c == '&') { e = entity; } } fclose(f); f = NULL; if (q != buf) { snode_t *sn; chunk = template_raw_chunk_new(chunk_data, buf, q - buf); if (NULL == (sn = snode_new(chunk))) { CRIT("snode_new() failed"); goto failure; } tpl->chunks = snode_prepend(tpl->chunks, sn); } DO_FREE(buf); tpl->chunks = snode_reverse(tpl->chunks); #if 0 { size_t n = 0; snode_t *sn = tpl->chunks; while (sn) { struct gwc_data_chunk *data = sn->ptr; DBUG("data->type=%d; data->buf=%p; data->size=%d", (int) data->type, data->buf, (int) data->size); sn = sn->next; n += data->size; } DBUG("n=%d", (int) n); } #endif return tpl; failure: CRIT("Loading data template from \"%s\" failed.", filename); if (f) { fclose(f); f = NULL; } DO_FREE(buf); if (tpl) { while (tpl->chunks != NULL) { snode_t *sn = tpl->chunks->next; DO_FREE(tpl->chunks); tpl->chunks = sn; } DO_FREE(tpl); } return NULL; }
/* Standart behaviour: if malformed or missing subtitle id - calculate, continue. if malformer or missing timing - skip event competely, text without timing is useless. if missing text - skip event, empty event also useless. */ bool parse_srt_file(FILE *infile, srt_file * const file) { char line[MAXLINE] = ""; char text_buf[MAXLINE] = ""; int s_len = 0; bool skip_event = false; uint16_t parsed = 0; /* num events parsed */ uint8_t t_detect = 3; /* number of first timing strings to analyze */ srt_event *event = (srt_event *) 0; srt_event **elist_tail = &file->events; if (!infile) return false; curr_line = unknown; while(!feof(infile)) { fgets(line, MAXLINE, infile); line_num++; /* unicode handle */ if (line_num == 1) charset_type = unicode_check(line, 0); prev_line = curr_line; curr_line = unknown; trim_newline(line); log_msg(raw, "%s", line); trim_spaces(line, LINE_START | LINE_END); s_len = strlen(line); if (s_len == 0) curr_line = blank; else if (strstr(line, "-->")) curr_line = timing; else if (prev_line == blank || prev_line == unknown) curr_line = id; /* at least, expected */ else /* prev_line == timing*/ curr_line = text; /* also expected */ if (feof(infile)) curr_line = blank; if (feof(infile) && s_len != 0) { log_msg(warn, MSG_F_UNEXPEOF, line_num); if (prev_line == text) append_string(text_buf, line, "\n", MAXLINE, 0); else strncpy(text_buf, line, MAXLINE); } log_msg(debug, "Line type: %i", curr_line); if (curr_line == id || (curr_line == timing && prev_line == blank)) { CALLOC(event, 1, sizeof(srt_event)); memset(text_buf, 0x0, MAXLINE); if (curr_line != id) { log_msg(warn, _("Missing subtitle id at line '%u'."), line_num); event->id = ++parsed; } } if (prev_line == timing && curr_line == blank) { log_msg(warn, _("Empty subtitle text at line %u. Event will be skipped."), line_num); skip_event = true; } if (prev_line == id && curr_line == blank) { log_msg(warn, _("Lonely subtitle id without timing or text. :-(")); skip_event = true; } switch (curr_line) { case id : /* See header for comments */ event->id = ++parsed; /* if ((event->id = atoi(line)) != 0) parsed++; */ break; case timing : if (t_detect-- && !(file->flags & SRT_E_STRICT)) analyze_srt_timing(line, &file->flags); skip_event = !parse_srt_timing(event, line, &file->flags); if (event->start > event->end) { log_msg(warn, _("Negative duration of event at line '%u'. Event will be skipped."), line_num); skip_event = true; } /*printf("%f --> %f\n", event->start, event->end);*/ break; case text : /* TODO: wrapping handling here */ if (prev_line == text) append_string(text_buf, line, "\n", MAXLINE, 0); else strncpy(text_buf, line, MAXLINE); break; case blank : if (!skip_event && prev_line != blank) { if ((event->text = strndup(text_buf, MAXLINE)) == NULL) log_msg(error, MSG_M_OOM); srt_event_append(&file->events, &elist_tail, event, opts.i_sort); memset(text_buf, 0, MAXLINE); } case unknown : default : continue; break; } if (skip_event) { /* clean parsed stuff & skip calloc() next time */ memset(event, 0, sizeof(srt_event)); memset(text_buf, 0, MAXLINE); parsed--; } } return true; /* if we reach this line, no error happens */ }
void Inspect::operator()(Binary_Expression* expr) { expr->left()->perform(this); switch (expr->type()) { case Sass_OP::AND: append_string(" and "); break; case Sass_OP::OR: append_string(" or "); break; case Sass_OP::EQ: append_string(" == "); break; case Sass_OP::NEQ: append_string(" != "); break; case Sass_OP::GT: append_string(" > "); break; case Sass_OP::GTE: append_string(" >= "); break; case Sass_OP::LT: append_string(" < "); break; case Sass_OP::LTE: append_string(" <= "); break; case Sass_OP::ADD: append_string(" + "); break; case Sass_OP::SUB: append_string(" - "); break; case Sass_OP::MUL: append_string(" * "); break; case Sass_OP::DIV: append_string(in_media_block ? " / " : "/"); break; case Sass_OP::MOD: append_string(" % "); break; default: break; // shouldn't get here } expr->right()->perform(this); }
int save_iptables(const char *table, char **conf, bool all_targets) { int pipefd_out[2]; int pipefd_err[2]; pid_t child_pid; int error = 0; assert(conf); child_pid = fork_with_pipes(pipefd_out, pipefd_err); if (child_pid < 0) { return error; } if (child_pid == 0) { /* child */ close(pipefd_out[0]); close(pipefd_err[0]); if (dup2(pipefd_out[1], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1 || dup2(pipefd_err[1], STDERR_FILENO) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } close(pipefd_out[1]); close(pipefd_err[1]); execl(IPTABLES_SAVE, "iptables-save", "-t", table, NULL); /* an error occured */ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } else { /* parent */ int status; pid_t ret; char *buffer = NULL; size_t buffer_size = 0, read_size = 0; ssize_t line_size; FILE *input = fdopen(pipefd_out[0], "r"); FILE *err = fdopen(pipefd_err[0], "r"); bool filtering = false; bool pre_found = false, out_found = false; fd_set fds, curfds; int max_fd, fd_count; if (!input || !err) { LOG_ERROR(nfqueue, "iptables-save: %s", errno_error(errno)); fclose(input); fclose(err); return errno; } close(pipefd_out[1]); close(pipefd_err[1]); pipefd_out[1] = fileno(input); pipefd_err[1] = fileno(err); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(pipefd_out[1], &fds); FD_SET(pipefd_err[1], &fds); max_fd = pipefd_out[1] > pipefd_err[1] ? pipefd_out[1] : pipefd_err[1]; fd_count = 2; while (fd_count > 0) { int rc; curfds = fds; rc = select(max_fd+1, &curfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc < 0) { LOG_ERROR(nfqueue, "iptables-save: %s", errno_error(errno)); free(buffer); fclose(input); fclose(err); return errno; } if (FD_ISSET(pipefd_err[1], &curfds)) { line_size = getline(&buffer, &buffer_size, err); if (line_size > 1) { buffer[line_size-1] = '\0'; LOG_INFO(nfqueue, "iptables-save: %s", buffer); } else { FD_CLR(pipefd_err[1], &fds); --fd_count; } } if (FD_ISSET(pipefd_out[1], &curfds)) { line_size = getline(&buffer, &buffer_size, input); if (line_size > 0) { if (filtering) { if (strcmp(buffer, "COMMIT\n") != 0) { /* * If all_targets is true, we only want to include the rule in the * targets HAKA_TARGET_PRE and HAKA_TARGET_OUT. So we need to filter * each line to only include those but being careful not to add the * line from another target that jump to one of the haka target * (ie. -A PREROUTING -j haka-pre) */ char *pattern, *current = buffer; bool skip = true; while (true) { if ((pattern = strstr(current, "-j " HAKA_TARGET))) { pattern += 3; /* Skip '-j ' */ if (check_haka_target(pattern, HAKA_TARGET_PRE) || check_haka_target(pattern, HAKA_TARGET_OUT)) { skip = true; break; } /* * Advance one more to avoid the next test case to match * (ie. pattern = strstr(current, HAKA_TARGET)) */ current = pattern+1; } else if ((pattern = strstr(current, HAKA_TARGET))) { if (check_haka_target(pattern, HAKA_TARGET_PRE)) { skip = false; pre_found = true; break; } else if (check_haka_target(pattern, HAKA_TARGET_OUT)) { skip = false; out_found = true; break; } current = pattern+1; } else { skip = true; break; } } if (!all_targets && skip) { continue; } } else { /* * The target HAKA_TARGET_PRE or HAKA_TARGET_OUT do not * exist. * In this case, iptables-restore will be unable to remove them. * As a workaround, we just install new empty targets to cleanup * Haka rules. This case only appears when the user sets the option * enable_iptables=no which is not the default. */ if (!pre_found) { if (!append_string(conf, &read_size, iptables_empty_haka_pre_target, -1)) { free(buffer); fclose(input); fclose(err); return ENOMEM; } } if (!out_found) { if (!append_string(conf, &read_size, iptables_empty_haka_out_target, -1)) { free(buffer); fclose(input); fclose(err); return ENOMEM; } } /* COMMIT and the text after it should not be skipped */ filtering = false; } } if (buffer[0] == '*') { filtering = true; } if (!append_string(conf, &read_size, buffer, line_size)) { free(buffer); fclose(input); fclose(err); return ENOMEM; } } else { FD_CLR(pipefd_out[1], &fds); --fd_count; } } } free(buffer); fclose(input); fclose(err); if (error) { free(*conf); *conf = NULL; return error; } /* Wait for the child to finish */ do { ret = waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); if (ret == -1) { free(*conf); *conf = NULL; return errno; } } while (!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status)); if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { free(*conf); *conf = NULL; return 1; } return 0; } }
char *build_uac_cancel(str *headers,str *body,struct cell *cancelledT, unsigned int branch, unsigned int *len) { char *cancel_buf, *p, *via; unsigned int via_len; char branch_buf[MAX_BRANCH_PARAM_LEN]; str branch_str; struct hostport hp; str content_length; LM_DBG("sing FROM=<%.*s>, TO=<%.*s>, CSEQ_N=<%.*s>\n", cancelledT->from.len, cancelledT->from.s, cancelledT->to.len, cancelledT->to.s, cancelledT->cseq_n.len, cancelledT->cseq_n.s); branch_str.s=branch_buf; if (!t_calc_branch(cancelledT, branch, branch_str.s, &branch_str.len )){ LM_ERR("failed to create branch !\n"); goto error; } set_hostport(&hp,0); via=via_builder(&via_len, cancelledT->uac[branch].request.dst.send_sock, &branch_str, 0, cancelledT->uac[branch].request.dst.proto, &hp ); if (!via){ LM_ERR("no via header got from builder\n"); goto error; } /* method, separators, version */ *len=CANCEL_LEN + 2 /* spaces */ +SIP_VERSION_LEN + CRLF_LEN; *len+=cancelledT->uac[branch].uri.len; /*via*/ *len+= via_len; /*From*/ *len+=cancelledT->from.len; /*To*/ *len+=cancelledT->to.len; /*CallId*/ *len+=cancelledT->callid.len; /*CSeq*/ *len+=cancelledT->cseq_n.len+1+CANCEL_LEN+CRLF_LEN; /* User Agent */ if (server_signature) { *len += USER_AGENT_LEN + CRLF_LEN; } /* Content Length */ if (print_content_length(&content_length, body) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to print content-length\n"); return 0; } /* Content-Length */ *len += (body ? (CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN + content_length.len + CRLF_LEN) : 0); /*Additional headers*/ *len += (headers ? headers->len : 0); /*EoM*/ *len+= CRLF_LEN; /* Message body */ *len += (body ? body->len : 0); cancel_buf=shm_malloc( *len+1 ); if (!cancel_buf) { LM_ERR("no more share memory\n"); goto error01; } p = cancel_buf; append_string( p, CANCEL, CANCEL_LEN ); *(p++) = ' '; append_string( p, cancelledT->uac[branch].uri.s, cancelledT->uac[branch].uri.len); append_string( p, " " SIP_VERSION CRLF, 1+SIP_VERSION_LEN+CRLF_LEN ); /* insert our via */ append_string(p,via,via_len); /*other headers*/ append_string( p, cancelledT->from.s, cancelledT->from.len ); append_string( p, cancelledT->callid.s, cancelledT->callid.len ); append_string( p, cancelledT->to.s, cancelledT->to.len ); append_string( p, cancelledT->cseq_n.s, cancelledT->cseq_n.len ); *(p++) = ' '; append_string( p, CANCEL, CANCEL_LEN ); append_string( p, CRLF, CRLF_LEN ); /* User Agent header */ if (server_signature) { append_string(p,USER_AGENT CRLF, USER_AGENT_LEN+CRLF_LEN ); } /* Content Length*/ if (body) { append_string(p, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN); append_string(p, content_length.s, content_length.len); append_string(p, CRLF, CRLF_LEN); } if(headers && headers->len){ append_string(p,headers->s,headers->len); } /*EoM*/ append_string(p,CRLF,CRLF_LEN); if(body && body->len){ append_string(p,body->s,body->len); } *p=0; pkg_free(via); return cancel_buf; error01: pkg_free(via); error: return NULL; }
void Output::operator()(Ruleset* r) { Selector* s = r->selector(); Block* b = r->block(); bool decls = false; // Filter out rulesets that aren't printable (process its children though) if (!Util::isPrintable(r, output_style())) { for (size_t i = 0, L = b->length(); i < L; ++i) { Statement* stm = (*b)[i]; if (dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(stm)) { stm->perform(this); } } return; } if (b->has_non_hoistable()) { decls = true; if (output_style() == SASS_STYLE_NESTED) indentation += r->tabs(); if (ctx && ctx->c_options->source_comments) { std::stringstream ss; append_indentation(); ss << "/* line " << r->pstate().line + 1 << ", " << r->pstate().path << " */"; append_string(ss.str()); append_optional_linefeed(); } s->perform(this); append_scope_opener(b); for (size_t i = 0, L = b->length(); i < L; ++i) { Statement* stm = (*b)[i]; bool bPrintExpression = true; // Check print conditions if (typeid(*stm) == typeid(Declaration)) { Declaration* dec = static_cast<Declaration*>(stm); if (dec->value()->concrete_type() == Expression::STRING) { String_Constant* valConst = static_cast<String_Constant*>(dec->value()); std::string val(valConst->value()); if (auto qstr = dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(valConst)) { if (!qstr->quote_mark() && val.empty()) { bPrintExpression = false; } } } else if (dec->value()->concrete_type() == Expression::LIST) { List* list = static_cast<List*>(dec->value()); bool all_invisible = true; for (size_t list_i = 0, list_L = list->length(); list_i < list_L; ++list_i) { Expression* item = (*list)[list_i]; if (!item->is_invisible()) all_invisible = false; } if (all_invisible) bPrintExpression = false; } } // Print if OK if (!stm->is_hoistable() && bPrintExpression) { stm->perform(this); } } if (output_style() == SASS_STYLE_NESTED) indentation -= r->tabs(); append_scope_closer(b); } if (b->has_hoistable()) { if (decls) ++indentation; for (size_t i = 0, L = b->length(); i < L; ++i) { Statement* stm = (*b)[i]; if (stm->is_hoistable()) { stm->perform(this); } } if (decls) --indentation; } }
int _hx509_Name_to_string(const Name *n, char **str) { size_t total_len = 0; int i, j, ret; *str = strdup(""); if (*str == NULL) return ENOMEM; for (i = n->u.rdnSequence.len - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { int len; for (j = 0; j < n->u.rdnSequence.val[i].len; j++) { DirectoryString *ds = &n->u.rdnSequence.val[i].val[j].value; char *oidname; char *ss; oidname = oidtostring(&n->u.rdnSequence.val[i].val[j].type); switch(ds->element) { case choice_DirectoryString_ia5String: ss = ds->u.ia5String; break; case choice_DirectoryString_printableString: ss = ds->u.printableString; break; case choice_DirectoryString_utf8String: ss = ds->u.utf8String; break; case choice_DirectoryString_bmpString: { const uint16_t *bmp = ds->; size_t bmplen = ds->u.bmpString.length; size_t k; ret = wind_ucs2utf8_length(bmp, bmplen, &k); if (ret) return ret; ss = malloc(k + 1); if (ss == NULL) _hx509_abort("allocation failure"); /* XXX */ ret = wind_ucs2utf8(bmp, bmplen, ss, NULL); if (ret) { free(ss); return ret; } ss[k] = '\0'; break; } case choice_DirectoryString_teletexString: ss = malloc(ds->u.teletexString.length + 1); if (ss == NULL) _hx509_abort("allocation failure"); /* XXX */ memcpy(ss, ds->, ds->u.teletexString.length); ss[ds->u.teletexString.length] = '\0'; break; case choice_DirectoryString_universalString: { const uint32_t *uni = ds->; size_t unilen = ds->u.universalString.length; size_t k; ret = wind_ucs4utf8_length(uni, unilen, &k); if (ret) return ret; ss = malloc(k + 1); if (ss == NULL) _hx509_abort("allocation failure"); /* XXX */ ret = wind_ucs4utf8(uni, unilen, ss, NULL); if (ret) { free(ss); return ret; } ss[k] = '\0'; break; } default: _hx509_abort("unknown directory type: %d", ds->element); exit(1); } append_string(str, &total_len, oidname, strlen(oidname), 0); free(oidname); append_string(str, &total_len, "=", 1, 0); len = strlen(ss); append_string(str, &total_len, ss, len, 1); if (ds->element == choice_DirectoryString_universalString || ds->element == choice_DirectoryString_bmpString || ds->element == choice_DirectoryString_teletexString) { free(ss); } if (j + 1 < n->u.rdnSequence.val[i].len) append_string(str, &total_len, "+", 1, 0); } if (i > 0) append_string(str, &total_len, ",", 1, 0); } return 0; }
static bool append_string(char*& path, size_t& bytesLeft, const char* toAppend) { return append_string(path, bytesLeft, toAppend, strlen(toAppend)); }
static char *print_script(widechar *buffer, int length) { static char script[BUFSIZE]; int i = 0; int j = 0; int action = 0; while (i < length) { switch (buffer[i]) { case pass_first: case pass_last: case pass_not: case pass_startReplace: case pass_endReplace: case pass_search: case pass_copy: case pass_omit: append_char(script, &j, buffer[i++]); break; case pass_lookback: append_char(script, &j, buffer[i++]); if (buffer[i] > 1) append_string(script, &j, print_number(buffer[i++])); break; case pass_string: append_char(script, &j, buffer[i]); append_string(script, &j, print_chars(&buffer[i+2], buffer[i+1])); append_char(script, &j, buffer[i]); i += (2 + buffer[i+1]); break; case pass_dots: append_char(script, &j, buffer[i++]); append_string(script, &j, print_dots(&buffer[i+1], buffer[i])); i += (1 + buffer[i]); break; case pass_eq: case pass_lt: case pass_gt: case pass_lteq: case pass_gteq: append_char(script, &j, '#'); append_string(script, &j, print_number(buffer[i+1])); append_char(script, &j, buffer[i]); append_string(script, &j, print_number(buffer[i+2])); i += 3; break; case pass_hyphen: case pass_plus: append_char(script, &j, '#'); append_string(script, &j, print_number(buffer[i+1])); append_char(script, &j, buffer[i]); i += 2; break; case pass_attributes: append_char(script, &j, buffer[i]); append_string(script, &j, print_attributes(buffer[i+1] << 16 | buffer[i+2])); i += 3; if (buffer[i] == 1 && buffer[i+1] == 1) {} else if (buffer[i] == 1 && buffer[i+1] == 0xffff) append_char(script, &j, pass_until); else if (buffer[i] == buffer[i+1]) append_string(script, &j, print_number(buffer[i])); else { append_string(script, &j, print_number(buffer[i])); append_char(script, &j, '-'); append_string(script, &j, print_number(buffer[i+1])); } i += 2; break; case pass_endTest: append_char(script, &j, '\t'); action = 1; i++; break; case pass_swap: case pass_groupstart: case pass_groupend: case pass_groupreplace: /* TBD */ default: i++; break; }} script[j] = 0; return script; }
/** * mnt_table_append_trailing_comment: * @tb: pointer to tab * @comm: comment of NULL * * Appends to the trailing table comment. * * Returns: 0 on success or negative number in case of error. */ int mnt_table_append_trailing_comment(struct libmnt_table *tb, const char *comm) { if (!tb) return -EINVAL; return append_string(&tb->comm_tail, comm); }
void Emitter::append_comma_separator() { // scheduled_space = 0; append_string(","); append_optional_space(); }
/* Build a local request based on a previous request; the only customers of this function are local ACK and local CANCEL */ char *build_local(struct cell *Trans,unsigned int branch, str *method, str *extra, struct sip_msg* rpl, unsigned int *len) { char *cancel_buf, *p, *via; unsigned int via_len; struct hdr_field *buf_hdrs; struct hdr_field *hdr; struct sip_msg *req; char branch_buf[MAX_BRANCH_PARAM_LEN]; str branch_str; struct hostport hp; str from; str to; str cseq_n; req = Trans->uas.request; cseq_n = Trans->cseq_n; buf_hdrs = 0; if (rpl && rpl!=FAKED_REPLY) { /* take from and to hdrs from reply */ to.s = rpl->to->name.s; to.len = rpl->to->len; from.s = rpl->from->name.s; from.len = rpl->from->len; } else { to = Trans->to; from = Trans->from; if (req && req->msg_flags&(FL_USE_UAC_FROM|FL_USE_UAC_TO)) { if ( extract_hdrs( Trans->uac[branch].request.buffer.s, Trans->uac[branch].request.buffer.len, (req->msg_flags&FL_USE_UAC_FROM)?&from:0 , (req->msg_flags&FL_USE_UAC_TO)?&to:0 , 0 )!=0 ) { LM_ERR("build_local: failed to extract UAC hdrs\n"); goto error; } } } LM_DBG("using FROM=<%.*s>, TO=<%.*s>, CSEQ_N=<%.*s>\n", from.len,from.s , to.len,to.s , cseq_n.len,cseq_n.s); /* method, separators, version */ *len=SIP_VERSION_LEN + method->len + 2 /* spaces */ + CRLF_LEN; *len+=Trans->uac[branch].uri.len; /*via*/ branch_str.s=branch_buf; if (!t_calc_branch(Trans, branch, branch_str.s, &branch_str.len )) goto error; set_hostport(&hp, (is_local(Trans))?0:req); via=via_builder(&via_len, Trans->uac[branch].request.dst.send_sock, &branch_str, 0, Trans->uac[branch].request.dst.proto, &hp ); if (!via){ LM_ERR("no via header got from builder\n"); goto error; } *len+= via_len; /*headers*/ *len+=from.len+Trans->callid.len+to.len+cseq_n.len+1+method->len+CRLF_LEN; /* copy'n'paste Route headers that were sent out */ if (!is_local(Trans) && ( (req && req->route) || /* at least one route was received*/ (Trans->uac[branch].path_vec.len!=0)) ) /* path was forced */ { buf_hdrs = extract_parsed_hdrs(Trans->uac[branch].request.buffer.s, Trans->uac[branch].request.buffer.len ); if (buf_hdrs==NULL) { LM_ERR("failed to reparse the request buffer\n"); goto error01; } for ( hdr=buf_hdrs ; hdr ; hdr=hdr->next ) if (hdr->type==HDR_ROUTE_T) *len+=hdr->len; } /* User Agent */ if (server_signature) { *len += user_agent_header.len + CRLF_LEN; } /* Content Length, MaxFwd, EoM */ *len+=LOCAL_MAXFWD_HEADER_LEN + CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN+1 + (extra?extra->len:0) + (Trans->extra_hdrs.s?Trans->extra_hdrs.len:0) + CRLF_LEN + CRLF_LEN; cancel_buf=shm_malloc( *len+1 ); if (!cancel_buf) { LM_ERR("no more share memory\n"); goto error02; } p = cancel_buf; append_string( p, method->s, method->len ); *(p++) = ' '; append_string( p, Trans->uac[branch].uri.s, Trans->uac[branch].uri.len); append_string( p, " " SIP_VERSION CRLF, 1+SIP_VERSION_LEN+CRLF_LEN ); /* insert our via */ append_string(p,via,via_len); /*other headers*/ append_string( p, from.s, from.len ); append_string( p, Trans->callid.s, Trans->callid.len ); append_string( p, to.s, to.len ); append_string( p, cseq_n.s, cseq_n.len ); *(p++) = ' '; append_string( p, method->s, method->len ); append_string( p, CRLF LOCAL_MAXFWD_HEADER, CRLF_LEN+LOCAL_MAXFWD_HEADER_LEN ); /* add Route hdrs (if any) */ for ( hdr=buf_hdrs ; hdr ; hdr=hdr->next ) if(hdr->type==HDR_ROUTE_T) { append_string(p, hdr->name.s, hdr->len ); } if (extra) append_string(p, extra->s, extra->len ); if (Trans->extra_hdrs.s) append_string(p, Trans->extra_hdrs.s, Trans->extra_hdrs.len ); /* User Agent header, Content Length, EoM */ if (server_signature) { append_string(p, user_agent_header.s, user_agent_header.len); append_string(p, CRLF CONTENT_LENGTH "0" CRLF CRLF , CRLF_LEN+CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN+1 + CRLF_LEN + CRLF_LEN); } else { append_string(p, CONTENT_LENGTH "0" CRLF CRLF , CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN+1 + CRLF_LEN + CRLF_LEN); } *p=0; pkg_free(via); free_hdr_field_lst(buf_hdrs); return cancel_buf; error02: free_hdr_field_lst(buf_hdrs); error01: pkg_free(via); error: return NULL; }
void Emitter::append_colon_separator() { scheduled_space = 0; append_string(":"); append_optional_space(); }
/* * The function creates an ACK for a local INVITE. If 200 OK, route set * will be created and parsed */ char *build_dlg_ack(struct sip_msg* rpl, struct cell *Trans, unsigned int branch, str* to, unsigned int *len) { char *req_buf, *p, *via; unsigned int via_len; char branch_buf[MAX_BRANCH_PARAM_LEN]; int branch_len; str branch_str; struct hostport hp; struct rte* list; str contact, ruri, *cont; struct socket_info* send_sock; str next_hop; if (rpl->first_line.u.reply.statuscode < 300 ) { /* build e2e ack for 2xx reply -> we need the route set */ if (get_contact_uri(rpl, &contact) < 0) { return 0; } if (process_routeset(rpl, &contact, &list, &ruri, &next_hop) < 0) { return 0; } if ((contact.s != ruri.s) || (contact.len != ruri.len)) { /* contact != ruri means that the next * hop is a strict router, cont will be non-zero * and print_routeset will append it at the end * of the route set */ cont = &contact; } else { /* Next hop is a loose router, nothing to append */ cont = 0; } } else { /* build hop-by-hop ack for negative reply -> * ruri is the same as in INVITE; no route set */ ruri = Trans->uac[branch].uri; cont = 0; list = 0; } /* method, separators, version: "ACK sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0" */ *len = SIP_VERSION_LEN + ACK_LEN + 2 /* spaces */ + CRLF_LEN; *len += ruri.len; /* use same socket as for INVITE -bogdan */ send_sock = Trans->uac[branch].request.dst.send_sock; if (!t_calc_branch(Trans, branch, branch_buf, &branch_len)) goto error; branch_str.s = branch_buf; branch_str.len = branch_len; set_hostport(&hp, 0); /* build via */ via = via_builder(&via_len, send_sock, &branch_str, 0, send_sock->proto, &hp); if (!via) { LM_ERR("no via header got from builder\n"); goto error; } *len+= via_len; /*headers*/ *len += Trans->from.len + Trans->callid.len + to->len + Trans->cseq_n.len + 1 + ACK_LEN + CRLF_LEN; /* copy'n'paste Route headers */ *len += calc_routeset_len(list, cont); /* User Agent */ if (server_signature) *len += user_agent_header.len + CRLF_LEN; /* Content Length, EoM */ *len += CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN + 1 + CRLF_LEN + CRLF_LEN; req_buf = shm_malloc(*len + 1); if (!req_buf) { LM_ERR("no more share memory\n"); goto error01; } p = req_buf; append_string( p, ACK " ", ACK_LEN+1 ); append_string(p, ruri.s, ruri.len ); append_string( p, " " SIP_VERSION CRLF, 1 + SIP_VERSION_LEN + CRLF_LEN); /* insert our via */ append_string(p, via, via_len); /*other headers*/ append_string(p, Trans->from.s, Trans->from.len); append_string(p, Trans->callid.s, Trans->callid.len); append_string(p, to->s, to->len); append_string(p, Trans->cseq_n.s, Trans->cseq_n.len); *(p++) = ' '; append_string(p, ACK CRLF, ACK_LEN+CRLF_LEN); /* Routeset */ p = print_rs(p, list, cont); /* User Agent header, Content Length, EoM */ if (server_signature) { append_string(p, user_agent_header.s, user_agent_header.len); append_string(p, CRLF CONTENT_LENGTH "0" CRLF CRLF, CRLF_LEN+CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN + 1 + CRLF_LEN + CRLF_LEN); } else { append_string(p, CONTENT_LENGTH "0" CRLF CRLF, CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN + 1 + CRLF_LEN + CRLF_LEN); } *p = 0; pkg_free(via); free_rte_list(list); return req_buf; error01: pkg_free(via); error: free_rte_list(list); return 0; }
void fuzzy_time_to_words(int hours, int minutes, char* words, size_t length) { size_t remaining = length; memset(words, 0, length); if (minutes == 0) { if (hours == 0) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "mitter- nacht"); } else { if (hours % 12 == 1) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "ein"); } else { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STUNDEN[hours % 12]); } remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " uhr"); if (hours < 5 || hours > 21) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " nachts"); } else if ( hours < 12) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " morgens"); } else if ( hours < 13) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " mittags"); } else if ( hours < 18) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " nach- mittags"); } else { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " abends"); } } return; }; if (minutes <= 3) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "kurz nach"); } else if (minutes <= 8) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "fünf nach"); } else if (minutes <= 12) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "zehn nach"); } else if (minutes <= 17) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "viertel nach"); } else if (minutes <= 22) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "zwanzig nach"); } else if (minutes <= 28) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "fünf vor halb"); } else if (minutes <= 29) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "kurz vor halb"); } else if (minutes <= 30) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "halb"); } else if (minutes <= 32) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "kurz nach halb"); } else if (minutes <= 37) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "fünf nach halb"); } else if (minutes <= 43) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "zwanzig vor"); } else if (minutes <= 48) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "viertel vor"); } else if (minutes <= 53) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "zehn vor"); } else if (minutes <= 57) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "fünf vor"); } else if (minutes <= 59) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "kurz vor"); } remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); if (minutes < 23) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STUNDEN[hours % 12]); } else { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, STUNDEN[(hours+1) % 12]); } }
/* * Print Call-ID header field * created an extra function for pure header field creation, that is used by t_cancel for * t_uac_cancel FIFO function. */ char* print_callid_mini(char* target, str callid) { append_string(target, CALLID, CALLID_LEN); append_string(target, callid.s, callid.len); append_string(target, CRLF, CRLF_LEN); return target; }
void Inspect::operator()(Unary_Expression* expr) { if (expr->type() == Unary_Expression::PLUS) append_string("+"); else append_string("-"); expr->operand()->perform(this); }
/* * Create a request */ char* build_uac_req(str* method, str* headers, str* body, dlg_t* dialog, int branch, struct cell *t, int* len) { char* buf, *w; str content_length, cseq, via; if (!method || !dialog) { LM_ERR("inalid parameter value\n"); return 0; } if (print_content_length(&content_length, body) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to print content-length\n"); return 0; } if (print_cseq_num(&cseq, dialog) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to print CSeq number\n"); return 0; } *len = method->len + 1 + dialog->hooks.request_uri->len + 1 + SIP_VERSION_LEN + CRLF_LEN; if (assemble_via(&via, t, dialog->send_sock, branch) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to assemble Via\n"); return 0; } *len += via.len; /* To */ *len += TO_LEN + (dialog->rem_dname.len ? dialog->rem_dname.len+1 : 0) + dialog->rem_uri.len + (dialog->id.rem_tag.len ? TOTAG_LEN + dialog->id.rem_tag.len : 0) + (dialog->rem_dname.len || dialog->id.rem_tag.len ? 2 : 0) + CRLF_LEN; /* From */ *len += FROM_LEN + (dialog->loc_dname.len ? dialog->loc_dname.len+1 : 0) + dialog->loc_uri.len + (dialog->id.loc_tag.len ? FROMTAG_LEN + dialog->id.loc_tag.len : 0) + (dialog->loc_dname.len || dialog->id.loc_tag.len ? 2 : 0) + CRLF_LEN; /* Call-ID */ *len += CALLID_LEN + dialog->id.call_id.len + CRLF_LEN; /* CSeq */ *len += CSEQ_LEN + cseq.len + 1 + method->len + CRLF_LEN; /* Route set */ *len += calculate_routeset_length(dialog); /* Content-Length */ *len += CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN + content_length.len + CRLF_LEN; /* Signature */ *len += (server_signature ? (user_agent_header.len + CRLF_LEN) : 0); /* Additional headers */ *len += (headers ? headers->len : 0); /* Message body */ *len += (body ? body->len : 0); /* End of Header */ *len += CRLF_LEN; buf = shm_malloc(*len + 1); if (!buf) { LM_ERR("no more share memory\n"); goto error; } w = buf; w = print_request_uri(w, method, dialog, t, branch); /* Request-URI */ append_string(w, via.s, via.len); /* Top-most Via */ w = print_to(w, dialog, t); /* To */ w = print_from(w, dialog, t); /* From */ w = print_cseq(w, &cseq, method, t); /* CSeq */ w = print_callid(w, dialog, t); /* Call-ID */ w = print_routeset(w, dialog); /* Route set */ /* Content-Length */ append_string(w, CONTENT_LENGTH, CONTENT_LENGTH_LEN); append_string(w, content_length.s, content_length.len); append_string(w, CRLF, CRLF_LEN); /* Server signature */ if (server_signature) { append_string(w, user_agent_header.s, user_agent_header.len); append_string(w, CRLF, CRLF_LEN); } if (headers) append_string(w, headers->s, headers->len); append_string(w, CRLF, CRLF_LEN); if (body) append_string(w, body->s, body->len); #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG if (w-buf != *len ) abort(); #endif pkg_free(via.s); return buf; error: pkg_free(via.s); return 0; }
struct mem_buf * template_get_chunk(struct template_chunk *chunk, const gwc_full_stats_t *stats) { char buf[1024], *p = buf; size_t avail = sizeof buf; switch (chunk->type) { case chunk_http_response: case chunk_http_header: case chunk_data: /* Must be handled elsewhere */ p = NULL; RUNTIME_ASSERT(0); break; case crab_stats_total_updates: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.updates); break; case crab_stats_total_updates_ip: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.ip_updates); break; case crab_stats_total_updates_url: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.url_updates); break; case crab_stats_total_requests: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.requests); break; case crab_stats_total_requests_base: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.base_requests); break; case crab_stats_total_requests_data: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.data_requests); break; case crab_stats_total_requests_get: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.get_requests); break; case crab_stats_total_requests_hostfile: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.hostfile_requests); break; case crab_stats_total_requests_urlfile: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.urlfile_requests); break; case crab_stats_total_requests_ping: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.ping_requests); break; case crab_stats_total_requests_statfile: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.statfile_requests); break; case crab_stats_total_accepts: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.accepts); break; case crab_stats_total_blocked: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.blocked); break; case crab_stats_total_errors: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.errors); break; case crab_stats_total_http_400s: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.http_400s); break; case crab_stats_total_http_404s: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.http_404s); break; case crab_stats_total_too_early: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->total.too_early); break; case crab_stats_total_rx: p = append_size(buf, &avail, stats->total.rx); break; case crab_stats_total_tx: p = append_size(buf, &avail, stats->total.tx); break; case crab_stats_hourly_updates: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.updates); break; case crab_stats_hourly_updates_ip: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.ip_updates); break; case crab_stats_hourly_updates_url: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.url_updates); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests_base: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.base_requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests_data: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.data_requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests_get: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.get_requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests_hostfile: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.hostfile_requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests_urlfile: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.urlfile_requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests_ping: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.ping_requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_requests_statfile: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.statfile_requests); break; case crab_stats_hourly_accepts: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.accepts); break; case crab_stats_hourly_blocked: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.blocked); break; case crab_stats_hourly_errors: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.errors); break; case crab_stats_hourly_http_400s: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.http_400s); break; case crab_stats_hourly_http_404s: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.http_404s); break; case crab_stats_hourly_too_early: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.too_early); break; case crab_stats_hourly_rx: p = append_size(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.rx); break; case crab_stats_hourly_tx: p = append_size(buf, &avail, stats->hourly.tx); break; case crab_startup_time: p = append_date(buf, &avail, stats->start_time.tv_sec); break; case crab_user_agent: p = append_string(buf, &avail, GWC_USER_AGENT); break; case crab_uri: p = append_string(buf, &avail, OPTION(gwc_uri)); break; case crab_url: p = append_string(buf, &avail, OPTION(gwc_url)); break; case crab_network_id: p = append_string(buf, &avail, OPTION(network_id) ? OPTION(network_id) : "gnutella"); break; case crab_contact_address: p = append_string(buf, &avail, OPTION(contact_address) ? OPTION(contact_address) : ""); break; #if defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE) #define RU_TIME(x) stats->ru.x #else #define RU_TIME(x) 0 #endif /* HAVE_GETRUSAGE */ case crab_rusage_utime: { uint64_t v; v = (uint64_t) RU_TIME(ru_utime.tv_sec) * 1000000 + RU_TIME(ru_utime.tv_usec); p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, v); } break; case crab_rusage_stime: { uint64_t v; v = (uint64_t) RU_TIME(ru_stime.tv_sec) * 1000000 + RU_TIME(ru_stime.tv_usec); p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, v); } break; case crab_rusage_utime_percent: { uint64_t v; v = (uint64_t) RU_TIME(ru_utime.tv_sec) * 1000000 + RU_TIME(ru_utime.tv_usec); p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, v); } break; case crab_rusage_stime_percent: { uint64_t v; v = (uint64_t) RU_TIME(ru_stime.tv_sec) * 1000000 + RU_TIME(ru_stime.tv_usec); p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, v); } break; #if defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE) && defined(HAVE_BSD_STRUCT_RUSAGE) #define RU(x) stats->ru.x #else #define RU(x) 0 #endif /* HAVE_GETRUSAGE && HAVE_BSD_STRUCT_RUSAGE */ case crab_rusage_maxrss: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_maxrss)); break; case crab_rusage_ixrss: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_ixrss)); break; case crab_rusage_idrss: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_idrss)); break; case crab_rusage_isrss: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_isrss)); break; case crab_rusage_minflt: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_minflt)); break; case crab_rusage_majflt: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_majflt)); break; case crab_rusage_nswap: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_nswap)); break; case crab_rusage_inblock: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_inblock)); break; case crab_rusage_oublock: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_oublock)); break; case crab_rusage_msgsnd: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_msgsnd)); break; case crab_rusage_msgrcv: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_msgrcv)); break; case crab_rusage_nsignals: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_nsignals)); break; case crab_rusage_nvcsw: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_nvcsw)); break; case crab_rusage_nivcsw: p = append_uint64(buf, &avail, RU(ru_nivcsw)); break; #undef RU default: CRIT("Unknown chunk type (%u)", (unsigned) chunk->type); p = NULL; RUNTIME_ASSERT(0); } if (p && p != buf) { return mem_buf_new_copy(buf, p - buf); } return NULL; }
static int make_env_block(char* env_block, size_t block_size, const char **env, int env_count) { size_t cursor = 0; char *p = win32_env_block; unsigned char used_env[1024]; if (env_count > sizeof(used_env)) return 1; memset(used_env, 0, sizeof(used_env)); while (*p) { int i; int replaced = 0; size_t len; for (i = 0; i < env_count; ++i) { const char *equals; if (used_env[i]) continue; equals = strchr(env[i], '='); if (!equals) continue; if (0 == _strnicmp(p, env[i], equals - env[i] + 1)) { if (0 != append_string(env_block, block_size, &cursor, env[i])) return 1; used_env[i] = 1; replaced = 1; break; } } len = strlen(p); /* skip items without name that win32 seems to include for itself */ if (!replaced && p[0] != '=') { if (0 != append_string(env_block, block_size, &cursor, p)) return 1; } p = p + len + 1; } { int i; for (i = 0; i < env_count; ++i) { if (used_env[i]) continue; if (0 != append_string(env_block, block_size, &cursor, env[i])) return 1; } } env_block[cursor] = '\0'; env_block[cursor+1] = '\0'; return 0; }
mqtt_message_t* ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_msg_connect(mqtt_connection_t* connection, mqtt_connect_info_t* info) { struct mqtt_connect_variable_header* variable_header; init_message(connection); if(connection->message.length + sizeof(*variable_header) > connection->buffer_length) return fail_message(connection); variable_header = (void*)(connection->buffer + connection->message.length); connection->message.length += sizeof(*variable_header); variable_header->lengthMsb = 0; #if defined(PROTOCOL_NAMEv31) variable_header->lengthLsb = 6; memcpy(variable_header->magic, "MQIsdp", 6); variable_header->version = 3; #elif defined(PROTOCOL_NAMEv311) variable_header->lengthLsb = 4; memcpy(variable_header->magic, "MQTT", 4); variable_header->version = 4; #else #error "Please define protocol name" #endif variable_header->flags = 0; variable_header->keepaliveMsb = info->keepalive >> 8; variable_header->keepaliveLsb = info->keepalive & 0xff; if(info->clean_session) variable_header->flags |= MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_CLEAN_SESSION; if(info->client_id != NULL && info->client_id[0] != '\0') { if(append_string(connection, info->client_id, strlen(info->client_id)) < 0) return fail_message(connection); } else return fail_message(connection); if(info->will_topic != NULL && info->will_topic[0] != '\0') { if(append_string(connection, info->will_topic, strlen(info->will_topic)) < 0) return fail_message(connection); if(append_string(connection, info->will_message, strlen(info->will_message)) < 0) return fail_message(connection); variable_header->flags |= MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_WILL; if(info->will_retain) variable_header->flags |= MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_WILL_RETAIN; variable_header->flags |= (info->will_qos & 3) << 3; } if(info->username != NULL && info->username[0] != '\0') { if(append_string(connection, info->username, strlen(info->username)) < 0) return fail_message(connection); variable_header->flags |= MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_USERNAME; } if(info->password != NULL && info->password[0] != '\0') { if(append_string(connection, info->password, strlen(info->password)) < 0) return fail_message(connection); variable_header->flags |= MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_PASSWORD; } return fini_message(connection, MQTT_MSG_TYPE_CONNECT, 0, 0, 0); }
void time_to_words(int hours, int minutes, char* words, size_t length) { size_t remaining = length; memset(words, 0, length); // Fuzzy time minutes = (minutes + 3) / 5 * 5; // Handle minute wrapping if (minutes > 55) { minutes -= 60; hours++; } switch (minutes) { case 0: break; case 20: remaining -= append_number(words, minutes); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, PAST); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); break; case 15: //remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, QUART); //remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); //remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, PAST); //remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, QUART); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " de "); hours++; break; case 25: remaining -= append_number(words, 2); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, QUARTS); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, MENYS); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_number(words, 5); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " de "); hours++; break; case 30: remaining -= append_number(words, 2); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, QUARTS); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " de "); hours++; break; case 35: remaining -= append_number(words, 20); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_number(words, 5); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, TO); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); hours++; break; case 40: remaining -= append_number(words, 3); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, QUARTS); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, MENYS); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_number(words, 5); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " de "); hours++; break; case 50: remaining -= append_number(words, 3); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, QUARTS); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " i "); remaining -= append_number(words, 5); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " de "); hours++; break; case 55: remaining -= append_number(words, 60 - minutes); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, TO); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); hours++; break; case 45: remaining -= append_number(words, 3); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, QUARTS); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " de "); hours++; break; } // Handle hour wrapping hours += 12; // If hours == 0 while (hours > 12) { hours -= 12; } // Singular o Plural depenent de la hora if (hours == 13 || hours == 1) { remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, SINGULAR); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); } else { //remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, PLURAL); //remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); } remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, "*"); // Make hours bold remaining -= append_number(words, hours); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); switch(minutes) { case 0: // Add o'clock to whole hours remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, ENPUNT); remaining -= append_string(words, remaining, " "); case 5: case 10: remaining -= append_number(words, minutes); break; } }
static int build_csv_record(char *buf, size_t bufsize, struct ast_cdr *cdr) { buf[0] = '\0'; /* Account code */ append_string(buf, cdr->accountcode, bufsize); /* Source */ append_string(buf, cdr->src, bufsize); /* Destination */ append_string(buf, cdr->dst, bufsize); /* Destination context */ append_string(buf, cdr->dcontext, bufsize); /* Caller*ID */ append_string(buf, cdr->clid, bufsize); /* Channel */ append_string(buf, cdr->channel, bufsize); /* Destination Channel */ append_string(buf, cdr->dstchannel, bufsize); /* Last Application */ append_string(buf, cdr->lastapp, bufsize); /* Last Data */ append_string(buf, cdr->lastdata, bufsize); /* Start Time */ append_date(buf, cdr->start, bufsize); /* Answer Time */ append_date(buf, cdr->answer, bufsize); /* End Time */ append_date(buf, cdr->end, bufsize); /* Duration */ append_int(buf, cdr->duration, bufsize); /* Billable seconds */ append_int(buf, cdr->billsec, bufsize); /* Disposition */ append_string(buf, ast_cdr_disp2str(cdr->disposition), bufsize); /* AMA Flags */ append_string(buf, ast_channel_amaflags2string(cdr->amaflags), bufsize); /* Unique ID */ if (loguniqueid) append_string(buf, cdr->uniqueid, bufsize); /* append the user field */ if(loguserfield) append_string(buf, cdr->userfield,bufsize); /* If we hit the end of our buffer, log an error */ if (strlen(buf) < bufsize - 5) { /* Trim off trailing comma */ buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; strncat(buf, "\n", bufsize - strlen(buf) - 1); return 0; } return -1; }
static krb5_error_code entry2string_int (krb5_context context, krb5_storage *sp, hdb_entry *ent) { char *p; int i; krb5_error_code ret; /* --- principal */ ret = krb5_unparse_name(context, ent->principal, &p); if(ret) return ret; append_string(context, sp, "%s ", p); free(p); /* --- kvno */ append_string(context, sp, "%d", ent->kvno); /* --- keys */ for(i = 0; i < ent->keys.len; i++){ /* --- mkvno, keytype */ if(ent->keys.val[i].mkvno) append_string(context, sp, ":%d:%d:", *ent->keys.val[i].mkvno, ent->keys.val[i].key.keytype); else append_string(context, sp, "::%d:", ent->keys.val[i].key.keytype); /* --- keydata */ append_hex(context, sp, &ent->keys.val[i].key.keyvalue); append_string(context, sp, ":"); /* --- salt */ if(ent->keys.val[i].salt){ append_string(context, sp, "%u/", ent->keys.val[i].salt->type); append_hex(context, sp, &ent->keys.val[i].salt->salt); }else append_string(context, sp, "-"); } append_string(context, sp, " "); /* --- created by */ append_event(context, sp, &ent->created_by); /* --- modified by */ append_event(context, sp, ent->modified_by); /* --- valid start */ if(ent->valid_start) append_string(context, sp, "%s ", time2str(*ent->valid_start)); else append_string(context, sp, "- "); /* --- valid end */ if(ent->valid_end) append_string(context, sp, "%s ", time2str(*ent->valid_end)); else append_string(context, sp, "- "); /* --- password ends */ if(ent->pw_end) append_string(context, sp, "%s ", time2str(*ent->pw_end)); else append_string(context, sp, "- "); /* --- max life */ if(ent->max_life) append_string(context, sp, "%d ", *ent->max_life); else append_string(context, sp, "- "); /* --- max renewable life */ if(ent->max_renew) append_string(context, sp, "%d ", *ent->max_renew); else append_string(context, sp, "- "); /* --- flags */ append_string(context, sp, "%d ", HDBFlags2int(ent->flags)); /* --- generation number */ if(ent->generation) { append_string(context, sp, "%s:%d:%d", time2str(ent->generation->time), ent->generation->usec, ent->generation->gen); } else append_string(context, sp, "-"); return 0; }
/* Common function for v and V. * * aux: if non-NULL, any code to evaluate before the defun * defun: command to run to define the command. */ static int builtin_defunlibrary_common(interpreter* interp, string aux, byte defun) { string name, body, code; struct tm* now; time_t seconds; char header[256], date[64]; FILE* out; unsigned i; if (!stack_pop_strings(interp, 2, &body, &name)) UNDERFLOW; /* We can't allow the name to have parentheses or the NUL character. */ for (i = 0; i < name->len; ++i) if (string_data(name)[i] == '(' || string_data(name)[i] == ')' || string_data(name)[i] == 0) { print_error_s("Invalid command name (for use with v/V)", name); stack_push(interp, name); stack_push(interp, body); return 0; } /* Build code */ time(&seconds); now = localtime(&seconds); strftime(date, sizeof(date)-1, "%A, %Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", now); snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "\n(Added by %s on %s);\n", getenv("USER"), date); code = convert_string(header); if (aux) code = append_string(code, aux); code = append_cstr(code, "("); code = append_string(code, name); code = append_cstr(code, ")("); code = append_string(code, body); code = append_cstr(code, ")"); code = append_data(code, &defun, (&defun)+1); code = append_cstr(code, "\n"); /* Evaluate in current */ if (!exec_code(interp, code)) { print_error("not adding function to library due to error(s)"); stack_push(interp, name); stack_push(interp, code); return 0; } /* Don't need name or code anymore. */ free(name); free(body); /* OK, write out */ out = fopen(user_library_file, "a"); if (!out) { fprintf(stderr, "tgl: error: unable to open %s: %s\n", user_library_file, strerror(errno)); free(code); return 0; } if (code->len != fwrite(string_data(code), 1, code->len, out)) { fprintf(stderr, "tgl: error writing to %s: %s\n", user_library_file, strerror(errno)); free(code); fclose(out); return 0; } /* Success */ fclose(out); free(code); return 1; }
static void xbt_log_layout_format_dynamic(xbt_log_layout_t l, xbt_log_event_t ev, const char *fmt, xbt_log_appender_t app) { xbt_strbuff_t buff = xbt_strbuff_new(); char tmpfmt[50]; int precision = -1; int length = -1; char *q = l->data; char *tmp; char *tmp2; while (*q != '\0') { if (*q == '%') { q++; handle_modifier: switch (*q) { case '\0': fprintf(stderr, "Layout format (%s) ending with %%\n", (char *) l->data); abort(); case '%': xbt_strbuff_append(buff, "%"); break; case 'n': /* platform-dependant line separator (LOG4J compliant) */ xbt_strbuff_append(buff, "\n"); break; case 'e': /* plain space (SimGrid extension) */ xbt_strbuff_append(buff, " "); break; case '.': /* precision specifyier */ q++; sscanf(q, "%d", &precision); q += (precision>9?2:1); goto handle_modifier; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': /* length modifier */ sscanf(q, "%d", &length); q += (length>9?2:1); goto handle_modifier; case 'c': /* category name; LOG4J compliant should accept a precision postfix to show the hierarchy */ append_string(ev->cat->name); break; case 'p': /* priority name; LOG4J compliant */ append_string(xbt_log_priority_names[ev->priority]); break; case 'h': /* host name; SimGrid extension */ append_string(gras_os_myname()); break; case 't': /* thread name; LOG4J compliant */ append_string(xbt_thread_self_name()); break; case 'P': /* process name; SimGrid extension */ append_string(xbt_procname()); break; case 'i': /* process PID name; SimGrid extension */ append_int((*xbt_getpid) ()); break; case 'F': /* file name; LOG4J compliant */ append_string(ev->fileName); break; case 'l': /* location; LOG4J compliant */ append2("%s:%d", ev->fileName, ev->lineNum); precision = -1; /* Ignored */ break; case 'L': /* line number; LOG4J compliant */ append_int(ev->lineNum); break; case 'M': /* method (ie, function) name; LOG4J compliant */ append_string(ev->functionName); break; case 'b': /* backtrace; called %throwable in LOG4J */ case 'B': /* short backtrace; called %throwable{short} in LOG4J */ #if defined(HAVE_EXECINFO_H) && defined(HAVE_POPEN) && defined(ADDR2LINE) { xbt_ex_t e; int i; e.used = backtrace((void **), XBT_BACKTRACE_SIZE); e.bt_strings = NULL; e.msg = NULL; e.remote = 0; xbt_backtrace_current(&e); if (*q == 'B') { append_string(e.bt_strings[2] + 8); } else { for (i = 2; i < e.used; i++) { append_string(e.bt_strings[i] + 8); xbt_strbuff_append(buff, "\n"); } } xbt_ex_free(e); } #else append_string("(no backtrace on this arch)"); #endif break; case 'd': /* date; LOG4J compliant */ append_double(gras_os_time()); break; case 'r': /* application age; LOG4J compliant */ append_double(gras_os_time() - format_begin_of_time); break; case 'm': /* user-provided message; LOG4J compliant */ tmp2 = bvprintf(fmt, ev->ap_copy); append_string(tmp2); free(tmp2); break; default: fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG, *q, (char *) l->data); abort(); } q++; } else { char tmp2[2]; tmp2[0] = *(q++); tmp2[1] = '\0'; xbt_strbuff_append(buff, tmp2); } } app->do_append(app, buff->data); xbt_strbuff_free(buff); }