コード例 #1
ファイル: dbd.c プロジェクト: Ga-vin/apache
static int invalid_op(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle,
                      const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver)
    int rv = 0;
    int nrows;
    const char *statement = "INSERT into apr_dbd_test1 (col2) values ('foo')" ;
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    printf("invalid op returned %d (should be nonzero).  Error msg follows\n", rv);
    printf("'%s'\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
    statement = "INSERT into apr_dbd_test (col1, col2) values ('bar', 'foo')" ;
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    printf("valid op returned %d (should be zero; error shouldn't affect subsequent ops)\n", rv);
    return rv;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lua_dbd.c プロジェクト: Aimbot2/apache2
    db:query(statement): Executes the given database query and returns the 
    number of rows affected. If an error is encountered, returns nil as the 
    first parameter and the error message as the second.
int lua_db_query(lua_State *L)
    lua_db_handle   *db = 0;
    apr_status_t     rc = 0;
    int              x = 0;
    const char      *statement;
    luaL_checktype(L, 3, LUA_TSTRING);
    statement = lua_tostring(L, 3);
    db = lua_get_db_handle(L);
    if (db && db->alive)
        rc = apr_dbd_query(db->driver, db->handle, &x, statement);
    else {
        rc = 0;
        x = -1;

    if (rc == APR_SUCCESS)
        lua_pushnumber(L, x);
    else {

        const char  *err = apr_dbd_error(db->driver, db->handle, rc);

        if (err) {
            lua_pushstring(L, err);
            return 2;

    return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: dbd.c プロジェクト: Ga-vin/apache
static int drop_table(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle,
                      const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver)
    int rv = 0;
    int nrows;
    const char *statement = "DROP TABLE apr_dbd_test" ;
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    return rv;
コード例 #4
ファイル: testdbd.c プロジェクト: cookrn/openamq
static void test_statement(abts_case *tc, apr_dbd_t* handle, 
                           const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver, const char* sql)
    int nrows;
    apr_status_t rv;

    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, sql);

    ABTS_ASSERT(tc, sql, rv == APR_SUCCESS);
コード例 #5
ファイル: metadatastorage.cpp プロジェクト: nickman/Akumuli
int MetadataStorage::execute_query(std::string query) {
    int nrows = -1;
    int status = apr_dbd_query(driver_, handle_.get(), &nrows, query.c_str());
    if (status != 0 && status != 21) {
        // generate error and throw
        (*logger_)(AKU_LOG_ERROR, "Error executing query");
        throw std::runtime_error(apr_dbd_error(driver_, handle_.get(), status));
    return nrows;
コード例 #6
ファイル: dbd.c プロジェクト: Ga-vin/apache
static int create_table(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle,
                        const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver)
    int rv = 0;
    int nrows;
    const char *statement = "CREATE TABLE apr_dbd_test ("
        "col1 varchar(40) not null,"
        "col2 varchar(40),"
        "col3 integer)" ;
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    return rv;
コード例 #7
ファイル: dbd.c プロジェクト: Ga-vin/apache
static int insert_rows(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle,
                       const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver)
    int i;
    int rv = 0;
    int nrows;
    int nerrors = 0;
    const char *statement =
        "INSERT into apr_dbd_test (col1) values ('foo');"
        "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'other', 5);"
        "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'nothing', 5);"
        "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('qwerty', 'foo', 0);"
        "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('asdfgh', 'bar', 1);"
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    if (rv) {
        const char* stmt[] = {
            "INSERT into apr_dbd_test (col1) values ('foo');",
            "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'other', 5);",
            "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('wibble', 'nothing', 5);",
            "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('qwerty', 'foo', 0);",
            "INSERT into apr_dbd_test values ('asdfgh', 'bar', 1);",
        printf("Compound insert failed; trying statements one-by-one\n") ;
        for (i=0; stmt[i] != NULL; ++i) {
            statement = stmt[i];
            rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
            if (rv) {
        if (nerrors) {
            printf("%d single inserts failed too.\n", nerrors) ;
    return rv;
コード例 #8
ファイル: testdbd.c プロジェクト: cookrn/openamq
static void insert_data(abts_case *tc, apr_dbd_t* handle, 
                        const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver, int count)
    apr_pool_t* pool = p;
    const char* sql = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test VALUES('%d', '%d', %d)";
    char* sqf = NULL;
    int i;
    int nrows;
    apr_status_t rv;

    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
        sqf = apr_psprintf(pool, sql, i, i, i);
        rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, sqf);
        ABTS_ASSERT(tc, sqf, rv == APR_SUCCESS);
        ABTS_ASSERT(tc, sqf, 1 == nrows);
コード例 #9
/* Run an insert query and return a categorized error or success */
static logsql_query_ret log_sql_dbd_query(request_rec *r,logsql_dbconnection *db,
								const char *query)
	int ret;
	const char *err;
	int affected;
	// Acquire a DBD connection from mod_dbd
	ap_dbd_t *dbd = log_sql_dbd_getconnection(r);
	if (!dbd) return LOGSQL_QUERY_NOLINK;

	// Run the query
	ret = apr_dbd_query(dbd->driver, dbd->handle, &affected, query);
	if (ret == 0) {
	} else {
		// attempt to detect error message
		err = apr_dbd_error(dbd->driver, dbd->handle, ret);
		log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "DB Returned error: (%d) %s", ret, err);
		// Unable to check if "NO SUCH TABLE" due to apr_dbd not mapping error codes to a standard set.
コード例 #10
ファイル: dbd.c プロジェクト: Ga-vin/apache
static int test_transactions(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle,
                             const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver)
    int rv = 0;
    int nrows;
    apr_dbd_transaction_t *trans = NULL;
    const char* statement;

    /* trans 1 - error out early */
    printf("Transaction 1\n");
    rv = apr_dbd_transaction_start(driver, pool, handle, &trans);
    if (rv) {
        printf("Start transaction failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    statement = "UPDATE apr_dbd_test SET col2 = 'failed'";
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    if (rv) {
        printf("Update failed: '%s'\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans);
        return rv;
    printf("%d rows updated\n", nrows);

    statement = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test1 (col3) values (3)";
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    if (!rv) {
        printf("Oops, invalid op succeeded but shouldn't!\n");
    statement = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test values ('zzz', 'aaa', 3)";
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    printf("Valid insert returned %d.  Should be nonzero (fail) because transaction is bad\n", rv) ;

    rv = apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans);
    if (rv) {
        printf("End transaction failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    printf("Transaction ended (should be rollback) - viewing table\n"
           "A column of \"failed\" indicates transaction failed (no rollback)\n");
    select_sequential(pool, handle, driver);

    /* trans 2 - complete successfully */
    printf("Transaction 2\n");
    rv = apr_dbd_transaction_start(driver, pool, handle, &trans);
    if (rv) {
        printf("Start transaction failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    statement = "UPDATE apr_dbd_test SET col2 = 'success'";
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    if (rv) {
        printf("Update failed: '%s'\n", apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans);
        return rv;
    printf("%d rows updated\n", nrows);
    statement = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test values ('aaa', 'zzz', 3)";
    rv = apr_dbd_query(driver, handle, &nrows, statement);
    printf("Valid insert returned %d.  Should be zero (OK)\n", rv) ;
    rv = apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans);
    if (rv) {
        printf("End transaction failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    printf("Transaction ended (should be commit) - viewing table\n");
    select_sequential(pool, handle, driver);
    return rv;