cache_t *lru_cache_load(void *arg, inip_file_t *fd, char *grp, data_attr_t *da, int timeout) { cache_t *c; cache_lru_t *cp; int dt; if (grp == NULL) grp = "cache-lru"; //** Create the default structure c = lru_cache_create(arg, da, timeout); cp = (cache_lru_t *)c->fn.priv; cache_lock(c); cp->max_bytes = inip_get_integer(fd, grp, "max_bytes", cp->max_bytes); cp->dirty_fraction = inip_get_double(fd, grp, "dirty_fraction", cp->dirty_fraction); cp->dirty_bytes_trigger = cp->dirty_fraction * cp->max_bytes; c->default_page_size = inip_get_integer(fd, grp, "default_page_size", c->default_page_size); dt = inip_get_integer(fd, grp, "dirty_max_wait", apr_time_sec(cp->dirty_max_wait)); cp->dirty_max_wait = apr_time_make(dt, 0); c->max_fetch_fraction = inip_get_double(fd, grp, "max_fetch_fraction", c->max_fetch_fraction); c->max_fetch_size = c->max_fetch_fraction * cp->max_bytes; c->write_temp_overflow_fraction = inip_get_double(fd, grp, "write_temp_overflow_fraction", c->write_temp_overflow_fraction); c->write_temp_overflow_size = c->write_temp_overflow_fraction * cp->max_bytes; c->n_ppages = inip_get_integer(fd, grp, "ppages", c->n_ppages); log_printf(0, "COP size=" XOT "\n", c->write_temp_overflow_size); cache_unlock(c); return(c); }
int tbx_ns_chksum_write_flush(tbx_ns_t *ns) { char chksum_value[CHKSUM_MAX_SIZE]; int err, n; tbx_tbuf_t buf; log_printf(15, "ns_write_chksum_flush: injecting chksum! ns=%d type=%d bytesleft=" I64T " bsize=" I64T "\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), tbx_chksum_type(&(ns->write_chksum.chksum)), ns->write_chksum.bytesleft, ns->write_chksum.blocksize); tbx_log_flush(); if (ns_write_chksum_state(ns) == 0) return(0); if (ns->write_chksum.bytesleft == ns->write_chksum.blocksize) return(0); //** Nothing to do n = tbx_chksum_size(&(ns->write_chksum.chksum), CHKSUM_DIGEST_HEX); tbx_chksum_get(&(ns->write_chksum.chksum), CHKSUM_DIGEST_HEX, chksum_value); ns->write_chksum.is_running = 0; //** Don't want to get in an endless loop tbx_tbuf_single(&buf, n, chksum_value); err = _write_netstream_block(ns, apr_time_now() + apr_time_make(5,0), &buf, 0, n, 0); ns->write_chksum.is_running = 1; if (err != 0) { log_printf(10, "ns_write_chksum_flush: ns=%d Error writing chksum! error=%d\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), err); return(err); } chksum_value[n] = '\0'; log_printf(15, "ns_write_chksum_flush: ns=%d chksum_value=%s\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), chksum_value); log_printf(15, "ns_write_chksum_flush: end of routine! ns=%d\n err=%d", tbx_ns_getid(ns), err); tbx_log_flush(); return(err); }
void init_ibp_base_op(ibp_op_t *iop, char *logstr, int timeout_sec, int workload, char *hostport, int cmp_size, int primary_cmd, int sub_cmd) { gop_command_op_t *cmd = &(iop->dop.cmd); apr_time_t dt; iop->primary_cmd = primary_cmd; iop->sub_cmd = sub_cmd; if (iop->ic->transfer_rate > 0) { dt = (double)workload / iop->ic->transfer_rate; if (dt < timeout_sec) dt = timeout_sec; } else { dt = timeout_sec; } cmd->timeout = apr_time_make(dt, 0); cmd->retry_count = iop->ic->max_retry; cmd->workload = workload; cmd->hostport = hostport; cmd->cmp_size = cmp_size; cmd->send_command = NULL; cmd->send_phase = NULL; cmd->recv_phase = NULL; cmd->on_submit = NULL; cmd->before_exec = NULL; cmd->destroy_command = NULL; cmd->coalesced_ops = NULL; cmd->connect_context = &(iop->ic->cc[primary_cmd]); tbx_ns_chksum_init(&(iop->ncs)); }
cache_t *lru_cache_create(void *arg, data_attr_t *da, int timeout) { cache_t *cache; cache_lru_t *c; type_malloc_clear(cache, cache_t, 1); type_malloc_clear(c, cache_lru_t, 1); cache->fn.priv = c; cache_base_create(cache, da, timeout); cache->shutdown_request = 0; c->stack = new_stack(); c->waiting_stack = new_stack(); c->pending_free_tasks = new_stack(); c->max_bytes = 100*1024*1024; c->bytes_used = 0; c->dirty_fraction = 0.1; cache->n_ppages = 0; cache->max_fetch_fraction = 0.1; cache->max_fetch_size = cache->max_fetch_fraction * c->max_bytes; cache->write_temp_overflow_used = 0; cache->write_temp_overflow_fraction = 0.01; cache->write_temp_overflow_size = cache->write_temp_overflow_fraction * c->max_bytes; c->dirty_bytes_trigger = c->dirty_fraction * c->max_bytes; c->dirty_max_wait = apr_time_make(1, 0); c->flush_in_progress = 0; c->limbo_pages = 0; c->free_pending_tables = new_pigeon_coop("free_pending_tables", 50, sizeof(list_t *), cache->mpool, free_pending_table_new, free_pending_table_free); c->free_page_tables = new_pigeon_coop("free_page_tables", 50, sizeof(page_table_t), cache->mpool, free_page_tables_new, free_page_tables_free); cache->fn.create_empty_page = lru_create_empty_page; cache->fn.adjust_dirty = lru_adjust_dirty; cache->fn.destroy_pages = lru_pages_destroy; cache->fn.cache_update = lru_update; cache->fn.cache_miss_tag = lru_miss_tag; cache->fn.s_page_access = lru_page_access; cache->fn.s_pages_release = lru_pages_release; cache->fn.destroy = lru_cache_destroy; cache->fn.adding_segment = lru_adding_segment; cache->fn.removing_segment = lru_removing_segment; cache->fn.get_handle = cache_base_handle; apr_thread_cond_create(&(c->dirty_trigger), cache->mpool); thread_create_assert(&(c->dirty_thread), NULL, lru_dirty_thread, (void *)cache, cache->mpool); return(cache); }
static void test_anon(abts_case *tc, void *data) { apr_proc_t proc; apr_status_t rv; apr_shm_t *shm; apr_size_t retsize; int cnt, i; int recvd; rv = apr_shm_create(&shm, SHARED_SIZE, NULL, p); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Error allocating shared memory block", rv); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, shm); retsize = apr_shm_size_get(shm); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, SHARED_SIZE, retsize); boxes = apr_shm_baseaddr_get(shm); ABTS_PTR_NOTNULL(tc, boxes); rv = apr_proc_fork(&proc, p); if (rv == APR_INCHILD) { /* child */ int num = msgwait(5, 0, N_BOXES); /* exit with the number of messages received so that the parent * can check that all messages were received. */ exit(num); } else if (rv == APR_INPARENT) { /* parent */ i = N_BOXES; cnt = 0; while (cnt++ < N_MESSAGES) { if ((i-=3) < 0) { i += N_BOXES; /* start over at the top */ } msgput(i, MSG); apr_sleep(apr_time_make(0, 10000)); } } else { ABTS_FAIL(tc, "apr_proc_fork failed"); } /* wait for the child */ rv = apr_proc_wait(&proc, &recvd, NULL, APR_WAIT); ABTS_INT_EQUAL(tc, N_MESSAGES, recvd); rv = apr_shm_destroy(shm); APR_ASSERT_SUCCESS(tc, "Error destroying shared memory block", rv); }
int tbx_ns_chksum_read_flush(tbx_ns_t *ns) { char ns_value[CHKSUM_MAX_SIZE], chksum_value[CHKSUM_MAX_SIZE]; int err, n; tbx_tbuf_t buf; log_printf(15, "ns_read_chksum_flush: Reading chksum! ns=%d type=%d bleft=" I64T " bsize=" I64T " state=%d\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), tbx_chksum_type(&(ns->read_chksum.chksum)), ns->read_chksum.bytesleft, ns->read_chksum.blocksize, ns_read_chksum_state(ns)); tbx_log_flush(); if (ns_read_chksum_state(ns) == 0) return(0); if (ns->read_chksum.bytesleft == ns->read_chksum.blocksize) return(0); //** Nothing to do n = tbx_chksum_size(&(ns->read_chksum.chksum), CHKSUM_DIGEST_HEX); ns->read_chksum.is_running = 0; //** Don't want to get in an endless loop tbx_tbuf_single(&buf, n, ns_value); err = _read_netstream_block(ns, apr_time_now() + apr_time_make(5,0), &buf, 0, n, 0); ns_value[n] = '\0'; ns->read_chksum.is_running = 1; log_printf(15, "ns_read_chksum_flush: Finished reading chksum! ns=%d\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns)); tbx_log_flush(); if (err != 0) { log_printf(10, "ns_read_chksum_flush: ns=%d Error reading chksum! error=%d\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), err); return(err); } tbx_chksum_get(&(ns->read_chksum.chksum), CHKSUM_DIGEST_HEX, chksum_value); log_printf(15, "ns_read_chksum_flush: after tbx_chksum_get! ns=%d\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns)); tbx_log_flush(); err = (strncmp(chksum_value, ns_value, n) == 0) ? 0 : 1; log_printf(15, "ns_read_chksum_flush: ns=%d ns_value=%s cmp=%d\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), ns_value, err); log_printf(15, "ns_read_chksum_flush: ns=%d chksum_value=%s\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), chksum_value); if (err != 0) { log_printf(1, "ns_read_chksum_flush: ns=%d chksum error!\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns)); log_printf(1, "ns_read_chksum_flush: ns=%d ns_value=%s cmp=%d\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), ns_value, err); log_printf(1, "ns_read_chksum_flush: ns=%d chksum_value=%s\n", tbx_ns_getid(ns), chksum_value); } log_printf(15, "ns_read_chksum_flush: end of routine! ns=%d\n err=%d", tbx_ns_getid(ns), err); tbx_log_flush(); return(err); }
apr_time_t gop_get_end_time(gop_op_generic_t *gop, int *state) { apr_time_t end_time; gop_command_op_t *cmd = &(gop->op->cmd); if (*state == 0) { *state = tbx_atomic_get(cmd->on_top); if (*state == 0) { end_time = apr_time_now() + apr_time_make(10,0); //** Default to 10 secs while percolating to the top } else { //** We're on top so use the official end time end_time = cmd->end_time; } } else { end_time = cmd->end_time; //** This won't change after we're on top so no need to lock } return(end_time); }
static void msgwait(int sleep_sec, int first_box, int last_box) { int i; apr_time_t start = apr_time_now(); apr_interval_time_t sleep_duration = apr_time_from_sec(sleep_sec); while (apr_time_now() - start < sleep_duration) { for (i = first_box; i < last_box; i++) { if (boxes[i].msgavail) { fprintf(stdout, "received a message in box %d, message was: %s\n", i, boxes[i].msg); boxes[i].msgavail = 0; /* reset back to 0 */ } } apr_sleep(apr_time_make(0, 10000)); /* 10ms */ } fprintf(stdout, "done waiting on mailboxes...\n"); }
void default_zsock_config(zsock_context_t *zc) { zc->min_idle = apr_time_make(30, 0); //** Connection minimum idle time before disconnecting zc->min_threads = 1; //** Min and max threads allowed zc->max_threads = 4; //** Max number of simultaneous connection zc->max_connections = 128; //** Max number of connections across all connections zc->max_wait = 30; //** Max time to wait and retry a connection zc->wait_stable_time = 15; //** Time to wait before opening a new connection for a heavily loaded server zc->abort_conn_attempts = 4; //** If this many failed connection requests occur in a row we abort zc->check_connection_interval = 2; //** # of secs to wait between checks if we need more connections zc->max_retry = 2; int i; for (i = 0; i < ZSOCK_MAX_NUM_CMDS; i++) { zc->cc[i].conn_type = NS_TYPE_ZSOCK; } }
void *ds_ibp_warm_thread(apr_thread_t *th, void *data) { data_service_fn_t *dsf = (data_service_fn_t *)data; ds_ibp_priv_t *ds = (ds_ibp_priv_t *)dsf->priv; apr_time_t max_wait; char *mcap; apr_ssize_t hlen; apr_hash_index_t *hi; ibp_capset_t *w; opque_t *q; int dt, err; dt = 60; max_wait = apr_time_make(ds->warm_interval, 0); apr_thread_mutex_lock(ds->lock); while (ds->warm_stop == 0) { //** Generate all the tasks log_printf(10, "Starting auto-warming run\n"); q = new_opque(); for (hi=apr_hash_first(NULL, ds->warm_table); hi != NULL; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) { apr_hash_this(hi, (const void **)&mcap, &hlen, (void **)&w); opque_add(q, new_ibp_modify_alloc_op(ds->ic, mcap, -1, ds->warm_duration, -1, dt)); log_printf(15, " warming: %s\n", mcap); } //** Wait until they all complete err = opque_waitall(q); log_printf(10, "opque_waitall=%d\n", err); opque_free(q, OP_DESTROY); //** Clean up. Don;t care if we are successfull or not:) //** Sleep until the next time or we get an exit request apr_thread_cond_timedwait(ds->cond, ds->lock, max_wait); } apr_thread_mutex_unlock(ds->lock); log_printf(10, "EXITING auto-warm thread\n"); return(NULL); }
static int msgwait(int sleep_sec, int first_box, int last_box) { int i; int recvd = 0; apr_time_t start = apr_time_now(); apr_interval_time_t sleep_duration = apr_time_from_sec(sleep_sec); while (apr_time_now() - start < sleep_duration) { for (i = first_box; i < last_box; i++) { if (boxes[i].msgavail && !strcmp(boxes[i].msg, MSG)) { recvd++; boxes[i].msgavail = 0; /* reset back to 0 */ /* reset the msg field. 1024 is a magic number and it should * be a macro, but I am being lazy. */ memset(boxes[i].msg, 0, 1024); } } apr_sleep(apr_time_make(0, 10000)); /* 10ms */ } return recvd; }
int sock_connection_request(net_sock_t *nsock, int timeout) { apr_int32_t n; apr_interval_time_t dt; const apr_pollfd_t *ret_fd; network_sock_t *sock = (network_sock_t *)nsock; //dt= apr_time_make(0, 100*1000); //apr_sleep(dt); if (sock == NULL) return(-1); dt = apr_time_make(timeout,0); n = 0; apr_pollset_poll(sock->pollset, dt, &n, &ret_fd); //int i=n; //log_printf(15, "sock_connection_request: err=%d n=%d APR_SUCCESS=%d\n", err, i, APR_SUCCESS); if (n == 1) { return(1); } else { return(0); } return(-1); }
NetStream_t *cmd_send(char *host, int port, char *cmd, char **res_buffer, int timeout) { int bufsize = 10*1024; char buffer[bufsize]; char *bstate; int err, failed; int n, retry; double swait; Net_timeout_t dt; NetStream_t *ns; apr_time_t await, sec, usec; *res_buffer = NULL; //set_log_level(20); //int loop =0; do { //loop++; //printf("cmd_send: loop=%d\n", loop); failed = 0; //** Make the host connection retry = 3; do { ns = new_netstream(); ns_config_sock(ns, -1); set_net_timeout(&dt, 60, 0); err = net_connect(ns, host, port, dt); if (err != 0) { destroy_netstream(ns); printf("get_version: Can't connect to host! host=%s port=%d err=%d\n", host, port, err); if (retry <= 0) { printf("cmd_send: Aborting!\n"); return(NULL); } else { printf("cmd_send: Sleeping for 1 second and retrying(%d).\n", retry); sleep(1); retry--; } } } while ((err != 0) && (retry > -1)); //** Send the command dt = apr_time_now() + apr_time_make(timeout,0); n = write_netstream_block(ns, dt, cmd, strlen(cmd)); //** Get the result line set_net_timeout(&dt, timeout, 0); n = readline_netstream(ns, buffer, bufsize, dt); if (n == NS_OK) { n = atoi(string_token(buffer, " ", &bstate, &err)); if (n != IBP_OK) { if (n == IBP_E_OUT_OF_SOCKETS) { swait = atof(string_token(NULL, " ", &bstate, &err)); printf("Depot is busy. Sleeping for %lf sec and retrying.\n", swait); destroy_netstream(ns); failed = 1; sec = swait; usec = (swait-sec) * 1000000; await = apr_time_make(sec, usec); // printf("sec=" TT " usec=" TT " await=" TT "\n", sec, usec,await); apr_sleep(await); } else { printf("Error %d returned!\n", n); destroy_netstream(ns); return(NULL); } } } else { //printf("cmd_send: readline_netstream=%d\n", n); failed = 1; } } while (failed == 1); *res_buffer = strdup(bstate); return(ns); }
int fd_connect(int *fd, const char *hostname, int port, int tcpsize, Net_timeout_t timeout) { struct sockaddr_in addr; char in_addr[6]; int sfd, err; fd_set wfd; apr_time_t endtime; Net_timeout_t to; struct timeval tv; log_printf(15, "fd_connect: Trying to make connection to Hostname: %s Port: %d\n", hostname, port); *fd = -1; if (hostname == NULL) { log_printf(15, "fd_connect: lookup_host failed. Missing hostname! Port: %d\n",port); return(1); } // Get ip address if (lookup_host(hostname, in_addr, NULL) != 0) { log_printf(15, "fd_connect: lookup_host failed. Hostname: %s Port: %d\n", hostname, port); return(1); } // get the socket sfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); *fd = sfd; if (sfd == -1) { log_printf(10, "fd_connect: socket open failed. Hostname: %s Port: %d\n", hostname, port); return(1); } // Configure it correctly int flag=1; if (setsockopt(sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&flag, sizeof(flag)) != 0) { log_printf(0, "fd_connect: Can't configure SO_REUSEADDR!\n"); } if (tcpsize > 0) { log_printf(10, "fd_connect: Setting tcpbufsize=%d\n", tcpsize); if (setsockopt(sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&tcpsize, sizeof(tcpsize)) != 0) { log_printf(0, "fd_connect: Can't configure SO_SNDBUF to %d!\n", tcpsize); } if (setsockopt(sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&tcpsize, sizeof(tcpsize)) != 0) { log_printf(0, "fd_connect: Can't configure SO_RCVBUF to %d!\n", tcpsize); } } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); memcpy(&(addr.sin_addr), &in_addr, 4); // memset(&(addr.sin_zero), 0, 8); // Connect it err = connect(sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (err != 0) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { log_printf(0, "fd_connect: connect failed. Hostname: %s Port: %d err=%d errno: %d error: %s\n", hostname, port, err, errno, strerror(errno)); return(1); } // err = 0; } //Configure the socket for non-blocking I/O if ((err = fcntl(sfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) == -1) { log_printf(0, "fd_connect: Can't configure connection for non-blocking I/O!"); } log_printf(20, "fd_connect: Before select time=" TT "\n", apr_time_now()); endtime = apr_time_now() + apr_time_make(5, 0); do { FD_ZERO(&wfd); FD_SET(sfd, &wfd); set_net_timeout(&to, 1, 0); set_timeval(&tv, to); err = select(sfd+1, NULL, &wfd, NULL, &tv); log_printf(20, "fd_connect: After select err=%d\n", err); if (err != 1) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { log_printf(0, "fd_connect: select failed. Hostname: %s Port: %d select=%d errno: %d error: %s\n", hostname, port, err, errno, strerror(errno)); return(1); } else { log_printf(10, "fd_connect: In progress..... time=" TT " Hostname: %s Port: %d select=%d errno: %d error: %s\n", apr_time_now(), hostname, port, err, errno, strerror(errno)); } } } while ((err != 1) && (apr_time_now() < endtime)); if (err != 1) { //** There were problems so return with an error log_printf(0, "fd_connect: Couldn\'t make connection. Hostname: %s Port: %d select=%d errno: %d error: %s\n", hostname, port, err, errno, strerror(errno)); close(sfd); return(1); } *fd = sfd; return(0); }
static ngx_inline ngx_int_t ngx_http_modsecurity_load_headers_out(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_modsecurity_ctx_t *ctx; char *data; request_rec *req; u_char *content_type; ngx_uint_t content_type_len; ngx_http_variable_value_t *vv; ngx_list_part_t *part; ngx_table_elt_t *h; ngx_uint_t i; char *key, *value; u_char *buf = NULL; size_t size = 0; ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_modsecurity); req = ctx->req; req->status = r->headers_out.status; req->status_line = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->headers_out.status_line); if (r->headers_out.charset.len) { content_type_len = r->headers_out.content_type.len + r->headers_out.charset.len + ngx_strlen("; charset=") + 1; content_type = ngx_palloc(r->pool, content_type_len); if (content_type == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_snprintf(content_type, content_type_len, "%V; charset=%V%Z", &r->headers_out.content_type, &r->headers_out.charset); r-> = content_type; r->headers_out.content_type.len = content_type_len; } /* deep copy */ part = &r->headers_out.headers.part; h = part->elts; for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (i >= part->nelts) { if (part->next == NULL) break; part = part->next; h = part->elts; i = 0; } size += h[i].key.len + h[i].value.len + 2; buf = ngx_palloc(r->pool, size); if (buf == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } key = (char *)buf; buf = ngx_cpymem(buf, h[i], h[i].key.len); *buf++ = '\0'; value = (char *)buf; buf = ngx_cpymem(buf, h[i], h[i].value.len); *buf++ = '\0'; apr_table_addn(req->headers_out, key, value); ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "ModSecurity: load headers out: \"%V: %V\"", &h[i].key, &h[i].value); } for (i = 0; special_headers_out[i].name; i++) { vv = ngx_http_get_variable(r, &special_headers_out[i].variable_name, ngx_hash_key(special_headers_out[i], special_headers_out[i].variable_name.len)); if (vv && !vv->not_found) { data = ngx_palloc(r->pool, vv->len + 1); if (data == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_memcpy(data,vv->data, vv->len); data[vv->len] = '\0'; apr_table_setn(req->headers_out, special_headers_out[i].name, data); ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "ModSecurity: load headers out: \"%s: %s\"", special_headers_out[i].name, data); } } req->content_type = apr_table_get(ctx->req->headers_out, "Content-Type"); req->content_encoding = apr_table_get(ctx->req->headers_out, "Content-Encoding"); data = (char *)apr_table_get(ctx->req->headers_out, "Content-Languages"); if(data != NULL) { ctx->req->content_languages = apr_array_make(ctx->req->pool, 1, sizeof(const char *)); *(const char **)apr_array_push(ctx->req->content_languages) = data; } /* req->chunked = r->chunked; may be useless */ req->clength = r->headers_out.content_length_n; req->mtime = apr_time_make(r->headers_out.last_modified_time, 0); ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "ModSecurity: load headers out done"); return NGX_OK; }
static ngx_inline ngx_int_t ngx_http_modsecurity_load_request(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_modsecurity_ctx_t *ctx; request_rec *req; size_t root; ngx_str_t path; ngx_uint_t port; struct sockaddr_in *sin; #if (NGX_HAVE_INET6) struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6; #endif ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_modsecurity); req = ctx->req; /* request line */ req->method = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->method_name); /* TODO: how to use ap_method_number_of ? * req->method_number = ap_method_number_of(req->method); */ req->method_number = ngx_http_modsecurity_method_number(r->method); /* ngx_http_map_uri_to_path() allocates memory for terminating '\0' */ if (ngx_http_map_uri_to_path(r, &path, &root, 0) == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } req->filename = (char *); req->path_info = req->filename; req->args = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->args); req->proto_num = r->http_major *1000 + r->http_minor; req->protocol = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->http_protocol); req->request_time = apr_time_make(r->start_sec, r->start_msec); req->the_request = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->request_line); req->unparsed_uri = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->unparsed_uri); req->uri = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->uri); req->parsed_uri.scheme = "http"; #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL) if (r->connection->ssl) { req->parsed_uri.scheme = "https"; } #endif req->parsed_uri.path = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->uri); req->parsed_uri.is_initialized = 1; switch (r->connection->local_sockaddr->sa_family) { #if (NGX_HAVE_INET6) case AF_INET6: sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) r->connection->local_sockaddr; port = ntohs(sin6->sin6_port); break; #endif #if (NGX_HAVE_UNIX_DOMAIN) case AF_UNIX: port = 0; break; #endif default: /* AF_INET */ sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) r->connection->local_sockaddr; port = ntohs(sin->sin_port); break; } req->parsed_uri.port = port; req->parsed_uri.port_str = ngx_pnalloc(r->pool, sizeof("65535")); (void) ngx_sprintf((u_char *)req->parsed_uri.port_str, "%ui%c", port, '\0'); req->parsed_uri.query = r->args.len ? req->args : NULL; req->parsed_uri.dns_looked_up = 0; req->parsed_uri.dns_resolved = 0; // req->parsed_uri.password = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->headers_in.passwd); // req->parsed_uri.user = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->headers_in.user); req->parsed_uri.fragment = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->exten); req->hostname = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, (ngx_str_t *)&ngx_cycle->hostname); req->header_only = r->header_only ? r->header_only : (r->method == NGX_HTTP_HEAD); return NGX_OK; }
static ngx_inline ngx_int_t ngx_http_modsecurity_save_request_body(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_modsecurity_ctx_t *ctx; apr_off_t content_length; ngx_buf_t *buf; ngx_http_core_srv_conf_t *cscf; size_t size; ngx_http_connection_t *hc; ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_modsecurity); apr_brigade_length(ctx->brigade, 0, &content_length); if (r->header_in->end - r->header_in->last >= content_length) { /* use r->header_in */ if (ngx_buf_size(r->header_in)) { /* move to the end */ ngx_memmove(r->header_in->pos + content_length, r->header_in->pos, ngx_buf_size(r->header_in)); } if (apr_brigade_flatten(ctx->brigade, (char *)r->header_in->pos, (apr_size_t *)&content_length) != APR_SUCCESS) { return NGX_ERROR; } apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->brigade); r->header_in->last += content_length; return NGX_OK; } if (ngx_buf_size(r->header_in)) { /* * ngx_http_set_keepalive will reuse r->header_in if * (r->header_in != c->buffer && r->header_in.last != r->header_in.end), * so we need this code block. * see ngx_http_set_keepalive, ngx_http_alloc_large_header_buffer */ cscf = ngx_http_get_module_srv_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module); size = ngx_max(cscf->large_client_header_buffers.size, (size_t)content_length + ngx_buf_size(r->header_in)); hc = r->http_connection; #if defined(nginx_version) && nginx_version >= 1011011 if (hc->free && size == cscf->large_client_header_buffers.size) { buf = hc->free->buf; #else if (hc->nfree && size == cscf->large_client_header_buffers.size) { buf = hc->free[--hc->nfree]; #endif ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "ModSecurity: use http free large header buffer: %p %uz", buf->pos, buf->end - buf->last); } else if (hc->nbusy < cscf->large_client_header_buffers.num) { if (hc->busy == NULL) { hc->busy = ngx_palloc(r->connection->pool, cscf->large_client_header_buffers.num * sizeof(ngx_buf_t *)); } if (hc->busy == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } else { buf = ngx_create_temp_buf(r->connection->pool, size); } } else { /* TODO: how to deal this case ? */ return NGX_ERROR; } } else { buf = ngx_create_temp_buf(r->pool, (size_t) content_length); } if (buf == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (apr_brigade_flatten(ctx->brigade, (char *)buf->pos, (apr_size_t *)&content_length) != APR_SUCCESS) { return NGX_ERROR; } apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->brigade); buf->last += content_length; ngx_memcpy(buf->last, r->header_in->pos, ngx_buf_size(r->header_in)); buf->last += ngx_buf_size(r->header_in); r->header_in = buf; return NGX_OK; } static ngx_inline ngx_int_t ngx_http_modsecurity_load_headers_out(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_modsecurity_ctx_t *ctx; char *data; request_rec *req; ngx_http_variable_value_t *vv; ngx_list_part_t *part; ngx_table_elt_t *h; ngx_uint_t i; char *key, *value; u_char *buf = NULL; size_t size = 0; ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_modsecurity); req = ctx->req; req->status = r->headers_out.status; req->status_line = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->headers_out.status_line); /* deep copy */ part = &r->headers_out.headers.part; h = part->elts; for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (i >= part->nelts) { if (part->next == NULL) break; part = part->next; h = part->elts; i = 0; } size += h[i].key.len + h[i].value.len + 2; buf = ngx_palloc(r->pool, size); if (buf == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } key = (char *)buf; buf = ngx_cpymem(buf, h[i], h[i].key.len); *buf++ = '\0'; value = (char *)buf; buf = ngx_cpymem(buf, h[i], h[i].value.len); *buf++ = '\0'; apr_table_addn(req->headers_out, key, value); ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "ModSecurity: load headers out: \"%V: %V\"", &h[i].key, &h[i].value); } for (i = 0; special_headers_out[i].name; i++) { vv = ngx_http_get_variable(r, &special_headers_out[i].variable_name, ngx_hash_key(special_headers_out[i], special_headers_out[i].variable_name.len)); if (vv && !vv->not_found) { data = ngx_palloc(r->pool, vv->len + 1); if (data == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_memcpy(data,vv->data, vv->len); data[vv->len] = '\0'; apr_table_setn(req->headers_out, special_headers_out[i].name, data); ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "ModSecurity: load headers out: \"%s: %s\"", special_headers_out[i].name, data); } } req->content_type = apr_table_get(ctx->req->headers_out, "Content-Type"); req->content_encoding = apr_table_get(ctx->req->headers_out, "Content-Encoding"); data = (char *)apr_table_get(ctx->req->headers_out, "Content-Languages"); if(data != NULL) { ctx->req->content_languages = apr_array_make(ctx->req->pool, 1, sizeof(const char *)); *(const char **)apr_array_push(ctx->req->content_languages) = data; } /* req->chunked = r->chunked; may be useless */ req->clength = r->headers_out.content_length_n; req->mtime = apr_time_make(r->headers_out.last_modified_time, 0); ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "ModSecurity: load headers out done"); return NGX_OK; }
static apr_status_t test_anon(apr_pool_t *parpool) { apr_status_t rv; apr_pool_t *pool; apr_shm_t *shm; apr_size_t retsize; pid_t pid; int cnt, i, exit_int; rv = apr_pool_create(&pool, parpool); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating child pool\n"); return rv; } printf("Creating anonymous shared memory block (%" APR_SIZE_T_FMT " bytes)........", SHARED_SIZE); rv = apr_shm_create(&shm, SHARED_SIZE, NULL, pool); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating shared memory block\n"); return rv; } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); printf("Checking size...%" APR_SIZE_T_FMT " bytes...", retsize = apr_shm_size_get(shm)); if (retsize != SHARED_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating shared memory block\n"); return rv; } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); printf("Allocating shared mbox memory for %d boxes ..............", N_BOXES); boxes = apr_shm_baseaddr_get(shm); if (boxes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating message boxes.\n"); return rv; } fprintf(stdout, "OK\n"); printf("Shared Process Test (child/parent)\n"); pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { /* child */ msgwait(5, 0, N_BOXES); exit(0); } else if (pid > 0) { /* parent */ i = N_BOXES; cnt = N_MESSAGES; while (--cnt > 0) { if ((i-=3) < 0) { i += N_BOXES; /* start over at the top */ } msgput(i, "Sending a message\n"); apr_sleep(apr_time_make(0, 10000)); } } else { printf("Error creating a child process\n"); return errno; } /* wait for the child */ printf("Waiting for child to exit.\n"); if (waitpid(pid, &exit_int, 0) < 0) { return errno; } printf("Destroying shared memory segment..."); rv = apr_shm_destroy(shm); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { printf("FAILED\n"); return rv; } printf("OK\n"); apr_pool_destroy(pool); return APR_SUCCESS; }
static ngx_inline ngx_int_t ngx_http_modsecurity_load_request(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_modsecurity_ctx_t *ctx; request_rec *req; ngx_str_t str; size_t root; ngx_str_t path; ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_modsecurity); req = ctx->req; /* request line */ req->method = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->method_name); /* TODO: how to use ap_method_number_of ? * req->method_number = ap_method_number_of(req->method); */ req->method_number = ngx_http_modsecurity_method_number(r->method); /* ngx_http_map_uri_to_path() allocates memory for terminating '\0' */ if (ngx_http_map_uri_to_path(r, &path, &root, 0) == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } req->filename = (char *); req->path_info = req->filename; req->args = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->args); req->proto_num = r->http_major *1000 + r->http_minor; req->protocol = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->http_protocol); req->request_time = apr_time_make(r->start_sec, r->start_msec); req->the_request = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->request_line); req->unparsed_uri = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->unparsed_uri); req->uri = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->uri); req->parsed_uri.scheme = "http"; #if (NGX_HTTP_SSL) if (r->connection->ssl) { req->parsed_uri.scheme = "https"; } #endif req->parsed_uri.path = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->uri); req->parsed_uri.is_initialized = 1; = r->port_start; str.len = r->port_end - r->port_start; req->parsed_uri.port = ngx_atoi(, str.len); req->parsed_uri.port_str = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &str); req->parsed_uri.query = r->args.len ? req->args : NULL; req->parsed_uri.dns_looked_up = 0; req->parsed_uri.dns_resolved = 0; // req->parsed_uri.password = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->headers_in.passwd); // req->parsed_uri.user = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->headers_in.user); req->parsed_uri.fragment = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, &r->exten); req->hostname = (char *)ngx_pstrdup0(r->pool, (ngx_str_t *)&ngx_cycle->hostname); req->header_only = r->header_only ? r->header_only : (r->method == NGX_HTTP_HEAD); return NGX_OK; }
void *ongoing_heartbeat_thread(apr_thread_t *th, void *data) { mq_ongoing_t *on = (mq_ongoing_t *)data; apr_time_t timeout = apr_time_make(on->check_interval, 0); op_generic_t *gop; mq_msg_t *msg; ongoing_hb_t *oh; ongoing_table_t *table; apr_hash_index_t *hi, *hit; opque_t *q; char *id; mq_msg_hash_t *remote_hash; apr_time_t now; apr_ssize_t id_len; int n, k; char *remote_host_string; apr_thread_mutex_lock(on->lock); n = 0; do { now = apr_time_now() - apr_time_from_sec(5); //** Give our selves a little buffer log_printf(5, "Loop Start now=" TT "\n", apr_time_now()); q = new_opque(); // opque_start_execution(q); for (hit = apr_hash_first(NULL, on->table); hit != NULL; hit = apr_hash_next(hit)) { apr_hash_this(hit, (const void **)&remote_hash, &id_len, (void **)&table); k = apr_hash_count(table->table); if (log_level() > 1) { remote_host_string = mq_address_to_string(table->remote_host); log_printf(1, "host=%s count=%d\n", remote_host_string, k); free(remote_host_string); } for (hi = apr_hash_first(NULL, table->table); hi != NULL; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) { apr_hash_this(hi, (const void **)&id, &id_len, (void **)&oh); log_printf(1, "id=%s now=" TT " next_check=" TT "\n", oh->id, apr_time_sec(apr_time_now()), apr_time_sec(oh->next_check)); if (now > oh->next_check) { log_printf(1, "id=%s sending HEARTBEAT EXEC SUBMIT nows=" TT " hb=%d\n", oh->id, apr_time_sec(apr_time_now()), oh->heartbeat); flush_log(); //** Form the message msg = mq_make_exec_core_msg(table->remote_host, 1); mq_msg_append_mem(msg, ONGOING_KEY, ONGOING_SIZE, MQF_MSG_KEEP_DATA); mq_msg_append_mem(msg, oh->id, oh->id_len, MQF_MSG_KEEP_DATA); mq_msg_append_mem(msg, NULL, 0, MQF_MSG_KEEP_DATA); //** Make the gop gop = new_mq_op(on->mqc, msg, ongoing_response_status, NULL, NULL, oh->heartbeat); gop_set_private(gop, table); opque_add(q, gop); oh->in_progress = 1; //** Flag it as in progress so it doesn't get deleted behind the scenes } } } log_printf(5, "Loop end now=" TT "\n", apr_time_now()); //** Wait for it to complete apr_thread_mutex_unlock(on->lock); opque_waitall(q); apr_thread_mutex_lock(on->lock); //** Dec the counters while ((gop = opque_waitany(q)) != NULL) { log_printf(0, "gid=%d gotone status=%d now=" TT "\n", gop_id(gop), (gop_get_status(gop)).op_status, apr_time_sec(apr_time_now())); table = gop_get_private(gop); table->count--; //** Update the next check for (hi = apr_hash_first(NULL, table->table); hi != NULL; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) { apr_hash_this(hi, (const void **)&id, &id_len, (void **)&oh); oh->next_check = apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(oh->heartbeat); //** Check if we get rid of it oh->in_progress = 0; if (oh->count <= 0) { //** Need to delete it apr_hash_set(table->table, id, id_len, NULL); free(oh->id); free(oh); } } gop_free(gop, OP_DESTROY); } opque_free(q, OP_DESTROY); now = apr_time_now(); log_printf(2, "sleeping %d now=" TT "\n", on->check_interval, now); //** Sleep until time for the next heartbeat or time to exit if (on->shutdown == 0) apr_thread_cond_timedwait(on->cond, on->lock, timeout); n = on->shutdown; now = apr_time_now() - now; log_printf(2, "main loop bottom n=%d dt=" TT " sec=" TT "\n", n, now, apr_time_sec(now)); } while (n == 0); log_printf(2, "CLEANUP\n"); for (hit = apr_hash_first(NULL, on->table); hit != NULL; hit = apr_hash_next(hit)) { apr_hash_this(hit, (const void **)&remote_hash, &id_len, (void **)&table); for (hi = apr_hash_first(NULL, table->table); hi != NULL; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) { apr_hash_this(hi, (const void **)&id, &id_len, (void **)&oh); apr_hash_set(table->table, id, id_len, NULL); free(oh->id); free(oh); } apr_hash_set(on->table, &(table->remote_host_hash), sizeof(mq_msg_hash_t), NULL); mq_msg_destroy(table->remote_host); free(table); } log_printf(2, "EXITING\n"); apr_thread_mutex_unlock(on->lock); return(NULL); }
void check_hportal_connections(host_portal_t *hp) { int i, j, total; int n_newconn = 0; int64_t curr_workload; hportal_lock(hp); curr_workload = hp->workload + hp->executing_workload; //** Now figure out how many new connections are needed, if any if (tbx_stack_count(hp->que) == 0) { n_newconn = 0; } else if (hp->n_conn < hp->min_conn) { n_newconn = hp->min_conn - hp->n_conn; } else { n_newconn = (curr_workload / hp->context->max_workload) - hp->n_conn; if (n_newconn < 0) n_newconn = 0; if ((hp->n_conn+n_newconn) > hp->max_conn) { n_newconn = hp->max_conn - hp->n_conn; if (n_newconn < 0) n_newconn = 0; } } i = n_newconn; if (hp->sleeping_conn > 0) n_newconn = 0; //** IF sleeping don't spawn any more connections total = n_newconn + hp->n_conn; if (total > hp->stable_conn) { if (apr_time_now() > hp->pause_until) { hp->stable_conn++; hp->pause_until = apr_time_now(); if (hp->stable_conn > hp->max_conn) { hp->stable_conn = hp->max_conn; n_newconn = 0; } else if (hp->stable_conn == 0) { hp->stable_conn = 1; // n_newconn = 1; n_newconn = (hp->pause_until == 0) ? 1 : 0; } else { n_newconn = (hp->n_conn < hp->max_conn) ? 1 : 0; hp->pause_until = apr_time_now() + apr_time_make(hp->context->wait_stable_time, 0); } } else { if (hp->n_conn > 0) { n_newconn = 0; } else if (hp->pause_until == 0) { n_newconn = 1; } } } //** Do a check for invalid or down host if (hp->invalid_host == 1) { if ((hp->n_conn == 0) && (tbx_stack_count(hp->que) > 0)) n_newconn = 1; //** If no connections create one to sink the command } j = (hp->pause_until > apr_time_now()) ? 1 : 0; log_printf(6, "check_hportal_connections: host=%s n_conn=%d sleeping=%d workload=" I64T " curr_wl=" I64T " exec_wl=" I64T " start_new_conn=%d new_conn=%d stable=%d stack_size=%d pause_until=" TT " now=" TT " pause_until_blocked=%d\n", hp->skey, hp->n_conn, hp->sleeping_conn, hp->workload, curr_workload, hp->executing_workload, i, n_newconn, hp->stable_conn, tbx_stack_count(hp->que), hp->pause_until, apr_time_now(), j); //** Update the total # of connections after the operation //** n_conn is used instead of conn_list to prevent false positives on a dead depot hp->n_conn = hp->n_conn + n_newconn; hp->oops_check += n_newconn; if (n_newconn < 0) hp->oops_neg = -100000; hportal_unlock(hp); //** Spawn the new connections if needed ** for (i=0; i<n_newconn; i++) { spawn_new_connection(hp); } }