コード例 #1
// Left hand effector's extend function for a single object.
// Purpose:
//		- Extends effector until it touches the object or reaches the maximum length.
void LeftVirtualHand::extend(arEffector& self, arInteractable* object, float maxLength) {

	// Return if grabbing an object.
	if(getGrabbedObject() != 0) return;

	// Reset tip to 0.0 ft. length.
	_currentLength = 0.0;
	setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));

	// Check if the maximum length has been reached or an object has been touched.
	while(_currentLength < maxLength && !ar_pollingInteraction(self, object)) {
		// If not, increase tip length by interaction distance.
		_currentLength += _interactionDistance;
		setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: KosmosSIDE/Kosmos
// start callback
// Purposes:
// 		- Register shared memory by adding transfer fields. This is to syncronize cluster-based 
//		  systems, hence we don't need to do this. But there's a few examples anyway.
// 		- Set up navigation through the framework by specifying translation conditions, rotation
//		  conditions, translation speed, and rotation speed. We provide a couple examples here.
//		- Initialize any global variables specific to your application.
// Notes: 
//		DO NOT initialize OpenGL here. The start callback is called before window creation. 
//		Instead initialize OpenGL in the windowStartGL callback.
bool start(arMasterSlaveFramework& framework, arSZGClient& client )



	// Register shared memory. Not needed for non-cluster-based systems.
	// framework.addTransferField(char* name, void* address, arDataType type, int numElements);
	vector<arInteractable*>::iterator i;
	for(i=objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i) 
		Object* obj = ((Object*)(*i));
		ostringstream ostr;
		ostr << "objMatrix" << &i;
		arMatrix4 obM = obj->matrix;
		framework.addTransferField(ostr.str(), &obM, AR_FLOAT, 16);
	// Set up navigation.

	// A traditional pointing technique using the joystick with left and right rotating the scene.
	// Translate along Z-axis (forwards/backwards) if joystick is pressed more than 20% along axis 1.
	framework.setNavTransCondition('z', AR_EVENT_AXIS, 1, 0.2);

	// Rotate around Y-axis (vertical) if joystick is pressed more than 20% along axis 0.
	//framework.setNavRotCondition('y', AR_EVENT_AXIS, 0, 0.2);  //FOR ROTATE
	framework.setNavTransCondition('x', AR_EVENT_AXIS, 0, 0.2);  //FOR STRAFING

	// Set translation speed to 5 feet/second.

	// Set rotation speed to 30 degrees/second.

	// Initialize application variables here.
	// Move object's to initial positions.

	// Create sound transform.
	soundTransformID = dsTransform("world", framework.getNavNodeName(), ar_scaleMatrix(1.0));
	// Parameters are:
	//		name - string name for sound
	//		transformName - string name for dsTransform
	//		loopType - 1 for continuous, -1 for one-time, 0 to stop
	//		loudness - float from 0.0 (quiet) to 1.0 (max)
	//		positionVector - vector position of sound origin
	// Create loop for click sound.
	clickSound = dsLoop("click", "world", "click.mp3", 0, 1.0, arVector3(0, 0, 0));
	// Return true if everything is initialized correctly.
	return true;

コード例 #3
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: KosmosSIDE/Kosmos
// preExchange callback
// Purposes:
//		- Handle navigation updates.
//		- Process user input.
//		- Set random variables.
//		- Update shared memory.
// Notes:
//		This is only called on the master node of the cluster and before shared memory is 
//		transferred to the slave nodes.
void preExchange(arMasterSlaveFramework& framework)
	// Handle navigation update. The resulting navigation matrix is automatically transferred
	// to the slave nodes.
	currentTimeGlobal = framework.getTime();
	double currentTime = framework.getTime();
	// Process user input.
	// Update shared memory.
	// Transfer data about objects to slave nodes.

	// Detect right hand collisions.
	rightHand.detectCollisions(rightHand, objects);

	// Extend left ray to collision point.
	leftHand.extend(leftHand, objects);

	// Update input state (placement matrix & button states) of our effectors.
	// Handle any interaction with the objects (see interaction/arInteractionUtilities.h).
	list<arInteractable*> objectlist;
	std::copy(objects.begin (), objects.end (), std::back_inserter(objectlist));
	ar_pollingInteraction(rightHand, objectlist);
	ar_pollingInteraction(leftHand, objectlist);
	// Play click sound if right hand has grabbed an object.
	if(rightHand.getGrabbedObject() != 0) 
		dsLoop(clickSound, "click.mp3", -1, 1.0, arVector3(0, 0, 0));
	// Or reset the trigger
		dsLoop(clickSound, "click.mp3", 0, 1.0, arVector3(0, 0, 0));
	// Update shared memory.
	// Transfer data about objects to slave nodes.

	vector<arInteractable*>::iterator i;
	for(i=objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i) 
		Object* oby = ((Object*)(*i));
		oby->matrix = oby->getMatrix();

	arMatrix4 navMatrix = ar_getNavMatrix();

コード例 #4
// Left hand effector's extend function for multiple objects.
// Purpose:
//		- Extends effector until it touches an object or reaches the maximum length.
void LeftVirtualHand::extend(arEffector& self, vector<arInteractable*>& objects, float maxLength) {

	// Return if grabbing an object.
	if(getGrabbedObject() != 0) return;

	// Reset tip to 0.0 ft. length.
	_currentLength = 0.0;
	setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));

	list<arInteractable*> objectlist;
	std::copy(objects.begin (), objects.end (), std::back_inserter(objectlist));
	// Check if the maximum length has been reached or an object has been touched.
	while(_currentLength < maxLength && !ar_pollingInteraction(self, objectlist)) {
		// If not, increase tip length by interaction distance.
		_currentLength += _interactionDistance;
		setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));
	if(selectionMode == 3 && ar_pollingInteraction(self, objectlist)) //if it interacted
		//cout << "hit an object" << '\n';
		//find out which object it interacted with
		vector<arInteractable*>::iterator i;
		for(i=objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i) 
			if(ar_pollingInteraction(self, *i))
				Object *oby = ((Object*)(*i));
				oby->_selected = !oby->_selected;
				selectionMode = 0;
		selectionMode = 0;
	else if(selectionMode==3)
		selectionMode = 0;
	else if(selectionMode == 1)
		int numObjects = 0;
		vector<arInteractable*>::iterator i;
		for(i=objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i) 
			// get object location
			Object* oby = ((Object*)(*i));
			arMatrix4 objLoc = oby->getMatrix();
			// if object is in cone, then add to selected list
			float x[] = {objLoc[12], objLoc[13], objLoc[14]};
			float height = getLength();
			float radius = height/2.f;
			arMatrix4 tp = getBaseMatrix();
			arMatrix4 bm = getMatrix();
			float t[] = {tp[12],tp[13],tp[14]};
			float b[] = {bm[12],bm[13],bm[14]};
			if(isLyingInCone(x, t, b, radius, height))
				if((numObjects) % 4 == 0)
				else if(numObjects % 4 == 1)
				else if(numObjects % 4 == 2)
				else if(numObjects % 4 == 3)
		if(numObjects == 0)
			selectionMode = 0;
		else if(numObjects == 1)
			//if only one object, select it
			selectionMode = 0;
			Object* oby = leftSelectedObjects.front();
			//set the one object to selected
			oby->_selected = !oby->_selected;
			//else selectionMode = 2, selected lists have all the items
			selectionMode = 2;