int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { float radius =5; double area; areaCircle(radius, &area); printf("the are of %f radius circle is %f .\n",radius,area); return 0; }
void circleMenu(Circle** cir) { int option; do { cout << "\n CIRCLE MENU " "\n 1. Create two Circle objects " "\n 2. Compare by volume " "\n 3. Compare by area " "\n 4. Print two Circle objects " "\n 5. Quit "; cout << "\n Enter your option (1 to 5): "; cin >> option; switch (option) { case 1: delete *cir; *cir = 0; *cir = new Circle[2]; cout << "\n Cricle #1:" << endl; cin >> (*cir)[0]; cout << "\n Cricle #2:" << endl; cin >> (*cir)[1]; break; case 2: if (cir != 0) cout << "\n The circle has 0 volume." << endl; else cout << "\n Cricle ojbects are not fully available." << endl; break; case 3: areaCircle(*cir); break; case 4: if (*cir != 0) { cout << "\n Circle #1:" << endl; cout << (*cir)[0]; cout << "\n Circle #2:" << endl; cout << (*cir)[1]; } else { cout << "\n Cirlce ojbects are not fully available." << endl; } break; case 5: break; default: cout << "\n Wrong Option!" << endl; } } while (option != 5); }
void mixedMenu(Rectangle* rec, Circle* cir) { int option; do { cout << "\n MIXED MENU " "\n 1. Compare by area " "\n 2. Compare by volume " "\n 3. Print ALL objects " "\n 4. Quit "; cout << "\n Enter your option (1 to 4): "; cin >> option; switch (option) { case 1: areaRectangle(rec); areaCircle(cir); break; case 2: cout << "\n Rectangle and Cirlce has 0 volume" << endl; break; case 3: if (rec != 0) { cout << rec[0]; cout << rec[1]; } else { cout << "\n Rectangle ojbects are not fully available." << endl; } if (cir != 0) { cout << cir[0]; cout << cir[1]; } else { cout << "\n Cirlce ojbects are not fully available." << endl; } break; case 4: break; default: cout << "\nWrong Option!" << endl; } } while (option != 4); }