コード例 #1
FlushFormat VariableAccessData::flushFormat()
    ASSERT(find() == this);
    if (isArgumentsAlias())
        return FlushedArguments;
    if (!shouldUnboxIfPossible())
        return FlushedJSValue;
    if (shouldUseDoubleFormat())
        return FlushedDouble;
    SpeculatedType prediction = argumentAwarePrediction();
    // This guard is here to protect the call to couldRepresentInt52(), which will return
    // true for !prediction.
    if (!prediction)
        return FlushedJSValue;
    if (isInt32Speculation(prediction))
        return FlushedInt32;
    if (couldRepresentInt52Impl())
        return FlushedInt52;
    if (isCellSpeculation(prediction))
        return FlushedCell;
    if (isBooleanSpeculation(prediction))
        return FlushedBoolean;
    return FlushedJSValue;
コード例 #2
FlushFormat VariableAccessData::flushFormat()
    ASSERT(find() == this);
    if (isArgumentsAlias())
        return FlushedArguments;
    if (!shouldUnboxIfPossible())
        return FlushedJSValue;
    if (shouldUseDoubleFormat())
        return FlushedDouble;
    SpeculatedType prediction = argumentAwarePrediction();
    if (isInt32Speculation(prediction))
        return FlushedInt32;
    if (enableInt52() && !m_local.isArgument() && isMachineIntSpeculation(prediction))
        return FlushedInt52;
    if (isCellSpeculation(prediction))
        return FlushedCell;
    if (isBooleanSpeculation(prediction))
        return FlushedBoolean;
    return FlushedJSValue;
コード例 #3
bool VariableAccessData::couldRepresentInt52Impl()
    // The hardware has to support it.
    if (!enableInt52())
        return false;
    // We punt for machine arguments.
    if (m_local.isArgument())
        return false;
    // The argument-aware prediction -- which merges all of an (inlined or machine)
    // argument's variable access datas' predictions -- must possibly be MachineInt.
    return !(argumentAwarePrediction() & ~SpecMachineInt);