コード例 #1
ファイル: mAR.c プロジェクト: jeffreyhorner/cxxr
static void whittle2 (Array acf, Array Aold, Array Bold, int lag,
		      char *direction, Array A, Array K, Array E)

    int d, i, nser=DIM(acf)[1];
    const void *vmax;
    Array beta, tmp, id;

    d = strcmp(direction, "forward") == 0;

    vmax = vmaxget();

    beta = make_zero_matrix(nser,nser);
    tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    id = make_identity_matrix(nser);

    copy_array(id, subarray(A,0));

    for(i = 0; i < lag; i++) {
       matrix_prod(subarray(acf,lag - i), subarray(Aold,i), d, 1, tmp);
       array_op(beta, tmp, '+', beta);
       matrix_prod(subarray(acf,i), subarray(Bold,i), d, 1, tmp);
       array_op(E, tmp, '+', E);
    qr_solve(E, beta, K);
    for (i = 1; i <= lag; i++) {
	matrix_prod(K, subarray(Bold,lag - i), 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(subarray(Aold,i), tmp, '-', subarray(A,i));

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: vb3/homework
int *poly_multi_divcon(int *P, int *Q, int n)
    if (n == 1) {
        int *out = calloc(2, sizeof(int));
        *out = P[0] * Q[0];
        return out;
    int i;
    int d = (n/2) + (n%2);

    //split p and q
    int *p2 = calloc(d, sizeof(int));
    int *q2 = calloc(d, sizeof(int));
    int *p1 = calloc(d-(n%2), sizeof(int));
    int *q1 = calloc(d-(n%2), sizeof(int));
    for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
        p2[i] = P[i];
        q2[i] = Q[i];
        p1[i] = P[i+d];
        q1[i] = Q[i+d];
    int *PP = array_op(p1, p2, d-(n%2), d);      //add P1 and P2
    int *QQ = array_op(q1, q2, d-(n%2), d);      //add Q1 and Q2
    int *R = poly_multi_divcon(p2, q2, d);     //Mult P2*Q2
    int *S = poly_multi_divcon(PP, QQ, d);     //Mult (P1+P2)(Q1+Q2)
    int *T = poly_multi_divcon(p1, q1, d);     //Mult P1*Q1
    int *outt = calloc((n*2), sizeof(int));
    //x^2d(R) + x^d(S-R-T) + T
    for (i = 0; i<n; i++) {
        //printf("n= %d i=%d T[i]=%7d S-R-T=%7d R[i]=%7d\n", n, i, T[i], S[i] - R[i] - T[i], R[i]);
        outt[i] += R[i];
        outt[i+d] += S[i] - R[i] - T[i];
        outt[i+(d*2)] += T[i];
    free(R); free(S); free(T); free(PP); free(QQ);
    return outt;
コード例 #3
ファイル: mAR.c プロジェクト: jeffreyhorner/cxxr
static void whittle(Array acf, int nlag, Array *A, Array *B, Array p_forward,
    Array v_forward, Array p_back, Array v_back)

    int lag, nser = DIM(acf)[1];
    const void *vmax;
    Array EA, EB;	/* prediction variance */
    Array KA, KB;	/* partial correlation coefficient */
    Array id, tmp;

    vmax = vmaxget();

    KA = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    EA = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    KB = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    EB = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    id = make_identity_matrix(nser);

    copy_array(id, subarray(A[0],0));
    copy_array(id, subarray(B[0],0));
    copy_array(id, subarray(p_forward,0));
    copy_array(id, subarray(p_back,0));

    for (lag = 1; lag <= nlag; lag++) {

	whittle2(acf, A[lag-1], B[lag-1], lag, "forward", A[lag], KA, EB);
	whittle2(acf, B[lag-1], A[lag-1], lag, "back", B[lag], KB, EA);

	copy_array(EA, subarray(v_forward,lag-1));
	copy_array(EB, subarray(v_back,lag-1));

	copy_array(KA, subarray(p_forward,lag));
	copy_array(KB, subarray(p_back,lag));


    tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser,nser);

    matrix_prod(KB,KA, 1, 1, tmp);
    array_op(id, tmp, '-', tmp);
    matrix_prod(EA, tmp, 0, 0, subarray(v_forward, nlag));


コード例 #4
ファイル: mAR.c プロジェクト: jeffreyhorner/cxxr
static void burg2(Array ss_ff, Array ss_bb, Array ss_fb, Array E,
   Array KA, Array KB)
   Estimate partial correlation by minimizing (1/2)*log(det(s)) where
   "s" is the the sum of the forward and backward prediction errors.

   In the multivariate case, the forward (KA) and backward (KB) partial
   correlation coefficients are related by

      KA = solve(E) %*% t(KB) %*% E

   where E is the prediction variance.

    int i, j, k, l, nser = NROW(ss_ff);
    int iter;
    Array ss_bf;
    Array s, tmp, d1;
    Array obj;
    Array e, f, g, h, sg, sh;
    Array theta;

    ss_bf = make_zero_matrix(nser,nser);
    transpose_matrix(ss_fb, ss_bf);
    s = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    d1 = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    e = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    f = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    g = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    h = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    sg = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    sh = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    theta = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    D1 = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);
    D2 = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, nser*nser);
    THETA = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);	/* theta in vector form */
    THETAOLD = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);
    THETADIFF = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);
    TMP = make_zero_matrix(nser*nser, 1);

    obj = make_zero_matrix(1,1);

    /* utility matrices e,f,g,h */
    qr_solve(E, ss_bf, e);
    qr_solve(E, ss_fb, f);
    qr_solve(E, ss_bb, tmp);
    transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
    qr_solve(E, tmp, g);
    qr_solve(E, ss_ff, tmp);
    transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
    qr_solve(E, tmp, h);

    for(iter = 0; iter < BURG_MAX_ITER; iter++)
	/* Forward and backward partial correlation coefficients */
	transpose_matrix(theta, tmp);
	qr_solve(E, tmp, tmp);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, KA);

	qr_solve(E, theta, tmp);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, KB);

	/* Sum of forward and backward prediction errors ... */

	/* Forward */
	array_op(s, ss_ff, '+', s);
	matrix_prod(KA, ss_bf, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	matrix_prod(ss_bb, KA, 0, 1, tmp);
	matrix_prod(KA, tmp, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '+', s);

	/* Backward */
	array_op(s, ss_bb, '+', s);
	matrix_prod(KB, ss_fb, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	transpose_matrix(tmp, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '-', s);
	matrix_prod(ss_ff, KB, 0, 1, tmp);
	matrix_prod(KB, tmp, 0, 0, tmp);
	array_op(s, tmp, '+', s);

	matrix_prod(s, f, 0, 0, d1);
	matrix_prod(e, s, 1, 0, tmp);
	array_op(d1, tmp, '+', d1);


	for (i = 0; i < nser; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < nser; j++) {
		MATRIX(D1)[nser*i+j][0] = MATRIX(d1)[i][j];
		for (k = 0; k < nser; k++)
		    for (l = 0; l < nser; l++) {
			MATRIX(D2)[nser*i+j][nser*k+l] =
			    (i == k) * MATRIX(sg)[j][l] +
			    MATRIX(sh)[i][k] * (j == l);

	copy_array(THETA, THETAOLD);
	qr_solve(D2, D1, THETA);

	for (i = 0; i < vector_length(theta); i++)
	    VECTOR(theta)[i] = VECTOR(THETA)[i];

	matrix_prod(D2, THETA, 0, 0, TMP);

	matrix_prod(D2, THETADIFF, 0, 0, TMP);
	matrix_prod(THETADIFF, TMP, 1, 0, obj);
	if (VECTOR(obj)[0] < BURG_TOL)


    if (iter == BURG_MAX_ITER)
	error(_("Burg's algorithm failed to find partial correlation"));
コード例 #5
ファイル: mAR.c プロジェクト: jeffreyhorner/cxxr
static void burg0(int omax, Array resid_f, Array resid_b, Array *A, Array *B,
    Array P, Array V, int vmethod)
    int i, j, m, n = NCOL(resid_f), nser=NROW(resid_f);
    Array ss_ff, ss_bb, ss_fb;
    Array resid_f_tmp, resid_b_tmp;
    Array KA, KB, E;
    Array id, tmp;

    ss_ff = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    ss_fb = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    ss_bb = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    resid_f_tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser, n);
    resid_b_tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser, n);

    id    = make_identity_matrix(nser);

    tmp   = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    E = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    KA = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);
    KB = make_zero_matrix(nser, nser);

    copy_array(id, subarray(A[0],0));
    copy_array(id, subarray(B[0],0));

    matrix_prod(resid_f, resid_f, 0, 1, E);
    scalar_op(E, n, '/',  E);
    copy_array(E, subarray(V,0));

    for (m = 0; m < omax; m++) {

	for(i = 0; i < nser; i++) {
	    for (j = n - 1; j > m; j--) {
		MATRIX(resid_b)[i][j] = MATRIX(resid_b)[i][j-1];
	    MATRIX(resid_f)[i][m] = 0.0;
	    MATRIX(resid_b)[i][m] = 0.0;
	matrix_prod(resid_f, resid_f, 0, 1, ss_ff);
	matrix_prod(resid_b, resid_b, 0, 1, ss_bb);
	matrix_prod(resid_f, resid_b, 0, 1, ss_fb);

	burg2(ss_ff, ss_bb, ss_fb, E, KA, KB);		/* Update K */

	for (i = 0; i <= m + 1; i++) {

	    matrix_prod(KA, subarray(B[m], m + 1 - i), 0, 0, tmp);
	    array_op(subarray(A[m], i), tmp, '-', subarray(A[m+1], i));

	    matrix_prod(KB, subarray(A[m], m + 1 - i), 0, 0, tmp);
	    array_op(subarray(B[m], i), tmp, '-', subarray(B[m+1], i));


	matrix_prod(KA, resid_b, 0, 0, resid_f_tmp);
	matrix_prod(KB, resid_f, 0, 0, resid_b_tmp);
	array_op(resid_f, resid_f_tmp, '-', resid_f);
	array_op(resid_b, resid_b_tmp, '-', resid_b);

	if (vmethod == 1) {
	    matrix_prod(KA, KB, 0, 0, tmp);
	    array_op(id, tmp, '-', tmp);
	    matrix_prod(tmp, E, 0, 0, E);
	else if (vmethod == 2) {
	    matrix_prod(resid_f, resid_f, 0, 1, E);
	    matrix_prod(resid_b, resid_b, 0, 1, tmp);
	    array_op(E, tmp, '+', E);
	    scalar_op(E, 2.0*(n - m - 1), '/', E);
	else error(_("Invalid vmethod"));

	copy_array(E, subarray(V,m+1));
	copy_array(KA, subarray(P,m+1));
コード例 #6
ファイル: mAR.c プロジェクト: jeffreyhorner/cxxr
void multi_burg(int *pn, double *x, int *pomax, int *pnser, double *coef,
	double *pacf, double *var, double *aic, int *porder, int *useaic,
	int *vmethod)
    int i, j, m, omax = *pomax, n = *pn, nser=*pnser, order=*porder;
    int dim1[3];
    double aicmin;
    Array xarr, resid_f, resid_b, resid_f_tmp;
    Array *A, *B, P, V;

    dim1[0] = omax+1; dim1[1] = dim1[2] = nser;
    A = (Array *) R_alloc(omax+1, sizeof(Array));
    B = (Array *) R_alloc(omax+1, sizeof(Array));
    for (i = 0; i <= omax; i++) {
	A[i] = make_zero_array(dim1, 3);
	B[i] = make_zero_array(dim1, 3);
    P = make_array(pacf, dim1, 3);
    V = make_array(var, dim1, 3);

    xarr = make_matrix(x, nser, n);
    resid_f = make_zero_matrix(nser, n);
    resid_b = make_zero_matrix(nser, n);
    copy_array(xarr, resid_f);
    copy_array(xarr, resid_b);
    resid_f_tmp = make_zero_matrix(nser, n);

    burg0(omax, resid_f, resid_b, A, B, P, V, *vmethod);

    /* Model order selection */

    for (i = 0; i <= omax; i++) {
	aic[i] = n * ldet(subarray(V,i)) + 2 * i * nser * nser;
    if (*useaic) {
	order = 0;
	aicmin = aic[0];
	for (i = 1; i <= omax; i++) {
	    if (aic[i] < aicmin) {
		aicmin = aic[i];
		order = i;
    else order = omax;
    *porder = order;

    for(i = 0; i < vector_length(A[order]); i++)
	coef[i] = VECTOR(A[order])[i];

    if (*useaic) {
	/* Recalculate residuals for chosen model */
	for (m = 0; m <= order; m++) {
	    for (i = 0; i < NROW(resid_f_tmp); i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < NCOL(resid_f_tmp) - order; j++) {
		    MATRIX(resid_f_tmp)[i][j + order] = MATRIX(xarr)[i][j + order - m];
	    matrix_prod(subarray(A[order],m), resid_f_tmp, 0, 0, resid_f_tmp);
	    array_op(resid_f_tmp, resid_f, '+', resid_f);
    copy_array(resid_f, xarr);
