var File_New(var self, var_list vl) { FileData* fd = cast(self, File); const char* filename = as_str(var_list_get(vl)); const char* access = as_str(var_list_get(vl)); stream_open(self, filename, access); return self; }
inline void ebox_code(DWORD err, PCWSTR line) { ustring title(L"Error: "); title += as_str(err); ::SetLastError(err); PCWSTR Msg[] = {title.c_str(), line, L"OK", }; psi().Message(get_plugin_guid(), FMSG_WARNING | FMSG_ERRORTYPE, nullptr, Msg, sizeofa(Msg), 1); }
static const char * as_str(const char *line) { if (*line != ':') return as_str(line + 1); return line + 1; }
static lcore_t * set_model_name(const char *line, lcore_t *lc) { if (!model_name) model_name = strdup(as_str(line)); return lc; }
void String_Assign(var self, var obj) { StringData* s = cast(self, String); const char* value = as_str(obj); s->value = realloc(s->value, strlen(value) + 1); if (s->value == NULL) { throw(OutOfMemoryError, "Cannot allocate string, out of memory!"); } strcpy(s->value, value); }
xml::node xml_for_aggregate_table(soa_actuarial_table const& t) { xml::node n("aggregate"); std::vector<double> const values = t.values(t.min_age(), t.max_age() - t.min_age() + 1); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { xml::node v("value", as_str(values[i])); v.get_attributes().insert("age", as_str(t.min_age() + i)); n.insert(v); } return n; }
var String_Eq(var self, var other) { StringData* fst = cast(self, String); if (type_implements(type_of(other), AsStr)) { return (var)(intptr_t)(strcmp(fst->value, as_str(other)) == 0); } else { return False; } }
void String_Append(var self, var obj) { StringData* s = cast(self, String); const char* os = as_str(obj); size_t newlen = strlen(s->value) + strlen(os); s->value = realloc(s->value, newlen + 1); if (s->value == NULL) { throw(OutOfMemoryError, "Cannot allocate string, out of memory!"); } strcat(s->value, os); }
void FeInputSelMenu::get_options( FeConfigContext &ctx ) { ctx.set_style( FeConfigContext::EditList, "Configure / Controls" ); ctx.fe_settings.get_input_mappings( m_mappings ); std::vector < FeMapping >::iterator it; for ( it=m_mappings.begin(); it != m_mappings.end(); ++it ) { std::string setstr, help, orstr; ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "OR", orstr ); std::string value; std::vector < std::string >::iterator iti; for ( iti=(*it).input_list.begin(); iti != (*it).input_list.end(); ++iti ) { if ( iti > (*it).input_list.begin() ) { value += " "; value += orstr; value += " "; } value += (*iti); } std::string help_msg( "_help_control_" ); help_msg += FeInputMap::commandStrings[(*it).command]; ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, FeInputMap::commandDispStrings[(*it).command], value, help_msg ); } // Add the joystick and mouse threshold settings to this menu as well std::vector<std::string> thresh(21); thresh[0]="99"; for ( int i=0; i<19; i++ ) thresh[i+1] = as_str( 95 - ( i * 5 ) ); thresh[20]="1"; std::string setstr, help; ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Joystick Threshold", ctx.fe_settings.get_info( FeSettings::JoystickThreshold ), "_help_joystick_threshold" ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( thresh ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 1; ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Mouse Threshold", ctx.fe_settings.get_info( FeSettings::MouseThreshold ), "_help_mouse_threshold" ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( thresh ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 1; FeBaseConfigMenu::get_options( ctx ); }
xml::node xml_for_duration_table(soa_actuarial_table const& t) { xml::node n("duration"); std::vector<double> const values = t.values(t.min_age(), t.max_age() - t.min_age() + 1); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { xml::node v("value", as_str(values[i])); n.insert(v); } return n; }
var String_Lt(var self, var obj) { StringData* s = cast(self, String); if (not type_implements(type_of(obj), AsStr)) return false; const char* fst = s->value; const char* snd = as_str(obj); int fstlen = strlen(fst); int sndlen = strlen(snd); int minlen = fstlen > sndlen ? sndlen : fstlen; for(int i = 0; i < minlen; i++) { if (fst[i] < snd[i]) return True; } if (fstlen < sndlen) return True; return False; }
void String_Discard(var self, var obj) { StringData* s = cast(self, String); if (type_implements(type_of(obj), AsStr)) { const char* ostr = as_str(obj); const char* pos = strstr(s->value, ostr); int bytecount = strlen(s->value) - strlen(pos) - strlen(ostr) + 1; memmove((char*)pos, pos + strlen(ostr), bytecount); } if (type_implements(type_of(obj), AsChar)) { char ochar = as_char(obj); const char* pos = strchr(s->value, ochar); while(pos != NULL) { pos = pos+1; } } }
xml::node xml_for_select_and_ultimate_table(soa_actuarial_table const& t) { xml::node n("select-and-ultimate"); xml::node n_select("select"); xml::node n_ultimate("ultimate"); // Write the <select> portion: n_select.get_attributes().insert("period", as_str(t.select_period())); for(int age = t.min_age(); age <= t.max_select_age(); age++) { std::vector<double> data = t.values(age, t.select_period()); xml::node n_row("row"); n_row.get_attributes().insert("age", as_str(age)); for (int s = 0; s < t.select_period(); s++) { xml::node v("value", as_str(data[s])); n_row.insert(v); } n_select.insert(n_row); } // Write the <ultimate> portion: for(int age = t.min_age(); age <= t.max_select_age(); age++) { std::vector<double> data = t.values(age, t.select_period() + 1); xml::node v("value", as_str(data.back())); v.get_attributes().insert("age", as_str(age + t.select_period())); n_ultimate.insert(v); } for(int age = t.max_select_age() + t.select_period() + 1; age <= t.max_age(); age++) { std::vector<double> data = t.values(age, 1); xml::node v("value", as_str(data.back())); v.get_attributes().insert("age", as_str(age)); n_ultimate.insert(v); } n.insert(n_select); n.insert(n_ultimate); return n; }
var String_Contains(var self, var obj) { StringData* s = cast(self, String); if (type_implements(type_of(obj), AsStr)) { const char* ostr = as_str(obj); if ( strstr(s->value, ostr) ) { return True; } else { return False; } } if (type_implements(type_of(obj), AsChar)) { char ochar = as_char(obj); if (strchr(s->value, ochar)) { return True; } else { return False; } } return False; }
ssize_t tst::_registry() { LogAlert(); astring welln[] = { astring(".DEFAULT"), // astring("S-1-5-18"), // astring("S-1-5-19"), // astring("S-1-5-20"), }; auto seq = registry::open(HKEY_USERS, ""); if (seq) { for (auto it = seq->begin(), end = seq->end(); it != end; ++it) { if (simstd::find(simstd::begin(welln), simstd::end(welln), it->name()) == simstd::end(welln)) { LogReport("found name: '%s'", it->name().c_str()); auto sid = windows::sid::open(it->name().c_str()); if (sid) { LogReport("\tgood sid: '%s', name: '%s'", sid->as_str().c_str(), sid->name().c_str()); } // try open network auto key = registry::open(seq->system(), (it->name() + "\\Network").c_str()); if (key) { LogReport("\texist!"); for (auto it = key->begin(), end = key->end(); it != end; ++it) { auto letter = registry::open(key->system(), it->name().c_str()); auto path = letter->get("RemotePath", ""); LogReport("letter: '%s' -> '%s'", it->name().c_str(), path.c_str()); } } } } } return 0; }
bool FeSettings::scrape_artwork( const std::string &emu_name, UiUpdate uiu, void *uid, std::string &msg ) { FeEmulatorInfo *emu = m_rl.get_emulator( emu_name ); if ( emu == NULL ) return false; // // Put up the "scraping artwork" message at 0 percent while we get going... // if ( uiu ) uiu( uid, 0 ); std::cout << "*** Scraping artwork for: " << emu_name << std::endl; FeRomInfoListType romlist; std::string fn = get_config_dir() + FE_ROMLIST_SUBDIR + emu_name + FE_ROMLIST_FILE_EXTENSION; FeImporterContext ctx( *emu, romlist ); ctx.uiupdate = uiu; ctx.uiupdatedata = uid; if ( file_exists( fn ) ) { FeRomList loader( get_config_dir() ); loader.load_from_file( fn, ";" ); ctx.romlist.swap( loader.get_list() ); } else { ctx.progress_range=33; build_basic_romlist( ctx ); apply_xml_import( ctx ); ctx.progress_past=33; } ctx.progress_range = ( 100-ctx.progress_past ) / 2; ctx.scrape_art = true; confirm_directory( get_config_dir(), FE_SCRAPER_SUBDIR ); // do the mamedb scraper first (which only does anything for mame) followed // by the more general thegamesdb scraper. these return false if the user // cancels... if ( mamedb_scraper( ctx ) ) { ctx.progress_past = ctx.progress_past + ctx.progress_range; thegamesdb_scraper( ctx ); } if ( uiu ) uiu( uid, 100 ); std::cout << "*** Scraping done." << std::endl; if ( ctx.user_message.empty() ) get_resource( "Scraped $1 artwork file(s)", as_str( ctx.download_count ), msg ); else msg = ctx.user_message; return true; }
int scan_from_va(var input, int pos, const char* fmt, va_list va) { char fmt_buf[strlen(fmt)+1]; while(true) { if (*fmt == '\0') { break; } const char* start = fmt; /* Match String */ while(!strchr("%\0", *fmt)) { fmt++; } if (start != fmt) { strncpy(fmt_buf, start, (fmt - start)); fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+0] = '\0'; fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+1] = '%'; fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+2] = 'n'; int off = 0; int err = format_from(input, pos, fmt_buf, &off); if (err < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input format!"); } pos += off; continue; } /* Match %% */ if (*fmt == '%' && *(fmt+1) == '%') { int err = format_from(input, pos, "%%"); if (err < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input '%%%%'!"); } pos += 2; fmt += 2; continue; } /* Match Format Specifier */ while(!strchr("diuoxXfFeEgGaAxcsp$\0", *fmt)) { fmt++; } if (start != fmt) { strncpy(fmt_buf, start, (fmt - start)+1); fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+1] = '\0'; var a = va_arg(va, var); if (*fmt == '$') { pos = look_from(a, input, pos); } fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+1] = '%'; fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+2] = 'n'; fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+3] = '\0'; int off = 0; if (*fmt == 's') { int err = format_from(input, pos, fmt_buf, as_str(a), &off); if (err < 1) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input String!"); } pos += off; } if (strchr("diouxX", *fmt)) { long tmp = 0; int err = format_from(input, pos, fmt_buf, &tmp, &off); if (err < 1) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input Int!"); } pos += off; assign(a, $(Int, tmp)); } if (strchr("fFeEgGaA", *fmt)) { if (strchr(fmt_buf, 'l')) { double tmp = 0; int err = format_from(input, pos, fmt_buf, &tmp, &off); if (err < 1) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input Real!"); } pos += off; assign(a, $(Real, tmp)); } else { float tmp = 0; int err = format_from(input, pos, fmt_buf, &tmp, &off); if (err < 1) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input Real!"); } pos += off; assign(a, $(Real, tmp)); } } if (*fmt == 'c') { char tmp = '\0'; int err = format_from(input, pos, fmt_buf, &tmp, &off); if (err < 1) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input Char!"); } pos += off; assign(a, $(Char, tmp)); } if (*fmt == 'p') { void* tmp = NULL; int err = format_from(input, pos, fmt_buf, &tmp, &off); if (err < 1) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to input Reference!"); } pos += off; assign(a, $(Reference, tmp)); } fmt++; continue; } throw(FormatError, "Invalid Format String!"); } return pos; }
static unsigned as_int(const char *line) { return atoi(as_str(line)); }
int print_to_va(var out, int pos, const char* fmt, va_list va) { char fmt_buf[strlen(fmt)+1]; while(true) { if (*fmt == '\0') { break; } const char* start = fmt; /* Match String */ while(!strchr("%\0", *fmt)) { fmt++; } if (start != fmt) { strncpy(fmt_buf, start, (fmt - start)); fmt_buf[(fmt - start)] = '\0'; int off = format_to(out, pos, fmt_buf); if (off < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to output format!"); } pos += off; continue; } /* Match %% */ if (*fmt == '%' && *(fmt+1) == '%') { int off = format_to(out, pos, "%%"); if (off < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to output '%%%%'!"); } pos += off; fmt += 2; continue; } /* Match Format Specifier */ while(!strchr("diuoxXfFeEgGaAxcsp$\0", *fmt)) { fmt++; } if (start != fmt) { strncpy(fmt_buf, start, (fmt - start)+1); fmt_buf[(fmt - start)+1] = '\0'; var a = va_arg(va, var); if (*fmt == '$') { pos = show_to(a, out, pos); } if (*fmt == 's') { int off = format_to(out, pos, fmt_buf, as_str(a)); if (off < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to output String!"); } pos += off; } if (strchr("diouxX", *fmt)) { int off = format_to(out, pos, fmt_buf, as_long(a)); if (off < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to output Int!"); } pos += off; } if (strchr("fFeEgGaA", *fmt)) { int off = format_to(out, pos, fmt_buf, as_double(a)); if (off < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to output Real!"); } pos += off; } if (*fmt == 'c') { int off = format_to(out, pos, fmt_buf, as_char(a)); if (off < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to output Char!"); } pos += off; } if (*fmt == 'p') { int off = format_to(out, pos, fmt_buf, a); if (off < 0) { throw(FormatError, "Unable to output Object!"); } pos += off; } fmt++; continue; } throw(FormatError, "Invalid Format String!"); } return pos; }
void FeDisplayEditMenu::get_options( FeConfigContext &ctx ) { ctx.set_style( FeConfigContext::EditList, "Display Edit" ); if ( m_display ) { ctx.add_optl( Opt::EDIT, "Name", m_display->get_info( FeDisplayInfo::Name ), "_help_display_name" ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Layout", m_display->get_info( FeDisplayInfo::Layout ), "_help_display_layout" ); std::vector<std::string> layouts; ctx.fe_settings.get_layouts_list( layouts ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( layouts ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Collection/Rom List", m_display->get_info( FeDisplayInfo::Romlist ), "_help_display_romlist" ); std::vector<std::string> romlists; ctx.fe_settings.get_romlists_list( romlists ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( romlists ); std::vector<std::string> bool_opts( 2 ); ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "Yes", bool_opts[0] ); ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "No", bool_opts[1] ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Show in Cycle", m_display->show_in_cycle() ? bool_opts[0] : bool_opts[1], "_help_display_in_cycle" ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( bool_opts ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Show in Menu", m_display->show_in_menu() ? bool_opts[0] : bool_opts[1], "_help_display_in_menu" ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( bool_opts ); FeFilter *f = m_display->get_filter( -1 ); std::string filter_desc; if ( f->get_rule_count() < 1 ) ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "Empty", filter_desc ); else ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "$1 Rule(s)", as_str(f->get_rule_count()), filter_desc ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Global Filter", filter_desc, "_help_display_global_filter" ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 9; std::vector<std::string> filters; m_display->get_filters_list( filters ); int i=0; for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr=filters.begin(); itr != filters.end(); ++itr ) { ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Filter", (*itr), "_help_display_filter" ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 100 + i; i++; } ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Add Filter", "", "_help_display_add_filter" ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 1; ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Layout Options", "", "_help_display_layout_options" ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 2; ctx.add_optl( Opt::EXIT, "Delete this Display", "", "_help_display_delete" ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 3; } FeBaseConfigMenu::get_options( ctx ); }
void FeFilterEditMenu::get_options( FeConfigContext &ctx ) { ctx.set_style( FeConfigContext::EditList, "Filter Edit" ); if ( m_display ) { FeFilter *f = m_display->get_filter( m_index ); if ( m_index < 0 ) { std::string gf; ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "Global Filter", gf ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::INFO, "Filter Name", gf, "_help_filter_name" ); } else { ctx.add_optl( Opt::EDIT, "Filter Name", f->get_name(), "_help_filter_name" ); } int i=0; std::vector<FeRule> &rules = f->get_rules(); for ( std::vector<FeRule>::const_iterator itr=rules.begin(); itr != rules.end(); ++itr ) { std::string rule_str; FeRomInfo::Index t = (*itr).get_target(); if ( t != FeRomInfo::LAST_INDEX ) { ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( FeRomInfo::indexStrings[t], rule_str ); FeRule::FilterComp c = (*itr).get_comp(); if ( c != FeRule::LAST_COMPARISON ) { std::string comp_str; ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( FeRule::filterCompDisplayStrings[c], comp_str ); rule_str += " "; rule_str += comp_str; rule_str += " "; rule_str += (*itr).get_what(); } } if ( (*itr).is_exception() ) ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Exception", rule_str, "_help_filter_exception" ); else ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Rule", rule_str, "_help_filter_rule" ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 100 + i; i++; } ctx.add_optl(Opt::SUBMENU,"Add Rule","","_help_filter_add_rule"); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 1; ctx.add_optl(Opt::SUBMENU,"Add Exception","","_help_filter_add_exception"); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 2; if ( m_index >= 0 ) // don't add the following options for the global filter { std::string no_sort_str, sort_val; ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "No Sort", no_sort_str ); if ( f->get_sort_by() != FeRomInfo::LAST_INDEX ) sort_val = FeRomInfo::indexStrings[f->get_sort_by()]; else sort_val = no_sort_str; std::vector< std::string > targets; i=0; while ( FeRomInfo::indexStrings[i] != 0 ) { targets.push_back( std::string() ); ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( FeRomInfo::indexStrings[i], targets.back() ); i++; } targets.push_back( no_sort_str ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Sort By", sort_val, "_help_filter_sort_by" ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( targets ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::EDIT, "List Limit", as_str( f->get_list_limit() ), "_help_filter_list_limit" ); ctx.add_optl(Opt::EXIT,"Delete this Filter","","_help_filter_delete"); ctx.back_opt().opaque = 3; } } FeBaseConfigMenu::get_options( ctx ); }
void FeSoundMenu::get_options( FeConfigContext &ctx ) { ctx.set_style( FeConfigContext::EditList, "Configure / Sound" ); std::vector<std::string> volumes(11); for ( int i=0; i<11; i++ ) volumes[i] = as_str( 100 - ( i * 10 ) ); std::string setstr, help; // // Sound, Ambient and Movie Volumes // for ( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) { int v = ctx.fe_settings.get_set_volume( (FeSoundInfo::SoundType)i ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, FeSoundInfo::settingDispStrings[i], as_str(v), "_help_volume" ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( volumes ); } // // Get the list of available sound files // Note the sound_list vector gets copied to each option! // std::vector<std::string> sound_list; ctx.fe_settings.get_sounds_list( sound_list ); #ifndef NO_MOVIE for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr=sound_list.begin(); itr != sound_list.end(); ) { if ( !FeMedia::is_supported_media_file( *itr ) ) itr = sound_list.erase( itr ); else itr++; } #endif sound_list.push_back( "" ); // // Sounds that can be mapped to input commands. // for ( int i=0; i < FeInputMap::LAST_EVENT; i++ ) { // there is a NULL in the middle of the commandStrings list if ( FeInputMap::commandDispStrings[i] != NULL ) { std::string v; ctx.fe_settings.get_sound_file( (FeInputMap::Command)i, v, false ); ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, FeInputMap::commandDispStrings[i], v, "_help_sound_sel" ); ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( sound_list ); ctx.back_opt().opaque = i; } } FeBaseConfigMenu::get_options( ctx ); }
static void _handle_resize (player *pl, world *w, command_reader& reader) { if (!pl->has ("")) { pl->message (messages::not_allowed ()); return; } if (reader.arg_count () != 3) { pl->message ("§c * §7Usage§f: §e/world resize §cwidth depth"); return; } int width = 0, depth = 0; auto a_width = (); auto a_depth = (); if (!a_width.is_int ()) { if (sutils::iequals (a_width.as_str (), "inf")) width = 0; else { pl->message ("§c * §7Both width and depth must be non-zero positive integers§c."); return; } } else { width = a_width.as_int (); if (width <= 0) { pl->message ("§c * §7Both width and depth must be non-zero positive integers§c."); return; } } if (!a_depth.is_int ()) { if (sutils::iequals (a_depth.as_str (), "inf")) depth = 0; else { pl->message ("§c * §7Both width and depth must be non-zero positive integers§c."); return; } } else { depth = a_depth.as_int (); if (depth <= 0) { pl->message ("§c * §7Both width and depth must be non-zero positive integers§c."); return; } } if (width == w->get_width () && depth == w->get_depth ()) { pl->message ("§c * §7The world is already in that size§c."); return; } w->set_size (width, depth); w->get_players ().all ( [] (player *pl) { pl->rejoin_world (false); pl->message ("§bWorld reloaded"); }); }
void FeMameXMLParser::end_element( const char *element ) { if (( strcmp( element, "game" ) == 0 ) || ( strcmp( element, "machine" ) == 0 )) { if ( m_collect_data ) { m_collect_data = false; if ( !m_keep_rom ) m_discarded.push_back( m_itr ); else { // // Construct the extra info now // std::string extra; if ( m_chd ) extra += "chd"; if ( m_mechanical ) { if ( !extra.empty() ) extra += ","; extra += "mechanical"; } (*m_itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Extra, extra ); (*m_itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::DisplayCount, as_str( m_displays ) ); } m_count++; int percent = m_ctx.progress_past + m_count * m_ctx.progress_range / m_ctx.romlist.size(); if ( percent > m_percent ) { m_percent = percent; std::cout << "\b\b\b\b" << std::setw(3) << m_percent << '%' << std::flush; if ( m_ui_update ) { if ( m_ui_update( m_ui_update_data, m_percent ) == false ) set_continue_parse( false ); } } } } if ( m_element_open ) { if ( strcmp( element, "description" ) == 0 ) (*m_itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Title, m_current_data ); else if ( strcmp( element, "year" ) == 0 ) (*m_itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Year, m_current_data ); else if ( strcmp( element, "manufacturer" ) == 0 ) (*m_itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Manufacturer, m_current_data ); m_current_data.clear(); m_element_open=false; } }
bool FeSettings::thegamesdb_scraper( FeImporterContext &c ) { #ifndef NO_NET const char *HOSTNAME = ""; const char *PLATFORM_LIST_REQ = "api/GetPlatformsList.php"; const char *PLAT_REQ = "api/GetPlatform.php?id=$1"; const char *GAME_REQ = "api/GetGame.php?name=$1"; const char *FLYER = "flyer/"; const char *WHEEL = "wheel/"; const char *MARQUEE = "marquee/"; const char *SNAP = "snap/"; const char *FANART = "fanart/"; // // Get a list of valid platforms // FeNetQueue q; q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, PLATFORM_LIST_REQ, 0 ); sf::Http::Response::Status status; std::string err_req; q.do_next_task( status, err_req ); if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok ) { get_resource( "Error getting platform list from Code: $1", as_str( status ), c.user_message ); std::cerr << " ! " << c.user_message << " (" << err_req << ")" << std::endl; return true; } int temp; std::string body; q.pop_completed_task( temp, body ); FeGameDBPlatformListParser gdbplp; gdbplp.parse( body ); std::vector<std::string> system_list; std::vector<int> system_ids; const std::vector<std::string> &sl_temp = c.emulator.get_systems(); for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = sl_temp.begin(); itr != sl_temp.end(); ++itr ) { std::string comp_fuzz = get_fuzzy( *itr ); for ( size_t i=0; i<gdbplp.m_names.size(); i++ ) { ASSERT( gdbplp.m_names.size() == gdbplp.m_ids.size() ); std::string &n = gdbplp.m_names[i]; int id = ( i < gdbplp.m_ids.size() ) ? i : 0; if ( get_fuzzy( n ) ) == 0 ) { system_list.push_back( n ); system_ids.push_back( id ); break; } else { size_t pos = n.find_first_of( "(" ); if (( pos != std::string::npos ) && (( get_fuzzy( n.substr(0,pos-1))) == 0 ) || ( n.substr(pos+1,n.size()-pos-1 ))) == 0 ))) { system_list.push_back( n ); system_ids.push_back( id ); break; } } } } if ( system_list.size() < 1 ) { // Correct if we can based on the configured info source, // otherwise we error out switch( c.emulator.get_info_source() ) { case FeEmulatorInfo::Listxml: system_list.push_back( "Arcade" ); break; case FeEmulatorInfo::Steam: system_list.push_back( "PC" ); break; default: get_resource( "Error: None of the configured system identifier(s) are recognized by", c.user_message ); std::cerr << " ! " << c.user_message << std::endl; return true; } } std::string emu_name = c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Name ); std::string base_path = get_config_dir() + FE_SCRAPER_SUBDIR; base_path += emu_name + "/"; if ( c.scrape_art ) { // // Get emulator-specific images // for ( std::vector<int>::iterator iti=system_ids.begin(); iti != system_ids.end(); ++iti ) { std::string plat_string = PLAT_REQ; perform_substitution( plat_string, "$1", as_str( *iti ) ); q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, plat_string, 0 ); q.do_next_task( status, err_req ); if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok ) { std::cout << " * Unable to get platform information. Status code: " << status << " (" << err_req << ")" << std::endl; continue; } body.clear(); q.pop_completed_task( temp, body ); FeGameDBArt my_art; FeGameDBPlatformParser gdbpp( my_art ); gdbpp.parse( body ); std::string hostn = HOSTNAME; std::string base_req = "banners/"; get_url_components( my_art.base, hostn, base_req ); std::string path = base_path + FLYER; if ( m_scrape_flyers && ( !my_art.flyer.empty() ) && ( !art_exists( path, emu_name ) )) { confirm_directory( base_path, FLYER ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.flyer, path + emu_name ); } path = base_path + WHEEL; if ( m_scrape_wheels && ( !my_art.wheel.empty() ) && ( !art_exists( path, emu_name ) )) { confirm_directory( base_path, WHEEL ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.wheel, path + emu_name ); } path = base_path + MARQUEE; if ( m_scrape_marquees && ( !my_art.marquee.empty() ) && ( !art_exists( path, emu_name ) )) { confirm_directory( base_path, MARQUEE ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.marquee, path + emu_name ); } if ( m_scrape_fanart && !my_art.fanart.empty() ) { std::string path_base = base_path + FANART + emu_name + "/"; confirm_directory( base_path, "" ); confirm_directory( base_path + FANART, emu_name ); for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = my_art.fanart.begin(); itr != my_art.fanart.end(); ++itr ) { size_t start_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( "/\\" ); size_t end_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( '.' ); if (( start_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( !file_exists( path_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1 ) ) )) { if (( end_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( end_pos > start_pos )) { q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + (*itr), path_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1, end_pos-start_pos-1 ) ); } } } } } } bool prefer_alt_filename = c.emulator.is_mess(); // // Build a map for looking up parents // ParentMapType parent_map; build_parent_map( parent_map, c.romlist, prefer_alt_filename ); // // Build a worklist of the roms where we need to lookup // std::vector<FeRomInfo *> worklist; worklist.reserve( c.romlist.size() ); for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr=c.romlist.begin(); itr!=c.romlist.end(); ++itr ) { (*itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Emulator, emu_name ); // Don't scrape for a clone if its parent has the same name // if ( has_same_name_as_parent( *itr, parent_map ) ) continue; if ( !c.scrape_art || m_scrape_fanart || ( m_scrape_flyers && (!has_artwork( *itr, "flyer" ) ) ) || ( m_scrape_wheels && (!has_artwork( *itr, "wheel" ) ) ) || ( m_scrape_snaps && (!has_image_artwork( *itr, "snap" ) ) ) || ( m_scrape_marquees && (!has_artwork( *itr, "marquee" ) ) ) ) worklist.push_back( &(*itr) ); } const int NUM_ARTS=5; // the number of scrape-able artwork types int done_count( 0 ); // // Set up our initial queue of network tasks // for ( unsigned int i=0; i<worklist.size(); i++ ) { std::string req_string = GAME_REQ; std::string game = url_escape( name_with_brackets_stripped( worklist[i]->get_info( FeRomInfo::Title ) ) ); perform_substitution( req_string, "$1", game ); // // If we don't need to scrape a wheel artwork, then add the specific platform to our request // If we are scraping a wheel, we want to be able to grab them where the game name (but // not the system) matches, so we don't limit ourselves by system... // if (( system_list.size() == 1 ) && ( !c.scrape_art || !m_scrape_wheels || has_artwork( *(worklist[i]), "wheel" ) )) { req_string += "&platform="; req_string += url_escape( system_list.front() ); } q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, req_string, i ); } // // Create worker threads to process the queue, adding new tasks to download // artwork files where appropriate // FeNetWorker worker1( q ), worker2( q ), worker3( q ), worker4( q ); std::string aux; // // Process the output queue from our worker threads // while ( !( q.input_done() && q.output_done() ) ) { int id; std::string result; if ( q.pop_completed_task( id, result ) ) { if ( id < 0 ) { if (( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) || ( id == FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask )) { std::cout << " + Downloaded: " << result << std::endl; c.download_count++; // find second last forward slash in filename // we assume that there will always be at least two size_t pos = result.find_last_of( "\\/" ); if ( pos != std::string::npos ) { pos = result.find_last_of( "\\/", pos-1 ); if ( pos != std::string::npos ) aux = result.substr( pos ); } } if ( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) // we don't increment if id = FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask done_count++; } else { FeGameDBArt my_art; FeGameDBParser gdbp( system_list, *(worklist[id]), ( c.scrape_art ? &my_art : NULL ) ); gdbp.parse( result ); if ( c.scrape_art && !my_art.base.empty() ) { std::string hostn = HOSTNAME; std::string base_req = "banners/"; get_url_components( my_art.base, hostn, base_req ); const FeRomInfo &rom = *(worklist[id]); if ( m_scrape_flyers && ( !my_art.flyer.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "flyer" )) ) { std::string fname = base_path + FLYER; const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() ) fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); else fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, FLYER ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.flyer, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_wheels && ( !my_art.wheel.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "wheel" )) ) { std::string fname = base_path + WHEEL; const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() ) fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); else fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, WHEEL ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.wheel, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_marquees && (!my_art.marquee.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "marquee" )) ) { std::string fname = base_path + MARQUEE; const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() ) fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); else fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, MARQUEE ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.marquee, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_snaps && (!my_art.snap.empty() ) && (!has_image_artwork( rom, "snap" )) ) { std::string fname = base_path + SNAP; const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() ) fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); else fname += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, SNAP ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.snap, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_fanart && !my_art.fanart.empty() ) { std::string fname_base = base_path + FANART; confirm_directory( base_path, "" ); const std::string &altname = rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); if ( prefer_alt_filename && !altname.empty() ) { fname_base += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ); confirm_directory( base_path + FANART, rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::AltRomname ) ); } else { fname_base += rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path + FANART, rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) ); } fname_base += "/"; bool done_first=false; // we only count the first fanart against our percentage completed... for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = my_art.fanart.begin(); itr != my_art.fanart.end(); ++itr ) { size_t start_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( "/\\" ); size_t end_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( '.' ); if (( start_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( !file_exists( fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1 ) ) )) { if (( end_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( end_pos > start_pos )) { q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + (*itr), fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1, end_pos-start_pos-1 ), done_first ); done_first=true; } } } } else done_count++; } else { aux = (worklist[id])->get_info( FeRomInfo::Title ); done_count+=NUM_ARTS; } } if (( c.uiupdate ) && !worklist.empty() ) { int p = c.progress_past + done_count * c.progress_range / ( NUM_ARTS * worklist.size() ); if ( c.uiupdate( c.uiupdatedata, p, aux ) == false ) return false; } } else if ( q.output_done() ) { sf::Http::Response::Status status; std::string err_req; q.do_next_task( status, err_req ); if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok ) { std::cout << " * Error processing request. Status code: " << status << " (" << err_req << ")" << std::endl; } } else sf::sleep( sf::milliseconds( 10 ) ); } #endif return true; }
bool FeSettings::thegamesdb_scraper( FeImporterContext &c ) { #ifndef NO_NET const char *HOSTNAME = ""; const char *PLATFORM_REQ = "api/GetPlatformsList.php"; const char *GAME_REQ = "api/GetGame.php?name=$1"; // // Get a list of valid platforms // FeNetQueue q; q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, PLATFORM_REQ, 0 ); sf::Http::Response::Status status; q.do_next_task( status ); if ( status != sf::Http::Response::Ok ) { get_resource( "Error getting platform list from Code: $1", as_str( status ), c.user_message ); std::cout << " * " << c.user_message << std::endl; return true; } int temp; std::string body; q.pop_completed_task( temp, body ); FeGameDBPlatformParser gdbpp; gdbpp.parse( body ); const std::vector<std::string> &sl_temp = c.emulator.get_systems(); std::vector<std::string> system_list; for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itr = sl_temp.begin(); itr!=sl_temp.end(); ++itr ) { if ( gdbpp.m_set.find( *itr ) != gdbpp.m_set.end() ) system_list.push_back( *itr ); else std::cout << " * System identifier '" << (*itr) << "' not recognized by " << HOSTNAME << std::endl; } if ( system_list.size() < 1 ) { // Correct if we can based on the configured info source, // otherwise we error out const std::string source = c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Info_source ); if ( "mame" ) == 0 ) system_list.push_back( "Arcade" ); else if ( "steam" ) == 0 ) system_list.push_back( "PC" ); else { get_resource( "Error: None of the configured system identifier(s) are recognized by", c.user_message ); std::cout << " * " << c.user_message << std::endl; return true; } } std::string emu_name = c.emulator.get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Name ); // // Build a map for looking up parents // std::map < std::string, FeRomInfo * > parent_map; build_parent_map( parent_map, c.romlist ); // // Build a worklist of the roms where we need to lookup // std::vector<FeRomInfo *> worklist; worklist.reserve( c.romlist.size() ); for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr=c.romlist.begin(); itr!=c.romlist.end(); ++itr ) { (*itr).set_info( FeRomInfo::Emulator, emu_name ); // Don't scrape for a clone if its parent has the same name // if ( has_same_name_as_parent( *itr, parent_map ) ) continue; if ( !c.scrape_art || m_scrape_fanart || ( m_scrape_flyers && (!has_artwork( *itr, "flyer" ) ) ) || ( m_scrape_wheels && (!has_artwork( *itr, "wheel" ) ) ) || ( m_scrape_snaps && (!has_artwork( *itr, "snap" ) ) ) || ( m_scrape_marquees && (!has_artwork( *itr, "marquee" ) ) ) ) worklist.push_back( &(*itr) ); } const int NUM_ARTS=5; // the number of scrape-able artwork types int done_count( 0 ); // // Set up our initial queue of network tasks // for ( unsigned int i=0; i<worklist.size(); i++ ) { std::string req_string = GAME_REQ; std::string game = url_escape( name_with_brackets_stripped( worklist[i]->get_info( FeRomInfo::Title ) ) ); perform_substitution( req_string, "$1", game ); // // If we don't need to scrape a wheel artwork, then add the specific platform to our request // If we are scraping a wheel, we want to be able to grab them where the game name (but // not the system) matches, so we don't limit ourselves by system... // if (( system_list.size() == 1 ) && ( !c.scrape_art || !m_scrape_wheels || has_artwork( *(worklist[i]), "wheel" ) )) { req_string += "&platform="; req_string += url_escape( system_list.front() ); } q.add_buffer_task( HOSTNAME, req_string, i ); } std::string base_path = get_config_dir() + FE_SCRAPER_SUBDIR; base_path += emu_name + "/"; // // Create worker threads to process the queue, adding new tasks to download // artwork files where appropriate // FeNetWorker worker1( q ), worker2( q ), worker3( q ), worker4( q ); // // Process the output queue from our worker threads // while ( !q.input_done() || !q.output_done() ) { int id; std::string result; if ( q.pop_completed_task( id, result ) ) { if ( id < 0 ) { if (( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) || ( id == FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask )) { std::cout << " + Downloaded: " << result << std::endl; c.download_count++; } if ( id == FeNetTask::FileTask ) // we don't increment if id = FeNetTask::SpecialFileTask done_count++; } else { FeGameDBArt my_art; FeGameDBParser gdbp( system_list, *(worklist[id]), ( c.scrape_art ? &my_art : NULL ) ); gdbp.parse( result ); if ( c.scrape_art && !my_art.base.empty() ) { std::string hostn = HOSTNAME; std::string base_req = "banners/"; size_t pos=0; for ( int i=0; i<3 && ( pos != std::string::npos ); i++ ) pos = my_art.base.find_first_of( '/', pos+1 ); if (( pos != std::string::npos ) && ( pos < my_art.base.size()-1 ) ) { hostn = my_art.base.substr( 0, pos+1 ); base_req = my_art.base.substr( pos+1 ); } FeRomInfo &rom = *(worklist[id]); if ( m_scrape_flyers && ( !my_art.flyer.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "flyer" )) ) { const char *FLYER = "flyer/"; std::string fname = base_path + FLYER + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, FLYER ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.flyer, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_wheels && ( !my_art.wheel.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "wheel" )) ) { const char *WHEEL = "wheel/"; std::string fname = base_path + WHEEL + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, WHEEL ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.wheel, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_marquees && (!my_art.marquee.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "marquee" )) ) { const char *MARQUEE = "marquee/"; std::string fname = base_path + MARQUEE + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, MARQUEE ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.marquee, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_snaps && (!my_art.snap.empty() ) && (!has_artwork( rom, "snap" )) ) { const char *SNAP = "snap/"; std::string fname = base_path + SNAP + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ); confirm_directory( base_path, SNAP ); q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + my_art.snap, fname ); } else done_count++; if ( m_scrape_fanart && !my_art.fanart.empty() ) { const char *FANART = "fanart/"; std::string fname_base = base_path + FANART + rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) + "/"; confirm_directory( base_path, "" ); confirm_directory( base_path + FANART, rom.get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) ); bool done_first=false; // we only count the first fanart against our percentage completed... for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = my_art.fanart.begin(); itr != my_art.fanart.end(); ++itr ) { size_t start_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( "/\\" ); size_t end_pos = (*itr).find_last_of( '.' ); if (( start_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( !file_exists( fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1 ) ) )) { if (( end_pos != std::string::npos ) && ( end_pos > start_pos )) { q.add_file_task( hostn, base_req + (*itr), fname_base + (*itr).substr( start_pos+1, end_pos-start_pos-1 ), done_first ); done_first=true; } } } } else done_count++; } else done_count+=NUM_ARTS; } if ( c.uiupdate ) { int p = c.progress_past + done_count * c.progress_range / ( NUM_ARTS * worklist.size() ); if ( c.uiupdate( c.uiupdatedata, p ) == false ) return false; } } else if ( q.output_done() ) { sf::Http::Response::Status status; q.do_next_task( status ); } else sf::sleep( sf::milliseconds( 10 ) ); } #endif return true; }
return True; } else { return False; } } instance(Hello, New) = { sizeof(HelloData), Hello_New, Hello_Delete }; instance(Hello, Eq) = { Hello_Eq }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Hello = new(Type, "Hello", 2, (var[]){ &HelloNew, &HelloEq }, (const char*[]){ "New", "Eq" } ); printf("%s!\n", as_str(Hello)); var hello_obj1 = new(Hello, 1); var hello_obj2 = new(Hello, 2); printf("Equal? %d\n", (int)eq(hello_obj1, hello_obj2) ); delete(hello_obj1); delete(hello_obj2); delete(Hello); return 0; }