コード例 #1
ファイル: WcsHero.cpp プロジェクト: pfederl/CARTAvis
bool Hero::setSkyCS(Hero::SKYCS skyCS)
    if( m_currentSkyCs == skyCS) {
        // nothing to do
        return true;

    if( m_ast.origWcsInfo == AST__NULL) {
        addError( "No wcsinfo from astlib");
        return false;

    AstErrorGuard guard( this); // intercept errors
    AstGCGuard gcguard;

    // make a clone
    void * newWcsInfo = AST__NULL;
    if( m_originalSkyCs == skyCS) {
        // original skycs is the same as requested skycs, so
        // clone only a pointer to the original frame
        newWcsInfo = astClone( m_ast.origWcsInfo);
    else {
        // otherwise make a full clone of the frame and set it's system
        newWcsInfo = astCopy( m_ast.origWcsInfo);
        if( ! astOK) {
            addError( "Could not clone the original astFrameSet");
            return false;
        // set the new system for the clone
        AstWrappers::set( newWcsInfo, QString( "System=%1").arg( skycs2string(skyCS)));
        if( ! astOK) {
            addError( "Could not convert to this coordinate system " + skycs2string( skyCS));
            return false;

        astClear( newWcsInfo, "Epoch,Equinox");

    // free up the old ast pointer
    if( m_ast.currWcsInfo != AST__NULL) {
        astAnnul( m_ast.currWcsInfo);
        m_ast.currWcsInfo = AST__NULL;

    m_ast.currWcsInfo = newWcsInfo;
    astExempt( m_ast.currWcsInfo);
    m_currentSkyCs = skyCS;


    QString title = AstWrappers::getC( m_ast.currWcsInfo, "Title(1)");
    dbg(1) << "Title = " << title << "["
           << AstWrappers::getC( m_ast.currWcsInfo, "LonAxis") << ","
           << AstWrappers::getC( m_ast.currWcsInfo, "LatAxis") << "]";

    // clear up ast errors if any

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: WcsHero.cpp プロジェクト: pfederl/CARTAvis
Hero *  Hero::constructFromFitsFile(const QString &fname)
    FitsParser parser;
    bool parsedOk = parser.loadFile( FitsFileLocation::fromLocal( fname));
    if( ! parsedOk) {
        dbg(1) << "Parser failed to load " << fname;
        Hero * heroPtr = new Hero;
        heroPtr-> addError( "FitsParser failed to load the file");
        return heroPtr;

    // alias hdr
    auto & hdr = parser.getHeaderInfo().headerLines;

    Hero * heroPtr = new Hero;
    Hero & hero = * heroPtr;
    AstErrorGuard guard( heroPtr);
    AstGCGuard gcGuard;

    // set naxes in case AST fails to read this file
    hero.m_ast.naxes = parser.getHeaderInfo().naxis;

    // set up bunit
        hero.m_bunit = parser.getHeaderInfo().bunit;
    // and the nicer version of bunit
        QString u = hero.m_bunit.simplified();
        if( u.toLower() == "kelvin") {
            hero.m_bunitNiceHtml = "K";
        else {
            hero.m_bunitNiceHtml = u;

    // Create a FitsChan and feed it the fits header
    AstFitsChan *fitschan;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-zero-length"
    fitschan = astFitsChan( NULL, NULL, "" );
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

    std::cout << "astOK = " << astOK << "\n";

    // feed the header lines one by one and check for errors
    for( const QString & s : hdr) {
        std::string stdstr = s.toStdString();
        astPutFits( fitschan, stdstr.c_str(), 1);
        if( ! astOK) {
            QString ss = s.trimmed();
            std::cout << "Skipping bad card: " << ss << "\n";
            hero.addError( "Skipping card: " + ss);
    // reposition to the beginning of the channel (ast thing, it's required, hmmmkey)
    astClear( fitschan, "Card" );

    std::cout << "astOK = " << astOK << "\n";

    std::cout << "Here\n";

    auto encoding = AstWrappers::getC( fitschan, "Encoding" );
    std::cout << "Encoding = " << encoding << "\n";

    // do we have warnings?
    AstKeyMap * warnings = static_cast<AstKeyMap *>( astWarnings( fitschan));

    if( warnings && astOK ) {
        std::cout << "Warnings:\n";

        int iwarn = 1;
        while( astOK ) {
            std::string key = QString("Warning_%1").arg( iwarn).toStdString();
            const char * message = nullptr;
            if( astMapGet0C( warnings, key.c_str(), & message ) ) {
                printf( "\n- %s\n", message );
                hero.addError( QString( "Warning: %1").arg( message));
            } else {
    else {
        std::cout << "No warnings\n";

    // create a frameset for this file
    AstFrameSet * wcsinfo = static_cast<AstFrameSet *> ( astRead( fitschan ));
    std::cout << "astOK = " << astOK << "\n";

    if ( ! astOK ) {
        std::cout << "astOK is not ok\n";
        hero.addError( "astRead failed");
        return heroPtr;
    else if ( wcsinfo == AST__NULL ) {
        hero.addError( "No WCS found in the fits file");
        std::cout << "No WCS found\n";
        return heroPtr;
    else if ( AstWrappers::getC( wcsinfo, "Class" ) != "FrameSet") {
        std::cout << "Some other weird error occured\n";
        hero.addError( "AstLib returned non-frame-set");
        return heroPtr;

    // frame was read in OK, save it
    hero.m_ast.origWcsInfo = wcsinfo;
    astExempt( hero.m_ast.origWcsInfo);
    hero.m_ast.currWcsInfo = astClone( hero.m_ast.origWcsInfo);
    astExempt( hero.m_ast.currWcsInfo);

    astShow( wcsinfo);

    // extract the current sky system
    // TODO: this assumes axis1 is a skycs
    QString skysys = AstWrappers::getC( wcsinfo, "System(1)");
    hero.m_currentSkyCs = string2skycs( skysys);
    hero.m_originalSkyCs = hero.m_currentSkyCs;

    // extract the labels/etc for axes
    hero.m_ast.naxes = AstWrappers::getI( wcsinfo, "Naxes" );

    return heroPtr;
コード例 #3
ファイル: smf_detpos_wcs.c プロジェクト: andrecut/starlink
smfDetposWcsCache *smf_detpos_wcs( smfHead *hdr, int index, double dut1,
                                   const double telpos[3],
                                   AstFrameSet **fset, smfDetposWcsCache *cache,
                                   int *status ) {

/* Local Variables: */
   AstCmpMap *cmap1 = NULL;    /* Parallel CmpMap holding both LutMaps */
   AstLutMap *latmap = NULL;   /* LutMap holding latitude values */
   AstLutMap *lonmap = NULL;   /* LutMap holding longitude values */
   AstMapping *map = NULL;     /* GRID->SKY Mapping */
   AstSkyFrame *csky = NULL;   /* SkyFrame to put in returned FrameSet */
   const double *p1;           /* Pointer to next lon or lat value to copy */
   double *p2;                 /* Pointer to next lon value */
   double *p3;                 /* Pointer to next lat value */
   int i;                      /* Index of current detector */
   int nrec;                   /* Number of detectors */
   int outperm[ 2 ];           /* Axis permutation */
   smfDetposWcsCache *result;  /* Pointer to returned cache structure */

/* If a negative index was supplied just free the allocated resources and
   return. */
   if( index < 0 && cache ) {
      if( cache->latlut ) cache->latlut = astFree( cache->latlut );
      if( cache->lonlut ) cache->lonlut = astFree( cache->lonlut );
      if( cache->pmap ) cache->pmap = astAnnul( cache->pmap );
      if( cache->grid ) cache->grid = astAnnul( cache->grid );
      if( cache->sky ) cache->sky = astAnnul( cache->sky );
      cache = astFree( cache );
      return NULL;

/* Check inherited status */
   result = cache;
   if( *status != SAI__OK) return result;

/* If no cache structure was supplied, allocate and initialise one now. */
   if( !cache ) {
      cache = astMalloc( sizeof( *cache ) );
      if( cache ) {
         cache->latlut = NULL;
         cache->lonlut = NULL;
         cache->pmap = NULL;
         cache->grid = NULL;
         cache->sky = NULL;
         result = cache;

      } else {
         *status = SAI__ERROR;
         errRep( FUNC_NAME, FUNC_NAME": Can't allocate memory for cache.",
         return NULL;

/* Get the number of detectors. */
   nrec = hdr->ndet;

/* Get a pointer to the start of the detpos values for the requested
   time slice. */
   p1 = hdr->detpos + 2*nrec*index;

/* Check there is more than 1 detector. */
   if( nrec > 1 ) {

/* It is possible that we have not allocated enough memory since
   this memory is allocated for the first file but subsequent files
   may have more receptors. So we use astGrow. */

/* If required, allocate memory to hold the individual look up tables for
   lon and lat vaues. */
      cache->lonlut = astGrow( cache->lonlut, nrec, sizeof( double ) );
      cache->latlut = astGrow( cache->latlut, nrec, sizeof( double ) );

/* Check the memory was allocated succesfully. */
      if( cache->lonlut && cache->latlut ) {

/* Copy the lon and lat values for the requested time slice from the
   smfHead structure to the local lut arrays. */
         p2 = cache->lonlut;
         p3 = cache->latlut;
         for( i = 0; i < nrec; i++ ) {
            *(p2++) = *(p1++);
            *(p3++) = *(p1++);

/* Create the Mapping from GRID to SKY positions. This is a PermMap to
   duplicate the detector index, followed by 2 LutMaps in parallel to
   generate the lon and lat values. Set the LutInterpattribute in these
   LutMaps so that they use nearest neighbour interpolation. */
         lonmap = astLutMap( nrec, cache->lonlut, 1.0, 1.0, "LutInterp=1" );
         latmap = astLutMap( nrec, cache->latlut, 1.0, 1.0, "LutInterp=1" );
         cmap1 = astCmpMap( lonmap, latmap, 0, " " );

         latmap = astAnnul( latmap );
         lonmap = astAnnul( lonmap );

         if( !cache->pmap ) {
            outperm[ 0 ] = 1;
            outperm[ 1 ] = 1;
            cache->pmap = astPermMap( 2, NULL, 2, outperm, NULL, " " );
            astExempt( cache->pmap );
         map = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( cache->pmap, cmap1, 1, " " );

         cache->pmap = astAnnul( cache->pmap );
         cmap1 = astAnnul( cmap1 );

/* If thre is only one detector, use a PermMap to describe this one
   position. rather than a LutMap (LutMaps cannot describe a single
   position). */
   } else {
      outperm[ 0 ] = -1;
      outperm[ 1 ] = -2;
      map = (AstMapping *) astPermMap( 2, NULL, 2, outperm, p1, " " );

/* Create two Frames to put in the FrameSet. */
   if( !cache->grid ) {
      cache->grid = astFrame( 2, "Domain=GRID" );
      astExempt( cache->grid );

   if( !cache->sky ) {
      cache->sky = astSkyFrame( "System=AzEl" );
      astSetD( cache->sky, "ObsLon", -telpos[ 0 ] );
      astSetD( cache->sky, "ObsLat", telpos[ 1 ] );
      astExempt( cache->sky );

/* If the detpos positions are referred to the TRACKING frame, change
   the SkyFrame from AZEL to the AST equivalent of the TRACKING Frame. */
      if( !hdr->dpazel ) {
         astSetC( cache->sky, "System", sc2ast_convert_system( hdr->state->tcs_tr_sys,
                                                     status ) );

/* Take a copy of the skyframe, and then modify its Epoch attribute. We take a
   copy since otherwise all FrameSets returned by this function would share
   the same current Frame, and so the attribute change would affect them all.
   Always use TCS_TAI. smf_open_file corrects the JCMTState structure
   if TCS_TAI is missing. Remember to convert from TAI to TDB (as required by
   the Epoch attribute). */
   csky = astClone( cache->sky );
   astSet( csky, "Epoch=MJD %.*g, dut1=%.*g",
           DBL_DIG, hdr->state->tcs_tai + 32.184/SPD,
           DBL_DIG, dut1 );

/* Create the FrameSet */
   *fset = astFrameSet( cache->grid, " " );
   astAddFrame( *fset, AST__BASE, map, csky );

/* Free resources */
   map =astAnnul( map );
   csky =astAnnul( csky );

/* Exempt the FrameSet pointer from the AST context system rather because
   we do not know when, or in which context, it will be used. It will be
   annulled either in smf_tslice_ast or in smf_close_file. */
   astExempt( *fset );

   return result;