LLVMValueRef gen_float(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { ast_t* type = ast_type(ast); reach_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reach, type); return LLVMConstReal(t->primitive, ast_float(ast)); }
LLVMValueRef gen_float(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { ast_t* type = deferred_reify(c->frame->reify, ast_type(ast), c->opt); reach_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reach, type); ast_free_unattached(type); compile_type_t* c_t = (compile_type_t*)t->c_type; return LLVMConstReal(c_t->primitive, ast_float(ast)); }
LLVMValueRef gen_float(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast) { ast_t* type = ast_type(ast); gentype_t g; if(!gentype(c, type, &g)) return NULL; return LLVMConstReal(g.primitive, ast_float(ast)); }
// Compare the 2 given signatures to see if they are exactly the same static bool compare_signatures(ast_t* sig_a, ast_t* sig_b) { if(sig_a == NULL && sig_b == NULL) return true; if(sig_a == NULL || sig_b == NULL) return false; token_id a_id = ast_id(sig_a); if(a_id != ast_id(sig_b)) return false; switch(a_id) { case TK_BE: case TK_FUN: case TK_NEW: { // Check everything except body and docstring, ie first 6 children ast_t* a_child = ast_child(sig_a); ast_t* b_child = ast_child(sig_b); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(a_child == NULL || b_child == NULL) return false; if(!compare_signatures(a_child, b_child)) return false; a_child = ast_sibling(a_child); b_child = ast_sibling(b_child); } return true; } case TK_STRING: case TK_ID: { // Can't just use strcmp, string literals may contain \0s size_t a_len = ast_name_len(sig_a); size_t b_len = ast_name_len(sig_b); if(a_len != b_len) return false; const char* a_text = ast_name(sig_a); const char* b_text = ast_name(sig_b); for(size_t i = 0; i < a_len; i++) { if(a_text[i] != b_text[i]) return false; } return true; } case TK_INT: return lexint_cmp(ast_int(sig_a), ast_int(sig_b)) == 0; case TK_FLOAT: return ast_float(sig_a) == ast_float(sig_b); case TK_NOMINAL: if(ast_data(sig_a) != ast_data(sig_b)) return false; break; default: break; } ast_t* a_child = ast_child(sig_a); ast_t* b_child = ast_child(sig_b); while(a_child != NULL && b_child != NULL) { if(!compare_signatures(a_child, b_child)) return false; a_child = ast_sibling(a_child); b_child = ast_sibling(b_child); } if(a_child != NULL || b_child != NULL) return false; return true; }