コード例 #1
static astring *find_include_file(int srcrootlen, const astring *srcfile, const astring *filename)
	include_path *curpath;

	/* iterate over include paths and find the file */
	for (curpath = incpaths; curpath != NULL; curpath = curpath->next)
		astring *srcincpath = astring_dup(curpath->path);
		core_file *testfile;
		int lastsepindex = 0;
		int sepindex;

		/* a '.' include path is specially treated */
		if (astring_cmpc(curpath->path, ".") == 0)
			astring_cpysubstr(srcincpath, srcfile, 0, astring_rchr(srcfile, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0]));

		/* append the filename piecemeal to account for directories */
		while ((sepindex = astring_chr(filename, lastsepindex, '/')) != -1)
			astring *pathpart = astring_dupsubstr(filename, lastsepindex, sepindex - lastsepindex);

			/* handle .. by removing a chunk from the incpath */
			if (astring_cmpc(pathpart, "..") == 0)
				int sepindex_part = astring_rchr(srcincpath, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0]);
				if (sepindex_part != -1)
					astring_substr(srcincpath, 0, sepindex_part);

			/* otherwise, append a path separator and the pathpart */
				astring_cat(astring_catc(srcincpath, PATH_SEPARATOR), pathpart);

			/* advance past the previous index */
			lastsepindex = sepindex + 1;

			/* free the path part we extracted */

		/* now append the filename */
		astring_catsubstr(astring_catc(srcincpath, PATH_SEPARATOR), filename, lastsepindex, -1);

		/* see if we can open it */
		if (core_fopen(astring_c(srcincpath), OPEN_FLAG_READ, &testfile) == FILERR_NONE)
			/* close the file */
			return srcincpath;

		/* free our include path */
	return NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: astring.c プロジェクト: Paulodx/sdl-mame-wii
int astring_catvprintf(astring *dst, const char *format, va_list args)
	char tempbuf[4096];
	int result;

	/* sprintf into the temporary buffer */
	result = vsprintf(tempbuf, format, args);

	/* append the result */
	astring_catc(dst, tempbuf);
	return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: astring.c プロジェクト: Paulodx/sdl-mame-wii
int astring_catprintf(astring *dst, const char *format, ...)
	char tempbuf[4096];
	va_list args;
	int result;

	/* sprintf into the temporary buffer */
	va_start(args, format);
	result = vsprintf(tempbuf, format, args);

	/* append the result */
	astring_catc(dst, tempbuf);
	return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: profiler.c プロジェクト: Paulodx/sdl-mame-wii
astring *_profiler_get_text(running_machine *machine, astring *string)
	static const profile_string names[] =
		{ PROFILER_MEMREAD,          "Memory Read" },
		{ PROFILER_MEMWRITE,         "Memory Write" },
		{ PROFILER_VIDEO,            "Video Update" },
		{ PROFILER_DRAWGFX,          "drawgfx" },
		{ PROFILER_COPYBITMAP,       "copybitmap" },
		{ PROFILER_TILEMAP_DRAW,     "Tilemap Draw" },
		{ PROFILER_TILEMAP_UPDATE,   "Tilemap Update" },
		{ PROFILER_BLIT,             "OSD Blitting" },
		{ PROFILER_SOUND,            "Sound Generation" },
		{ PROFILER_TIMER_CALLBACK,   "Timer Callbacks" },
		{ PROFILER_INPUT,            "Input Processing" },
		{ PROFILER_MOVIE_REC,        "Movie Recording" },
		{ PROFILER_LOGERROR,         "Error Logging" },
		{ PROFILER_EXTRA,            "Unaccounted/Overhead" },
		{ PROFILER_USER1,            "User 1" },
		{ PROFILER_USER2,            "User 2" },
		{ PROFILER_USER3,            "User 3" },
		{ PROFILER_USER4,            "User 4" },
		{ PROFILER_USER5,            "User 5" },
		{ PROFILER_USER6,            "User 6" },
		{ PROFILER_USER7,            "User 7" },
		{ PROFILER_USER8,            "User 8" },
		{ PROFILER_PROFILER,         "Profiler" },
		{ PROFILER_IDLE,             "Idle" }
	UINT64 computed, normalize, total;
	int curtype, curmem, switches;


	/* compute the total time for all bits, not including profiler or idle */
	computed = 0;
	for (curtype = 0; curtype < PROFILER_PROFILER; curtype++)
		for (curmem = 0; curmem < ARRAY_LENGTH(global_profiler.data); curmem++)
			computed += global_profiler.data[curmem].duration[curtype];

	/* save that result in normalize, and continue adding the rest */
	normalize = computed;
	for ( ; curtype < PROFILER_TOTAL; curtype++)
		for (curmem = 0; curmem < ARRAY_LENGTH(global_profiler.data); curmem++)
			computed += global_profiler.data[curmem].duration[curtype];

	/* this becomes the total; if we end up with 0 for anything, we were just started, so return empty */
	total = computed;
	if (total == 0 || normalize == 0)
		goto out;

	/* loop over all types and generate the string */
	for (curtype = 0; curtype < PROFILER_TOTAL; curtype++)
		/* determine the accumulated time for this type */
		computed = 0;
		for (curmem = 0; curmem < ARRAY_LENGTH(global_profiler.data); curmem++)
			computed += global_profiler.data[curmem].duration[curtype];

		/* if we have non-zero data and we're ready to display, do it */
		if (global_profiler.dataready && computed != 0)
			int nameindex;

			/* start with the un-normalized percentage */
			astring_catprintf(string, "%02d%% ", (int)((computed * 100 + total/2) / total));

			/* followed by the normalized percentage for everything but profiler and idle */
			if (curtype < PROFILER_PROFILER)
				astring_catprintf(string, "%02d%% ", (int)((computed * 100 + normalize/2) / normalize));

			/* and then the text */
			if (curtype >= PROFILER_CPU_FIRST && curtype <= PROFILER_CPU_MAX)
				astring_catprintf(string, "CPU '%s'", device_list_find_by_index(machine->config->devicelist, CPU, curtype - PROFILER_CPU_FIRST)->tag);
				for (nameindex = 0; nameindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(names); nameindex++)
					if (names[nameindex].type == curtype)
						astring_catc(string, names[nameindex].string);

			/* followed by a carriage return */
			astring_catc(string, "\n");

	/* followed by context switches */
	if (global_profiler.dataready)
		switches = 0;
		for (curmem = 0; curmem < ARRAY_LENGTH(global_profiler.data); curmem++)
			switches += global_profiler.data[curmem].context_switches;
		astring_catprintf(string, "%d CPU switches\n", switches / (int) ARRAY_LENGTH(global_profiler.data));

	/* advance to the next dataset and reset it to 0 */
	global_profiler.dataindex = (global_profiler.dataindex + 1) % ARRAY_LENGTH(global_profiler.data);
	memset(&global_profiler.data[global_profiler.dataindex], 0, sizeof(global_profiler.data[global_profiler.dataindex]));

	/* we are ready once we have wrapped around */
	if (global_profiler.dataindex == 0)
		global_profiler.dataready = TRUE;


	return string;
コード例 #5
ファイル: src2html.c プロジェクト: cdenix/ps3-mame-0125
static astring *find_include_file(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcfile, const astring *dstfile, const astring *filename)
	include_path *curpath;

	/* iterate over include paths and find the file */
	for (curpath = incpaths; curpath != NULL; curpath = curpath->next)
		astring *srcincpath = astring_cat(astring_dupsubstr(srcfile, 0, srcrootlen + 1), curpath->path);
		core_file *testfile;
		int lastsepindex = 0;
		int sepindex;

		/* a '.' include path is specially treated */
		if (astring_cmpc(curpath->path, ".") == 0)
			astring_cpysubstr(srcincpath, srcfile, 0, astring_rchr(srcfile, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0]));

		/* append the filename piecemeal to account for directories */
		while ((sepindex = astring_chr(filename, lastsepindex, '/')) != -1)
			astring *pathpart = astring_dupsubstr(filename, lastsepindex, sepindex - lastsepindex);

			/* handle .. by removing a chunk from the incpath */
			if (astring_cmpc(pathpart, "..") == 0)
				sepindex = astring_rchr(srcincpath, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0]);
				if (sepindex != -1)
					astring_substr(srcincpath, 0, sepindex);

			/* otherwise, append a path separator and the pathpart */
				astring_cat(astring_catc(srcincpath, PATH_SEPARATOR), pathpart);

			/* advance past the previous index */
			lastsepindex = sepindex + 1;

			/* free the path part we extracted */

		/* now append the filename */
		astring_catsubstr(astring_catc(srcincpath, PATH_SEPARATOR), filename, lastsepindex, -1);

		/* see if we can open it */
		if (core_fopen(astring_c(srcincpath), OPEN_FLAG_READ, &testfile) == FILERR_NONE)
			astring *tempfile = astring_alloc();
			astring *tempinc = astring_alloc();

			/* close the file */

			/* find the longest matching directory substring between the include and source file */
			lastsepindex = 0;
			while ((sepindex = astring_chr(srcincpath, lastsepindex, PATH_SEPARATOR[0])) != -1)
				/* get substrings up to the current directory */
				astring_cpysubstr(tempfile, srcfile, 0, sepindex);
				astring_cpysubstr(tempinc, srcincpath, 0, sepindex);

				/* if we don't match, stop */
				if (astring_cmp(tempfile, tempinc) != 0)
				lastsepindex = sepindex + 1;

			/* chop off the common parts of the paths */
			astring_cpysubstr(tempfile, srcfile, lastsepindex, -1);
			astring_replacechr(astring_substr(srcincpath, lastsepindex, -1), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], '/');

			/* for each directory left in the filename, we need to prepend a "../" */
			while ((sepindex = astring_chr(tempfile, 0, PATH_SEPARATOR[0])) != -1)
				astring_substr(tempfile, sepindex + 1, -1);
				astring_insc(srcincpath, 0, "../");
			astring_catc(srcincpath, ".html");

			/* free the strings and return the include path */
			return srcincpath;

		/* free our include path */
	return NULL;