コード例 #1
ファイル: ofApp.cpp プロジェクト: stdmtb/3s1e
void ofApp::update(){
    float frame = ofGetFrameNum();
    ofVec3f attractor( 10, 10, 50 );
    attractor.rotate( ofGetFrameNum()/4, ofVec3f(0.5, 0.3, 0.1) );
    ofVec3f diff;
    for( int i=0; i<shapes.size(); i++ ){
        ofVec3f pos = shapes[i]->getPosition();
        diff = attractor - pos;
        float dist2 = diff.lengthSquared();
        float power = (1.0/dist2) * 50000.0;

        ofVec3f force( 0,0,0 );
        if( 1 ){
            float noise = 0;
            float amp = 0.5;
            for( int j=0; j<4; j++ ){
                noise += ofNoise( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, frame*0.001) * amp;
                amp *= 0.5;
            force += diff.normalized() * power;
#pragma mark ADD_PERLIN_NOISE
        if( 0 ){
            ofVec3f noise; noise.zero();
            float amp = 0.5;
            for( int j=0; j<4; j++ ){
                noise.x += ofSignedNoise( pos.x, frame*0.001 ) * amp;
                noise.y += ofSignedNoise( pos.y, frame*0.001 ) * amp;
                noise.z += ofSignedNoise( pos.z, frame*0.001 ) * amp;
                amp *= 0.5;
            force += noise*5.0;

        shapes[i]->applyCentralForce( force );
        points.setVertex( i, pos );

    int num_line = 3;   // per point
    for( int i=0; i<shapes.size(); i++ ){
//        if(ofRandom(1.0)>0.1)
//            continue;
        ofVec3f pos1 = shapes[i]->getPosition();
        multimap<float, ofVec3f> near_p;
        pair<float, ofVec3f> pair1( 999999999999, ofVec3f(0,0,0) );
        for( int line=0; line<num_line; line++ ){
            near_p.insert( pair1 );
        for( int j=i+1; j<shapes.size(); j++ ){

            ofVec3f pos2 = shapes[j]->getPosition();
            float dist = pos1.distance( pos2 );

            multimap<float, ofVec3f>::iterator itr = near_p.end();
            if( dist < itr->first ){
                std::pair<float, ofVec3f> pair2( dist, pos2 );
                near_p.insert( pair2 );
                multimap<float, ofVec3f>::iterator end = near_p.end();
                near_p.erase( --end );
        multimap<float, ofVec3f>::iterator itr = near_p.begin();
        for(; itr!=near_p.end(); itr++ ){
            ofVec3f &pos2 = itr->second;
            lines.addVertex( pos1 );
            lines.addVertex( pos2 );
            lines.addColor( ofFloatColor( ofRandom(0.2,0.4), ofRandom(0.2, 0.4)) );
            lines.addColor( ofFloatColor( ofRandom(0.2,0.4), ofRandom(0.2, 0.4)) );
コード例 #2
ファイル: menu.cpp プロジェクト: asmecher/challenger
int menu(SDL_Surface *screen, SDL_Surface *vscreen) {
	unsigned frameStart;
	bool leave = false;

	// Load and prepare the background image
	SDL_Surface *loadedImage = IMG_Load("title.png");
	if (!loadedImage) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not load title image.\n");
		return MENU_ERROR;
	SDL_Surface *background = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(loadedImage);

	TTF_Font *fontSmall = TTF_OpenFont("FreeSansBold.ttf", 10);
	TTF_Font *fontLarge = TTF_OpenFont("FreeSansBold.ttf", 12);
	if (!fontSmall || !fontLarge) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not load font.\n");
		return MENU_ERROR;

	SDL_Color playerFontColour, autuinFontColour;
	playerFontColour.r = playerFontColour.g = playerFontColour.b = 230;
	autuinFontColour.r = autuinFontColour.g = autuinFontColour.b = 200;

	SDL_Surface *onePlayerTextSmall = TTF_RenderText_Solid(fontSmall, "ONE PLAYER", playerFontColour);
	SDL_Surface *twoPlayerTextSmall = TTF_RenderText_Solid(fontSmall, "TWO PLAYER", playerFontColour);
	SDL_Surface *onePlayerTextLarge = TTF_RenderText_Solid(fontLarge, "ONE PLAYER", playerFontColour);
	SDL_Surface *twoPlayerTextLarge = TTF_RenderText_Solid(fontLarge, "TWO PLAYER", playerFontColour);
	SDL_Surface *autuinText = TTF_RenderText_Solid(fontSmall, "(C) 2012 AUTOMATIC TURQUOISE INTERNATIONAL", autuinFontColour);

	SDL_Rect onePlayerRectSmall, onePlayerRectLarge;
	SDL_Rect twoPlayerRectSmall, twoPlayerRectLarge;
	onePlayerRectSmall.x = 60; onePlayerRectLarge.x = 50;
	twoPlayerRectSmall.x = 190; twoPlayerRectLarge.x = 180;
	onePlayerRectSmall.y = twoPlayerRectSmall.y = 172;
	onePlayerRectLarge.y = twoPlayerRectLarge.y = 170;

	SDL_Rect autuinRect;
	autuinRect.x = 35;
	autuinRect.y = 187;

	Uint32 black = SDL_MapRGB(vscreen->format, 0, 0, 0);

	Mix_Chunk *boop = Mix_LoadWAV("boop.wav");
	Mix_Chunk *theme = Mix_LoadWAV("title.wav");
	if (!boop || !theme) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not load audio.\n");
		return MENU_ERROR;

	// Initialize the star locations and speeds
	Star stars[NUM_STARS];
	for (int i=0; i<NUM_STARS; i++) {
		stars[i].x = random() / ((float) RAND_MAX) * SCREEN_WIDTH;
		stars[i].y = random() / ((float) RAND_MAX) * SCREEN_HEIGHT;
		float intensity = random() / (float) RAND_MAX;
		unsigned char colourIntensity = (intensity * 155) + 100;
		stars[i].speed = intensity * .2;
		stars[i].colour = SDL_MapRGB(vscreen->format, colourIntensity, colourIntensity, colourIntensity);

	Mix_PlayChannel(-1, theme, -1);

	char selectedOption = 0;
	unsigned int frame = 0;

	while (!leave) {
		// Handle events
		frameStart = SDL_GetTicks();
		SDL_Event e;
		while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) switch (e.type) {
			case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (e.key.keysym.sym) {
				case SDLK_UP:
				case SDLK_LEFT:
					if (selectedOption != 0) Mix_PlayChannel(-1, boop, 0);
					selectedOption = 0;
					frame = 0;
				case SDLK_DOWN:
				case SDLK_RIGHT:
					if (selectedOption != 1) Mix_PlayChannel(-1, boop, 0);
					selectedOption = 1;
					frame = 0;
				case SDLK_ESCAPE:
					selectedOption = -1;
					leave = true;
				case SDLK_UNKNOWN: // Suspend button
					selectedOption = -2;
					leave = true;
				case SDLK_RETURN:
					leave = true;
			case SDL_QUIT:
				selectedOption = -1;
				leave = true;

		// Debounce any keys currently down (wait 1 sec)
		if (frame >= FPS && controllerHasData()) {
			unsigned int c = readController();
			if ((c & P1_LEFT) && selectedOption != 0) {
				Mix_PlayChannel(-1, boop, 0);
				selectedOption = 0;
			} else if ((c & P1_RIGHT) && selectedOption != 1) {
				Mix_PlayChannel(-1, boop, 0);
				selectedOption = 1;
			} else if (c & P1_FIRE) {
				leave = true;
			} else if (c & SELECT) {
				selectedOption = -1;
				leave = true;
			frame = FPS;

		// Draw the frame
		SDL_FillRect(vscreen, NULL, black);
		Uint32 *s = (Uint32 *) vscreen->pixels;
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<NUM_STARS; i++) {
			unsigned x = stars[i].x, y = stars[i].y;
			*(s + (y * SCREEN_WIDTH) + x) = stars[i].colour;
			stars[i].y += stars[i].speed;
			if (stars[i].y >= SCREEN_HEIGHT) stars[i].y = 0;
		SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, vscreen, NULL);
		SDL_BlitSurface(autuinText, NULL, vscreen, &autuinRect);


		// Double up the resolution
		SDL_Surface *zoomed = zoomSurface(vscreen, 2, 2.31, 0);
		SDL_BlitSurface(zoomed, NULL, screen, NULL);

		// Blit the frame

		// Go to sleep
		SDL_Delay(FRAME_TICKS - (SDL_GetTicks() - frameStart));

		if (frame > FPS * 30) {
			attractor(screen, vscreen);
			frame = 0;

	// Stop the audio

	// One last boop for the quit/play action
	Mix_PlayChannel(-1, boop, 0);
	while(Mix_Playing(-1) != 0) SDL_Delay(10);

	// Free resources
	SDL_FreeSurface (background);
	SDL_FreeSurface (autuinText);
	SDL_FreeSurface (onePlayerTextSmall);
	SDL_FreeSurface (twoPlayerTextSmall);
	SDL_FreeSurface (onePlayerTextLarge);
	SDL_FreeSurface (twoPlayerTextLarge);

	switch (selectedOption) {
		case -2: return MENU_SUSPEND;
		case -1: return MENU_QUIT;
		case 0: return MENU_ONEPLAYER;
		case 1: return MENU_TWOPLAYER;
コード例 #3
void main() {
    vec4 pos = texture2D(tPositions, vUv);
    vec4 pos_prev = texture2D(tPositions2, vUv);

    // derive velocity
    vec3 velocity = pos_prev.xyz - pos.xyz;
    vec3 pos_new;

    if (home > 0 || explosionType > 2) {

        // HOME MODE
        if (explosionType == 3) {
            pos_new = velocity * damping + pos_prev.xyz;
        } else if (explosionType == 5) {
            pos_new = sphere(vUv);
        } else if (explosionType == 6) {
            pos_new = cone(vUv);
        } else if (explosionType == 7) {
            pos_new = supershape(vUv);
        } else {
            pos_new = getInitialTexturePos(vUv, fboWidth, photoDimensions);

        if (implode == 1) {
            pos_new = pos_prev.xyz + (pos_new - pos_prev.xyz) * clamp(exp_ease_out(transition / 0.8), 0.0, 1.0);
    } else {

        if (explosionType == 0) {
            velocity.x += SimplexPerlin3D(vec3(pos_prev.x / width, pos_prev.y / width, time)) / slowness; //
            velocity.y += SimplexPerlin3D(vec3(pos_prev.x / width + offset, pos_prev.y / width + offset, time)) / slowness;
            velocity.z += SimplexPerlin3D(vec3(pos_prev.x / width * 4.0 + 2.0 * offset, pos_prev.y / width * 4.0 + 2.0 * offset, time)) / slowness / 4.0;

            // DAMPING
            velocity.xyz *= damping;

        } else {

            vec4 pixel_color = texture2D(photoTexture, vUv);

            vec3 r_attractor_pos = vec3(-600.0, -200.0, -340.0);

            vec3 g_attractor_pos = vec3(-100.0, 400, -350.0);
            vec3 b_attractor_pos = vec3(400.0, -100.0, -300.0);

            float d = (explosionType == 2) ? -delta : delta;
            velocity += attractor(pos_prev.xyz, r_attractor_pos, pixel_color.r * d);
            velocity += attractor(pos_prev.xyz, g_attractor_pos, pixel_color.g * d);
            velocity += attractor(pos_prev.xyz, b_attractor_pos, pixel_color.b * d);

            // speed limit
            float speed_limit = 9.0;
            if (length(velocity) > speed_limit) {
                velocity = normalize(velocity) * speed_limit;
        pos_new = pos_prev.xyz + velocity;

    // Write new position out
    gl_FragColor = vec4(pos_new, 1.0);