int bmp_show_summary() { char bs[32]; char ms[32]; char up[32]; uptime_string(now.tv_sec - server.time.tv_sec, up, sizeof(up)); dprintf(out, "\n"); dprintf(out, "BMP Server (port %d)\n", server.port); dprintf(out, " BMP Server pid : %d\n",; dprintf(out, " BMP Server uptime : %s\n", up); dprintf(out, " Active BGP routers : %d\n", avl_size(server.sessions)); dprintf(out, " Active BGP peers : %d\n", 0); size_string(server.msgs, ms, sizeof(ms)); dprintf(out, " Total msgs rcv'd : %s\n", ms); bytes_string(server.bytes, bs, sizeof(bs)); dprintf(out, " Total data rcv'd : %s\n", bs); bytes_string(server.memory, bs, sizeof(bs)); dprintf(out, " Total memory usage : %s\n", bs); dprintf(out, "\n"); return 0; }
static Topform worst_clause(Picker p) { /* If AGE_PICKER is not being used, simply return the last clause in P that does not match a hint. Otherwise, let A be the age (ID) of the median clause in AGE_PICKER; then return the last clause in P with ID > A that does not match a hint. (We don't delete old heavy clauses because they might be picked by AGE_PICKER.) */ if (p == NULL || p->idx == NULL) return NULL; else { int median_id, n; Topform c; if (picker_empty(AGE_PICKER)) median_id = 0; else { c = avl_item_at_position(Pickers[AGE_PICKER].idx, 0.5); median_id = c->id; } /* Start with largest, count down until ID > median_age && not hint matcher */ n = avl_size(p->idx); c = avl_nth_item(p->idx, n); while (c && (c->id <= median_id || hint_matcher(c))) { c = avl_nth_item(p->idx, --n); } return c; } } /* worst_clause */
/* PUBLIC */ BOOL sos_keep1(Topform c, Clist sos, Prover_options opt) { Plist pickers = pickers_for_clause(c); if (pickers == NULL) return FALSE; /* no picker will accept the clause */ else { int limit = parm(opt->sos_limit); /* printf("sos_keep, sos=%d, c=%d:", clist_length(sos), c->weight); */ if (limit == -1) { zap_plist(pickers); return TRUE; /* some picker wants the clause, and there is no limit */ } else { double fullness_of_sos = clist_length(sos) / (double) limit; double x = .5; /* when sos is at (x * limit), start being selective */ if (fullness_of_sos < x) { zap_plist(pickers); return TRUE; /* there is a limit, but we don't yet consider it */ } else { Picker p; pickers = get_sos_limit_pickers(pickers); p = largest_picker(pickers); zap_plist(pickers); if (p == NULL) { return FALSE; /* all pickers complete, and we're getting full */ } else { /* keep if wt < than clause at ref_point */ double ref_point = x + (1 - fullness_of_sos); /* fullness_of_sos >= x, x <= ref_point <= 1. if sos is full: ref_point=x if sos is at x: ref_point=1 */ int n = avl_size(p->idx) * ref_point; Topform d = avl_nth_item(p->idx, n); if (d == NULL) { return TRUE; /* the picker is empty */ } else { if (c->weight >= d->weight) { if (c->weight < p->low_delete) { printf("\nLow Water (keep, %s): wt=%d\n", p->name, c->weight); fflush(stdout); p->low_delete = c->weight; } p->number_deleted++; return FALSE; } else { /* keep the clause (smaller than clause at reference point) */ return TRUE; } } } } } } } /* sos_keep1 */
/* PUBLIC */ Topform get_given_clause1(Clist sos, int num_given, Prover_options opt, char **type) { if (clist_empty(sos)) return NULL; else { Topform giv; if (flag(opt->input_sos_first) && initial_clause(sos->first->c)) { giv = sos->first->c; *type = "I"; } else { int i = next_from_ratio(); if (i < 0) return NULL; /* something's probably wrong */ else { Picker p = &(Pickers[i]); if (str_ident(p->name, "Random")) { int n = avl_size(p->idx); int i = (rand() % n) + 1; giv = avl_nth_item(p->idx, i); } else giv = avl_smallest(p->idx); *type = p->code; } } remove_from_sos1(giv, sos); return giv; } } /* get_given_clause1 */
Py_LOCAL(PyObject *) avl_tree_pickle_dump(avl_tree_Object * self, PyObject * pickler_object) { if (!PyObject_HasAttrString(pickler_object, "dump")) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Couln't pickle avl_tree: missing 'dump' attr"); return NULL; } else { PyObject *dump_method = NULL; PyObject *rv = NULL; avl_iterator iter; void *cur_item; dump_method = PyObject_GetAttrString(pickler_object, "dump"); if (!PyCallable_Check(dump_method)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Couln't pickle avl_tree: 'dump' attr must be callable"); goto finally; } iter = avl_iterator_new(self->tree, AVL_ITERATOR_INI_PRE); if (iter == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(avlErrorObject, "Sorry, couldn't allocate native iterator"); goto finally; } /* dump the objects count */ rv = PyObject_CallFunction(dump_method, "O", PyInt_FromLong(avl_size(self->tree))); if (rv == NULL); else rv = PyObject_CallFunction(dump_method, "O", self->compare_func); while (1) { if (rv == NULL) { /* pass the exception on */ break; } Py_DECREF(rv); cur_item = avl_iterator_next(iter); if (cur_item == NULL) { rv = Py_None; Py_INCREF(rv); break; } rv = PyObject_CallFunction(dump_method, "(O)", objectAt(cur_item)); } avl_iterator_kill(iter); finally: Py_DECREF(dump_method); return rv; } }
Py_LOCAL(PyObject *) avl_tree_append(avl_tree_Object * self, PyObject * val) { int rv; rv = avl_ins_index((void *) val, avl_size(self->tree) + 1, self->tree); if (rv < 0) { PyErr_SetString(avlErrorObject, "Sorry, couldn't append item"); return NULL; } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
static Picker largest_picker(Plist pickers) { Picker largest_picker = NULL; int size_of_largest_picker = -1; Plist a; for (a = pickers; a; a = a->next) { Picker p = a->v; int size = avl_size(p->idx); if (size > size_of_largest_picker) { largest_picker = p; size_of_largest_picker = size; } } return largest_picker; } /* largest_picker */
Py_LOCAL(PyObject *) avl_tree_repr(avl_tree_Object * self) { PyObject *result = NULL; avl_size_t len; int rc; len = avl_size(self->tree); rc = Py_ReprEnter((PyObject *) self); if (rc != 0) return rc > 0 ? PyString_FromString("[...]") : NULL; if (len == 0) { result = PyString_FromString("[]"); goto finish; } { avl_iterator iter; PyObject *list, *ob; Py_ssize_t i = 0; iter = avl_iterator_new(self->tree, AVL_ITERATOR_INI_PRE); if (iter == NULL) goto finish; list = PyList_New(len); if (list == NULL) goto finish; do { ob = objectAt(avl_iterator_next(iter)); Py_INCREF(ob); PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, ob); ++i; } while (--len); avl_iterator_kill(iter); result = PyObject_Repr(list); list->ob_type->tp_dealloc(list); } finish: Py_ReprLeave((PyObject *) self); return result; }
void comp_routine_release() { int i; int count = avl_size(g_connections_map); SOCKET* array = (SOCKET*)malloc(count * sizeof(int)); avl_serialize(g_connections_map, (avl_key_t*)array, count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { socket_data_t* data = (socket_data_t*)avl_find(g_connections_map, array[i]); if (data) { free_data(data); avl_delete(g_connections_map, array[i]); } } free(array); avl_destroy_tree(g_connections_map); WSACleanup(); }
/* PUBLIC */ void picker_report(void) { int i; print_separator(stdout, "PICKER REPORT", TRUE); printf("%16s %6s %10s %8s %6s %11s %6s\n", "Picker","Size","Median_wt","Deleted","(Low)","Displaced","(Low)"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_PICKERS; i++) { Picker p = &(Pickers[i]); Topform c = avl_item_at_position(p->idx, 0.5); printf("%16s %6d %10d %8d %6d %11d %6d\n", p->name, avl_size(p->idx), c ? c->weight : -1, p->number_deleted, p->low_delete == INT_MAX ? -1 : p->low_delete, p->number_displaced, p->low_displace == INT_MAX ? -1 : p->low_displace); } print_separator(stdout, "end of picker report", FALSE); fflush(stdout); } /* picker_report */
Py_LOCAL(PyObject *) avl_tree_slice(avl_tree_Object * self, Py_ssize_t lo, Py_ssize_t hi) { avl_tree_Object *rv; avl_size_t len; rv = PyObject_NEW(avl_tree_Object, &avl_tree_Type); if (rv == NULL) return NULL; len = avl_size(self->tree); if (lo < 0 && (lo += len) < 0) lo = 0; if (hi < 0 && (hi += len) < 0) hi = 0; if (lo >= hi) { lo = hi = 0; } else if (hi > len) { hi = len; } if (len == hi - lo) rv->tree = avl_dup(self->tree, (void *) rv); else rv->tree = avl_slice(self->tree, (avl_size_t) (lo + 1), (avl_size_t) (hi + 1), (void *) rv); if (rv->tree == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(avlErrorObject, "Couldn't build slice"); PyObject_DEL(rv); return NULL; } rv->compare_func = self->compare_func; Py_INCREF(rv->compare_func); return (PyObject *) rv; }
Py_LOCAL(PyObject *) avl_tree_ins(avl_tree_Object * self, PyObject * args) { PyObject *arg1, *arg2 = NULL; avl_code_t rv; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:insert", &arg1, &arg2)) return NULL; if (arg2 == NULL) { rv = avl_ins((void *) arg1, self->tree, avl_true); /* compare failed and insertion was prevented */ if (rv == -2) return NULL; } else if (PyInt_Check(arg2) || PyLong_Check(arg2)) { long idx = PyInt_AsLong(arg2); /*PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask(arg2) */ avl_size_t rank; if (idx < 0) rank = idx + avl_size(self->tree); else rank = idx; if ((rv = avl_ins_index((void *) arg1, rank + 1, self->tree)) == 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "insertion index out of range"); return NULL; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "insertion index expected (argument 2)"); return NULL; } if (rv < 0) { PyErr_SetString(avlErrorObject, "Sorry, couldn't insert item"); return NULL; } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
Py_LOCAL(PyObject *) avl_tree_rem_index(avl_tree_Object * self, PyObject * args) { int idx = -1; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:rem_index", &idx)) { avl_size_t rank; if (idx < 0) rank = idx + avl_size(self->tree); else rank = idx; if (avl_del_index(rank + 1, self->tree, NULL) == 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "avl_tree removal index out of range"); return NULL; } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } return NULL; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { avl_t avl; size_t size, i; void ** tmp; /* Default Constructor */ avl = avl_init_free (compare, free_int); if (avl == NULL) return 99; /* Test Empty Size */ if (avl_size (avl) != 0) { printf ("Invalid Initial Size\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Test get, remove, and replace on empty */ if (avl_replace (avl, (void *)1, (void *)1) != AVL_KEY_INVALID) { printf ("Empty AVL Replace Invalid Key\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (avl_get (avl, (void *)1) != NULL) { printf ("Empty AVL Get Invalid Key\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (avl_remove (avl, (void *)1) != AVL_KEY_INVALID) { printf ("Empty AVL Remove Invalid Key\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Test 3 inserts */ if (avl_insert (avl, (void *)0, (void *)0) == AVL_MALLOC_FAILED || avl_insert (avl, (void *)1, (void *)3) == AVL_MALLOC_FAILED || avl_insert (avl, (void *)2, (void *)2) == AVL_MALLOC_FAILED) return 99; if (avl_size (avl) != 3) { printf ("Three Inserts Size Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (avl_get (avl, (void *)0) != (void *)0 || avl_get (avl, (void *)2) != (void *)2 || avl_get (avl, (void *)1) != (void *)3) { printf ("Three Inserts Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Test replace and insert_replace */ if (avl_insert_rep (avl, (void *)3, (void *)10) != AVL_OK || avl_replace (avl, (void *)3, (void *)3) != AVL_OK || avl_insert_rep (avl, (void *)1, (void *)1) != AVL_OK) { printf ("Replaces and inserts failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (avl_size (avl) != 4) { printf ("Replace and Inserts Size Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (avl_get (avl, (void *)0) != (void *)0 || avl_get (avl, (void *)1) != (void *)1 || avl_get (avl, (void *)2) != (void *)2 || avl_get (avl, (void *)3) != (void *)3) { printf ("Replace and Inserts Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Test Failed Insert and Failed Replace */ if (avl_insert (avl, (void *)1, (void *)4) != AVL_KEY_EXISTS || avl_replace (avl, (void *)10, (void *)1) != AVL_KEY_INVALID) { printf ("Passed when insert / replace it should fail\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (avl_size (avl) != 4) { printf ("Invalid insert / replace Size Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (avl_get (avl, (void *)0) != (void *)0 || avl_get (avl, (void *)1) != (void *)1 || avl_get (avl, (void *)2) != (void *)2 || avl_get (avl, (void *)3) != (void *)3) { printf ("Invalid insert / replace Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Test Clear */ avl_clear (avl); if (avl_size (avl) != 0 || avl_get (avl, (void *)1) != NULL) { printf ("Clearing the AVL Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Test Many Inserts */ size = 1000; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) avl_insert (avl, (void *)i, (void *)i); if (avl_size (avl) != size) { printf ("Many Inserts Size Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE;; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) if (avl_get (avl, (void *)i) != (void *)i) { printf ("Many Inserts Failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Default Destructor */ avl_destroy (avl); /* Test more complex free routine */ avl = avl_init_free (compare, free_complex); tmp = (void **) malloc (sizeof (void *)); *tmp = malloc (16); avl_insert (avl, tmp, NULL); avl_destroy (avl); return EXIT_SUCCESS;; }
Py_LOCAL(Py_ssize_t) avl_tree_size(avl_tree_Object * self) { return (Py_ssize_t) avl_size(self->tree); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { avl_tree *ptree; avl_tree *itree; avl_tree *mtree; avl_node *lookup = (avl_node*)0x1; struct timeval start, finish; int i, x; printf("\nP-TREE:\n"); for (i = 0; i < NNN; i++) ndata[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < MMM; i++) mdata[i] = i; ptree = avl_init(int_compare, NULL, 0); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MMM; i++) avl_insert(ptree, &mdata[i], NULL); //for (i = NNN; i > 0; i--) avl_insert(ptree, &ndata[i], NULL); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("INSERT: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", avl_size(ptree), avl_height(ptree), avl_validate(ptree, ptree->root, NULL), (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MMM && lookup; i++) lookup = avl_lookup(ptree, &mdata[i], NULL); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("LOOKUP: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", i, avl_height(ptree), avl_validate(ptree, ptree->root, NULL), (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = NNN - 1; i >= 0; i--) { avl_remove(ptree, &ndata[i], NULL); } #if 0 for (i = 0, srand(time(NULL)); i < NNN;) { x = rand() % NNN; if (avl_lookup(ptree, &ndata[x], NULL)) { avl_remove(ptree, &ndata[x], NULL); assert(avl_validate(ptree, ptree->root, NULL)); i++; } } #endif gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("REMOVE: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", avl_size(ptree), avl_height(ptree), avl_validate(ptree, ptree->root, NULL), (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); avl_free(ptree); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("DSTROY: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", 0, 0, 1, (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); printf("\nI-TREE:\n"); memset(nintr, 0, NNN * sizeof(intr)); memset(mintr, 0, MMM * sizeof(intr)); for (i = 0; i < NNN; i++) nintr[i].data = i; for (i = 0; i < MMM; i++) mintr[i].data = i; itree = avl_init(intr_compare, NULL, AVL_TREE_INTRUSIVE); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MMM; i++) avl_insert(itree, &mintr[i], NULL); //for (i = NNN - 1; i >= 0; i--) avl_insert(itree, &nintr[i], NULL); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("INSERT: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", avl_size(itree), avl_height(itree), avl_validate(itree, itree->root, NULL), (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MMM && lookup; i++) lookup = avl_lookup(itree, &mintr[i], NULL); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("LOOKUP: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", i, avl_height(itree), avl_validate(itree, itree->root, NULL), (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = NNN - 1; i >= 0; i--) { avl_remove(itree, &nintr[i], NULL); } #if 0 for (i = 0, srand(time(NULL)); i < NNN;) { x = rand() % NNN; if (avl_lookup(itree, &nintr[x], NULL)) { avl_remove(itree, &nintr[x], NULL); assert(avl_validate(itree, itree->root, NULL)); i++; } } #endif gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("REMOVE: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", avl_size(itree), avl_height(itree), avl_validate(itree, itree->root, NULL), (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); avl_free(itree); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("DSTROY: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n\n", 0, 0, 1, (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); printf("\nM-TREE:\n"); memset(nmulti, 0, NNN * sizeof(multi)); memset(mmulti, 0, MMM * sizeof(multi)); for (i = 0; i < NNN; i++) {nmulti[i].key[0] = i;nmulti[i].key[1] = i+1;} for (i = 0; i < MMM; i++) {mmulti[i].key[0] = i;mmulti[i].key[1] = i+1;} avl_compare_fn comps[2] = { multi_comp_0, multi_comp_1 }; mtree = avl_multi_init(comps, NULL, 2, AVL_TREE_INTRUSIVE); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MMM; i++) avl_multi_insert(mtree, &mmulti[i], NULL); //for (i = NNN - 1; i >= 0; i--) avl_multi_insert(mtree, &nmulti[i], NULL); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("INSERT: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", avl_size(mtree), avl_height(mtree), avl_validate(mtree, mtree->root, NULL) && avl_validate(&mtree[0], mtree[0].root, NULL) == avl_validate(&mtree[1], mtree[1].root, NULL) , (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < MMM && lookup; i++) lookup = avl_lookup(mtree, &mmulti[i], NULL); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("LOOKUP: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", avl_size(mtree), avl_height(mtree), avl_validate(mtree, mtree->root, NULL) && avl_validate(&mtree[0], mtree[0].root, NULL) == avl_validate(&mtree[1], mtree[1].root, NULL) , (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); //avl_walk(&mtree[0], multi_print_0, NULL, 0); printf("---\n");fflush(stdout); //avl_walk(&mtree[1], multi_print_1, NULL, 0); printf("===\n");fflush(stdout); for (i = MMM - 1; i >= 1000; i--) { avl_multi_remove(mtree, &mmulti[i], NULL); } //avl_walk(&mtree[0], multi_print_0, NULL, 0); printf("---\n");fflush(stdout); //avl_walk(&mtree[1], multi_print_1, NULL, 0); printf("===\n");fflush(stdout); #if 0 for (i = 0, srand(time(NULL)); i < NNN;) { x = rand() % NNN; if (avl_lookup(itree, &nintr[x], NULL)) { avl_remove(itree, &nintr[x], NULL); assert(avl_validate(itree, itree->root, NULL)); i++; } } #endif gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("REMOVE: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n", avl_size(mtree), avl_height(mtree), avl_validate(mtree, mtree->root, NULL) && avl_validate(&mtree[0], mtree[0].root, NULL) == avl_validate(&mtree[1], mtree[1].root, NULL) , (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); avl_free(mtree); gettimeofday(&finish, NULL); printf("DSTROY: n = %7d h = %2d v = %d (%d sec %u msec)\n\n", 0, 0, 1, (int) (finish.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ), (unsigned int)(finish.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000); return 0; }