AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_char_t* AXIS2_CALL service_admin_util_get_epr_address(const axutil_env_t *env, axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, axis2_char_t *service_name) { axis2_endpoint_ref_t *epr = NULL; axis2_char_t *address = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_transport_in_desc_t *transport_in = NULL; conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); transport_in = axis2_conf_get_transport_in(conf, env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_HTTP); if(transport_in) { axis2_transport_receiver_t *receiver = NULL; receiver = axis2_transport_in_desc_get_recv(transport_in, env); if(!receiver) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Transport Receiver Not found "); return NULL; } epr = axis2_transport_receiver_get_epr_for_service(receiver, env, service_name); if(!epr) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Endpoint reference null"); return NULL; } address = (axis2_char_t*)axis2_endpoint_ref_get_address(epr,env); } return address; }
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_engine_receive_fault( axis2_engine_t * engine, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx) { axis2_op_ctx_t *op_ctx = NULL; AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Start:axis2_engine_receive_fault"); AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, msg_ctx, AXIS2_FAILURE); op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(!op_ctx) { /* If we do not have an op context that means this may be an incoming dual channel response. So try to dispatch the service */ axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(conf_ctx) { axis2_conf_t *conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if(conf) { axutil_array_list_t *phases = axis2_conf_get_in_phases_upto_and_including_post_dispatch(conf, env); if(phases) { if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { axis2_engine_resume_invocation_phases(engine, env, phases, msg_ctx); } else { axis2_engine_invoke_phases(engine, env, phases, msg_ctx); } } } } } op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); /* Find and execute the fault in flow handlers */ if(op_ctx) { axis2_op_t *op = axis2_op_ctx_get_op(op_ctx, env); axutil_array_list_t *phases = axis2_op_get_fault_in_flow(op, env); if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { axis2_engine_resume_invocation_phases(engine, env, phases, msg_ctx); } else { axis2_engine_invoke_phases(engine, env, phases, msg_ctx); } } AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Exit:axis2_engine_receive_fault"); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
axis2_status_t wsclient_set_https_transport_parameretes (const axutil_env_t *env, axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx; axis2_svc_ctx_t *svc_ctx; axis2_conf_t *conf; axutil_qname_t *qname; axis2_transport_out_desc_t *transport_out; axis2_transport_sender_t *transport_sender; axutil_param_t *param; AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUMS transport_enum=AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_HTTP; if (svc_client) svc_ctx = axis2_svc_client_get_svc_ctx (svc_client, env); else return AXIS2_FAILURE; if (svc_ctx) conf_ctx = axis2_svc_ctx_get_conf_ctx(svc_ctx, env); else return AXIS2_FAILURE; if (conf_ctx) conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); else return AXIS2_FAILURE; qname = axutil_qname_create (env, "https", NULL, NULL); if (qname) transport_out = axis2_transport_out_desc_create(env, transport_enum); else return AXIS2_FAILURE; transport_sender = (axis2_transport_sender_t *)axis2_http_transport_sender_create (env); param = axutil_param_create (env, NULL, NULL); if (param) { axutil_param_set_name(param, env, (void *)axutil_strdup (env, AXIS2_HTTP_PROTOCOL_VERSION)); axutil_param_set_value(param, env, (void *)axutil_strdup (env, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_PROTOCOL_11)); axutil_param_set_locked(param, env, AXIS2_FALSE); } else return AXIS2_FAILURE; if (transport_out && conf) { axis2_transport_out_desc_add_param (transport_out, env, param); axis2_transport_out_desc_set_sender(transport_out, env, transport_sender); axis2_conf_add_transport_out (conf, env, transport_out, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_HTTP); } else return AXIS2_FAILURE; return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
/** * auto generated function definition signature * for "applySecurity|" operation. * @param env environment ( mandatory)* @param MessageContext the outmessage context * @param _applySecurity of the adb_applySecurity_t* * * @return */ axis2_status_t axis2_skel_SecurityAdminService_applySecurity(const axutil_env_t *env , axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, adb_applySecurity_t* _applySecurity, axis2_skel_SecurityAdminService_applySecurity_fault *fault ) { axis2_char_t* service_name = NULL; axis2_char_t* scenario_id = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t* conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t* conf = NULL; axis2_svc_t* svc = NULL; axis2_char_t* repo_path = NULL; axis2_char_t* policy_file_name = NULL; neethi_policy_t* neethi_policy = NULL; axis2_desc_t* desc = NULL; axis2_policy_include_t* policy_include = NULL; axutil_qname_t* module_qname = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t* module_desc = NULL; /* Get parameters */ service_name = adb_applySecurity_get_serviceName(_applySecurity, env); scenario_id = adb_applySecurity_get_policyId(_applySecurity, env); /* Load neethi policy */ conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); repo_path = axis2_conf_ctx_get_root_dir(conf_ctx, env); policy_file_name = axutil_strcat(env, repo_path, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "services", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "SecurityAdminService", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "policies", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, scenario_id, "-policy.xml", NULL); neethi_policy = neethi_util_create_policy_from_file(env, policy_file_name); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, policy_file_name); if (!neethi_policy) return AXIS2_FAILURE; /* Get service instance*/ conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); svc = axis2_conf_get_svc(conf, env, service_name); if (!svc) return AXIS2_FAILURE; desc = axis2_svc_get_base(svc, env); if (!desc) return AXIS2_FAILURE; policy_include = axis2_desc_get_policy_include(desc, env); if (!policy_include) return AXIS2_FAILURE; /* Attach policy*/ axis2_policy_include_add_policy_element(policy_include, env, AXIS2_SERVICE_POLICY, neethi_policy); /* Enagage modules*/ module_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "rampart", NULL, NULL); module_desc = axis2_conf_get_module(conf, env, module_qname); axutil_qname_free(module_qname, env); axis2_svc_disengage_module(svc, env, module_desc, conf); axis2_svc_engage_module(svc, env, module_desc, conf); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_engine_resume_receive( axis2_engine_t * engine, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx) { axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axutil_array_list_t *phases = NULL; AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Start:axis2_engine_resume_receive"); /* Find and invoke the phases */ conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); phases = axis2_conf_get_in_phases_upto_and_including_post_dispatch(conf, env); axis2_engine_resume_invocation_phases(engine, env, phases, msg_ctx); /* Invoking the message receiver */ if(axis2_msg_ctx_get_server_side(msg_ctx, env) && !axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { /* Invoke the message receivers */ axis2_op_ctx_t *op_ctx = NULL; status = axis2_engine_check_must_understand_headers(env, msg_ctx); if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Checking for must understand headers failed"); return status; } op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(op_ctx) { axis2_op_t *op = axis2_op_ctx_get_op(op_ctx, env); if(op) { axis2_msg_recv_t *receiver = NULL; receiver = axis2_op_get_msg_recv(op, env); if(!receiver) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Message receiver not set in operation description"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } status = axis2_msg_recv_receive(receiver, env, msg_ctx, axis2_msg_recv_get_derived( receiver, env)); } } } AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Exit:axis2_engine_resume_receive"); return status; }
axis2_status_t axis2_keystore_admin_save_keystore_details( const axutil_env_t* env, axis2_msg_ctx_t* msg_ctx, adb_addKeyStore_t* addKeyStore) { axis2_char_t* file_name = NULL; axis2_char_t* password = NULL; axis2_char_t* provider = NULL; axis2_char_t* pvt_key_pass = NULL; axis2_char_t* record = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t* conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t* axis2_conf = NULL; axis2_char_t* repo_path = NULL; axis2_char_t* data_file_name = NULL; FILE* file = NULL; axis2_char_t* encoded_record = NULL; int encoded_length = 0; /* Get parameters*/ file_name = axutil_strdup(env, adb_addKeyStore_get_filename(addKeyStore, env)); file_name = strtok(file_name, "."); password = adb_addKeyStore_get_password(addKeyStore, env); provider = adb_addKeyStore_get_provider(addKeyStore, env); pvt_key_pass = adb_addKeyStore_get_pvtkeyPass(addKeyStore, env); /* Persist keystore details*/ record = axutil_strcat(env, password, "|", pvt_key_pass, "|", provider, NULL); conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); axis2_conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); repo_path = axis2_conf_get_repo(axis2_conf, env); data_file_name = axutil_strcat(env, repo_path, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "services", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "KeyStoreAdminService", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "keystores", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, file_name, ".dat", NULL); file = fopen(data_file_name, "w"); /*encoded_record = (axis2_char_t*) AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, axutil_strlen(record)); encoded_length = axutil_base64_encode(encoded_record, record, axutil_strlen(record));*/ fwrite(record, sizeof(axis2_char_t), axutil_strlen(record), file); fflush(file); fclose(file); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_name); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, record); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, data_file_name); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
/** * auto generated function definition signature * for "disableSecurityOnService|" operation. * @param env environment ( mandatory)* @param MessageContext the outmessage context * @param _disableSecurityOnService of the adb_disableSecurityOnService_t* * * @return */ axis2_status_t axis2_skel_SecurityAdminService_disableSecurityOnService(const axutil_env_t *env , axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, adb_disableSecurityOnService_t* _disableSecurityOnService, axis2_skel_SecurityAdminService_disableSecurityOnService_fault *fault ) { axis2_char_t* service_name = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t* conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t* conf = NULL; axis2_svc_t* svc = NULL; neethi_policy_t* neethi_policy = NULL; axis2_char_t* policy_name = NULL; axis2_desc_t* desc = NULL; axis2_policy_include_t* policy_include = NULL; axutil_qname_t* module_qname = NULL; axis2_module_desc_t* module_desc = NULL; /* Get parameters*/ service_name = adb_disableSecurityOnService_get_serviceName( _disableSecurityOnService, env); /* Get service instance*/ conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); svc = axis2_conf_get_svc(conf, env, service_name); if (!svc) return AXIS2_FAILURE; desc = axis2_svc_get_base(svc, env); if (!desc) return AXIS2_FAILURE; policy_include = axis2_desc_get_policy_include(desc, env); if (!policy_include) return AXIS2_FAILURE; /* Detach policy*/ neethi_policy = axis2_policy_include_get_policy(policy_include, env); if (!neethi_policy) return AXIS2_FAILURE; policy_name = neethi_policy_get_name(neethi_policy, env); if (!policy_name) policy_name = neethi_policy_get_id(neethi_policy, env); axis2_policy_include_remove_policy_element(policy_include, env, policy_name); /* Disenagage modules*/ module_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, "rampart", NULL, NULL); module_desc = axis2_conf_get_module(conf, env, module_qname); axutil_qname_free(module_qname, env); axis2_svc_disengage_module(svc, env, module_desc, conf); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_svc_t* AXIS2_CALL service_admin_util_get_service( axutil_env_t *env, axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, axis2_char_t *service_name) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_svc_t *service = NULL; conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); service = axis2_conf_get_svc(conf, env, service_name); if(service) { return service; }else { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI , "service not found"); } return NULL; }
axis2_status_t wsf_wsdl_util_add_security_to_svc_client_configuration( const axutil_env_t* env, axutil_hash_t* security_token_hash, axis2_svc_client_t* svc_client) { rampart_context_t* rampart_ctx = NULL; axis2_svc_ctx_t *svc_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axutil_param_t *security_param = NULL; svc_ctx = axis2_svc_client_get_svc_ctx (svc_client, env); conf_ctx = axis2_svc_ctx_get_conf_ctx (svc_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf (conf_ctx, env); rampart_ctx = rampart_context_create(env); wsf_wsdl_util_set_security_token_options_to_rampart_ctx (env, security_token_hash, rampart_ctx); security_param = axutil_param_create (env, WSF_WSDL_RAMPART_CONFIGURATION, (void *)rampart_ctx); return axis2_conf_add_param (conf, env, security_param); }
/* create service */ void wsf_util_create_svc_from_svc_info ( wsf_svc_info_t * svc_info, axutil_env_t * env) { axutil_qname_t *svc_qname = NULL; axis2_svc_t *svc = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; if (!svc_info->ruby_worker) { /* php_error_docref (NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR, "error creating service"); */ return; } conf_ctx = wsf_worker_get_conf_ctx (svc_info->ruby_worker, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf (conf_ctx, env); if (!conf) { /* php_error_docref (NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR, "error creating qname"); */ return; } svc = axis2_conf_get_svc (conf, env, svc_info->svc_name); if (NULL != svc) { svc_info->svc = svc; } else { svc_qname = axutil_qname_create (env, svc_info->svc_name, NULL, NULL); svc_info->svc = axis2_svc_create_with_qname (env, svc_qname); axutil_qname_free (svc_qname, env); } return; }
/** * auto generated function definition signature * for "addKeyStore|" operation. * @param env environment ( mandatory)* @param MessageContext the outmessage context * @param _addKeyStore of the adb_addKeyStore_t* * * @return */ axis2_status_t axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_addKeyStore(const axutil_env_t *env , axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, adb_addKeyStore_t* _addKeyStore, axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_addKeyStore_fault *fault ) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *axis2_conf = NULL; axis2_char_t *repo_path = NULL; axis2_char_t *file_name = NULL; FILE *file = NULL; axis2_char_t *file_content = NULL; axis2_char_t *encoded_file_content = NULL; int file_content_size = 0; /* Validate the contents of the request */ if(!adb_addKeyStore_get_filename(_addKeyStore, env)) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Key store file name is not given", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(!adb_addKeyStore_get_fileData(_addKeyStore, env)) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Key store data is not given", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(!adb_addKeyStore_get_password(_addKeyStore, env)) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Keystore password is not given", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(!adb_addKeyStore_get_pvtkeyPass(_addKeyStore, env)) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Private key password is not given", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(!adb_addKeyStore_get_type(_addKeyStore, env)) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Key store type is not given", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* construct file name with path */ conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); axis2_conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); repo_path = axis2_conf_get_repo(axis2_conf, env); file_name = axutil_strcat(env, repo_path, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "services", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "KeyStoreAdminService", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "keystores", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, adb_addKeyStore_get_filename(_addKeyStore, env), NULL); if(!file_name) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Internal Server Error; File path is invalid", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* check whether already a file exists */ file = fopen(file_name, "r"); if(file) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Key store with given name already exists", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[KeyStoreAdmin] already a file exists with name [%s]", file_name); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_name); fclose(file); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* file does not exist. Create one and write the contents */ file = fopen(file_name, "wb"); if(!file) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Internal Server Error; File cannot be open to write", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[KeyStoreAdmin] file [%s] cannot be open to write", file_name); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_name); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } encoded_file_content = adb_addKeyStore_get_fileData(_addKeyStore, env); file_content = AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, axutil_strlen(encoded_file_content)); file_content_size = axutil_base64_decode_binary(file_content, encoded_file_content); fwrite(file_content, sizeof(axis2_char_t), file_content_size, file); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_content); if(ferror(file)) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Internal Server Error; File writing failed", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[KeyStoreAdmin] cannot write to file [%s]", file_name); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_name); fclose(file); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } fflush(file); fclose(file); /* Persist keystore details*/ if(axis2_keystore_admin_save_keystore_details(env, msg_ctx, _addKeyStore) != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { axis2_keystore_admin_create_fault(env, "Internal Server Error; Cannot save key store to registry", AXIS2_SKEL_KEYSTOREADMINSERVICE_ADDKEYSTORE_FAULT_SECURITYCONFIGEXCEPTION, &(fault->SecurityConfigException), AXIS2_LOG_SI); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_name); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, file_name); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
/** * axis2_libcurl_set_proxy_options maps proxy AXIS2/C options to * libcURL options. * * CURLOPT_PROXY - char * proxy hostname * CURLOPT_PROXYPORT - long proxy listen port * CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD - char * user:password to authenticate to proxy * * TODO: * CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE - long enum type of proxy (HTTP, SOCKS) * CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH - long bitmask which authentication methods to use for proxy */ static axis2_status_t axis2_libcurl_set_proxy_options( CURL *handler, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_transport_out_desc_t *trans_desc = NULL; axutil_param_t *proxy_param = NULL; axutil_hash_t *transport_attrs = NULL; axutil_property_t *property = NULL; axis2_char_t *uname = NULL; axis2_char_t *passwd = NULL; axis2_char_t *proxy_host = NULL; axis2_char_t *proxy_port = NULL; property = axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_PROXY_AUTH_UNAME); if (property) { uname = (axis2_char_t *) axutil_property_get_value(property, env); } property = axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_PROXY_AUTH_PASSWD); if (property) { passwd = (axis2_char_t *) axutil_property_get_value(property, env); } conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if (conf_ctx) { conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if (conf) { trans_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_out(conf, env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_HTTP); } } if (trans_desc) { proxy_param = axutil_param_container_get_param( axis2_transport_out_desc_param_container(trans_desc, env), env, AXIS2_HTTP_PROXY_API); if (!proxy_param) { proxy_param = axutil_param_container_get_param( axis2_transport_out_desc_param_container(trans_desc, env), env, AXIS2_HTTP_PROXY); } if (proxy_param) { transport_attrs = axutil_param_get_attributes(proxy_param, env); } } if (transport_attrs) { axutil_generic_obj_t *obj = NULL; axiom_attribute_t *attr = NULL; if (!uname || !passwd) { obj = axutil_hash_get(transport_attrs, AXIS2_HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if (obj) { attr = (axiom_attribute_t *) axutil_generic_obj_get_value(obj, env); } if (attr) { uname = axiom_attribute_get_value(attr, env); } attr = NULL; obj = axutil_hash_get(transport_attrs, AXIS2_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if (obj) { attr = (axiom_attribute_t *)axutil_generic_obj_get_value(obj, env); } if (attr) { passwd = axiom_attribute_get_value(attr, env); } } obj = axutil_hash_get(transport_attrs, AXIS2_HTTP_PROXY_HOST, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if (obj) { attr = (axiom_attribute_t *)axutil_generic_obj_get_value(obj, env); } if (attr) { proxy_host = axiom_attribute_get_value(attr, env); } if (proxy_host) { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_PROXY, proxy_host); } attr = NULL; obj = axutil_hash_get(transport_attrs, AXIS2_HTTP_PROXY_PORT, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if (obj) { attr = (axiom_attribute_t *)axutil_generic_obj_get_value(obj, env); } if (attr) { proxy_port = axiom_attribute_get_value(attr, env); } if (proxy_port) { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, AXIS2_ATOI(proxy_port)); } } if (uname && passwd) { axis2_char_t buffer[256]; strncpy(buffer, uname, 256); strncat(buffer, ":", 256); strncat(buffer, passwd, 256); curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, buffer); } return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_libcurl_send( axis2_libcurl_t *data, axiom_output_t * om_output, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx, axiom_soap_envelope_t * out, const axis2_char_t * str_url, const axis2_char_t * soap_action) { struct curl_slist *headers = NULL; axiom_soap_body_t *soap_body; axis2_bool_t is_soap = AXIS2_TRUE; axis2_bool_t send_via_get = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t send_via_head = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t send_via_put = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t send_via_delete = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_bool_t doing_mtom = AXIS2_FALSE; axiom_node_t *body_node = NULL; axiom_node_t *data_out = NULL; axutil_property_t *method = NULL; axis2_char_t *method_value = NULL; axiom_xml_writer_t *xml_writer = NULL; axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL; unsigned int buffer_size = 0; int content_length = -1; axis2_char_t *content_type = NULL; /*axis2_char_t *content_len = AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH_; */ const axis2_char_t *char_set_enc = NULL; axis2_char_t *content = AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_; axis2_char_t *soap_action_header = AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_SOAP_ACTION_; axutil_stream_t *in_stream; axutil_property_t *trans_in_property; axutil_string_t *char_set_enc_str; axis2_byte_t *output_stream = NULL; int output_stream_size = 0; CURL *handler; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_transport_out_desc_t *trans_desc = NULL; axutil_param_t *write_xml_declaration_param = NULL; axutil_hash_t *transport_attrs = NULL; axis2_bool_t write_xml_declaration = AXIS2_FALSE; axutil_property_t *property; int *response_length = NULL; axis2_http_status_line_t *status_line = NULL; axis2_char_t *status_line_str = NULL; axis2_char_t *tmp_strcat = NULL; int status_code = 0; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, data, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, data->handler, AXIS2_FAILURE); handler = data->handler; curl_easy_reset(handler); curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, data->errorbuffer); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT_AXIS2C); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT_); if(AXIS2_FAILURE == axis2_libcurl_set_options(handler, env, msg_ctx)) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[axis2libcurl]Setting options in Libcurl failed"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if (AXIS2_TRUE == axis2_msg_ctx_get_doing_rest(msg_ctx, env)) { is_soap = AXIS2_FALSE; } else { is_soap = AXIS2_TRUE; } if (!is_soap) { soap_body = axiom_soap_envelope_get_body(out, env); if (!soap_body) { AXIS2_HANDLE_ERROR(env, AXIS2_ERROR_SOAP_ENVELOPE_OR_SOAP_BODY_NULL, AXIS2_FAILURE); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } body_node = axiom_soap_body_get_base_node(soap_body, env); if (!body_node) { AXIS2_HANDLE_ERROR(env, AXIS2_ERROR_SOAP_ENVELOPE_OR_SOAP_BODY_NULL, AXIS2_FAILURE); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } data_out = axiom_node_get_first_element(body_node, env); method = (axutil_property_t *) axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_HTTP_METHOD); if (method) { method_value = (axis2_char_t *) axutil_property_get_value(method, env); } /* The default is POST */ if (method_value && 0 == axutil_strcmp(method_value, AXIS2_HTTP_GET)) { send_via_get = AXIS2_TRUE; } else if (method_value && 0 == axutil_strcmp(method_value, AXIS2_HTTP_HEAD)) { send_via_head = AXIS2_TRUE; } else if (method_value && 0 == axutil_strcmp(method_value, AXIS2_HTTP_PUT)) { send_via_put = AXIS2_TRUE; } else if (method_value && 0 == axutil_strcmp(method_value, AXIS2_HTTP_DELETE)) { send_via_delete = AXIS2_TRUE; } } conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx (msg_ctx, env); if (conf_ctx) { conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf (conf_ctx, env); } if (conf) { trans_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_out (conf, env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_HTTP); } if (trans_desc) { write_xml_declaration_param = axutil_param_container_get_param (axis2_transport_out_desc_param_container (trans_desc, env), env, AXIS2_XML_DECLARATION); } if (write_xml_declaration_param) { transport_attrs = axutil_param_get_attributes (write_xml_declaration_param, env); if (transport_attrs) { axutil_generic_obj_t *obj = NULL; axiom_attribute_t *write_xml_declaration_attr = NULL; axis2_char_t *write_xml_declaration_attr_value = NULL; obj = axutil_hash_get (transport_attrs, AXIS2_ADD_XML_DECLARATION, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); if (obj) { write_xml_declaration_attr = (axiom_attribute_t *) axutil_generic_obj_get_value (obj, env); } if (write_xml_declaration_attr) { write_xml_declaration_attr_value = axiom_attribute_get_value (write_xml_declaration_attr, env); } if (write_xml_declaration_attr_value && 0 == axutil_strcasecmp (write_xml_declaration_attr_value, AXIS2_VALUE_TRUE)) { write_xml_declaration = AXIS2_TRUE; } } } if (write_xml_declaration) { axiom_output_write_xml_version_encoding (om_output, env); } if (!send_via_get && !send_via_head && !send_via_delete) { xml_writer = axiom_output_get_xml_writer(om_output, env); char_set_enc_str = axis2_msg_ctx_get_charset_encoding(msg_ctx, env); if (!char_set_enc_str) { char_set_enc = AXIS2_DEFAULT_CHAR_SET_ENCODING; } else { char_set_enc = axutil_string_get_buffer(char_set_enc_str, env); } if (!send_via_put && is_soap) { doing_mtom = axis2_msg_ctx_get_doing_mtom(msg_ctx, env); axiom_output_set_do_optimize(om_output, env, doing_mtom); axiom_soap_envelope_serialize(out, env, om_output, AXIS2_FALSE); if (AXIS2_TRUE == axis2_msg_ctx_get_is_soap_11(msg_ctx, env)) { if (AXIS2_ESC_DOUBLE_QUOTE != *soap_action) { axis2_char_t *tmp_soap_action = NULL; tmp_soap_action = AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, (axutil_strlen(soap_action) + 5) * sizeof(axis2_char_t)); sprintf(tmp_soap_action, "\"%s\"", soap_action); tmp_strcat = axutil_stracat(env, soap_action_header,tmp_soap_action); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, tmp_strcat); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, tmp_strcat); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, tmp_soap_action); } else { tmp_strcat = axutil_stracat(env, soap_action_header, soap_action); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, tmp_strcat ); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, tmp_strcat); } } if (doing_mtom) { /*axiom_output_flush(om_output, env, &output_stream, &output_stream_size);*/ axiom_output_flush(om_output, env); content_type = (axis2_char_t *) axiom_output_get_content_type(om_output, env); if (AXIS2_TRUE != axis2_msg_ctx_get_is_soap_11(msg_ctx, env)) { if (axutil_strcmp(soap_action, "")) { /* handle SOAP action for SOAP 1.2 case */ axis2_char_t *temp_content_type = NULL; temp_content_type = axutil_stracat (env, content_type, AXIS2_CONTENT_TYPE_ACTION); content_type = temp_content_type; temp_content_type = axutil_stracat (env, content_type, soap_action); AXIS2_FREE (env->allocator, content_type); content_type = temp_content_type; temp_content_type = axutil_stracat (env, content_type, AXIS2_ESC_DOUBLE_QUOTE_STR); AXIS2_FREE (env->allocator, content_type); content_type = temp_content_type; } } } else if (AXIS2_TRUE == axis2_msg_ctx_get_is_soap_11(msg_ctx, env)) { axis2_char_t *temp_content_type = NULL; content_type = (axis2_char_t *) AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_TEXT_XML; content_type = axutil_stracat(env, content_type, AXIS2_CONTENT_TYPE_CHARSET); temp_content_type = axutil_stracat(env, content_type, char_set_enc); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, content_type); content_type = temp_content_type; } else { axis2_char_t *temp_content_type = NULL; content_type = (axis2_char_t *) AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_APPL_SOAP; content_type = axutil_stracat(env, content_type, AXIS2_CONTENT_TYPE_CHARSET); temp_content_type = axutil_stracat(env, content_type, char_set_enc); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, content_type); content_type = temp_content_type; if (axutil_strcmp(soap_action, "")) { temp_content_type = axutil_stracat(env, content_type, AXIS2_CONTENT_TYPE_ACTION); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, content_type); content_type = temp_content_type; temp_content_type = axutil_stracat(env, content_type, soap_action); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, content_type); content_type = temp_content_type; } temp_content_type = axutil_stracat(env, content_type, AXIS2_SEMI_COLON_STR); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, content_type); content_type = temp_content_type; } } else if (is_soap) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Attempt to send SOAP" "message using HTTP PUT failed"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } else { axutil_property_t *content_type_property = NULL; axutil_hash_t *content_type_hash = NULL; axis2_char_t *content_type_value = NULL; axiom_node_serialize(data_out, env, om_output); content_type_property = (axutil_property_t *) axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_USER_DEFINED_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); if (content_type_property) { content_type_hash = (axutil_hash_t *) axutil_property_get_value(content_type_property, env); if (content_type_hash) { content_type_value = (char *) axutil_hash_get(content_type_hash, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); } } if (content_type_value) { content_type = content_type_value; } else { content_type = axutil_strdup(env,AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_TEXT_XML); } } buffer = axiom_xml_writer_get_xml(xml_writer, env); if (!doing_mtom) { buffer_size = axiom_xml_writer_get_xml_size(xml_writer, env); } else buffer_size = output_stream_size; { /* * Curl calculates the content-length automatically. * This commented section is not only unnecessary, * it interferes with authentication. * * NTLM, for example, will send an empty request * first (no body) to get the auth challenge * before resending with actual content. */ /*char tmp_buf[10]; sprintf(tmp_buf, "%d", buffer_size); tmp_strcat = axutil_stracat(env, content_len, tmp_buf); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, tmp_strcat); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, tmp_strcat); tmp_strcat = NULL;*/ tmp_strcat = axutil_stracat(env, content, content_type); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, tmp_strcat); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, tmp_strcat); tmp_strcat = NULL; } if (!doing_mtom) { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, buffer_size); curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, buffer); } else { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, output_stream_size); curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, output_stream); } if (send_via_put) { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, AXIS2_HTTP_PUT); } curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_URL, str_url); } else { axis2_char_t *request_param; axis2_char_t *url_encode; request_param = (axis2_char_t *) axis2_http_sender_get_param_string(NULL, env, msg_ctx); url_encode = axutil_strcat(env, str_url, AXIS2_Q_MARK_STR, request_param, NULL); if (send_via_get) { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); } else if (send_via_head) { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); } else if (send_via_delete) { curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, AXIS2_HTTP_DELETE); } curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_URL, url_encode); } { axis2_bool_t manage_session; manage_session = axis2_msg_ctx_get_manage_session(msg_ctx, env); if (manage_session == AXIS2_TRUE) { if (data->cookies == AXIS2_FALSE) { /* Ensure cookies enabled to manage session */ /* Pass empty cookie string to enable cookies */ curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, " "); data->cookies = AXIS2_TRUE; } } else if (data->cookies == AXIS2_TRUE) { /* Pass special string ALL to reset cookies if any have been enabled. */ /* If cookies have ever been enabled, we reset every time as long as manage_session is false, as there is no clear curl option to turn off the cookie engine once enabled. */ curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, AXIS2_ALL); } } curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, axis2_libcurl_write_memory_callback); curl_easy_setopt(handler, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, data); curl_easy_setopt (handler, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, axis2_libcurl_header_callback); curl_easy_setopt (handler, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, data); /* Free response data from previous request */ if( data->size ) { if (data->memory) { AXIS2_FREE(data->env->allocator, data->memory); } data->size = 0; } if (curl_easy_perform(handler)) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "%s", &data->errorbuffer); AXIS2_HANDLE_ERROR(env, AXIS2_ERROR_HTTP_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_ERROR, AXIS2_FAILURE); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } in_stream = axutil_stream_create_libcurl(env, data->memory, data->size); trans_in_property = axutil_property_create(env); axutil_property_set_scope(trans_in_property, env, AXIS2_SCOPE_REQUEST); axutil_property_set_free_func(trans_in_property, env, libcurl_stream_free); axutil_property_set_value(trans_in_property, env, in_stream); axis2_msg_ctx_set_property(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_IN, trans_in_property); if (axutil_array_list_size(data->alist, env) > 0) { status_line_str = axutil_array_list_get(data->alist, env, 0); if (status_line_str) { status_line = axis2_http_status_line_create(env, status_line_str); } } if (status_line) { status_code = axis2_http_status_line_get_status_code(status_line, env); } axis2_msg_ctx_set_status_code (msg_ctx, env, status_code); AXIS2_FREE(data->env->allocator, content_type); content_type = axis2_libcurl_get_content_type(data, env); if (content_type) { if (strstr (content_type, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_MULTIPART_RELATED) && strstr (content_type, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_XOP_XML)) { axis2_ctx_t *axis_ctx = axis2_op_ctx_get_base (axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx (msg_ctx, env), env); property = axutil_property_create (env); axutil_property_set_scope (property, env, AXIS2_SCOPE_REQUEST); axutil_property_set_value (property, env, axutil_strdup (env, content_type)); axis2_ctx_set_property (axis_ctx, env, MTOM_RECIVED_CONTENT_TYPE, property); } } content_length = axis2_libcurl_get_content_length(data, env); if (content_length >= 0) { response_length = AXIS2_MALLOC (env->allocator, sizeof (int)); memcpy (response_length, &content_length, sizeof (int)); property = axutil_property_create (env); axutil_property_set_scope (property, env, AXIS2_SCOPE_REQUEST); axutil_property_set_value (property, env, response_length); axis2_msg_ctx_set_property (msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, property); } curl_slist_free_all (headers); /* release the read http headers. */ /* (commenting out the call below is a clever way to force a premature EOF condition in subsequent messages, as they will be read using the content-length of the first message.) */ axis2_libcurl_free_headers(data, env); AXIS2_FREE(data->env->allocator, content_type); axis2_http_status_line_free( status_line, env); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
/* CHANGED */ void wsf_util_create_op_and_add_to_svc ( wsf_svc_info_t * svc_info, char *action, axutil_env_t * env, char *op_name, VALUE ht_mep) { axis2_svc_t *svc = NULL; axis2_op_t *op = NULL; axutil_qname_t *op_qname = NULL; op_qname = axutil_qname_create (env, op_name, NULL, NULL); svc = svc_info->svc; if (NULL != svc && NULL != op_name) { op = axis2_svc_get_op_with_name (svc_info->svc, env, op_name); if (!op) { axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_phases_info_t *info = NULL; op_qname = axutil_qname_create (env, op_name, NULL, NULL); op = axis2_op_create_with_qname (env, op_qname); axis2_op_set_msg_recv (op, env, svc_info->msg_recv); conf_ctx = wsf_worker_get_conf_ctx (svc_info->ruby_worker, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf (conf_ctx, env); info = axis2_conf_get_phases_info (conf, env); axis2_phases_info_set_op_phases (info, env, op); axis2_svc_add_op (svc_info->svc, env, op); if (ht_mep) { char operation[300]; VALUE mep_value; char *mep; AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[wsf_service] ht mep not null, %s", op_name); snprintf (operation, sizeof(operation), "%s", op_name); if(TYPE(ht_mep) == T_HASH) { mep_value = rb_hash_aref(ht_mep, ID2SYM(rb_intern(operation))); } if(mep_value != Qnil) { mep = RSTRING(mep_value)->ptr; if (mep) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[wsf_service] op mep %s", mep); if (strcmp (mep, "IN_ONLY") == 0) { axis2_op_set_msg_exchange_pattern (op, env, AXIS2_MEP_URI_IN_ONLY); AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[wsf_service] AXIS2_MEP_URI_IN_ONLY"); } else if (strcmp (mep, "IN_OUT") == 0) { axis2_op_set_msg_exchange_pattern (op, env, AXIS2_MEP_URI_IN_OUT); AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[wsf_service] AXIS2_MEP_URI_IN_OUT"); } } } else { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG (env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[wsf service] message exchange pattern for %s not found", op_name); } } if (action) { axis2_svc_add_mapping (svc_info->svc, env, action, op); } } } if(op_qname) { axutil_qname_free(op_qname, env); } return; }
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_engine_send( axis2_engine_t * engine, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx) { axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_SUCCESS; axis2_op_ctx_t *op_ctx = NULL; axutil_array_list_t *phases = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "axis2_engine_send start"); AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, msg_ctx, AXIS2_FAILURE); /* Find and invoke the phases */ op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(op_ctx) { axis2_op_t *op = axis2_op_ctx_get_op(op_ctx, env); if(op) { phases = axis2_op_get_out_flow(op, env); } } if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { /* Message has paused, so rerun it from the position it stopped. The handler which paused the message will be the first one to resume invocation */ status = axis2_engine_resume_invocation_phases(engine, env, phases, msg_ctx); if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Resuming invocation of phases failed"); return status; } conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(conf_ctx) { conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if(conf) { axutil_array_list_t *global_out_phase = axis2_conf_get_out_phases(conf, env); if(global_out_phase) { axis2_engine_invoke_phases(engine, env, global_out_phase, msg_ctx); } } } } else { status = axis2_engine_invoke_phases(engine, env, phases, msg_ctx); if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { return status; } conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(conf_ctx) { conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if(conf) { axutil_array_list_t *global_out_phase = axis2_conf_get_out_phases(conf, env); if(global_out_phase) { axis2_engine_invoke_phases(engine, env, global_out_phase, msg_ctx); } } } } if(!(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env))) { /* Write the message to wire */ axis2_transport_sender_t *transport_sender = NULL; axis2_transport_out_desc_t *transport_out = axis2_msg_ctx_get_transport_out_desc(msg_ctx, env); if(transport_out) { transport_sender = axis2_transport_out_desc_get_sender(transport_out, env); if(!transport_sender) return AXIS2_FAILURE; status = AXIS2_TRANSPORT_SENDER_INVOKE(transport_sender, env, msg_ctx); if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Transport sender invoke failed"); return status; } } else { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Transport out is not set in message context"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } } AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "axis2_engine_send end successfully"); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
axis2_status_t wsf_wsdl_util_configure_security_for_service( const axutil_env_t* env, axutil_hash_t* script_client_options_hash, axutil_hash_t* policies_hash, axis2_svc_t* svc, axis2_conf_ctx_t* worker_conf_ctx) { axis2_char_t* policy_xml_str = NULL; axutil_hash_t* policy_hash = NULL; axutil_hash_t* security_token_hash = NULL; axiom_node_t* input_policy_node_axiom = NULL; axiom_node_t* binding_policy_node_axiom = NULL; neethi_policy_t* merged_neethi_policy = NULL; axis2_status_t success = AXIS2_FAILURE; AXIS2_ENV_CHECK(env, AXIS2_FAILURE); if (script_client_options_hash) { policy_xml_str = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_hash_get(script_client_options_hash, WSF_WSDL_HK_POLICY_STRING, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); policy_hash = (axutil_hash_t*)axutil_hash_get(script_client_options_hash, WSF_WSDL_HK_POLICY_HASH, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); security_token_hash = (axutil_hash_t*)axutil_hash_get(script_client_options_hash, WSF_WSDL_HK_SECURITY_TOKEN, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING); } if (policy_xml_str) { success = wsf_wsdl_util_policy_from_xml_string(env, policy_xml_str, &input_policy_node_axiom); } else if (policy_hash) { success = wsf_wsdl_util_policy_from_options_hash(env, policy_hash, &input_policy_node_axiom); } else if (policies_hash) /* TODO: correct this condition */ { success = AXIS2_SUCCESS; } else { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG_MSG(env->log, "No policies found! so security is not added"); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; /* this is not a failure case, simply security is ommitted */ } if (success) { success = AXIS2_FAILURE; if (security_token_hash) { axis2_char_t* op_name = NULL; /* loop policies hash */ axutil_hash_index_t* hi = NULL; void* val = NULL; for (hi = axutil_hash_first(policies_hash, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) { axutil_hash_t* wsdl_policy_hash = NULL; axis2_ssize_t size; op_name = NULL; axutil_hash_this(hi, &op_name, &size, &val); wsdl_policy_hash = (axutil_hash_t *)val; if (!(op_name && wsdl_policy_hash)) { continue; } success = wsf_wsdl_util_policy_from_wsdl_policy_hash(env, wsdl_policy_hash, &input_policy_node_axiom, &binding_policy_node_axiom); if (success) { if (wsf_wsdl_util_create_merged_neethi_policy(env, input_policy_node_axiom, binding_policy_node_axiom, &merged_neethi_policy)) { if (wsf_wsdl_util_insert_policy_to_svc(env, merged_neethi_policy, svc, op_name)) { if (wsf_wsdl_util_add_security_to_svc_configuration(env, security_token_hash, svc)) { axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf (worker_conf_ctx, env); wsf_wsdl_util_engage_module (conf, WSF_WSDL_MODULE_SECURITY, env, svc); } } } } } } } return success; }
/** * auto generated function definition signature * for "getStoreEntries|" operation. * @param env environment ( mandatory)* @param MessageContext the outmessage context * @param _getStoreEntries of the adb_getStoreEntries_t* * * @return adb_getStoreEntriesResponse_t* */ adb_getStoreEntriesResponse_t* axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_getStoreEntries(const axutil_env_t *env , axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, adb_getStoreEntries_t* _getStoreEntries, axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_getStoreEntries_fault *fault ) { axis2_char_t* keystore_name = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t* conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t* axis2_conf = NULL; axis2_char_t* repo_path = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_file = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_details_file = NULL; axis2_char_t password[10]; axis2_char_t provider[20]; axis2_char_t pvt_key_pass[10]; pkcs12_keystore_t* pkcs12_keystore = NULL; axutil_array_list_t* cert_array_tmp = NULL; int cert_count = 0; oxs_x509_cert_t* oxs_cert = NULL; adb_getStoreEntriesResponse_t* response = NULL; /* Get required keystore name*/ keystore_name = axutil_strdup(env, adb_getStoreEntries_get_keyStoreName(_getStoreEntries, env)); if (!keystore_name) return NULL; keystore_name = strtok(keystore_name, "."); conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); axis2_conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); repo_path = axis2_conf_get_repo(axis2_conf, env); /* Get password, provider and pvt_key_pass from details file */ if (!keystore_admin_util_get_keystore_details(env, repo_path, keystore_name, password, provider, pvt_key_pass)) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_name); return NULL; } /* Load keystore file */ keystore_file = axutil_strcat(env, repo_path, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "services", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "KeyStoreAdminService", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "keystores", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, keystore_name, ".p12", NULL); pkcs12_keystore = pkcs12_keystore_create(env, keystore_file, password); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_file); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_name); if (!pkcs12_keystore) return NULL; /* Create response*/ response = adb_getStoreEntriesResponse_create(env); /* Get public cert alias*/ cert_array_tmp = pkcs12_keystore_populate_cert_array(env, pkcs12_keystore_get_other_certs(pkcs12_keystore)); cert_count = axutil_array_list_size(cert_array_tmp, env); if (0 < cert_count) /* Public certs available */ { int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < cert_count; ++index) { oxs_cert = (oxs_x509_cert_t*) axutil_array_list_get(cert_array_tmp, env, index); if (oxs_x509_cert_get_alias(oxs_cert, env)) { adb_getStoreEntriesResponse_add_return(response, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_alias(oxs_cert, env)); } oxs_x509_cert_free(oxs_cert, env); } axutil_array_list_free(cert_array_tmp, env); } /* Set private cert alias*/ oxs_cert = pkcs12_keystore_get_owner_certificate(pkcs12_keystore, env); if (oxs_cert) { adb_getStoreEntriesResponse_add_return(response, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_alias(oxs_cert, env)); oxs_x509_cert_free(oxs_cert, env); } return response; }
static axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_msg_recv_load_and_init_svc_impl( axis2_msg_recv_t *msg_recv, const axutil_env_t *env, struct axis2_svc *svc) { axutil_param_t *impl_info_param = NULL; void *impl_class = NULL; AXIS2_ENV_CHECK(env, AXIS2_FAILURE); if(!svc) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } impl_class = axis2_svc_get_impl_class(svc, env); if(impl_class) { return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } /* When we load the DLL we have to make sure that only one thread will load it */ axutil_thread_mutex_lock(axis2_svc_get_mutex(svc, env)); /* If more than one thread tries to acquires the lock, first thread loads the DLL. Others should not load the DLL */ impl_class = axis2_svc_get_impl_class(svc, env); if(impl_class) { axutil_thread_mutex_unlock(axis2_svc_get_mutex(svc, env)); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } impl_info_param = axis2_svc_get_param(svc, env, AXIS2_SERVICE_CLASS); if(!impl_info_param) { AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_INVALID_STATE_SVC, AXIS2_FAILURE); axutil_thread_mutex_unlock(axis2_svc_get_mutex(svc, env)); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } axutil_allocator_switch_to_global_pool(env->allocator); axutil_class_loader_init(env); impl_class = axutil_class_loader_create_dll(env, impl_info_param); AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "loading the services from msg_recv_load_and_init_svc"); if(impl_class) { axis2_svc_skeleton_t *skel = (axis2_svc_skeleton_t *)impl_class; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(msg_recv->conf_ctx, env); if (skel->ops->init) { AXIS2_SVC_SKELETON_INIT(skel, env); } if (skel->ops->init_with_conf) { AXIS2_SVC_SKELETON_INIT_WITH_CONF(skel, env, conf); } } axis2_svc_set_impl_class(svc, env, impl_class); axutil_allocator_switch_to_local_pool(env->allocator); axutil_thread_mutex_unlock(axis2_svc_get_mutex(svc, env)); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
/* This is the function where threads start running */ void *AXIS2_THREAD_FUNC axis2_udp_receiver_thread_worker_func( axutil_thread_t * thd, void *data) { const axutil_env_t *env = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_svc_t *svc = NULL; axis2_udp_recv_thd_args_t *args = NULL; axis2_udp_response_t response; axutil_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; axutil_hash_t *ori_all_svcs = NULL, *all_svcs = NULL; void *val = NULL; args = (axis2_udp_recv_thd_args_t *) data; env = (axutil_env_t *) args->env; conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(args->conf_ctx, env); /* Get all the service discriptions */ ori_all_svcs = axis2_conf_get_all_svcs(conf, env); if (!ori_all_svcs) { return NULL; } all_svcs = axutil_hash_copy(ori_all_svcs, env); if (args->is_multicast) { /* If multicast we go through every service and try to figure out weather they are accepting multicast messages. If a service accepts a multicast message we send the request to that service bypassing the normal dispatchers. Dispatchers cannot be used since no dispatching information is found in the multicast messages */ for (hi = axutil_hash_first(all_svcs, env); hi; hi = axutil_hash_next(env, hi)) { axutil_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &val); svc = (axis2_svc_t *) val; if (svc) { axutil_param_t *param = NULL; axis2_char_t *param_val = NULL; /* Get the Multicast accept parameter from the services.xml */ param = axis2_svc_get_param(svc, env, AXIS2_UDP_MULTICAST_ACCEPT); if (!param) { continue; } /* check weather this service accepts multicast requests */ param_val = axutil_param_get_value(param, env); if (!param_val || !axutil_strcmp(param_val, "false") || axutil_strcmp(param_val, "true")) { continue; } response.buf_size = 0; response.buff = NULL; /* set the service to the request. This will bypass the dispatches */ args->request.svc = svc; /* Process the request */ status = axis2_udp_receiver_process_request(args->env, args->conf_ctx, &args->request, &response); if (status == AXIS2_FAILURE) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error processing the request."); return NULL; } /* If we have a response send it */ if (response.buff) { status = axutil_network_handler_send_dgram(env, args->send_socket, response.buff, &response.buf_size, args->req_addr, args->req_port, NULL); if (status == AXIS2_FAILURE) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error sending the response."); return NULL; } } } } } else { axis2_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; axutil_property_t *prop = NULL; axis2_udp_backchannel_info_t *binfo = NULL; ctx = axis2_conf_ctx_get_base(args->conf_ctx, env); prop = axis2_ctx_get_property(ctx, env, AXIS2_UDP_BACKCHANNEL_INFO); if (prop) { binfo = axutil_property_get_value(prop, env); } /* Unicast case. In this case message contains dispatching information. * So we send the request in the normal way */ response.buf_size = 0; response.buff = NULL; if (binfo) { args->request.svc = binfo->svc; args->request.op = binfo->op; } /* Process the request */ status = axis2_udp_receiver_process_request(args->env, args->conf_ctx, &args->request, &response); if (status == AXIS2_FAILURE) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error processing the request."); return NULL; } /* If we have a response send it */ if (response.buff) { status = axutil_network_handler_send_dgram(env, args->send_socket, response.buff, &response.buf_size, args->req_addr, args->req_port, NULL); if (status == AXIS2_FAILURE) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Error sending the response."); return NULL; } } } return NULL; }
axis2_status_t axis2_amqp_process_request( const axutil_env_t* env, axis2_amqp_request_processor_resource_pack_t* request_resource_pack) { axiom_xml_reader_t* xml_reader = NULL; axiom_stax_builder_t* stax_builder = NULL; axiom_soap_builder_t* soap_builder = NULL; axis2_transport_out_desc_t* out_desc = NULL; axis2_transport_in_desc_t* in_desc = NULL; axis2_msg_ctx_t* msg_ctx = NULL; axiom_soap_envelope_t* soap_envelope = NULL; axis2_engine_t* engine = NULL; const axis2_char_t* soap_ns_uri = NULL; axis2_bool_t is_soap_11 = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_char_t *soap_body_str = NULL; int soap_body_len = 0; axis2_bool_t is_mtom = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE; axutil_hash_t *binary_data_map = NULL; axiom_soap_body_t *soap_body = NULL; axutil_property_t* reply_to_property = NULL; /* Create msg_ctx */ if(!request_resource_pack->conf_ctx) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Conf Context not Available"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } out_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_out(axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf( request_resource_pack->conf_ctx, env), env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_AMQP); if(!out_desc) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Transport Out Descriptor not Found"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } in_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_in(axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(request_resource_pack->conf_ctx, env), env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_AMQP); if(!in_desc) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Transport In Descriptor not Found"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* Create msg_ctx */ msg_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_create(env, request_resource_pack->conf_ctx, in_desc, out_desc); axis2_msg_ctx_set_server_side(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_TRUE); /* Handle MTOM */ if(strstr(request_resource_pack->content_type, AXIS2_AMQP_HEADER_ACCEPT_MULTIPART_RELATED)) { axis2_char_t* mime_boundary = axis2_amqp_util_get_value_from_content_type(env, request_resource_pack->content_type, AXIS2_AMQP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_MIME_BOUNDARY); if(mime_boundary) { axiom_mime_parser_t *mime_parser = NULL; int soap_body_len = 0; axutil_param_t *buffer_size_param = NULL; axutil_param_t *max_buffers_param = NULL; axutil_param_t *attachment_dir_param = NULL; axis2_char_t *value_size = NULL; axis2_char_t *value_num = NULL; axis2_char_t *value_dir = NULL; int size = 0; int num = 0; mime_parser = axiom_mime_parser_create(env); buffer_size_param = axis2_msg_ctx_get_parameter(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_MTOM_BUFFER_SIZE); if(buffer_size_param) { value_size = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_param_get_value(buffer_size_param, env); if(value_size) { size = atoi(value_size); axiom_mime_parser_set_buffer_size(mime_parser, env, size); } } max_buffers_param = axis2_msg_ctx_get_parameter(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_MTOM_MAX_BUFFERS); if(max_buffers_param) { value_num = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_param_get_value(max_buffers_param, env); if(value_num) { num = atoi(value_num); axiom_mime_parser_set_max_buffers(mime_parser, env, num); } } /* If this paramter is there mime_parser will cached the attachment * using to the directory for large attachments. */ attachment_dir_param = axis2_msg_ctx_get_parameter(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_ATTACHMENT_DIR); if(attachment_dir_param) { value_dir = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_param_get_value(attachment_dir_param, env); if(value_dir) { axiom_mime_parser_set_attachment_dir(mime_parser, env, value_dir); } } if(mime_parser) { axis2_callback_info_t *callback_ctx = NULL; axutil_stream_t *stream = NULL; callback_ctx = AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(axis2_callback_info_t)); stream = axutil_stream_create_basic(env); if(stream) { axutil_stream_write(stream, env, request_resource_pack->request_content, request_resource_pack->content_length); callback_ctx->env = env; callback_ctx->in_stream = stream; callback_ctx->content_length = request_resource_pack->content_length; callback_ctx->unread_len = request_resource_pack->content_length; callback_ctx->chunked_stream = NULL; } /*binary_data_map = axiom_mime_parser_parse(mime_parser, env, axis2_amqp_util_on_data_request, (void*)callback_ctx, mime_boundary);*/ if(!binary_data_map) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } soap_body_str = axiom_mime_parser_get_soap_body_str(mime_parser, env); soap_body_len = axiom_mime_parser_get_soap_body_len(mime_parser, env); axutil_stream_free(stream, env); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, callback_ctx); axiom_mime_parser_free(mime_parser, env); } AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, mime_boundary); } is_mtom = AXIS2_TRUE; } else { soap_body_str = request_resource_pack->request_content; soap_body_len = request_resource_pack->content_length; } soap_body_len = axutil_strlen(soap_body_str); xml_reader = axiom_xml_reader_create_for_memory(env, soap_body_str, soap_body_len, NULL, AXIS2_XML_PARSER_TYPE_BUFFER); if(!xml_reader) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to Create XML Reader"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } stax_builder = axiom_stax_builder_create(env, xml_reader); if(!stax_builder) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to Create StAX Builder"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } soap_ns_uri = AXIOM_SOAP12_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI; if(request_resource_pack->content_type) { if(strstr(request_resource_pack->content_type, AXIS2_AMQP_HEADER_ACCEPT_TEXT_XML)) { is_soap_11 = AXIS2_TRUE; soap_ns_uri = AXIOM_SOAP11_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI; } /*if (strstr(request_resource_pack->content_type, AXIS2_AMQP_HEADER_ACCEPT_APPL_SOAP)) { is_soap_11 = AXIS2_FALSE; soap_ns_uri = AXIOM_SOAP12_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI; } else if (strstr(request_resource_pack->content_type, AXIS2_AMQP_HEADER_ACCEPT_TEXT_XML)) { is_soap_11 = AXIS2_TRUE; soap_ns_uri = AXIOM_SOAP11_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI; }*/ } soap_builder = axiom_soap_builder_create(env, stax_builder, soap_ns_uri); if(!soap_builder) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to Create SOAP Builder"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } if(binary_data_map) { axiom_soap_builder_set_mime_body_parts(soap_builder, env, binary_data_map); } soap_envelope = axiom_soap_builder_get_soap_envelope(soap_builder, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_envelope(msg_ctx, env, soap_envelope); soap_body = axiom_soap_envelope_get_body(soap_envelope, env); if(!soap_body) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* SOAPAction */ if(request_resource_pack->soap_action) { axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_action(msg_ctx, env, axutil_string_create(env, request_resource_pack->soap_action)); } /* SOAP version */ axis2_msg_ctx_set_is_soap_11(msg_ctx, env, is_soap_11); /* Set ReplyTo in the msg_ctx as a property. This is used by the server when * 1. WS-A is not in use * 2. ReplyTo is an anonymous EPR - Sandesha2/Dual-channel */ reply_to_property = axutil_property_create_with_args(env, AXIS2_SCOPE_REQUEST, 0, 0, (void*)request_resource_pack->reply_to); axis2_msg_ctx_set_property(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_AMQP_MSG_CTX_PROPERTY_REPLY_TO, reply_to_property); engine = axis2_engine_create(env, request_resource_pack->conf_ctx); if(AXIS2_TRUE == axiom_soap_body_has_fault(soap_body, env)) { status = axis2_engine_receive_fault(engine, env, msg_ctx); } else { status = axis2_engine_receive(engine, env, msg_ctx); } if(engine) { axis2_engine_free(engine, env); } if(soap_body_str && is_mtom) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, soap_body_str); } return status; }
/* Process a request. If the request has a response the response structure will be populated */ AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_bool_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_udp_receiver_process_request( const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx, axis2_udp_request_t * request, axis2_udp_response_t * responce) { axis2_transport_out_desc_t *out_desc = NULL; axis2_transport_in_desc_t *in_desc = NULL; axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx = NULL; axiom_xml_reader_t *reader = NULL; axiom_stax_builder_t *builder = NULL; axiom_soap_builder_t *soap_builder = NULL; axiom_soap_envelope_t *soap_envelope = NULL; axis2_engine_t *engine = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FALSE; axutil_stream_t *out_stream = NULL; AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "start:axis2_udp_worker_process_request"); if (!conf_ctx) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "conf ctx not available"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } reader = axiom_xml_reader_create_for_memory(env, request->buff, request->buf_size, NULL, AXIS2_XML_PARSER_TYPE_BUFFER); if (!reader) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to create XML reader"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } builder = axiom_stax_builder_create(env, reader); if (!builder) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to create Stax builder"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } soap_builder = axiom_soap_builder_create(env, builder, AXIOM_SOAP12_SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI); if (!soap_builder) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to create SOAP builder"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } out_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_out(axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env), env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_UDP); if (!out_desc) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Transport out not set"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } in_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_in(axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env), env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_UDP); msg_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_create(env, conf_ctx, in_desc, out_desc); axis2_msg_ctx_set_server_side(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_TRUE); out_stream = axutil_stream_create_basic(env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_transport_out_stream(msg_ctx, env, out_stream); soap_envelope = axiom_soap_builder_get_soap_envelope(soap_builder, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_envelope(msg_ctx, env, soap_envelope); if (request->svc) { axis2_msg_ctx_set_svc(msg_ctx, env, request->svc); } if (request->op) { axis2_msg_ctx_set_op(msg_ctx, env, request->op); } engine = axis2_engine_create(env, conf_ctx); status = axis2_engine_receive(engine, env, msg_ctx); responce->buff = axutil_stream_get_buffer(out_stream, env); responce->buf_size = axutil_stream_get_len(out_stream, env); AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "end:axis2_udp_worker_process_request"); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
/** * auto generated function definition signature * for "getKeystoreInfo|" operation. * @param env environment ( mandatory)* @param MessageContext the outmessage context * @param _getKeystoreInfo of the adb_getKeystoreInfo_t* * * @return adb_getKeystoreInfoResponse_t* */ adb_getKeystoreInfoResponse_t* axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_getKeystoreInfo(const axutil_env_t *env , axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, adb_getKeystoreInfo_t* _getKeystoreInfo, axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_getKeystoreInfo_fault *fault ) { axis2_char_t* keystore_name = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t* conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t* axis2_conf = NULL; axis2_char_t* repo_path = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_file = NULL; axis2_char_t password[10]; axis2_char_t provider[20]; axis2_char_t pvt_key_pass[10]; pkcs12_keystore_t* pkcs12_keystore = NULL; axutil_array_list_t* cert_array_tmp = NULL; int cert_count = 0; adb_CertData_t* cert_data = NULL; oxs_x509_cert_t* oxs_cert = NULL; adb_KeyStoreData_t* data = NULL; adb_getKeystoreInfoResponse_t* response = NULL; /* Get required keystore name*/ keystore_name = axutil_strdup(env, adb_getKeystoreInfo_get_keyStoreName(_getKeystoreInfo, env)); if (!keystore_name) return NULL; keystore_name = strtok(keystore_name, "."); conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); axis2_conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); repo_path = axis2_conf_get_repo(axis2_conf, env); /* Get password, provider and pvt_key_pass from details file */ if (!keystore_admin_util_get_keystore_details(env, repo_path, keystore_name, password, provider, pvt_key_pass)) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_name); return NULL; } /* Load keystore file */ keystore_file = axutil_strcat(env, repo_path, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "services", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "KeyStoreAdminService", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "keystores", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, keystore_name, ".p12", NULL); pkcs12_keystore = pkcs12_keystore_create(env, keystore_file, password); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_file); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_name); if (!pkcs12_keystore) return NULL; /* Create data*/ data = adb_KeyStoreData_create(env); /* Set keystore name*/ adb_KeyStoreData_set_keyStoreName(data, env, (axis2_char_t*)axutil_strdup(env, adb_getKeystoreInfo_get_keyStoreName(_getKeystoreInfo, env))); /* Set keystore type*/ adb_KeyStoreData_set_keyStoreType(data, env, "PKCS12"); /* Set provider*/ adb_KeyStoreData_set_provider(data, env, provider); /* Add certs*/ cert_array_tmp = pkcs12_keystore_populate_cert_array(env, pkcs12_keystore_get_other_certs(pkcs12_keystore)); cert_count = axutil_array_list_size(cert_array_tmp, env); if (0 < cert_count) /* Public certs available */ { axutil_array_list_t* cert_array = NULL; int index = 0; cert_array = axutil_array_list_create(env, cert_count); for (index = 0; index < cert_count; ++index) { oxs_cert = (oxs_x509_cert_t*) axutil_array_list_get(cert_array_tmp, env, index); if (oxs_x509_cert_get_alias(oxs_cert, env)) { axis2_char_t not_after[20]; axis2_char_t not_before[20]; /* Create and store cert data*/ cert_data = adb_CertData_create(env); keystore_admin_util_format_date(env, oxs_x509_cert_get_date(oxs_cert, env), not_after); keystore_admin_util_format_date(env, oxs_x509_cert_get_valid_from(oxs_cert, env), not_before); adb_CertData_set_alias(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_alias(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_issuerDN(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_issuer(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_notAfter(cert_data, env, not_after); adb_CertData_set_notBefore(cert_data, env, not_before); adb_CertData_set_serialNumber(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_serial_number(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_subjectDN(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_subject(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_version(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_version(oxs_cert, env)); axutil_array_list_add(cert_array, env, cert_data); } oxs_x509_cert_free(oxs_cert, env); } adb_KeyStoreData_set_certs(data, env, cert_array); axutil_array_list_free(cert_array_tmp, env); } else { adb_KeyStoreData_set_certs_nil(data, env); } /* Set private cert*/ oxs_cert = pkcs12_keystore_get_owner_certificate(pkcs12_keystore, env); if (oxs_cert) { axis2_char_t not_after[20]; axis2_char_t not_before[20]; cert_data = adb_CertData_create(env); keystore_admin_util_format_date(env, oxs_x509_cert_get_date(oxs_cert, env), not_after); keystore_admin_util_format_date(env, oxs_x509_cert_get_valid_from(oxs_cert, env), not_before); adb_CertData_set_alias(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_alias(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_issuerDN(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_issuer(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_notAfter(cert_data, env, not_after); adb_CertData_set_notBefore(cert_data, env, not_before); adb_CertData_set_serialNumber(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_serial_number(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_subjectDN(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_subject(oxs_cert, env)); adb_CertData_set_version(cert_data, env, oxs_x509_cert_get_version(oxs_cert, env)); adb_KeyStoreData_set_key(data, env, cert_data); oxs_x509_cert_free(oxs_cert, env); } else { adb_KeyStoreData_set_key_nil(data, env); } /* Create response*/ response = adb_getKeystoreInfoResponse_create(env); adb_getKeystoreInfoResponse_set_return(response, env, data); return response; }
/** * auto generated function definition signature * for "deleteStore|" operation. * @param env environment ( mandatory)* @param MessageContext the outmessage context * @param _deleteStore of the adb_deleteStore_t* * * @return */ axis2_status_t axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_deleteStore(const axutil_env_t *env , axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, adb_deleteStore_t* _deleteStore, axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_deleteStore_fault *fault ) { axis2_svc_t* svc = NULL; axutil_param_t* param = NULL; axis2_char_t* primary_keystore = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_name = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t* conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t* conf = NULL; axis2_char_t* repo_path = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_file = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_details_file = NULL; int status = 0; /* Get required keystore name*/ keystore_name = axutil_strdup( env, adb_deleteStore_get_keyStoreName(_deleteStore, env)); if (!keystore_name) return AXIS2_FAILURE; /* Get primary keystore filename */ svc = axis2_msg_ctx_get_svc(msg_ctx, env); param = axis2_svc_get_param(svc, env, "PrimaryKeystore"); if (param) { primary_keystore = (axis2_char_t*) axutil_param_get_value(param, env); } /* Primary keystore should not be deleted*/ if (0 == axutil_strcmp(keystore_name, primary_keystore)) return AXIS2_FAILURE; keystore_name = strtok(keystore_name, "."); /* Form keystore file names*/ conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); repo_path = axis2_conf_get_repo(conf, env); keystore_file = axutil_strcat(env, repo_path, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "services", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "KeyStoreAdminService", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "keystores", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, keystore_name, ".p12", NULL); keystore_details_file = axutil_strcat(env, repo_path, AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "services", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "KeyStoreAdminService", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, "keystores", AXIS2_PATH_SEP_STR, keystore_name, ".dat", NULL); /* Remove keystore and detail files*/ status = remove(keystore_file); if (0 == status) status = remove(keystore_details_file); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_name); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_file); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_details_file); if (0 != status) return AXIS2_FAILURE; return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
static axis2_svc_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_addr_disp_find_svc( axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx, const axutil_env_t * env) { axis2_endpoint_ref_t *endpoint_ref = NULL; axis2_svc_t *svc = NULL; if(axis2_msg_ctx_get_doing_rest(msg_ctx, env)) return NULL; endpoint_ref = axis2_msg_ctx_get_to(msg_ctx, env); if(endpoint_ref) { const axis2_char_t *address = NULL; address = axis2_endpoint_ref_get_address(endpoint_ref, env); if(address) { axis2_char_t **url_tokens = NULL; AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Checking for service using WSA enpoint address : %s", address); if((axutil_strcmp(AXIS2_WSA_ANONYMOUS_URL, address) == 0) || (axutil_strcmp( AXIS2_WSA_NAMESPACE_SUBMISSION, address) == 0)) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Endpoint address cannot be the same as WSA namespace : %s", address); return NULL; } url_tokens = axutil_parse_request_url_for_svc_and_op(env, address); if(url_tokens) { if(url_tokens[0]) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(conf_ctx) { axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if(conf) { svc = axis2_conf_get_svc(conf, env, url_tokens[0]); if(svc) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Service found using WSA enpoint address"); } } } AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, url_tokens[0]); } if(url_tokens[1]) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, url_tokens[1]); } AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, url_tokens); url_tokens = NULL; } } } return svc; }
/** * auto generated function definition signature * for "getKeyStores|" operation. * @param env environment ( mandatory)* @param MessageContext the outmessage context * * @return adb_getKeyStoresResponse_t* */ adb_getKeyStoresResponse_t* axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_getKeyStores(const axutil_env_t *env , axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx, axis2_skel_KeyStoreAdminService_getKeyStores_fault *fault ) { axis2_svc_t* svc = NULL; axutil_param_t* param = NULL; axis2_char_t* primary_keystore = NULL; axis2_bool_t is_primary_keystore = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_conf_ctx_t* conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t* conf = NULL; axis2_char_t* repo_path = NULL; axutil_array_list_t* keystore_filenames = NULL; int keystore_file_count = 0; int index = 0; adb_getKeyStoresResponse_t* response = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_filename = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_name = NULL; axis2_char_t* extension = NULL; axis2_char_t* keystore_type = NULL; axis2_char_t* provider = NULL; axis2_bool_t private_store = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_char_t* tok = NULL; adb_KeyStoreData_t* data = NULL; /* Get primary keystore filename */ svc = axis2_msg_ctx_get_svc(msg_ctx, env); param = axis2_svc_get_param(svc, env, "PrimaryKeystore"); if (param) { primary_keystore = (axis2_char_t*) axutil_param_get_value(param, env); } /* Form keystore directory name*/ conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); repo_path = axis2_conf_get_repo(conf, env); /* Read file names in keystore directory */ keystore_filenames = keystore_admin_util_get_keystore_filenames( env, repo_path); if (!keystore_filenames) return NULL; /* Create response */ response = adb_getKeyStoresResponse_create(env); /* Fill data */ keystore_file_count = axutil_array_list_size(keystore_filenames, env); for (index = 0; index < keystore_file_count; ++index) { axis2_char_t* filename = NULL; keystore_filename = NULL; keystore_name = NULL; extension = NULL; keystore_type = NULL; provider = NULL; private_store = AXIS2_FALSE; tok = NULL; /* Get name */ filename = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_array_list_get(keystore_filenames, env, index); keystore_filename = axutil_strdup(env, filename); tok = strtok(filename, "."); if (tok) /* Keystore name */ { keystore_name = tok; tok = strtok(NULL, " ."); if (tok) /* Extension */ { extension = tok; } } if (NULL == extension) /* No extension found */ { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, filename); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_filename); keystore_filename = filename = NULL; continue; } if (0 == axutil_strcmp(extension, "p12")) /* PKCS12 */ { keystore_type = "PKCS12"; } else { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, filename); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_filename); keystore_filename = filename = NULL; continue; } is_primary_keystore = (0 == axutil_strcmp(keystore_filename, primary_keystore)) ? AXIS2_TRUE : AXIS2_FALSE; if (is_primary_keystore) { /* Primary keystore */ provider = axutil_strcat(env, " ", NULL); private_store = AXIS2_TRUE; } else { axis2_char_t password_tmp[10]; axis2_char_t provider_tmp[20]; axis2_char_t pvt_key_pass_tmp[10]; /* Get password, provider and pvt_key_pass */ if (!keystore_admin_util_get_keystore_details(env, repo_path, keystore_name, password_tmp, provider_tmp, pvt_key_pass_tmp)) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, filename); AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, keystore_filename); keystore_filename = filename = NULL; continue; } provider = axutil_strdup(env, provider_tmp); private_store = keystore_admin_util_get_private_store(env, repo_path, keystore_name, password_tmp); } data = adb_KeyStoreData_create(env); adb_KeyStoreData_set_keyStoreName(data, env, keystore_filename); adb_KeyStoreData_set_keyStoreType(data, env, keystore_type); adb_KeyStoreData_set_provider(data, env, provider); adb_KeyStoreData_set_privateStore(data, env, private_store); adb_getKeyStoresResponse_add_return(response, env, data); } axutil_array_list_free(keystore_filenames, env); return response; }
axis2_svc_t *AXIS2_CALL axis2_rest_disp_find_svc( axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx, const axutil_env_t * env) { axis2_endpoint_ref_t *endpoint_ref = NULL; axis2_svc_t *svc = NULL; if(!axis2_msg_ctx_get_doing_rest(msg_ctx, env)) return NULL; endpoint_ref = axis2_msg_ctx_get_to(msg_ctx, env); if(endpoint_ref) { const axis2_char_t *address = NULL; address = axis2_endpoint_ref_get_address(endpoint_ref, env); if(address) { axis2_char_t **url_tokens = NULL; AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Checking for service using target endpoint address : %s", address); url_tokens = axutil_parse_request_url_for_svc_and_op(env, address); if(url_tokens) { if(url_tokens[0]) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(conf_ctx) { axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if(conf) { svc = axis2_conf_get_svc(conf, env, url_tokens[0]); if(svc) AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Service found using target endpoint address"); } } AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, url_tokens[0]); if(url_tokens[1]) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, url_tokens[1]); } } AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, url_tokens); url_tokens = NULL; } } } return svc; }
bool Axis2QpidReceiver::start( void) { if(!conf_ctx) return false; Connection connection; axis2_bool_t serverSide = AXIS2_TRUE; serverSide = axis2_amqp_util_conf_ctx_get_server_side(conf_ctx, env); while(true) { try { std::list<string> queueNameList; string qpidBrokerIP = axis2_amqp_util_conf_ctx_get_qpid_broker_ip(conf_ctx, env); int qpidBrokerPort = axis2_amqp_util_conf_ctx_get_qpid_broker_port(conf_ctx, env); /* Check if Client Side and Resolve Dynamic Queue Name */ if(serverSide == AXIS2_TRUE) /* Server side */ { std::cout << "Connecting to Qpid Broker on " << qpidBrokerIP << ":" << qpidBrokerPort << " ... "; } /* Create Connection to Qpid Broker */, qpidBrokerPort); if(serverSide == AXIS2_TRUE) /* Server side */ { /* Create queue for each service. Queue name is equal to service name */ axis2_conf_t* conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if(!conf) return false; axutil_hash_t* serviceMap = axis2_conf_get_all_svcs(conf, env); if(!serviceMap) return false; axutil_hash_index_t* serviceHI = NULL; void* serviceValue = NULL; for(serviceHI = axutil_hash_first(serviceMap, env); serviceHI; serviceHI = axutil_hash_next(env, serviceHI)) { axutil_hash_this(serviceHI, NULL, NULL, &serviceValue); axis2_svc_t* service = (axis2_svc_t*)serviceValue; if(!service) return false; axis2_char_t* serviceName = axutil_qname_get_localpart(axis2_svc_get_qname( service, env), env); if(!serviceName) return false; queueNameList.push_back(serviceName); } std::cout << "CONNECTED" << std::endl; } else /* Client side separate listener in dual-channel case */ { string queueName = axis2_amqp_util_conf_ctx_get_dual_channel_queue_name(conf_ctx, env); queueNameList.push_back(queueName); } /* Create new session */ Session session = connection.newSession(); /* Create Subscription manager */ SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager(session); Axis2QpidReceiverListener qpidReceiverListener(env, conf_ctx); /* Subscribe to queues */ while(!queueNameList.empty()) { string queueName = queueNameList.front(); session.queueDeclare(arg::queue = queueName, arg::autoDelete = true); session.exchangeBind(arg::exchange = AXIS2_AMQP_EXCHANGE_DIRECT, arg::queue = queueName, arg::bindingKey = queueName); subscriptionManager.subscribe(qpidReceiverListener, queueName); queueNameList.pop_front(); } /* Listen and Wait */ if(serverSide == AXIS2_TRUE) /* Server side */ { std::cout << "Started Axis2 AMQP Server ..." << std::endl; }; return true; } catch(const std::exception& e) { connection.close(); if(serverSide == AXIS2_TRUE) /* Server side */ { std::cout << "FAILED" << std::endl; } sleep(5); } } connection.close(); return false; }
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_engine_receive( axis2_engine_t * engine, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_msg_ctx_t * msg_ctx) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_op_ctx_t *op_ctx = NULL; axis2_op_t *op = NULL; axutil_array_list_t *pre_calculated_phases = NULL; axutil_array_list_t *op_specific_phases = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE; AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Start:axis2_engine_receive"); AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, msg_ctx, AXIS2_FAILURE); conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); pre_calculated_phases = axis2_conf_get_in_phases_upto_and_including_post_dispatch(conf, env); if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { /* The message has paused, so re-run them from the position they stopped. */ axis2_engine_resume_invocation_phases(engine, env, pre_calculated_phases, msg_ctx); if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Message context is paused. So return here."); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } /* Resume op specific phases */ op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(op_ctx) { op = axis2_op_ctx_get_op(op_ctx, env); op_specific_phases = axis2_op_get_in_flow(op, env); axis2_engine_resume_invocation_phases(engine, env, op_specific_phases, msg_ctx); if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Message context is paused. So return here."); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } } } else { status = axis2_engine_invoke_phases(engine, env, pre_calculated_phases, msg_ctx); if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { if(axis2_msg_ctx_get_server_side(msg_ctx, env)) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Invoking pre-calculated phases failed"); return status; } } if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Message context is paused. So return here."); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(op_ctx) { op = axis2_op_ctx_get_op(op_ctx, env); op_specific_phases = axis2_op_get_in_flow(op, env); status = axis2_engine_invoke_phases(engine, env, op_specific_phases, msg_ctx); if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { axis2_char_t *op_name = NULL; op_name = axutil_qname_get_localpart(axis2_op_get_qname(op, env), env); AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Invoking operation specific phases failed for operation %s", op_name); return status; } if(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env)) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Message context is paused. So return here."); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } } } if((axis2_msg_ctx_get_server_side(msg_ctx, env)) && !(axis2_msg_ctx_is_paused(msg_ctx, env))) { axis2_msg_recv_t *receiver = NULL; status = axis2_engine_check_must_understand_headers(env, msg_ctx); if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Check for must understand headers failed"); return status; } /* Invoke the message receivers */ if(!op) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Operation not found"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } receiver = axis2_op_get_msg_recv(op, env); if(!receiver) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Message receiver not set in operation description"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } status = axis2_msg_recv_receive(receiver, env, msg_ctx, axis2_msg_recv_get_derived( receiver, env)); } AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Exit:axis2_engine_receive"); return status; }
axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL sandesha2_out_handler_invoke( struct axis2_handler *handler, const axutil_env_t *env, struct axis2_msg_ctx *msg_ctx) { axutil_property_t *temp_prop = NULL; axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_conf_t *conf = NULL; axis2_char_t *str_done = NULL; axis2_char_t *dummy_msg_str = NULL; axis2_bool_t dummy_msg = AXIS2_FALSE; axis2_svc_t *svc = NULL; axutil_qname_t *module_qname = NULL; sandesha2_msg_ctx_t *rm_msg_ctx = NULL; sandesha2_msg_processor_t *msg_processor = NULL; int msg_type = -1; AXIS2_PARAM_CHECK(env->error, msg_ctx, AXIS2_FAILURE); AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2] Entry:sandesha2_out_handler_invoke"); temp_prop = axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, SANDESHA2_SEQ_PROP_MAKE_CONNECTION_OUT_PATH); if (temp_prop) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2] In make connection out path. So return here."); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; temp_prop = NULL; } if(sandesha2_util_is_rstr_msg(env, msg_ctx)) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2] A RSTR message. Sandesha don't process."); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } conf_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_conf_ctx(msg_ctx, env); if(!conf_ctx) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2] Configuration Context is NULL"); AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, SANDESHA2_ERROR_CONF_CTX_NULL, AXIS2_FAILURE); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } svc = axis2_msg_ctx_get_svc(msg_ctx, env); if(!svc) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2]Axis2 Service is NULL"); AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, SANDESHA2_ERROR_SVC_NULL, AXIS2_FAILURE); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } module_qname = axutil_qname_create(env, SANDESHA2_MODULE, NULL, NULL); if(!axis2_svc_is_module_engaged(svc, env, module_qname)) { if(module_qname) { axutil_qname_free(module_qname, env); } AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2]RM is not engaged. So return here"); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } if(module_qname) { axutil_qname_free(module_qname, env); } temp_prop = axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, SANDESHA2_APPLICATION_PROCESSING_DONE); if(temp_prop) { str_done = (axis2_char_t *) axutil_property_get_value(temp_prop, env); } if(str_done && 0 == axutil_strcmp(AXIS2_VALUE_TRUE, str_done)) { AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2]Application Processing Done. So return here."); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; } temp_prop = axutil_property_create_with_args(env, 0, 0, 0, AXIS2_VALUE_TRUE); axis2_msg_ctx_set_property(msg_ctx, env, SANDESHA2_APPLICATION_PROCESSING_DONE, temp_prop); conf = axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env); if(!sandesha2_permanent_storage_mgr_create_db(env, conf_ctx)) { return AXIS2_FAILURE; } /* Getting rm message */ rm_msg_ctx = sandesha2_msg_init_init_msg(env, msg_ctx); temp_prop = axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, SANDESHA2_CLIENT_DUMMY_MESSAGE); if(NULL != temp_prop) { dummy_msg_str = (axis2_char_t *) axutil_property_get_value(temp_prop, env); } if(dummy_msg_str && 0 == axutil_strcmp(AXIS2_VALUE_TRUE, dummy_msg_str)) { dummy_msg = AXIS2_TRUE; } temp_prop = axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_SVC_CLIENT_CLOSED); if(temp_prop) { axis2_char_t *spec_version = NULL; axis2_endpoint_ref_t *reply_to = axis2_msg_ctx_get_reply_to(msg_ctx, env); if(reply_to) { axis2_char_t *address = axis2_endpoint_ref_get_address(reply_to, env); AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "dam_reply_to_address:%s", address); } spec_version = sandesha2_utils_get_rm_version(env, msg_ctx); if(!axutil_strcmp(SANDESHA2_SPEC_VERSION_1_1, spec_version)) { axis2_char_t *action = NULL; axutil_string_t *str_action = NULL; action = sandesha2_spec_specific_consts_get_terminate_seq_action(env, spec_version); str_action = axutil_string_create(env, action); axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_action(msg_ctx, env, str_action); axutil_string_free(str_action, env); /*axis2_msg_ctx_set_reply_to(msg_ctx, env, NULL);*/ msg_type = sandesha2_msg_ctx_set_msg_type(rm_msg_ctx, env, SANDESHA2_MSG_TYPE_CLOSE_SEQ); } else if(!axutil_strcmp(SANDESHA2_SPEC_VERSION_1_0, spec_version)) { axutil_property_t *property = NULL; axutil_string_t *str_action = NULL; /*axis2_msg_info_headers_set_action(axis2_msg_ctx_get_msg_info_headers(msg_ctx, env), * env, SANDESHA2_SPEC_2005_02_SOAP_ACTION_LAST_MESSAGE); */ str_action = axutil_string_create(env, SANDESHA2_SPEC_2005_02_SOAP_ACTION_LAST_MESSAGE); axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_action(msg_ctx, env, str_action); axutil_string_free(str_action, env); property = axutil_property_create_with_args(env, 0, 0, 0, AXIS2_VALUE_TRUE); axis2_msg_ctx_set_property(msg_ctx, env, "Sandesha2LastMessage", property); /*axis2_msg_ctx_set_reply_to(msg_ctx, env, NULL);*/ } } msg_type = sandesha2_msg_ctx_get_msg_type(rm_msg_ctx, env); if(msg_type == SANDESHA2_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { axis2_msg_ctx_t *req_msg_ctx = NULL; axis2_op_ctx_t *op_ctx = NULL; op_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_get_op_ctx(msg_ctx, env); req_msg_ctx = axis2_op_ctx_get_msg_ctx(op_ctx, env, AXIS2_WSDL_MESSAGE_LABEL_IN); if(req_msg_ctx) /* For the server side */ { sandesha2_msg_ctx_t *req_rm_msg_ctx = NULL; sandesha2_seq_t *seq_part = NULL; req_rm_msg_ctx = sandesha2_msg_init_init_msg(env, req_msg_ctx); seq_part = sandesha2_msg_ctx_get_sequence(req_rm_msg_ctx, env); if(seq_part) { msg_processor = (sandesha2_msg_processor_t *) sandesha2_app_msg_processor_create(env); /* rm intended msg */ } if(req_rm_msg_ctx) sandesha2_msg_ctx_free(req_rm_msg_ctx, env); } else if(!axis2_msg_ctx_get_server_side(msg_ctx, env)) { msg_processor = (sandesha2_msg_processor_t *) sandesha2_app_msg_processor_create(env); } } else { msg_processor = sandesha2_msg_processor_create_msg_processor(env, rm_msg_ctx); } if(msg_processor) { sandesha2_msg_processor_process_out_msg(msg_processor, env, rm_msg_ctx); sandesha2_msg_processor_free(msg_processor, env); } if(AXIS2_SUCCESS != AXIS2_ERROR_GET_STATUS_CODE(env->error)) { /* Message should not be sent in an exception situation */ AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2] Pausing message context"); axis2_msg_ctx_set_paused(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_TRUE); if(rm_msg_ctx) { sandesha2_msg_ctx_free(rm_msg_ctx, env); } AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2] Error in processing the message"); AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, SANDESHA2_ERROR_CANNOT_PROCESS_MSG, AXIS2_FAILURE); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } temp_prop = axis2_msg_ctx_get_property(msg_ctx, env, SANDESHA2_APPLICATION_PROCESSING_DONE); if(temp_prop) { axutil_property_set_value(temp_prop, env, AXIS2_VALUE_FALSE); } if(rm_msg_ctx) { sandesha2_msg_ctx_free(rm_msg_ctx, env); } AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[sandesha2]Exit:sandesha2_out_handler_invoke"); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_bool_t AXIS2_CALL axis2_tcp_worker_process_request( axis2_tcp_worker_t * tcp_worker, const axutil_env_t * env, axis2_simple_tcp_svr_conn_t * svr_conn, axis2_char_t * simple_request) { axis2_conf_ctx_t *conf_ctx = NULL; axis2_transport_out_desc_t *out_desc = NULL; axis2_transport_in_desc_t *in_desc = NULL; axis2_msg_ctx_t *msg_ctx = NULL; axiom_xml_reader_t *reader = NULL; axiom_stax_builder_t *builder = NULL; axiom_soap_builder_t *soap_builder = NULL; axiom_soap_envelope_t *soap_envelope = NULL; axis2_engine_t *engine = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FALSE; axutil_stream_t *svr_stream = NULL; axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL; int len = 0; int write = -1; axutil_stream_t *out_stream = NULL; AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "start:axis2_tcp_worker_process_request"); reader = axiom_xml_reader_create_for_memory(env, simple_request, axutil_strlen(simple_request), NULL, AXIS2_XML_PARSER_TYPE_BUFFER); if(!reader) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to create XML reader"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } builder = axiom_stax_builder_create(env, reader); if(!builder) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to create Stax builder"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } soap_builder= axiom_soap_builder_create(env, builder, NULL); if(!soap_builder) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Failed to create SOAP builder"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } conf_ctx = tcp_worker->conf_ctx; if(!conf_ctx) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "conf ctx not available"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } out_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_out(axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env), env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_TCP); if(!out_desc) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Transport out not set"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } in_desc = axis2_conf_get_transport_in(axis2_conf_ctx_get_conf(conf_ctx, env), env, AXIS2_TRANSPORT_ENUM_TCP); msg_ctx = axis2_msg_ctx_create(env, conf_ctx, in_desc, out_desc); axis2_msg_ctx_set_server_side(msg_ctx, env, AXIS2_TRUE); out_stream = axutil_stream_create_basic(env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_transport_out_stream(msg_ctx, env, out_stream); soap_envelope = axiom_soap_builder_get_soap_envelope(soap_builder, env); axis2_msg_ctx_set_soap_envelope(msg_ctx, env, soap_envelope); engine = axis2_engine_create(env, conf_ctx); status = axis2_engine_receive(engine, env, msg_ctx); svr_stream = axis2_simple_tcp_svr_conn_get_stream(svr_conn, env); buffer = out_stream->buffer; len = out_stream->len; buffer[len] = 0; if(svr_stream && buffer) { write = axutil_stream_write(svr_stream, env, buffer, len + 1); if(write < 0) { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "stream write failed"); return AXIS2_FAILURE; } AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "stream wrote:%s", buffer); } AXIS2_LOG_TRACE(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "end:axis2_tcp_worker_process_request"); return AXIS2_SUCCESS; }