コード例 #1
ファイル: backup.c プロジェクト: galaxyeye/bdb
** Release all resources associated with an sqlite3_backup* handle.
int sqlite3_backup_finish(sqlite3_backup *p) {
	sqlite3_mutex *mutex;

	if (!p || !p->pSrcDb || !p->pDestDb)
		return SQLITE_OK;
	mutex = p->pSrcDb->mutex;
	 * Cleanup was already done on error or SQLITE_DONE, only
	 * cleanup if quiting before finishing backup.
	if (p->rc == SQLITE_OK) {
		p->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
	return SQLITE_OK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: backup.c プロジェクト: galaxyeye/bdb
** Copy nPage pages from the source b-tree to the destination.
int sqlite3_backup_step(sqlite3_backup *p, int nPage) {
	int returnCode, pages;
	Parse parse;
	DB_ENV *dbenv;
	BtShared *pBtDest, *pBtSrc;

	pBtDest = pBtSrc = NULL;

	if (p->rc != SQLITE_OK || nPage == 0)
		return p->rc;


	 * Make sure the schema has been read in, so the keyInfo
	 * can be retrieved for the indexes.  No-op if already read.
	 * If the schema has not been read then an update must have
	 * changed it, so backup will restart.
	memset(&parse, 0, sizeof(parse));
	parse.db = p->pSrcDb;
	p->rc = sqlite3ReadSchema(&parse);
	if (p->rc != SQLITE_OK)
		goto err;

	 * This process updated the source database, so
	 * the backup process has to restart.
	if (p->pSrc->updateDuringBackup > p->lastUpdate) {
		p->rc = SQLITE_LOCKED;
		if ((p->rc = backupCleanup(p)) != SQLITE_OK)
			goto err;

	pages = nPage;

	if (!p->cleaned) {
		const char *home;
		const char inmem[9] = ":memory:";
		int storage;

		pBtDest = p->pDest->pBt;
		storage = p->pDest->pBt->dbStorage;
		if (storage == DB_STORE_NAMED)
			p->openDest = 1;
		p->rc = btreeDeleteEnvironment(p->pDest, p->fullName, 1);
		if (storage == DB_STORE_INMEM && strcmp(p->destName, "temp")
		    != 0)
			home = inmem;
			home = p->fullName;
		p->pDest = p->pDestDb->aDb[p->iDb].pBt;
		if (p->rc != SQLITE_OK)
			goto err;
		 * Call sqlite3OpenTempDatabase instead of
		 * sqlite3BtreeOpen, because sqlite3OpenTempDatabase
		 * automatically chooses the right flags before calling
		 * sqlite3BtreeOpen.
		if (strcmp(p->destName, "temp") == 0) {
			memset(&parse, 0, sizeof(parse));
			parse.db = p->pDestDb;
			p->rc = sqlite3OpenTempDatabase(&parse);
			p->pDest = p->pDestDb->aDb[p->iDb].pBt;
		} else {
			p->rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen(home, p->pDestDb,
			    SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB, p->pDestDb->openFlags);
			p->pDestDb->aDb[p->iDb].pBt = p->pDest;
			if (p->rc == SQLITE_OK) {
				p->pDestDb->aDb[p->iDb].pSchema =
				    sqlite3SchemaGet(p->pDestDb, p->pDest);
				if (!p->pDestDb->aDb[p->iDb].pSchema)
					p->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
			} else
				p->pDestDb->aDb[p->iDb].pSchema = NULL;

		if (p->pDest)
		 * In the case of a temporary source database, use the
		 * encryption of the main database.
		if (strcmp(p->srcName, "temp") == 0) {
			 int iDb = sqlite3FindDbName(p->pSrcDb, "main");
			 pBtSrc = p->pSrcDb->aDb[iDb].pBt->pBt;
		} else
			 pBtSrc = p->pSrc->pBt;
		if (p->rc == SQLITE_OK) {
			if (p->iDb == 0)
				p->rc = sqlite3_key(p->pDestDb,
				p->rc = sqlite3CodecAttach(p->pDestDb, p->iDb,
		if (p->rc != SQLITE_OK)
			goto err;
		p->cleaned = 1;

	 * Begin a transaction, unfortuantely the lock on
	 * the schema has to be released to allow the sqlite_master
	 * table to be cleared, which could allow another thread to
	 * alter it, however accessing the backup database during
	 * backup is already an illegal condition with undefined
	 * results.
	if (!sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(p->pDest)) {
		if (!p->pDest->connected) {
			p->rc = btreeOpenEnvironment(p->pDest, 1);
			if (p->rc != SQLITE_OK)
				goto err;
		if ((p->rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(p->pDest, 2))
			!= SQLITE_OK)
			goto err;
	/* Only this process should be accessing the backup environment. */
	if (p->pDest->pBt->nRef > 1) {
		p->rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
		goto err;

	 * Begin a transaction, a lock error or update could have caused
	 * it to be released in a previous call to step.
	if (!p->srcTxn) {
		dbenv = p->pSrc->pBt->dbenv;
		if ((p->rc = dberr2sqlite(dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv,
		    p->pSrc->family_txn, &p->srcTxn, 0))) != SQLITE_OK)
			goto err;

	 * An update could have dropped or created a table, so recalculate
	 * the list of tables.
	if (!p->tables) {
		if ((p->rc = btreeGetPageCount(p->pSrc,
		    &p->tables, &p->nPagecount, p->srcTxn)) != SQLITE_OK) {
				sqlite3Error(p->pSrcDb, p->rc, 0);
				goto err;
		p->nRemaining = p->nPagecount;

	/* Copy the pages. */
	p->rc = btreeCopyPages(p, &pages);
	if (p->rc == SQLITE_DONE) {
		p->nRemaining = 0;
		sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(p->pDestDb, p->iDb);
		memset(&parse, 0, sizeof(parse));
		parse.db = p->pDestDb;
		p->rc = sqlite3ReadSchema(&parse);
		if (p->rc == SQLITE_OK)
			p->rc = SQLITE_DONE;
	} else if (p->rc != SQLITE_OK)
		goto err;

	 * The number of pages left to copy is an estimate, so
	 * do not let the number go to zero unless we are really
	 * done.
	if (p->rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		if ((u32)pages >= p->nRemaining)
			p->nRemaining = 1;
			p->nRemaining -= pages;

err:	/*
	 * This process updated the source database, so
	 * the backup process has to restart.
	if (p->pSrc->updateDuringBackup > p->lastUpdate &&
	    (p->rc == SQLITE_OK || p->rc == SQLITE_DONE)) {
		int cleanCode;
		returnCode = p->rc;
		p->rc = SQLITE_LOCKED;
		if ((cleanCode = backupCleanup(p)) != SQLITE_OK)
			returnCode = p->rc = cleanCode;
	} else {
		returnCode = backupCleanup(p);
		if (returnCode == SQLITE_OK ||
		    (p->rc != SQLITE_OK && p->rc != SQLITE_DONE))
			returnCode = p->rc;
			p->rc = returnCode;
	 * On a locked or busy error the backup process is rolled back,
	 * but can be restarted by the user.
	if ( returnCode == SQLITE_LOCKED || returnCode == SQLITE_BUSY )
	else if ( returnCode != SQLITE_OK && returnCode != SQLITE_DONE ) {
		sqlite3Error(p->pDestDb, p->rc, 0);
	return (returnCode);
コード例 #3
ファイル: unixusbdriver.cpp プロジェクト: rowhit/Labrador
void unixUsbDriver::shutdownProcedure(){
    shutdownMode = true;
    QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(backupCleanup()));