コード例 #1
ファイル: EqEffect.cpp プロジェクト: DanielAeolusLaude/lmms
float EqEffect::peakBand( float minF, float maxF, EqAnalyser *fft, int sr )
	float peak = -60;
	float * b = fft->m_bands;
	float h = 0;
	for(int x = 0; x < MAX_BANDS; x++, b++)
		if( bandToFreq( x ,sr)  >= minF && bandToFreq( x,sr ) <= maxF )
			h = 20*( log10( *b / fft->m_energy ) );
			peak = h > peak ? h : peak;
	return (peak+100)/100;
コード例 #2
ファイル: EqSpectrumView.cpp プロジェクト: BaraMGB/lmms
void EqSpectrumView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
	//only analyse if the view is visible
	m_analyser->setActive( isVisible() );
	const float energy =  m_analyser->getEnergy();
	if( energy <= 0 && m_peakSum <= 0 )
		//dont draw anything

	const int fh = height();
	const int LOWER_Y = -36;	// dB
	QPainter painter( this );
	painter.setPen( QPen( m_color, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::BevelJoin ) );

	if( m_analyser->getInProgress() || m_periodicalUpdate == false )
		//only paint the cached path
		painter.fillPath( m_path, QBrush( m_color ) );

	m_periodicalUpdate = false;
	//Now we calculate the path
	m_path = QPainterPath();
	float *bands = m_analyser->m_bands;
	float peak;
	m_path.moveTo( 0, height() );
	m_peakSum = 0;
	float fallOff = 1.2;
	for( int x = 0; x < MAX_BANDS; ++x, ++bands )
		peak = ( fh * 2.0 / 3.0 * ( 20 * ( log10( *bands / energy ) ) - LOWER_Y ) / ( - LOWER_Y ) );
		if( peak < 0 )
			peak = 0;
		else if( peak >= fh )

		if ( peak > m_bandHeight[x] )
			m_bandHeight[x] = peak;
			m_bandHeight[x] = m_bandHeight[x] / fallOff;

		if( m_bandHeight[x] < 0 )
			m_bandHeight[x] = 0;

		m_path.lineTo( EqHandle::freqToXPixel( bandToFreq( x ), width() ), fh - m_bandHeight[x] );
		m_peakSum += m_bandHeight[x];

	m_path.lineTo( width(), height() );
	painter.fillPath( m_path, QBrush( m_color ) );
	painter.drawPath( m_path );