int main(void) { char *status; char *batt; char *tmmtl; char *tmgva; if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "dwmstatus: cannot open display.\n"); return 1; } for (;;sleep(1)) { batt = battery(); tmmtl = mktimes(tmfmt, tzmtl); tmgva = mktimes(tmfmt, tzgva); status = smprintf("%s | mtl: %s gva: %s", batt,tmmtl,tmgva); setstatus(status); free(batt); free(tmmtl); free(status); } XCloseDisplay(dpy); return 0; }
static void cmd_lcd(Stream *chp, int argc, char* argv[]) { clear(); label(0,0, "APRS"); flag(32,0, "i", true); flag(41,0, "a", false); flag(50,0, "g", true); flag(59,0, "d", true); battery(70,3,2); hLine(0,10,66); writeText(0,15,"144.800 MHz"); writeText(0,26,"LA7ECA-7"); writeText(0,37,"W1,W2-1,SAR"); flush(); }
DataSourceBattery::DataSourceBattery(SystemSnapshot *parent) : DataSource(parent) { QDir battery("/sys/class/power_supply"); QStringList filters; filters << "*battery"; battery.setNameFilters(filters); const QStringList files = battery.entryList(); QStringListIterator iterator(files); QString fileName; if ( iterator.hasNext() ) { fileName = battery.absoluteFilePath(; qDebug() << "Found battery root: " << fileName; } m_batteryFull = registerSystemSource(fileName + "/charge_full"); m_batteryNow = registerSystemSource(fileName + "/charge_now"); m_capacity = registerSystemSource(fileName + "/capacity"); connect(parent, SIGNAL(processSystemSnapshot()), SLOT(processSystemSnapshot())); }
void langDisplay() { oslDrawImage(langSelection); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.7f, WHITE, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); oslDrawStringf(20, 85, "CyanogenPSP"); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.65f, WHITE, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); oslDrawStringf(20, 110, "%s", lang_welcome[language][0]); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.5f, WHITE, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); battery(370,2,1); oslDrawFillRect(60, 179, 420, 180, LITEGRAY); oslDrawFillRect(60, 217, 420, 218, LITEGRAY); for(i = curScroll; i < MAX_LANG_DISPLAY + curScroll; i++) { if ((folderIcons[i].active == 0) && (current >= i-1)) { current = i-1; break; } if (current <= curScroll-1) { current = curScroll-1; break; } if (folderIcons[i].active == 1) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.55f, BLACK, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_CENTER); oslDrawStringf(LANG_DISPLAY_X, (i - curScroll)*36 + LANG_DISPLAY_Y, "%.56s", folderIcons[i].name); } } }
void mp3FileDisplay() { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, 0); oslDrawImageXY(mp3bg, 0, 0); oslDrawImageXY(mp3_select,8,(current - curScroll)*55+MP3_CURR_DISPLAY_Y); // Displays the directories, while also incorporating the scrolling for(i=curScroll;i<MAX_MP3_DISPLAY+curScroll;i++) { // Handles the cursor and the display to not move past the MAX_MP3_DISPLAY. // For moving down //if ((folderIcons[i].active == 0) && (current >= i-1)) { if ((folderIcons[i].active == 0) && (current >= i-1)) { current = i-1; break; } // For moving up if (current <= curScroll-1) { current = curScroll-1; break; } // If the currently selected item is active, then display the name if (folderIcons[i].active == 1) { oslDrawStringf(MP3_DISPLAY_X, (i - curScroll)*55+MP3_DISPLAY_Y, "%.62s", folderIcons[i].name); // change the X & Y value accordingly if you want to move it (for Y, just change the +10) } } battery(370,2,1); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); }
int soundPlay(char * path) { nowplaying = oslLoadImageFilePNG(nowplayingBgPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); mp3Play = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/app/apollo/play.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); mp3Pause = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/app/apollo/pause.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); OSL_SOUND * sound = oslLoadSoundFile(path, OSL_FMT_NONE); if (!nowplaying) debugDisplay(); oslInitAudioME(3); oslPlaySound(sound,0); isPlaying = 1; int Play = 1; while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); oslReadKeys(); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, 0); oslDrawImageXY(nowplaying, 0, 0); if (Play == 1) oslDrawImageXY(mp3Play, 230, 224); else if (Play == 0) oslDrawImageXY(mp3Pause, 230, 224); oslDrawStringf(240,76, "%.28s", folderIcons[current].name); battery(370,2,1); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); volumeController(); if(osl_keys-> { oslDeleteImage(nowplaying); oslDeleteImage(mp3Play); oslDeleteImage(mp3Pause); return 1; } if(osl_keys->pressed.cross && Play == 1) { Play = 0; oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslPauseSound(sound,-1); } else if(osl_keys->pressed.cross && Play == 0) { Play = 1; oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslPauseSound(sound,-1); } if(osl_keys-> { isPlaying = 0; oslStopSound(sound); oslDeleteSound(sound); oslDeleteImage(nowplaying); oslDeleteImage(mp3Play); oslDeleteImage(mp3Pause); return 1; } if (osl_keys->pressed.square) { powermenu(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } captureScreenshot(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } oslStopSound(sound); oslDeleteSound(sound); oslDeleteImage(nowplaying); oslDeleteImage(mp3Play); oslDeleteImage(mp3Pause); return 0; }
void newMessage() { new_message = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/app/messenger/new_message.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); if (!new_message) debugDisplay(); while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); controls(); oslDrawImageXY(new_message, 0, 0); navbarButtons(2); battery(330,2,0); digitaltime(381,4,0,hrTime); androidQuickSettings(); volumeController(); oslDrawImage(cursor); if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } if (osl_keys-> { oslDeleteImage(new_message); messenger(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 157 && cursor->y <= 213) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); messenger(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 76 && cursor->y <= 155) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); home(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 19 && cursor->y <= 75) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); multitask(); } captureScreenshot(); if (cursor->x >= 7 && cursor->x <= 435 && cursor->y >= 55 && cursor->y <= 86 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); doServer(); } oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); oslDrawString(14, 245, tempMessage); if (cursor->x >= 10 && cursor->x <= 362 && cursor->y >= 228 && cursor->y <= 270 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); openOSK("Enter Message", "", 128, -1); } if ((cursor->x >= 10 && cursor->x <= 405 && cursor->y >= 88 && cursor->y <= 118 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) && oslIsWlanPowerOn()) doClient(); else if ((cursor->x >= 410 && cursor->x <= 442 && cursor->y >= 92 && cursor->y <= 118 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) && oslIsWlanPowerOn()) doServer(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } }
int messenger() { messengerbg = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/app/messenger/messengerbg.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); if (!messengerbg) debugDisplay(); oslSetFont(Roboto); while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); controls(); oslDrawImageXY(messengerbg, 0, 0); navbarButtons(2); battery(330,2,0); digitaltime(381,4,0,hrTime); androidQuickSettings(); volumeController(); oslDrawImage(cursor); if (osl_keys->pressed.square) { powermenu(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } if (osl_keys-> { oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); appdrawer(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 157 && cursor->y <= 213) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); appdrawer(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 76 && cursor->y <= 155) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); home(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 19 && cursor->y <= 75) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); multitask(); } captureScreenshot(); if (cursor->x >= 385 && cursor->x <= 428 && cursor->y >= 210 && cursor->y <= 258 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); newMessage(); } /* if (cursor->x >= 378 && cursor->x <= 434 && cursor->y >= 20 && cursor->y <= 52 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); doClient(); } */ oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } return 0; }
void powermenu() { power = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/menu/powerMenu.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); powerSelection = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/menu/powerSelection.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); recoverySelection = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/menu/recoverySelection.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); if (!power || !powerSelection || !recoverySelection) debugDisplay(); while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); controls(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); oslDrawImage(background); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_apollo, 105, 190); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_browser, 276, 190); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_settings, 331, 190); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_messenger, 160, 190); navbarButtons(0); oslDrawImageXY(power, 100, 61); battery(370,2,1); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.75f, BLACK, 0, 0); oslDrawStringf(165, 100, "Power off"); oslDrawStringf(165, 165, "Recovery"); if (cursor->x >= 116 && cursor->x <= 364 && cursor->y >= 55 && cursor->y <= 125) { oslDrawImageXY(powerSelection, 100, 60); oslDrawStringf(165, 100, "Power off"); oslDrawStringf(165, 165, "Recovery"); if (osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); sceKernelExitGame(); } /*else if (osl_pad.held.cross) { scePowerRequestColdReset(0); scePowerRequestColdReset(50000); }*/ } if (cursor->x >= 116 && cursor->x <= 364 && cursor->y >= 126 && cursor->y <= 200) { oslDrawImageXY(recoverySelection, 100, 60); oslDrawStringf(165, 100, "Power off"); oslDrawStringf(165, 165, "Recovery"); if (osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslSyncFrame(); sceKernelDelayThread(3*1000000); oslDeleteImage(power); oslDeleteImage(powerSelection); oslDeleteImage(recoverySelection); mainRecoveryMenu(); } } oslDrawImage(cursor); if (osl_keys-> { oslDeleteImage(power); oslDeleteImage(powerSelection); oslDeleteImage(recoverySelection); return; } captureScreenshot(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } }
int main(void) { InitPeripherals(); mRedOFF; mGreenOFF; mBlueOFF; // startup blink const float kShortDelay = 0.1; const float kLongDelay = 0.3; mRedON; mGreenON; mBlueON; DelaySeconds(kShortDelay); mRedOFF; mGreenOFF; mBlueOFF; DelaySeconds(kLongDelay); mRedON; mGreenON; mBlueON; DelaySeconds(kShortDelay); mRedOFF; mGreenOFF; mBlueOFF; DelaySeconds(kLongDelay); mRedON; mGreenON; mBlueON; DelaySeconds(kShortDelay); mRedOFF; mGreenOFF; mBlueOFF; DelaySeconds(kLongDelay); UsbInterface usb = UsbInterface(); usb.Init(); PersistentMemory mem; DelaySeconds(1.0f); ZigbeeInterface zig = ZigbeeInterface(); DelaySeconds(0.05f); zig.Init(mem); error_reporting_com1 = &usb; error_reporting_com2 = &zig; Mpu60XXImu imu(mem); GyroAccelDriftUkfIo est; BatteryMonitor battery(mem); battery_ptr = &battery; MotorHal motor_hal(mem); motor_hal_ptr = &motor_hal; // Get_pos addition: InitPositionSensor(); tim1_set_position_callback_2(get_position); QuatPD pd(mem); PulsingCoaxControllerQuat uav(mem, pd, imu, est, motor_hal); CoaxOpenController open_controller(mem); CoaxOpenAttitudeController open_attitude_controller(mem, est); monitor = LoopMonitor(mem); UavReporter reporter(mem, imu, est, motor_hal, battery, uav, open_attitude_controller, pd, monitor); StateMachine state_machine; mem.Freeze(); // freeze memory to make writes possible imu.InitFromMemory(); //imu.DefaultAccelSensitivity(1); // overwrite scale for off-datasheet fix imu.flip_z = 1; // flip z-axis direction for upside-down imu #ifdef STREAM_IMU_RAW imu_raw_msg_logger_init(imu); #endif monitor.InitFromMemory(); PlayTimebase(); imu.StartRead(); DelayMilliseconds(10); tim1_init(); tim1_set_supply_volts(3.7f); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Loop while(1) { monitor.Profile(0); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get IMU Data and Start New Measurement while(!imu.FinishRead()) {}; #ifdef STREAM_IMU_RAW imu_raw_msg_logger_push(); #endif DelayMicroseconds(50); // this seems to be critical (?!?) imu.StartRead(); monitor.Profile(1); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update Estimator with Measurement est.Update(imu.time, imu.w, imu.a); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Control // update control laws uav.Update(); open_controller.Update(); open_attitude_controller.Update(); // map controllers to outputs based on state enum control_state state = state_machine.get_state(); // in STOP state, send active kill messages to motors if(state == kStop) { mGreenOFF; mAmberON; motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts(0); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts_pulse_amp(0); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_pulse_phase(0); motor_hal.set_bottom_cmd_volts(0); } // in STANDBY state, send no motor commands except on entry else if(state == kStandby) { mGreenOFF; mAmberOFF; if(state_machine.get_standby_needs_init()) { motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts(0); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts_pulse_amp(0); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_pulse_phase(0); motor_hal.set_bottom_cmd_volts(0); state_machine.clear_standby_needs_init(); } } // in QUAT state, send motor commands according to quat control law else if(state == kQuat) { mGreenON; mAmberOFF; motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts(uav.top_mean); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts_pulse_amp(uav.top_pulse_amp); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_pulse_phase(uav.top_pulse_phase); motor_hal.set_bottom_cmd_volts(uav.bottom_mean); } // in OPEN state, send motor command according to open motor control commands else if(state == kOpen) { mGreenON; mAmberOFF; motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts(open_controller.top_mean); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts_pulse_amp(open_controller.top_pulse_amp); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_pulse_phase(open_controller.top_pulse_phase); motor_hal.set_bottom_cmd_volts(open_controller.bottom_mean); } // in OPEN ATTITUDE state, send motor command according to open motor control commands else if(state == kOpenAttitude) { mGreenON; mAmberOFF; motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts(open_attitude_controller.top_mean); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_volts_pulse_amp(open_attitude_controller.top_pulse_amp); motor_hal.set_top_cmd_pulse_phase(open_attitude_controller.top_pulse_phase); motor_hal.set_bottom_cmd_volts(open_attitude_controller.bottom_mean); } monitor.Profile(2); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Packet Communication uint8_t is_data; // 1 iff data received uint8_t *rx_data; // temporary pointer to received type+data bytes uint8_t rx_length; // number of received type+data bytes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USB Input is_data = 0; usb.GetBytes(); while(usb.PeekPacket(&rx_data, &rx_length)) { zig.ReadMsg(usb, rx_data, rx_length); imu.ReadMsg(usb, rx_data, rx_length); est.ReadMsg(usb, rx_data, rx_length); mem.ReadMsg(usb, rx_data, rx_length); uav.ReadMsg(usb, rx_data, rx_length); open_controller.ReadMsg( usb, rx_data, rx_length); open_attitude_controller.ReadMsg( usb, rx_data, rx_length); pd.ReadMsg( usb, rx_data, rx_length); monitor.ReadMsg( usb, rx_data, rx_length); motor_hal.ReadMsg(usb, rx_data, rx_length); battery.ReadMsg( usb, rx_data, rx_length); reporter.ReadMsg( usb, rx_data, rx_length); state_machine.ReadMsg(usb, rx_data, rx_length); usb.DropPacket(); is_data = 1; } // while peek... if(is_data) { usb.SendNow(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Radio Input is_data = 0; zig.GetBytes(); while(zig.PeekPacket(&rx_data, &rx_length)) { #ifdef STREAM_IMU_RAW if(rx_data[0] == kTypeQuatPilot || rx_data[0] == kTypeQuatFullObsPilot || rx_data[0] == kTypeOpenPilot || rx_data[0] == kTypeOpenAttitudePilot) { imu_raw_msg_logger_send(zig); } #endif zig.ReadMsg(zig, rx_data, rx_length); imu.ReadMsg(zig, rx_data, rx_length); est.ReadMsg(zig, rx_data, rx_length); mem.ReadMsg(zig, rx_data, rx_length); uav.ReadMsg(zig, rx_data, rx_length); open_controller.ReadMsg( zig, rx_data, rx_length); open_attitude_controller.ReadMsg( zig, rx_data, rx_length); pd.ReadMsg( zig, rx_data, rx_length); monitor.ReadMsg( zig, rx_data, rx_length); motor_hal.ReadMsg(zig, rx_data, rx_length); battery.ReadMsg( zig, rx_data, rx_length); reporter.ReadMsg( zig, rx_data, rx_length); state_machine.ReadMsg(zig, rx_data, rx_length); zig.DropPacket(); is_data = 1; } // while peek... monitor.Profile(3); if(is_data) { zig.SendNow(); } monitor.Profile(4); monitor.Profile(5); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Throttle main loop to main_freq monitor.EndMainLoop(); monitor.Profile(6); //monitor.SendProfile(usb); //usb.SendNow(); } // while(1) return(0); }
int appdrawer() { int browser_x = 30; int browser_text_x = 52; int calc_x = 105; int calc_text_x = 127; int clock_x = 180; int clock_text_x = 202; int fm_x = 255; int fm_text_x = 277; int gallery_x = 330; int gallery_text_x = 352; int game_icon = 405; int game_text_icon = 427; int messenger_x = 30; int messenger_text_x = 52; int music_x = 105; int music_text_x = 127; int settings_x = 180; int settings_test_x = 202; int umd_x = 255; int umd_text_x = 277; //loads appdrawer icons appdrawer_loadImages(); if (!ic_launcher_clock || !backdrop) debugDisplay(); oslSetFont(Roboto); while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); controls(); oslDrawImage(background); if (eDesktopActivator == 1) { navbarButtons(1); battery(370,2,3); if ((cursor->y <= 16) || (cursor->y >= 226)) { digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); } else if (cursor->y >= 16 && cursor->y <= 226) { digitaltime(420,-10,0,hrTime); } } else if (eDesktopActivator == 0) { navbarButtons(0); battery(370,2,1); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); } if (DARK == 0) oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_CENTER); else oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, WHITE, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_CENTER); oslDrawImageXY(backdrop, 1, 15); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_browser, browser_x, 40); oslDrawStringf(browser_text_x, 90, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][0]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_calculator, calc_x, 40); oslDrawStringf(calc_text_x, 90, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][1]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_clock, clock_x, 40); oslDrawStringf(clock_text_x, 90, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][2]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_filemanager, fm_x, 40); oslDrawStringf(fm_text_x, 90,"%s", lang_appDrawer[language][3]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_gallery, gallery_x, 40); oslDrawStringf(gallery_text_x, 90, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][4]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_game, game_icon, 40); oslDrawStringf(game_text_icon, 90, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][5]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_messenger, messenger_x, 130); oslDrawStringf(messenger_text_x, 185, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][6]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_apollo, music_x, 130); oslDrawStringf(music_text_x, 185, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][7]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_settings, settings_x, 130); oslDrawStringf(settings_test_x, 185, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][8]); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_umd, umd_x, 132); oslDrawStringf(umd_text_x, 185, "%s", lang_appDrawer[language][9]); androidQuickSettings(); volumeController(); appHighlight(1); oslDrawImage(cursor); if (osl_keys->pressed.square) { powermenu(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } if (osl_keys-> { appdrawer_deleteImages(); home(); } if (cursor->x >= 15 && cursor->x <= 75 && cursor->y >= 25 && cursor->y <= 85 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); internet(); } if (experimentalF == 1) { // WIP calculator if (cursor->x >= 100 && cursor->x <= 140 && cursor->y >= 25 && cursor->y <= 85 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); calculator(); } } if (cursor->x >= 160 && cursor->x <= 225 && cursor->y >= 25 && cursor->y <= 85 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); pspclock(); } if (cursor->x >= 245 && cursor->x <= 295 && cursor->y >= 25 && cursor->y <= 85 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); filemanage(); } if (cursor->x >= 320 && cursor->x <= 370 && cursor->y >= 25 && cursor->y <= 85 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); galleryApp(); } if (cursor->x >= 390 && cursor->x <= 450 && cursor->y >= 25 && cursor->y <= 85 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); gameApp(); } if (experimentalF == 1) { //WIP ad-hoc messenger application if (cursor->x >= 15 && cursor->x <= 75 && cursor->y >= 115 && cursor->y <= 180 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); messenger(); } } if (cursor->x >= 100 && cursor->x <= 140 && cursor->y >= 115 && cursor->y <= 180 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); mp3player(); } if (cursor->x >= 160 && cursor->x <= 225 && cursor->y >= 115 && cursor->y <= 180 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); settingsMenu(); } if (cursor->x >= 245 && cursor->x <= 295 && cursor->y >= 115 && cursor->y <= 180 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); launchUMD("disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN"); } if (cursor->x >= 137 && cursor->x <= 200 && cursor->y >= 237 && cursor->y <= 271 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); home(); } if (cursor->x >= 200 && cursor->x <= 276 && cursor->y >= 237 && cursor->y <= 271 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); appdrawer_deleteImages(); home(); } if (cursor->x >= 276 && cursor->x <= 340 && cursor->y >= 237 && cursor->y <= 271 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); multitask(); } captureScreenshot(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } return 0; }
/* Construct Packet */ void Construct_Packet(void) { //Serial.println("construct packet top"); //Variable for Index and uptime unsigned long uptime_ms; //Put schema number in packet G_packet.schema = 297; //Update data uptime_ms = millis(); //Put uptime in packet G_packet.uptime_ms = uptime_ms; //Poll and put battery and panel data in packet for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { G_packet.batt_mv[p] = battery(); G_packet.panel_mv[p] = panel(); delay(400); } //Poll and put panel data in packet /*for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { G_packet.panel_mv[p] = panel(); delay(400); }*/ G_packet.bmp185_press_pa = pressure(); G_packet.bmp185_temp_decic = temp(); G_packet.humidity_centi_pct = humidity(); //Poll and put irradiance data in packet for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { G_packet.solar_irr_w_m2[i] = irradiance(); delay(300); } /*//Hardcoded Test Packet G_packet.uptime_ms = 1; for(int p = 0; p <= 4; p++) { G_packet.batt_mv[p] = 1; Serial.print("Battery"); Serial.println(G_packet.batt_mv[p]); delay(400); } for(int p = 0; p <= 4; p++) { G_packet.panel_mv[p] = 2; Serial.print("Panel"); Serial.println(G_packet.panel_mv[p]); delay(400); } G_packet.bmp185_press_pa = 3; Serial.print("Pressure"); Serial.println(G_packet.bmp185_press_pa); G_packet.bmp185_temp_decic = 4; Serial.print("Temp"); Serial.println(G_packet.bmp185_temp_decic); G_packet.humidity_centi_pct = 5; Serial.print("Humidity"); Serial.println(G_packet.humidity_centi_pct); for(int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { G_packet.solar_irr_w_m2[i] = 6; Serial.print("Solar"); Serial.println(G_packet.solar_irr_w_m2[i]); delay(1000); }*/ }
int mp3player() { mp3bg = oslLoadImageFilePNG(apolloBgPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); mp3_select = oslLoadImageFilePNG(apolloSelectorPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); if (!mp3bg || !mp3_select) debugDisplay(); oslSetFont(Roboto); int MenuSelection = 1; // Pretty obvious int selector_x = 8; //The x position of the first selection int selector_y = 43; //The y position of the first selection int selector_image_x; //Determines the starting x position of the selection int selector_image_y = 55; //Determines the starting y position of the selection int numMenuItems = 3; //Amount of items in the menu int selection = 0; while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); selector_image_x = selector_x+(mp3XSelection*MenuSelection); //Determines where the selection image is drawn for each selection selector_image_y = selector_y+(mp3YSelection*MenuSelection); //Determines where the selection image is drawn for each selection oslStartDrawing(); oslReadKeys(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, 0); oslDrawImageXY(mp3bg, 0, 0); oslDrawImageXY(mp3_select, selector_image_x, selector_image_y); oslDrawStringf(20,108,"MUSIC"); oslDrawStringf(20,163,"PSP/MUSIC"); oslDrawStringf(20,218,"PSP/GAME/CyanogenPSP/Downloads"); battery(370,2,1); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); volumeController(); if (osl_keys->pressed.down) MenuSelection++; //Moves the selector down if (osl_keys->pressed.up) MenuSelection--; //Moves the selector up if (MenuSelection > numMenuItems) MenuSelection = 1; //Sets the selection to the first if (MenuSelection < 1) MenuSelection = numMenuItems; //Sets the selection back to last if (MenuSelection == 1 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(mp3bg); oslDeleteImage(mp3_select); mp3View("ms0:/MUSIC"); } else if (MenuSelection == 2 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(mp3bg); oslDeleteImage(mp3_select); mp3View("ms0:/PSP/MUSIC"); } else if (MenuSelection == 3 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(mp3bg); oslDeleteImage(mp3_select); mp3View("ms0:/PSP/GAME/CyanogenPSP/downloads"); } if (osl_keys-> { oslDeleteImage(mp3bg); oslDeleteImage(mp3_select); appdrawer(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.square) { powermenu(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } captureScreenshot(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } return selection; }
//First Boot Message void firstBootInitiation() { firstBoot = setFileDefaultsInt("system/settings/boot.bin", 1, firstBoot); iconPackLoad(); //Loads our images into memory loadIcons(); background = oslLoadImageFile(backgroundPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); cursor = oslLoadImageFilePNG(cursorPath, OSL_IN_VRAM, OSL_PF_8888); navbar = oslLoadImageFile(navbarPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); navbar2 = oslLoadImageFile(navbar2Path, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); //notif = oslLoadImageFile("system/home/menu/notif.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); welcome = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/icons/welcome.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); transbackground = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/icons/transbackground.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); control = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/menu/brightnesscontrol.png", OSL_IN_VRAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_apollo = oslLoadImageFilePNG(apolloPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_browser = oslLoadImageFile(browserPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_calculator = oslLoadImageFilePNG(calcPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_filemanager = oslLoadImageFilePNG(fmPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_gallery = oslLoadImageFilePNG(galleryPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_game = oslLoadImageFilePNG(gamePath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_messenger = oslLoadImageFilePNG(messagesPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_settings = oslLoadImageFilePNG(settingsPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); ic_launcher_umd = oslLoadImageFilePNG(umdPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); usbdebug = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/icons/usbdebug.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); music = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/home/icons/music.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); //Debugger - Displays an error message if the following resources are missing. if (!background || !cursor || !ic_allapps || !ic_allapps_pressed || !navbar || !ic_launcher_apollo || !ic_launcher_settings || !ic_launcher_messenger || !ic_launcher_browser || !batt100 || !batt80 || !batt60 || !batt40 || !batt20 || !batt10 || !batt0 || !battcharge || !navbar2 || !usbdebug || !music) debugDisplay(); //Sets the cursor's original position on the screen cursor->x = 240; cursor->y = 136; if (firstBoot!= 0) { while (!osl_quit) { oslStartDrawing(); controls(); oslDrawImage(background); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_apollo, 105, 190); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_browser, 276, 190); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_settings, 331, 190); oslDrawImageXY(ic_launcher_messenger, 160, 190); oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(0,0,0)); appDrawerIcon(); oslDisableTransparentColor(); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.5f, WHITE, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); volumeController(); battery(370,2,1); navbarButtons(0); oslDrawImageXY(transbackground, 0, 0); oslDrawImageXY(welcome, 0, 0); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,BLACK,0,INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); oslDrawStringf(20,30, "%s", lang_welcome[language][0]); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,DARKGRAY,0,INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); oslDrawStringf(20,60, "%s", lang_welcome[language][1]); oslDrawStringf(20,80, "%s", lang_welcome[language][2]); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,WHITE,0,INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); oslDrawStringf(385,110, "%s", lang_welcome[language][3]); oslDrawImage(cursor); if (cursor->x >= 388 && cursor->x <= 464 && cursor->y >= 98 && cursor->y <= 132 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { FILE * firstBootTxt = fopen("system/settings/boot.bin", "w"); fprintf(firstBootTxt, "0"); fclose(firstBootTxt); oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(welcome); oslDeleteImage(transbackground); unloadIcons(); home(); } captureScreenshot(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } } if (firstBoot == 0) { oslDeleteImage(welcome); oslDeleteImage(transbackground); unloadIcons(); lockscreen(); home(); } }
void Bluetooth::onReadyRead(void) { qDebug() << "Ready read..." << "request:" << m_request; if (!m_socket) return; while (m_socket->canReadLine()) { QByteArray data = m_socket->readLine(); QString line = QString::fromUtf8(data.constData(), data.length()).trimmed(); if (line.length() > 0) { qDebug() << "Received:" << line << "request:" << m_request; if (m_timer->isActive()) { m_timer->stop(); } switch (m_request) { case REQUEST_BATTERY: if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_CMD_BATTERY)) { line.remove(BLUETOOTH_CMD_BATTERY + QString(": ")); line.remove(QChar('%')); unsigned int capacity = line.toInt(); m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit battery(capacity); } else { // FIXME: ERROR } break; case REQUEST_EYES: if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_CMD_EYES)) { PowerState state; if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_PARAM_ON)) { state = PowerOn; } else { state = PowerOff; } m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit eyes(state); } else { getEyes(); } break; case REQUEST_HELMET: if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_CMD_HELMET)) { HelmetState state; if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_PARAM_CLOSE)) { state = HelmetClose; } else { state = HelmetOpen; } m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit helmet(state); } else { getHelmet(); } break; case REQUEST_INTENSITY: if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_CMD_INTENSITY)) { line.remove(BLUETOOTH_CMD_INTENSITY + QString(": ")); PowerIntensity value = (PowerIntensity) line.toInt(); m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit intensity(m_intensityDevice, value); } else { getIntensity(m_intensityDevice); } break; case REQUEST_QUOTE: if (line.contains("OK")) { m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit quoteFinished(); } else { // FIXME: ERROR } break; case REQUEST_REPULSOR: if (line.contains("OK")) { emit repulsorBlastGenerated(m_repulsor); } m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; break; case REQUEST_REPULSORS: if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_CMD_REPULSORS)) { PowerState state; if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_PARAM_ON)) { state = PowerOn; } else { state = PowerOff; } m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit repulsors(state); } else { getRepulsors(); } break; case REQUEST_UNIBEAM: if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_CMD_UNIBEAM)) { PowerState state; if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_PARAM_ON)) { state = PowerOn; } else { state = PowerOff; } m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit unibeam(state); } else { getUnibeam(); } break; case REQUEST_VERSION: if (m_revision.isEmpty()) { m_revision = line; } else if (m_build.isEmpty()) { m_build = line; m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; emit version(m_revision, m_build); } break; case REQUEST_VOLUME: if (line.contains(BLUETOOTH_CMD_VOLUME)) { line.remove(BLUETOOTH_CMD_VOLUME + QString(": ")); VolumeLevel level = (VolumeLevel) line.toInt(); emit volume(level); m_request = REQUEST_NO_REQUEST; } else { getVolume(); } break; default: break; } } } }
int calculator() { //int result; int x = 1; int y = 1; /* int enterednumber; int numberuse = 0; int suppression = 1; int Number = 0; */ calcbackground = oslLoadImageFile("system/app/calculator/calcbg.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); oslSetFont(Roboto); if (!calcbackground) debugDisplay(); while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); controls(); oslDrawImageXY(calcbackground, 0, 0); battery(370,2,1); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); volumeController(); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,WHITE,0,0); oslDrawString(35,120,"7"); oslDrawString(90,120,"8"); oslDrawString(145,120,"9"); oslDrawString(35,160,"4"); oslDrawString(90,160,"5"); oslDrawString(145,160,"6"); oslDrawString(35,200,"1"); oslDrawString(90,200,"2"); oslDrawString(145,200,"3"); oslDrawString(90,240,"0"); oslDrawString(218,120,"/"); oslDrawString(218,160,"x"); oslDrawString(218,200,"-"); oslDrawString(218,240,"+"); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,WHITE,0,0); oslDrawString(260,120,"DEL"); oslDrawString(326,120,"sin"); oslDrawString(366,120,"cos"); oslDrawString(406,120,"tan"); oslDrawString(446,120,"ln"); if (osl_keys->pressed.left) x -= 1; if (x == 0) x = 8; if (osl_keys->pressed.right) x += 1; if (x == 10) x = 1; if (osl_keys->pressed.up) y -= 1; if (y == 0) y = 4; if (osl_keys->pressed.down) y += 1; if (y == 5) y = 1; if (y == 1 && x ==1) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(35,120,"7"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 2) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(90,120,"8"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 3) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(145,120,"9"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 4) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(218,120,"/"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 5) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(260,120,"DEL"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 6) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(326,120,"sin"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 7) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(366,120,"cos"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 8) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(406,120,"tan"); } else if (y == 1 && x == 9) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.6f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(446,120,"ln"); } if (y == 2 && x == 1) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(35,160,"4"); } else if (y == 2 && x == 2) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(90,160,"5"); } else if (y == 2 && x == 3) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(145,160,"6"); } else if (y == 2 && x == 4) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(218,160,"x"); } if (y == 3 && x == 1) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(35,200,"1"); } else if (y == 3 && x == 2) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(90,200,"2"); } else if (y == 3 && x == 3) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(145,200,"3"); } else if (y == 3 && x == 4) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(218,200,"-"); } if (y == 4 && x == 1) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(90,240,"0"); } else if (y == 4 && x == 2) { oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, 0.8f,RED,0,0); oslDrawString(218,240,"+"); } if (osl_keys->pressed.square) { powermenu(); } if (osl_keys-> { oslDeleteImage(calcbackground); appdrawer(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } captureScreenshot(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } return 0; }
main(void) { configure(2,2,2,3,1,1); set_pattern(pattern); neu = 1; ziel_id = -1; scanwinkel = 0; aufloes = 44; while(1) { ziel_id = scan(scanwinkel,aufloes,&ziel_entfernung); if (ziel_id == -1) { aufloes = 44; neu = 1; do { if (ziel_id == -1) scanwinkel+=90; ziel_id = scan(scanwinkel,aufloes,&ziel_entfernung); } while (ziel_id == -1); } while ( (aufloes>1) && (neu)) { aufloes = aufloes / 2; scanwinkel = scanwinkel - (aufloes / 2); if (scanwinkel < 0) scanwinkel += 360; ziel_id = scan(scanwinkel,aufloes,&ziel_entfernung); if (ziel_id == -1) scanwinkel += (aufloes*2); } neu = 0; runde = ticks(); if ( runde > (geschossen+49) ) { shoot(scanwinkel,ziel_entfernung); geschossen = ticks(); } else { if (ziel_entfernung > 100) { ladung = battery(); ladung = ladung / 100; switch (ladung) { case 1 : case 2 : case 3 : movement(0,scanwinkel); break; case 4 : case 5 : movement(30,scanwinkel); break; default: movement(50,scanwinkel); } } else movement(0,scanwinkel); } } /* of while(1) */ } /* main() */
void MP3Play(char * path) { struct ID3Tag ID3; nowplaying = oslLoadImageFilePNG(nowplayingBgPath, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); mp3Play = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/app/apollo/play.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); mp3Pause = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/app/apollo/pause.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); if (!nowplaying) debugDisplay(); scePowerSetClockFrequency(333, 333, 166); pspAudioInit(); int i, mp3Min = 0; MP3ME_Init(1); ParseID3(path, &ID3); MP3ME_Load(path); MP3ME_Play(); isPlaying = 1; while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); oslReadKeys(); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, 0); if (MP3ME_playingTime > 59) { mp3Min += 1; MP3ME_playingTime = 0; } oslDrawImageXY(nowplaying, 0, 0); oslDrawStringf(240,76, "Playing: %.19s", folderIcons[current].name); oslDrawStringf(240,96, "Title: %.21s", ID3.ID3Title); oslDrawStringf(240,116, "Artist: %.20s", ID3.ID3Artist); oslDrawStringf(240,136, "Album: %.21s", ID3.ID3Album); oslDrawStringf(240,156, "Year: %.22s", ID3.ID3Year); oslDrawStringf(240,176, "Genre: %.21s", ID3.ID3GenreText); oslDrawStringf(435,206, "0%d:%.f", mp3Min, MP3ME_playingTime); if (MP3ME_isPlaying == 1) oslDrawImageXY(mp3Play, 230, 224); if (MP3ME_isPlaying == 0) oslDrawImageXY(mp3Pause, 230, 224); battery(370,2,1); digitaltime(420,4,0,hrTime); volumeController(); if(osl_keys-> { oslDeleteImage(nowplaying); oslDeleteImage(mp3Play); oslDeleteImage(mp3Pause); return; } if(MP3ME_isPlaying == 1 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); MP3ME_Pause(); for(i=0; i<10; i++) { sceDisplayWaitVblankStart(); } } else if (MP3ME_isPlaying == 0 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { MP3ME_Play(); } if (MP3ME_EndOfStream() == 1) { isPlaying = 0; endAudioLib(); MP3ME_Stop(); releaseAudio(); MP3ME_Play(); } if(osl_keys-> { endAudioLib(); MP3ME_Stop(); releaseAudio(); oslDeleteImage(nowplaying); oslDeleteImage(mp3Play); oslDeleteImage(mp3Pause); isPlaying = 0; setCpuBoot(); //Restore previous CPU state return; } if (osl_keys->pressed.square) { powermenu(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } captureScreenshot(); oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } }
int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /** Signals **/ /** Extern **/ sc_signal<bool> reset; //Battery sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > level_change; sc_signal<bool> batt_trig; //Prox sc_signal<sc_uint<3> > prox_input; //Pos sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > x_pos; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > y_pos; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > z_pos; //Motor sc_signal<bool> motor_clk; //Comm sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > signal_quality; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > external_command; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > external_command_arg1; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > external_command_arg2; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > external_command_arg3; /** Intern **/ //Comm sc_signal<bool> connected; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > internal_command; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > internal_command_arg1; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > internal_command_arg2; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > internal_command_arg3; //Batt sc_signal<bool> batt_warning; //Pos sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > x_pos_internal; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > y_pos_internal; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > z_pos_internal; //Prox sc_signal<sc_uint<3> > prox_warning; //Move sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > x_dest; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > y_dest; sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > z_dest; sc_signal<sc_int<8> > x_move_vect; sc_signal<sc_int<8> > y_move_vect; sc_signal<sc_int<8> > z_move_vect; sc_signal<sc_int<8> > x_delta; sc_signal<sc_int<8> > y_delta; sc_signal<sc_int<8> > z_delta; /** Modules **/ comm comm("comm"); //In comm.reset(reset); comm.signal_quality(signal_quality); comm.external_command(external_command); comm.external_command_arg1(external_command_arg1); comm.external_command_arg2(external_command_arg2); comm.external_command_arg3(external_command_arg3); //Out comm.connected(connected); comm.internal_command(internal_command); comm.internal_command_arg1(internal_command_arg1); comm.internal_command_arg2(internal_command_arg2); comm.internal_command_arg3(internal_command_arg3); battery battery("battery"); //In battery.reset(reset); battery.trig(batt_trig); battery.level_change(level_change); //Out battery.warning(batt_warning); mainlogic mainlogic("mainlogic"); //In mainlogic.reset(reset); mainlogic.x_pos(x_pos_internal); mainlogic.y_pos(y_pos_internal); mainlogic.z_pos(z_pos_internal); mainlogic.prox_warning(prox_warning); mainlogic.comm_connected(connected); mainlogic.comm_instruction(internal_command); mainlogic.comm_instruction_arg1(internal_command_arg1); mainlogic.comm_instruction_arg2(internal_command_arg2); mainlogic.comm_instruction_arg3(internal_command_arg3); mainlogic.battery_warning(batt_warning); //Out mainlogic.x_dest(x_dest); mainlogic.y_dest(y_dest); mainlogic.z_dest(z_dest); motor motor("motor"); //In motor.reset(reset); motor.clock(motor_clk); motor.x_move_vect(x_move_vect); motor.y_move_vect(y_move_vect); motor.z_move_vect(z_move_vect); //Out motor.x_delta(x_delta); motor.y_delta(y_delta); motor.z_delta(z_delta); motorcontrol motorcontrol("motorcontrol"); //In motorcontrol.reset(reset); motorcontrol.x_pos(x_pos_internal); motorcontrol.y_pos(y_pos_internal); motorcontrol.z_pos(z_pos_internal); motorcontrol.x_dest(x_dest); motorcontrol.y_dest(y_dest); motorcontrol.z_dest(z_dest); //Out motorcontrol.x_move_vect(x_move_vect); motorcontrol.y_move_vect(y_move_vect); motorcontrol.z_move_vect(z_move_vect); proximitysensor proximitysensor("proximitysensor"); //In proximitysensor.reset(reset); proximitysensor.nearby_object(prox_input); //Out proximitysensor.warning(prox_warning); positionsensor positionsensor("positionsensor"); //In positionsensor.reset(reset); positionsensor.x_reading(x_pos); positionsensor.y_reading(y_pos); positionsensor.z_reading(z_pos); //Out positionsensor.x_value(x_pos_internal); positionsensor.y_value(y_pos_internal); positionsensor.z_value(z_pos_internal); /** VCD File **/ sc_trace_file *wf = sc_create_vcd_trace_file("trace"); /** Extern **/ sc_trace(wf, reset, "reset"); //Battery sc_trace(wf, level_change, "level_change"); sc_trace(wf, batt_trig, "batt_trig"); //Prox sc_trace(wf, prox_input, "prox_input"); //Pos sc_trace(wf, x_pos, "x_pos"); sc_trace(wf, y_pos, "y_pos"); sc_trace(wf, z_pos, "z_pos"); //Motor sc_trace(wf, motor_clk, "motor_clk"); //Comm sc_trace(wf, signal_quality, "reset"); sc_trace(wf, external_command, "external_command"); sc_trace(wf, external_command_arg1, "external_command_arg1"); sc_trace(wf, external_command_arg2, "external_command_arg2"); sc_trace(wf, external_command_arg3, "external_command_arg3"); /** Intern **/ sc_trace(wf, connected, "connected"); sc_trace(wf, internal_command, "internal_command"); sc_trace(wf, internal_command_arg1, "internal_command_arg1"); sc_trace(wf, internal_command_arg2, "internal_command_arg2"); sc_trace(wf, internal_command_arg3, "internal_command_arg3"); sc_trace(wf, batt_warning, "batt_warning"); sc_trace(wf, x_pos_internal, "x_pos_internal"); sc_trace(wf, y_pos_internal, "y_pos_internal"); sc_trace(wf, z_pos_internal, "z_pos_internal"); sc_trace(wf, x_dest, "x_dest"); sc_trace(wf, y_dest, "y_dest"); sc_trace(wf, z_dest, "z_dest"); sc_trace(wf, prox_warning, "prox_warning"); sc_trace(wf, x_move_vect, "x_move_vect"); sc_trace(wf, y_move_vect, "y_move_vect"); sc_trace(wf, z_move_vect, "z_move_vect"); sc_trace(wf, x_delta, "x_delta"); sc_trace(wf, y_delta, "y_delta"); sc_trace(wf, z_delta, "z_delta"); /** Simulation **/ sc_start(1, SC_NS, SC_RUN_TO_TIME); reset = 1; sc_start(1, SC_NS, SC_RUN_TO_TIME); reset = 0; sc_start(1, SC_NS, SC_RUN_TO_TIME); level_change = 1; for (int i = 0 ;i < 96;i++) { batt_trig = 1; sc_start(1, SC_NS, SC_RUN_TO_TIME); batt_trig = 0; sc_start(1, SC_NS, SC_RUN_TO_TIME); } sc_close_vcd_trace_file(wf); return 0; }