コード例 #1
ファイル: battle.c プロジェクト: yunhaom94/Battle-Server-C
int main(void)
    int h = 0;
	int f = 1;
    int clientfd, maxfd, nready, i, result;
    socklen_t len;
    struct sockaddr_in q;
    fd_set allset, rset;
	struct queue_list *clientlist = q_init(); //client fds
	struct queue_list *battlelist = q_init(); //battles
	struct queue_list *playerlist = q_init(); //players w/ stats, name etc.
	int listenfd = bindandlisten();
    maxfd = listenfd;

    FD_SET(listenfd, &allset);

    while (1)
        printf("server on %d iteration\n", h);
        if (f == 1)
            printf("server initialized! \n");
        rset = allset;
		struct node *bb = battlelist->front;
        while (bb)
			if (bb->content->status == 0)
                 battle_end(bb->content, playerlist, 0);
			bb = bb->next;

        printf("attempting to create matches: ");
        if (matchmaking(playerlist, battlelist) == 1)//find match for two clients each iteration
            printf("Battle created with pid %d !\n", bid);
			bid = bid + 1;
        nready = select(maxfd + 1, &rset, NULL, NULL, NULL); //check if there is any client active

        if (nready == 0) // if no client is active
            continue; //go back to the beginning.

        else if (nready == -1) //error

        if (FD_ISSET(listenfd, &rset)) //check if listenfd active that connected by any client
            printf("a new client is connecting\n");
            len = sizeof(q);
            if ((clientfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&q, &len)) < 0)  //accept the client, *i think* it will reset listenfd to inactive
            FD_SET(clientfd, &allset); //add the client fd in to the set of fd
            write(clientfd, "What is your name?\r\n", 20);

            if (clientfd > maxfd) 
                maxfd = clientfd; //update max # of fd if needed
            printf("connection from %s\n", inet_ntoa(q.sin_addr));
            addclient(clientfd, q.sin_addr, clientlist);

        struct node *p; 
        for(i = 0; i <= maxfd; i++) //iterate through fd set and
            if (FD_ISSET(i, &rset)) //check each connected client fd in the set of fd, if anyone becomes active.
                for (p = clientlist->front; p != NULL; p = p->next)  //TODO: change this for new data structure
                    if (p->content->fd == i)
                        result = handle(clientlist, playerlist, p->content);
                        if (result == -1 || result == 5) 
                            if (result == 5)
                                bid = battle_end(p->content->player, playerlist, 1);
                                printf("battle %d drops due to client disconnected\n", bid);
							int tmp_fd = p->fd;
                            removeclient(p->content, clientlist);
                            FD_CLR(tmp_fd, &allset);

コード例 #2
ファイル: char_affect.cpp プロジェクト: adi97ida/Server
bool CHARACTER::AddAffect(DWORD dwType, BYTE bApplyOn, long lApplyValue, DWORD dwFlag, long lDuration, long lSPCost, bool bOverride, bool IsCube )
	if (dwType == AFFECT_BLOCK_CHAT && lDuration > 1)
		ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("운영자 제제로 채팅이 금지 되었습니다."));

	if (lDuration == 0)
		sys_err("Character::AddAffect lDuration == 0 type %d", lDuration, dwType);
		lDuration = 1;

	CAffect * pkAff = NULL;

	if (IsCube)
		pkAff = FindAffect(dwType,bApplyOn);
		pkAff = FindAffect(dwType);

	if (dwFlag == AFF_STUN)
		if (m_posDest.x != GetX() || m_posDest.y != GetY())
			m_posDest.x = m_posStart.x = GetX();
			m_posDest.y = m_posStart.y = GetY();


	// 이미 있는 효과를 덮어 쓰는 처리
	if (pkAff && bOverride)
		ComputeAffect(pkAff, false); // 일단 효과를 삭제하고

		if (GetDesc())
			SendAffectRemovePacket(GetDesc(), GetPlayerID(), pkAff->dwType, pkAff->bApplyOn);
		// 새 에펙를 추가
		// NOTE: 따라서 같은 type 으로도 여러 에펙트를 붙을 수 있다.
		pkAff = CAffect::Acquire();


	sys_log(1, "AddAffect %s type %d apply %d %d flag %u duration %d", GetName(), dwType, bApplyOn, lApplyValue, dwFlag, lDuration);
	sys_log(0, "AddAffect %s type %d apply %d %d flag %u duration %d", GetName(), dwType, bApplyOn, lApplyValue, dwFlag, lDuration);

	pkAff->dwType	= dwType;
	pkAff->bApplyOn	= bApplyOn;
	pkAff->lApplyValue	= lApplyValue;
	pkAff->dwFlag	= dwFlag;
	pkAff->lDuration	= lDuration;
	pkAff->lSPCost	= lSPCost;

	WORD wMovSpd = GetPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED);
	WORD wAttSpd = GetPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED);

	ComputeAffect(pkAff, true);

	if (pkAff->dwFlag || wMovSpd != GetPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED) || wAttSpd != GetPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED))


	if (IsPC())
		SendAffectAddPacket(GetDesc(), pkAff);

		if (IS_NO_SAVE_AFFECT(pkAff->dwType))
			return true;

		TPacketGDAddAffect p;
		p.dwPID			= GetPlayerID();
		p.elem.dwType		= pkAff->dwType;
		p.elem.bApplyOn		= pkAff->bApplyOn;
		p.elem.lApplyValue	= pkAff->lApplyValue;
		p.elem.dwFlag		= pkAff->dwFlag;
		p.elem.lDuration	= pkAff->lDuration;
		p.elem.lSPCost		= pkAff->lSPCost;
		db_clientdesc->DBPacket(HEADER_GD_ADD_AFFECT, 0, &p, sizeof(p));

	return true;