コード例 #1
ファイル: metaBig.c プロジェクト: CRG-Barcelona/libbeato
static struct hash* bbiChromSizes(struct bbiFile* bbi)
/* return the hash of chrom sizes from the bigBed/bigWig */
    struct bbiChromInfo* cList = bbiChromList(bbi);
    struct bbiChromInfo* c;
    struct hash* cHash = newHash(10);
    for (c = cList; c != NULL; c = c->next)
        hashAddInt(cHash, c->name, (int)c->size);
    return cHash;
コード例 #2
ファイル: bigBedToBed.c プロジェクト: sktu/kentUtils
void bigBedToBed(char *inFile, char *outFile)
/* bigBedToBed - Convert from bigBed to ascii bed format.. */
struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(inFile);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct bbiChromInfo *chrom, *chromList = bbiChromList(bbi);
int itemCount = 0;
for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
    if (clChrom != NULL && !sameString(clChrom, chrom->name))
    char *chromName = chrom->name;
    int start = 0, end = chrom->size;
    if (clStart > 0)
        start = clStart;
    if (clEnd > 0)
        end = clEnd;
    int itemsLeft = 0;	// Zero actually means no limit.... 
    if (maxItems != 0)
	itemsLeft = maxItems - itemCount;
	if (itemsLeft <= 0)
    struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
    struct bigBedInterval *interval, *intervalList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chromName, 
    	start, end, itemsLeft, lm);
    for (interval = intervalList; interval != NULL; interval = interval->next)
	fprintf(f, "%s\t%u\t%u", chromName, interval->start, interval->end);
	char *rest = interval->rest;
	if (rest != NULL)
	    fprintf(f, "\t%s\n", rest);
	    fprintf(f, "\n");
コード例 #3
ファイル: edwLib.c プロジェクト: elmargb/kentUtils
struct genomeRangeTree *edwGrtFromBigBed(char *fileName)
/* Return genome range tree for simple (unblocked) bed */
struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(fileName);
struct bbiChromInfo *chrom, *chromList = bbiChromList(bbi);
struct genomeRangeTree *grt = genomeRangeTreeNew();
for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
    struct rbTree *tree = genomeRangeTreeFindOrAddRangeTree(grt, chrom->name);
    struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
    struct bigBedInterval *iv, *ivList = NULL;
    ivList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chrom->name, 0, chrom->size, 0, lm);
    for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next)
        rangeTreeAdd(tree, iv->start, iv->end);
return grt;
コード例 #4
ファイル: bigWig.c プロジェクト: ajsteele/r-bioc-rtracklayer
/* --- .Call ENTRY POINT --- */
SEXP BWGFile_seqlengths(SEXP r_filename) {
  struct bbiFile * file = bigWigFileOpen((char *)CHAR(asChar(r_filename)));
  struct bbiChromInfo *chromList = bbiChromList(file);
  struct bbiChromInfo *chrom = chromList;
  SEXP seqlengths, seqlengthNames;
  PROTECT(seqlengths = allocVector(INTSXP, slCount(chromList)));
  seqlengthNames = allocVector(STRSXP, length(seqlengths));
  setAttrib(seqlengths, R_NamesSymbol, seqlengthNames);
  for(int i = 0; i < length(seqlengths); i++) {
    INTEGER(seqlengths)[i] = chrom->size;
    SET_STRING_ELT(seqlengthNames, i, mkChar(chrom->name));
    chrom = chrom->next;
  return seqlengths;
コード例 #5
void bigWigToWig(char *inFile, char *outFile)
/* bigWigToWig - Convert bigWig to wig.  This will keep more of the same structure of the 
 * original wig than bigWigToBedGraph does, but still will break up large stepped sections into 
 * smaller ones. */
struct bbiFile *bwf = bigWigFileOpen(inFile);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct bbiChromInfo *chrom, *chromList = bbiChromList(bwf);
for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
    if (clChrom != NULL && !sameString(clChrom, chrom->name))
    char *chromName = chrom->name;
    int start = 0, end = chrom->size;
    if (clStart > 0)
        start = clStart;
    if (clEnd > 0)
        end = clEnd;
    bigWigIntervalDump(bwf, chromName, start, end, 0, f);
コード例 #6
ファイル: cdwMakeEnrichments.c プロジェクト: maximilianh/kent
void doEnrichmentsFromBigWig(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
    struct cdwFile *ef, struct cdwValidFile *vf, 
    struct cdwAssembly *assembly, struct target *targetList)
/* Figure out enrichments from a bigBed file. */
/* Get path to bigBed, open it, and read all chromosomes. */
char *bigWigPath = cdwPathForFileId(conn, ef->id);
struct bbiFile *bbi = bigWigFileOpen(bigWigPath);
struct bbiChromInfo *chrom, *chromList = bbiChromList(bbi);
struct bigWigValsOnChrom *valsOnChrom = bigWigValsOnChromNew();

/* This takes a while, so let's figure out what parts take the time. */
long totalBigQueryTime = 0;
long totalOverlapTime = 0;

/* Do a pretty complex loop that just aims to set target->overlapBases and ->uniqOverlapBases
 * for all targets.  This is complicated by just wanting to keep one chromosome worth of
 * bigWig data in memory. Also just for performance we do a lookup of target range tree to
 * get chromosome specific one to use, which avoids a hash lookup in the inner loop. */
for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
    long startBigQueryTime = clock1000();
    boolean gotData = bigWigValsOnChromFetchData(valsOnChrom, chrom->name, bbi);
    long endBigQueryTime = clock1000();
    totalBigQueryTime += endBigQueryTime - startBigQueryTime;
    if (gotData)
	double *valBuf = valsOnChrom->valBuf;
	Bits *covBuf = valsOnChrom->covBuf;

	/* Loop through all targets adding overlaps from ivList */
	long startOverlapTime = clock1000();
	struct target *target;
	for (target = targetList; target != NULL; target = target->next)
	    if (target->skip)
	    struct genomeRangeTree *grt = target->grt;
	    struct rbTree *targetTree = genomeRangeTreeFindRangeTree(grt, chrom->name);
	    if (targetTree != NULL)
		struct range *range, *rangeList = rangeTreeList(targetTree);
		for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
		    int s = range->start, e = range->end, i;
		    for (i=s; i<=e; ++i)
			if (bitReadOne(covBuf, i))
			    double x = valBuf[i];
			    target->uniqOverlapBases += 1;
			    target->overlapBases += x;
	long endOverlapTime = clock1000();
	totalOverlapTime += endOverlapTime - startOverlapTime;

verbose(1, "totalBig %0.3f, totalOverlap %0.3f\n", 0.001*totalBigQueryTime, 0.001*totalOverlapTime);

/* Now loop through targets and save enrichment info to database */
struct target *target;
for (target = targetList; target != NULL; target = target->next)
    if (target->skip)
    struct cdwQaEnrich *enrich = enrichFromOverlaps(ef, vf, assembly, target, 
	target->overlapBases, target->uniqOverlapBases);
    cdwQaEnrichSaveToDb(conn, enrich, "cdwQaEnrich", 128);

コード例 #7
ファイル: cdwMakeEnrichments.c プロジェクト: maximilianh/kent
/* This old way is ~3 times as slow */
void doEnrichmentsFromBigWig(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
    struct cdwFile *ef, struct cdwValidFile *vf, 
    struct cdwAssembly *assembly, struct target *targetList)
/* Figure out enrichments from a bigBed file. */
/* Get path to bigBed, open it, and read all chromosomes. */
char *bigWigPath = cdwPathForFileId(conn, ef->id);
struct bbiFile *bbi = bigWigFileOpen(bigWigPath);
struct bbiChromInfo *chrom, *chromList = bbiChromList(bbi);

/* This takes a while, so let's figure out what parts take the time. */
long totalBigQueryTime = 0;
long totalOverlapTime = 0;

/* Do a pretty complex loop that just aims to set target->overlapBases and ->uniqOverlapBases
 * for all targets.  This is complicated by just wanting to keep one chromosome worth of
 * bigWig data in memory. Also just for performance we do a lookup of target range tree to
 * get chromosome specific one to use, which avoids a hash lookup in the inner loop. */
for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
    /* Get list of intervals in bigWig for this chromosome, and feed it to a rangeTree. */
    struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
    long startBigQueryTime = clock1000();
    struct bbiInterval *ivList = bigWigIntervalQuery(bbi, chrom->name, 0, chrom->size, lm);
    long endBigQueryTime = clock1000();
    totalBigQueryTime += endBigQueryTime - startBigQueryTime;
    struct bbiInterval *iv;

    /* Loop through all targets adding overlaps from ivList */
    long startOverlapTime = clock1000();
    struct target *target;
    for (target = targetList; target != NULL; target = target->next)
	struct genomeRangeTree *grt = target->grt;
	struct rbTree *targetTree = genomeRangeTreeFindRangeTree(grt, chrom->name);
	if (targetTree != NULL)
	    for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next)
		int overlap = rangeTreeOverlapSize(targetTree, iv->start, iv->end);
		target->uniqOverlapBases += overlap;
		target->overlapBases += overlap * iv->val;
    long endOverlapTime = clock1000();
    totalOverlapTime += endOverlapTime - startOverlapTime;

verbose(1, "totalBig %0.3f, totalOverlap %0.3f\n", 0.001*totalBigQueryTime, 0.001*totalOverlapTime);

/* Now loop through targets and save enrichment info to database */
struct target *target;
for (target = targetList; target != NULL; target = target->next)
    struct cdwQaEnrich *enrich = enrichFromOverlaps(ef, vf, assembly, target, 
	target->overlapBases, target->uniqOverlapBases);
    cdwQaEnrichSaveToDb(conn, enrich, "cdwQaEnrich", 128);

コード例 #8
ファイル: cdwMakeEnrichments.c プロジェクト: maximilianh/kent
void doEnrichmentsFromBigBed(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
    struct cdwFile *ef, struct cdwValidFile *vf, 
    struct cdwAssembly *assembly, struct target *targetList)
/* Figure out enrichments from a bigBed file. */
/* Get path to bigBed, open it, and read all chromosomes. */
char *bigBedPath = cdwPathForFileId(conn, ef->id);
struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(bigBedPath);
struct bbiChromInfo *chrom, *chromList = bbiChromList(bbi);

/* Do a pretty complex loop that just aims to set target->overlapBases and ->uniqOverlapBases
 * for all targets.  This is complicated by just wanting to keep one chromosome worth of
 * bigBed data in memory. */
for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
    /* Get list of intervals in bigBed for this chromosome, and feed it to a rangeTree. */
    struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
    struct bigBedInterval *ivList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chrom->name, 0, chrom->size, 0, lm);
    struct bigBedInterval *iv;
    struct rbTree *bbTree = rangeTreeNew();
    for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next)
	 rangeTreeAdd(bbTree, iv->start, iv->end);
    struct range *bbRange, *bbRangeList = rangeTreeList(bbTree);

    /* Loop through all targets adding overlaps from ivList and unique overlaps from bbRangeList */
    struct target *target;
    for (target = targetList; target != NULL; target = target->next)
	if (target->skip)
	struct genomeRangeTree *grt = target->grt;
	struct rbTree *targetTree = genomeRangeTreeFindRangeTree(grt, chrom->name);
	if (targetTree != NULL)
	    struct bigBedInterval *iv;
	    for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next)
		int overlap = rangeTreeOverlapSize(targetTree, iv->start, iv->end);
		target->overlapBases += overlap;
	    for (bbRange = bbRangeList; bbRange != NULL; bbRange = bbRange->next)
		int overlap = rangeTreeOverlapSize(targetTree, bbRange->start, bbRange->end);
		target->uniqOverlapBases += overlap;

/* Now loop through targets and save enrichment info to database */
struct target *target;
for (target = targetList; target != NULL; target = target->next)
    if (target->skip)
    struct cdwQaEnrich *enrich = enrichFromOverlaps(ef, vf, assembly, target, 
	target->overlapBases, target->uniqOverlapBases);
    cdwQaEnrichSaveToDb(conn, enrich, "cdwQaEnrich", 128);
