コード例 #1
ファイル: consensus.c.pysam.c プロジェクト: anykine/pysam
static void print_chain(args_t *args)
        Example chain format (see: https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/chain.html):
        chain 1 500 + 480 500 1 501 + 480 501 1
        12 3 1
        1 0 3

        chain line is:
        - chain
        - score (sum of the length of ungapped block in this case)
        - ref_seqname (from the fasta header, parsed by htslib)
        - ref_seqlength (from the fasta header)
        - ref_strand (+ or -; always + for bcf-consensus)
        - ref_start (as defined in the fasta header)
        - ref_end (as defined in the fasta header)
        - alt_seqname (same as ref_seqname as bcf-consensus only considers SNPs and indels)
        - alt_seqlength (adjusted to match the length of the alt sequence)
        - alt_strand (+ or -; always + for bcf-consensus)
        - alt_start (same as ref_start, as no edits are recorded/applied before that position)
        - alt_end (adjusted to match the length of the alt sequence)
        - chain_num (just an auto-increment id)
        the other (sorted) lines are:
        - length of the ungapped alignment block
        - gap on the ref sequence between this and the next block (all but the last line)
        - gap on the alt sequence between this and the next block (all but the last line)
    chain_t *chain = args->chain;
    int n = chain->num;
    int ref_end_pos = args->fa_length + chain->ori_pos;
    int last_block_size = ref_end_pos - chain->ref_last_block_ori;
    int alt_end_pos = chain->alt_last_block_ori + last_block_size;
    int score = 0;
    for (n=0; n<chain->num; n++) {
        score += chain->block_lengths[n];
    score += last_block_size;
    fprintf(args->fp_chain, "chain %d %s %d + %d %d %s %d + %d %d %d\n", score, bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->rid), ref_end_pos, chain->ori_pos, ref_end_pos, bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->rid), alt_end_pos, chain->ori_pos, alt_end_pos, ++args->chain_id);
    for (n=0; n<chain->num; n++) {
        fprintf(args->fp_chain, "%d %d %d\n", chain->block_lengths[n], chain->ref_gaps[n], chain->alt_gaps[n]);
    fprintf(args->fp_chain, "%d\n\n", last_block_size);
コード例 #2
ファイル: consensus.c.pysam.c プロジェクト: anykine/pysam
static void mask_region(args_t *args, char *seq, int len)
    char *chr = (char*)bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->rid);
    int start = args->fa_src_pos - len;
    int end   = args->fa_src_pos;

    regitr_t itr;
    if ( !regidx_overlap(args->mask, chr,start,end, &itr) ) return;

    int idx_start, idx_end, i;
    while ( REGITR_OVERLAP(itr,start,end) )
        idx_start = REGITR_START(itr) - start;
        idx_end   = REGITR_END(itr) - start;
        if ( idx_start < 0 ) idx_start = 0;
        if ( idx_end >= len ) idx_end = len - 1;
        for (i=idx_start; i<=idx_end; i++) seq[i] = 'N';
コード例 #3
ファイル: consensus.c.pysam.c プロジェクト: anykine/pysam
static void apply_variant(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec)
    if ( rec->n_allele==1 ) return;

    if ( rec->pos <= args->fa_frz_pos )
        fprintf(pysamerr,"The site %s:%d overlaps with another variant, skipping...\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
    if ( args->mask )
        char *chr = (char*)bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->rid);
        int start = rec->pos;
        int end   = rec->pos + rec->rlen - 1;
        if ( regidx_overlap(args->mask, chr,start,end,NULL) ) return;

    int i, ialt = 1;
    if ( args->isample >= 0 )
        bcf_fmt_t *fmt = bcf_get_fmt(args->hdr, rec, "GT");
        if ( !fmt ) return;
        if ( args->haplotype )
            if ( args->haplotype > fmt->n ) error("Can't apply %d-th haplotype at %s:%d\n", args->haplotype,bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
            uint8_t *ignore, *ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample + args->haplotype - 1;
            ialt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
            if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ialt) || ialt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) return;
            ialt = bcf_gt_allele(ialt);
        else if ( args->output_iupac ) 
            uint8_t *ignore, *ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample;
            ialt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
            if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ialt) || ialt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) return;
            ialt = bcf_gt_allele(ialt);

            int jalt;
            if ( fmt->n>1 )
                ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample + 1;
                jalt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
                if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(jalt) || jalt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) jalt = ialt;
                else jalt = bcf_gt_allele(jalt);
            else jalt = ialt;
            if ( rec->n_allele <= ialt || rec->n_allele <= jalt ) error("Broken VCF, too few alts at %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
            if ( ialt!=jalt && !rec->d.allele[ialt][1] && !rec->d.allele[jalt][1] ) // is this a het snp?
                char ial = rec->d.allele[ialt][0];
                char jal = rec->d.allele[jalt][0];
                rec->d.allele[ialt][0] = gt2iupac(ial,jal);
            for (i=0; i<fmt->n; i++)
                uint8_t *ignore, *ptr = fmt->p + fmt->size*args->isample + i;
                ialt = bcf_dec_int1(ptr, fmt->type, &ignore);
                if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ialt) || ialt==bcf_int32_vector_end ) return;
                ialt = bcf_gt_allele(ialt);
                if ( ialt ) break;
        if ( !ialt ) return;  // ref allele
        if ( rec->n_allele <= ialt ) error("Broken VCF, too few alts at %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
    else if ( args->output_iupac && !rec->d.allele[0][1] && !rec->d.allele[1][1] )
        char ial = rec->d.allele[0][0];
        char jal = rec->d.allele[1][0];
        rec->d.allele[1][0] = gt2iupac(ial,jal);

    int idx = rec->pos - args->fa_ori_pos + args->fa_mod_off;
    if ( idx<0 || idx>=args->fa_buf.l ) 
        error("FIXME: %s:%d .. idx=%d, ori_pos=%d, len=%d, off=%d\n",bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1,idx,args->fa_ori_pos,args->fa_buf.l,args->fa_mod_off);

    // sanity check the reference base
    int len_diff = 0, alen = 0;
    if ( rec->d.allele[ialt][0]=='<' )
        if ( strcasecmp(rec->d.allele[ialt], "<DEL>") )
            error("Symbolic alleles other than <DEL> are currently not supported: %s at %s:%d\n",rec->d.allele[ialt],bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1);
        assert( rec->d.allele[0][1]==0 );           // todo: for now expecting strlen(REF) = 1
        len_diff = 1-rec->rlen;
        rec->d.allele[ialt] = rec->d.allele[0];     // according to VCF spec, REF must precede the event
        alen = strlen(rec->d.allele[ialt]);
    else if ( strncasecmp(rec->d.allele[0],args->fa_buf.s+idx,rec->rlen) )
        // fprintf(pysamerr,"%d .. [%s], idx=%d ori=%d off=%d\n",args->fa_ori_pos,args->fa_buf.s,idx,args->fa_ori_pos,args->fa_mod_off);
        char tmp = 0;
        if ( args->fa_buf.l - idx > rec->rlen ) 
            tmp = args->fa_buf.s[idx+rec->rlen];
            args->fa_buf.s[idx+rec->rlen] = 0;
            "The fasta sequence does not match the REF allele at %s:%d:\n"
            "   .vcf: [%s]\n" 
            "   .vcf: [%s] <- (ALT)\n" 
            "   .fa:  [%s]%c%s\n",
            bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),rec->pos+1, rec->d.allele[0], rec->d.allele[ialt], args->fa_buf.s+idx, 
            tmp?tmp:' ',tmp?args->fa_buf.s+idx+rec->rlen+1:""
        alen = strlen(rec->d.allele[ialt]);
        len_diff = alen - rec->rlen;

    if ( args->fa_case )
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++) rec->d.allele[ialt][i] = toupper(rec->d.allele[ialt][i]);
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++) rec->d.allele[ialt][i] = tolower(rec->d.allele[ialt][i]);

    if ( len_diff <= 0 )
        // deletion or same size event
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++)
            args->fa_buf.s[idx+i] = rec->d.allele[ialt][i];
        if ( len_diff )
        // insertion
        ks_resize(&args->fa_buf, args->fa_buf.l + len_diff);
        memmove(args->fa_buf.s + idx + rec->rlen + len_diff, args->fa_buf.s + idx + rec->rlen, args->fa_buf.l - idx - rec->rlen);
        for (i=0; i<alen; i++)
            args->fa_buf.s[idx+i] = rec->d.allele[ialt][i];
    if (args->chain && len_diff != 0)
        // If first nucleotide of both REF and ALT are the same... (indels typically include the nucleotide before the variant)
        if ( strncasecmp(rec->d.allele[0],rec->d.allele[ialt],1) == 0)
            // ...extend the block by 1 bp: start is 1 bp further and alleles are 1 bp shorter
            push_chain_gap(args->chain, rec->pos + 1, rec->rlen - 1, rec->pos + 1 + args->fa_mod_off, alen - 1);
            // otherwise, just the coordinates of the variant as given
            push_chain_gap(args->chain, rec->pos, rec->rlen, rec->pos + args->fa_mod_off, alen);
    args->fa_buf.l += len_diff;
    args->fa_mod_off += len_diff;
    args->fa_frz_pos  = rec->pos + rec->rlen - 1;
コード例 #4
void union_data::readGenotypesVCF(string fvcf,string region) {
	int n_includedG = 0;
	int n_excludedG_mult = 0;
	int n_excludedG_void = 0;
	int n_excludedG_user = 0;
	int n_includedS = 0;
	vector < int > mappingS;

	//Opening files
	bcf_srs_t * sr =  bcf_sr_init();

    //vrb.bullet("target region [" + regionGenotype.get() + "]");
    //if (bcf_sr_set_regions(sr, regionGenotype.get().c_str(), 0) == -1) vrb.error("Cannot jump to region!");
	bcf_sr_set_regions(sr, region.c_str(), 0);
	if(!(bcf_sr_add_reader (sr, fvcf.c_str()))) {
		switch (sr->errnum) {
		case not_bgzf: vrb.error("File not compressed with bgzip!");
		case idx_load_failed: vrb.error("Impossible to load index file!");
		case file_type_error: vrb.error("File format not detected by htslib!");
		default : vrb.error("Unknown error!");

	//Sample processing
	int n_samples = bcf_hdr_nsamples(sr->readers[0].header);
	for (int i0 = 0 ; i0 < n_samples ; i0 ++) {
		if (mappingS.back() >= 0) n_includedS++;

	//Read genotype data
	int ngt, ngt_arr = 0, nds, nds_arr = 0, * gt_arr = NULL, nsl, nsl_arr = 0, * sl_arr = NULL;
	float * ds_arr = NULL;
	bcf1_t * line;
    unsigned int linecount = 0;
	while(bcf_sr_next_line (sr)) {
        linecount ++;
        if (linecount % 100000 == 0) vrb.bullet("Read " + stb.str(linecount) + " lines");
		line =  bcf_sr_get_line(sr, 0);
		if (line->n_allele == 2) {
			ngt = bcf_get_genotypes(sr->readers[0].header, line, &gt_arr, &ngt_arr);
			nds = bcf_get_format_float(sr->readers[0].header, line,"DS", &ds_arr, &nds_arr);
			if (nds == n_samples || ngt == 2*n_samples) {
				bcf_unpack(line, BCF_UN_STR);
				string sid = string(line->d.id);
				if (filter_genotype.check(sid)) {
					genotype_chr.push_back(string(bcf_hdr_id2name(sr->readers[0].header, line->rid)));
					string genotype_ref = string(line->d.allele[0]);
					genotype_start.push_back(line->pos + 1);
					nsl = bcf_get_info_int32(sr->readers[0].header, line, "END", &sl_arr, &nsl_arr);
					if (nsl >= 0 && nsl_arr == 1) genotype_end.push_back(sl_arr[0]);
					else genotype_end.push_back(genotype_start.back() + genotype_ref.size() - 1);
					genotype_val.push_back(vector < float > (sample_count, 0.0));

					for(int i = 0 ; i < n_samples ; i ++) {
						if (mappingS[i] >= 0) {
							if (nds > 0) genotype_val.back()[mappingS[i]] = ds_arr[i];
							else {
								if (gt_arr[2*i+0] == bcf_gt_missing || gt_arr[2*i+1] == bcf_gt_missing) genotype_val.back()[mappingS[i]] = bcf_float_missing;
								else genotype_val.back()[mappingS[i]] = bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2*i+0]) + bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2*i+1]);
                    pair < string, int > temp (sid,n_includedG);
				} else n_excludedG_user ++;
			} else n_excludedG_void ++;
		} else n_excludedG_mult ++;

	genotype_count = n_includedG;
	//vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_includedG) + " variants included");
	//if (n_excludedG_user > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedG_user) + " variants excluded by user");
	//if (n_excludedG_mult > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedG_mult) + " multi-allelic variants excluded");
	//if (n_excludedG_void > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedG_void) + " uninformative variants excluded [no GT/DS]");
    //if (genotype_count == 0) vrb.leave("Cannot find genotypes in target region!");
コード例 #5
ファイル: bcf_seq.c プロジェクト: ryanlayer/sandbox
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc < 3) {
        fprintf(stderr,"%s <bcf file> <num vars>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    char *fname = argv[1];
    uint32_t num_vars = atoi(argv[2]);

    htsFile *fp    = hts_open(fname,"rb");
    bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(fp);
    bcf1_t *line    = bcf_init1();
    int32_t *gt_p = NULL;

    uint32_t num_inds = bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr);
    int32_t i, j, k, ntmp = 0, int_i = 0, two_bit_i = 0, sum, t_sum = 0;

    uint32_t num_ind_ints = 1 + ((num_inds - 1) / 16);

    pri_queue q = priq_new(0);
    priority p;

    uint32_t *packed_ints = (uint32_t *) calloc(num_ind_ints,

    FILE *gt_of = fopen("gt.tmp.packed","wb");
    FILE *md_of = fopen("md.tmp.packed","w");

    uint32_t *md_index = (uint32_t *) malloc(num_vars * sizeof(uint32_t));
    uint32_t md_i = 0;

    unsigned long t_bcf_read = 0, 
                  t_bcf_dup = 0,
                  t_bcf_unpack = 0,
                  t_bcf_get_genotypes = 0,
                  t_bcf_hdr_nsamples = 0,
                  t_q = 0,
                  t_write = 0,
                  t_get_md = 0,
                  t_md_write = 0,
                  t_pack = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < num_vars; ++i) {
        sum = 0;
        int_i = 0;
        two_bit_i = 0;

        int r = bcf_read(fp, hdr, line);
        // Copy
        bcf1_t *t_line = bcf_dup(line);

        // Unpack
        bcf_unpack(t_line, BCF_UN_ALL);

        // Get metadata
        size_t len = strlen(bcf_hdr_id2name(hdr, t_line->rid)) +
                     10 + // max length of pos
                     strlen(t_line->d.id) +
                     strlen(t_line->d.allele[0]) +
                     strlen(t_line->d.allele[1]) +
                     4; //tabs
        char *md = (char *) malloc(len * sizeof(char));

        sprintf(md, "%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s",
                     bcf_hdr_id2name(hdr, t_line->rid),
                     t_line->pos + 1,

        // Write metadata
        md_i += strlen(md);
        md_index[i] = md_i;
        fprintf(md_of, "%s", md);

        // Get gentotypes
        uint32_t num_gts_per_sample = bcf_get_genotypes(hdr,
        num_gts_per_sample /= num_inds;
        int32_t *gt_i = gt_p;
        // Pack genotypes
        for (j = 0; j < num_inds; ++j) {
            uint32_t gt = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < num_gts_per_sample; ++k) {
                gt += bcf_gt_allele(gt_i[k]);

            packed_ints[int_i] += gt << (30 - 2*two_bit_i);
            two_bit_i += 1;
            if (two_bit_i == 16) {
                two_bit_i = 0;
                int_i += 1;

            sum += gt;
            gt_i += num_gts_per_sample;

        // Get a priority for the variant based on the sum and number of 
        // leading zeros
        p.sum = sum;
        uint32_t prefix_len = 0;
        j = 0;
        while ((j < num_ind_ints) && (packed_ints[j] == 0)){
            prefix_len += 32;
            j += 1;
        if (j < num_ind_ints)
            prefix_len += nlz1(packed_ints[j]);
        // Push it into the q
        p.len = prefix_len;
        int *j = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));
        j[0] = i;
        priq_push(q, j, p);

        // Write to file
        fwrite(packed_ints, sizeof(uint32_t), num_ind_ints,gt_of);

        memset(packed_ints, 0, num_ind_ints*sizeof(uint32_t));

        t_sum += sum;


    md_of = fopen("md.tmp.packed","r");
    FILE *md_out = fopen("md.bim","w");
    gt_of = fopen("gt.tmp.packed","rb");
    FILE *s_gt_of = fopen("s.gt.tmp.packed","wb");

    // Get variants in order and rewrite a variant-major sorted matrix
    while ( priq_top(q, &p) != NULL ) {
        int *d = priq_pop(q, &p);

        uint32_t start = 0;
        if (*d != 0)
            start = md_index[*d - 1];

        uint32_t len = md_index[*d] - start;

        fseek(md_of, start*sizeof(char), SEEK_SET);
        char buf[len+1];
        fread(buf, sizeof(char), len, md_of);
        buf[len] = '\0';

        fseek(gt_of, (*d)*num_ind_ints*sizeof(uint32_t), SEEK_SET);
        fread(packed_ints, sizeof(uint32_t), num_ind_ints, gt_of);
        fwrite(packed_ints, sizeof(uint32_t), num_ind_ints,s_gt_of);

        fprintf(md_out, "%s\n", buf);


     * In a packed-int variant-major matrix there will be a num_vars
     * number of rows, and a num_inds number of values packed into
     * num_inds_ints number of intergers.  For examples, 16 rows of 16 values
     * will be 16 ints, where each int encodes 16 values.
    uint32_t num_var_ints = 1 + ((num_vars - 1) / 16);

    uint32_t *I_data = (uint32_t *)calloc(num_var_ints*16,sizeof(uint32_t));
    uint32_t **I = (uint32_t **)malloc(16*sizeof(uint32_t*));
    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        I[i] = I_data + i*num_var_ints;
    uint32_t I_i = 0, I_int_i = 0;

    uint32_t v;

    s_gt_of = fopen("s.gt.tmp.packed","rb");
    FILE *rs_gt_of = fopen("r.s.gt.tmp.packed","wb");

    // Write these to values to that this is a well-formed uncompressed 
    // packed int binary file (ubin) file
    fwrite(&num_vars, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, rs_gt_of);
    fwrite(&num_inds, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, rs_gt_of);
     * we need to loop over the columns in the v-major file.
     * There are num_vars rows, and num_ind_ints 16-ind packed columns
     * In this loop :
     *  i: cols in var-major form, rows in ind-major form
     *  j: rows in var-major form, cols in ind-major form
    uint32_t num_inds_to_write = num_inds;
    for (i = 0; i < num_ind_ints; ++i) { // loop over each int col
        for (j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j) { // loop over head row in that col
            // skip to the value at the row/col
                  j*num_ind_ints*sizeof(uint32_t) + //row
                  i*sizeof(uint32_t), //col

            fread(&v, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, s_gt_of);

            // one int corresponds to a col of 16 two-bit values
            // two_bit_i will move across the cols
            for (two_bit_i = 0; two_bit_i < 16; ++two_bit_i) {
                I[two_bit_i][I_i] += ((v >> (30 - 2*two_bit_i)) & 3) << 
                                     (30 - 2*I_int_i);
            I_int_i += 1;

            if (I_int_i == 16) {
                I_i += 1;
                I_int_i = 0;

        // When we are at the end of the file, and the number of lines 
        // is not a factor of 16, only write out the lines that contain values
        if (num_inds_to_write >= 16) {
            num_inds_to_write -= 16;
        } else {
        memset(I_data, 0, num_var_ints*16*sizeof(uint32_t));
        I_int_i = 0;
        I_i = 0;


コード例 #6
ファイル: vcfroh.c.pysam.c プロジェクト: anykine/pysam
static void flush_viterbi(args_t *args)
    int i,j;

    if ( !args->nsites ) return; 

    if ( !args->vi_training )
        // single viterbi pass, one chromsome
        hmm_run_viterbi(args->hmm, args->nsites, args->eprob, args->sites);
        hmm_run_fwd_bwd(args->hmm, args->nsites, args->eprob, args->sites);
        double *fwd = hmm_get_fwd_bwd_prob(args->hmm);

        const char *chr = bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->prev_rid);
        uint8_t *vpath = hmm_get_viterbi_path(args->hmm);
        for (i=0; i<args->nsites; i++)
            int state = vpath[i*2]==STATE_AZ ? 1 : 0;
            double *pval = fwd + i*2;
            printf("%s\t%d\t%d\t%.1f\n", chr,args->sites[i]+1, state, phred_score(1.0-pval[state]));

    // viterbi training, multiple chromosomes
    double t2az_prev, t2hw_prev;
    double deltaz, delthw;
    int niter = 0;
        double *tprob_arr = hmm_get_tprob(args->hmm);
        t2az_prev = MAT(tprob_arr,2,1,0); //args->t2AZ;
        t2hw_prev = MAT(tprob_arr,2,0,1); //args->t2HW;
        double tcounts[] = { 0,0,0,0 };
        for (i=0; i<args->nrids; i++)
            // run viterbi for each chromosomes. eprob and sites contain
            // multiple chromosomes, rid_offs mark the boundaries
            int ioff = args->rid_offs[i];
            int nsites = (i+1==args->nrids ? args->nsites : args->rid_offs[i+1]) - ioff;
            hmm_run_viterbi(args->hmm, nsites, args->eprob+ioff*2, args->sites+ioff);

            // what transitions were observed: add to the total counts
            uint8_t *vpath = hmm_get_viterbi_path(args->hmm);
            for (j=1; j<nsites; j++)
                // count the number of transitions
                int prev_state = vpath[2*(j-1)];
                int curr_state = vpath[2*j];
                MAT(tcounts,2,curr_state,prev_state) += 1;

        // update the transition matrix tprob
        for (i=0; i<2; i++)
            int n = 0;
            for (j=0; j<2; j++) n += MAT(tcounts,2,i,j);
            if ( !n) error("fixme: state %d not observed\n", i+1);
            for (j=0; j<2; j++) MAT(tcounts,2,i,j) /= n;
        if ( args->genmap_fname || args->rec_rate > 0 )
            hmm_set_tprob(args->hmm, tcounts, 0);
            hmm_set_tprob(args->hmm, tcounts, 10000);

        tprob_arr = hmm_get_tprob(args->hmm);
        deltaz = fabs(MAT(tprob_arr,2,1,0)-t2az_prev);
        delthw = fabs(MAT(tprob_arr,2,0,1)-t2hw_prev);

        fprintf(pysamerr,"%d: %f %f\n", niter,deltaz,delthw);
    while ( deltaz > 0.0 || delthw > 0.0 );
    fprintf(pysamerr, "Viterbi training converged in %d iterations to", niter);
    double *tprob_arr = hmm_get_tprob(args->hmm);
    for (i=0; i<2; i++) for (j=0; j<2; j++) fprintf(pysamerr, " %f", MAT(tprob_arr,2,i,j));
    fprintf(pysamerr, "\n");
    // output the results
    for (i=0; i<args->nrids; i++)
        int ioff = args->rid_offs[i];
        int nsites = (i+1==args->nrids ? args->nsites : args->rid_offs[i+1]) - ioff;
        hmm_run_viterbi(args->hmm, nsites, args->eprob+ioff*2, args->sites+ioff);
        uint8_t *vpath = hmm_get_viterbi_path(args->hmm);

        const char *chr = bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->rids[i]);
        for (j=0; j<nsites; j++)
            printf("%s\t%d\t%d\t..\n", chr,args->sites[ioff+j]+1,vpath[j*2]==STATE_AZ ? 1 : 0);
コード例 #7
ファイル: color-chrs.c プロジェクト: Genomicsplc/bcftools
void flush_viterbi(args_t *args)
    const char *s1, *s2, *s3 = NULL;
    if ( args->mode==C_UNRL )
        s1 = bcf_hdr_int2id(args->hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->isample);
        s2 = bcf_hdr_int2id(args->hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->jsample);
    else if ( args->mode==C_TRIO )
        s1 = bcf_hdr_int2id(args->hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->imother);
        s3 = bcf_hdr_int2id(args->hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->ifather);
        s2 = bcf_hdr_int2id(args->hdr,BCF_DT_SAMPLE,args->ichild);

    if ( !args->fp )
        kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
        kputs(args->prefix, &str);
        kputs(".dat", &str);
        args->fp = fopen(str.s,"w");
        if ( !args->fp ) error("%s: %s\n", str.s,strerror(errno));
        fprintf(args->fp,"# SG, shared segment\t[2]Chromosome\t[3]Start\t[4]End\t[5]%s:1\t[6]%s:2\n",s2,s2);
        fprintf(args->fp,"# SW, number of switches\t[3]Sample\t[4]Chromosome\t[5]nHets\t[5]nSwitches\t[6]switch rate\n");

    uint8_t *vpath = hmm_get_viterbi_path(args->hmm);
    int i, iprev = -1, prev_state = -1, nstates = hmm_get_nstates(args->hmm);
    int nswitch_mother = 0, nswitch_father = 0;
    for (i=0; i<args->nsites; i++)
        int state = vpath[i*nstates];
        if ( state!=prev_state || i+1==args->nsites )
            uint32_t start = iprev>=0 ? args->sites[iprev]+1 : 1, end = i>0 ? args->sites[i-1] : 1;
            const char *chr = bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->prev_rid);
            if ( args->mode==C_UNRL )
                switch (prev_state)
                    case UNRL_0x0x:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:1\t-\n", chr,start,end,s1); break;
                    case UNRL_0xx0:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t-\t%s:1\n", chr,start,end,s1); break;
                    case UNRL_x00x:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:2\t-\n", chr,start,end,s1); break;
                    case UNRL_x0x0:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t-\t%s:2\n", chr,start,end,s1); break;
                    case UNRL_0101:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:1\t%s:2\n", chr,start,end,s1,s1); break;
                    case UNRL_0110:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:2\t%s:1\n", chr,start,end,s1,s1); break;
            else if ( args->mode==C_TRIO )
                switch (prev_state)
                    case TRIO_AC:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:1\t%s:1\n", chr,start,end,s1,s3); break;
                    case TRIO_AD:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:1\t%s:2\n", chr,start,end,s1,s3); break;
                    case TRIO_BC:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:2\t%s:1\n", chr,start,end,s1,s3); break;
                    case TRIO_BD:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:2\t%s:2\n", chr,start,end,s1,s3); break;
                    case TRIO_CA:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:1\t%s:1\n", chr,start,end,s3,s1); break;
                    case TRIO_DA:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:2\t%s:1\n", chr,start,end,s3,s1); break;
                    case TRIO_CB:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:1\t%s:2\n", chr,start,end,s3,s1); break;
                    case TRIO_DB:
                        fprintf(args->fp,"SG\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s:2\t%s:2\n", chr,start,end,s3,s1); break;
                if ( hap_switch[state][prev_state] & SW_MOTHER ) nswitch_mother++;
                if ( hap_switch[state][prev_state] & SW_FATHER ) nswitch_father++;
            iprev = i-1;
        prev_state = state;
    float mrate = args->nhet_mother>1 ? (float)nswitch_mother/(args->nhet_mother-1) : 0;
    float frate = args->nhet_father>1 ? (float)nswitch_father/(args->nhet_father-1) : 0;
    fprintf(args->fp,"SW\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%f\n", s1,bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->prev_rid),args->nhet_mother,nswitch_mother,mrate);
    fprintf(args->fp,"SW\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%f\n", s3,bcf_hdr_id2name(args->hdr,args->prev_rid),args->nhet_father,nswitch_father,frate);
    args->nsites = 0;
    args->nhet_father = args->nhet_mother = 0;
コード例 #8
void genrich_data::readReferenceGenotypes(string fvcf) {
	vector < int > mappingS;

	//Opening files
	vrb.title("Reading variant list in [" + fvcf + "] MAF=" + stb.str(threshold_maf));
	bcf_srs_t * sr =  bcf_sr_init();
	if(!(bcf_sr_add_reader (sr, fvcf.c_str()))) {
		switch (sr->errnum) {
		case not_bgzf: vrb.error("File not compressed with bgzip!");
		case idx_load_failed: vrb.error("Impossible to load index file!");
		case file_type_error: vrb.error("File format not detected by htslib!");
		default : vrb.error("Unknown error!");

	//Sample processing
	int included_sample = 0;
	int n_samples = bcf_hdr_nsamples(sr->readers[0].header);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < n_samples ; i ++) {
		if (mappingS.back() >= 0) included_sample ++;
	vrb.bullet("#samples = " + stb.str(included_sample));

	//Variant processing
	unsigned int n_excludedV_mult = 0, n_excludedV_void = 0, n_excludedV_rare = 0, n_excludedV_uchr = 0, n_line = 0, n_excludedV_toofar = 0;
	int ngt, ngt_arr = 0, *gt_arr = NULL;
	bcf1_t * line;
	while(bcf_sr_next_line (sr)) {
		line =  bcf_sr_get_line(sr, 0);
		if (line->n_allele == 2) {
			bcf_unpack(line, BCF_UN_STR);
			string sid = string(line->d.id);
			string chr = string(bcf_hdr_id2name(sr->readers[0].header, line->rid));
			int chr_idx = findCHR(chr);
			if (chr_idx >= 0) {
				unsigned int pos = line->pos + 1;
				ngt = bcf_get_genotypes(sr->readers[0].header, line, &gt_arr, &ngt_arr);
				if (ngt == 2*n_samples) {
					double freq = 0.0, tot = 0.0;
					for(int i = 0 ; i < n_samples ; i ++) {
						assert(gt_arr[2*i+0] != bcf_gt_missing && gt_arr[2*i+1] != bcf_gt_missing);
						if (mappingS[i] >= 0) {
							freq += bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2*i+0]) + bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2*i+1]);
							tot += 2.0;
					double maf = freq / tot;
					if (maf > 0.5) maf = 1.0 - maf;
					if (maf >= threshold_maf) {
						int dist_tss = getDistance(chr_idx, pos);
						if (dist_tss < 1e6) {
							string tmp_id = chr + "_" + stb.str(pos);
							genotype_uuid.insert(pair < string, unsigned int > (tmp_id, genotype_pos.size()));
							genotype_haps.push_back(vector < bool > (2 * included_sample, false));
							for(int i = 0 ; i < n_samples ; i ++) {
								if (mappingS[i] >= 0) {
									genotype_haps.back()[2 * mappingS[i] + 0] = bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2 * i + 0]);
									genotype_haps.back()[2 * mappingS[i] + 1] = bcf_gt_allele(gt_arr[2 * i + 1]);
						} else n_excludedV_toofar++;
					} else n_excludedV_rare ++;
				} else n_excludedV_void ++;
			} else n_excludedV_uchr ++;
		} else n_excludedV_mult ++;

		if (n_line % 100000 == 0) vrb.bullet("#lines = " + stb.str(n_line));

		n_line ++;
	genotype_qtl = vector < bool > (genotype_pos.size(), false);
	genotype_gwas = vector < bool > (genotype_pos.size(), false);
	genotype_bin = vector < int > (genotype_pos.size(), -1);

	vrb.bullet(stb.str(genotype_pos.size()) + " variants included");
	if (n_excludedV_mult > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedV_mult) + " multi-allelic variants excluded");
	if (n_excludedV_uchr > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedV_uchr) + " variants with unreferenced chromosome in --tss");
	if (n_excludedV_rare > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedV_rare) + " maf filtered variants");
	if (n_excludedV_toofar > 0) vrb.bullet(stb.str(n_excludedV_toofar) + " too far variants");