コード例 #1
ファイル: mpileup.c プロジェクト: samtools/bcftools
static void flush_bcf_records(mplp_conf_t *conf, htsFile *fp, bcf_hdr_t *hdr, bcf1_t *rec)
    if ( !conf->gvcf )
        if ( rec ) bcf_write1(fp, hdr, rec);

    if ( !rec )
        gvcf_write(conf->gvcf, fp, hdr, NULL, 0);

    int is_ref = 0;
    if ( rec->n_allele==1 ) is_ref = 1;
    else if ( rec->n_allele==2 )
        // second allele is mpileup's X, not a variant
        if ( rec->d.allele[1][0]=='<' && rec->d.allele[1][1]=='*' && rec->d.allele[1][2]=='>' ) is_ref = 1;
    rec = gvcf_write(conf->gvcf, fp, hdr, rec, is_ref);
    if ( rec ) bcf_write1(fp,hdr,rec);
コード例 #2
ファイル: vcffilter.c プロジェクト: Bratdaking/pysam
static void flush_buffer(args_t *args, int n)
    int i, j;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
        int k = rbuf_shift(&args->rbuf);
        bcf1_t *rec = args->rbuf_lines[k];

        int pass = 1;
        if ( !args->soft_filter )
            for (j=0; j<rec->d.n_flt; j++)
                if ( args->indel_gap && rec->d.flt[j]==args->IndelGap_id ) { pass = 0; break; }
                if ( args->snp_gap && rec->d.flt[j]==args->SnpGap_id ) { pass = 0; break; }
        if ( pass ) bcf_write1(args->out_fh, args->hdr, rec);
コード例 #3
  //write out variants to out file
  int flush(int pos,htsFile *outf,bcf_hdr_t *hdr_out) {
    int n = 0;
    while(_buf.size()>0 && (pos - _buf.front()->pos) > _w ) {
      //      cerr << _last_pos<<"<="<<_buf.front()->pos<<endl;
      if(   _last_pos!=_buf.front()->pos )  

      //      bcf1_t *tmp = _buf.front();
      //capitalises ref/alt. this should now be fixed upstream.
      // int i=0;
      // while(tmp->d.allele[0][i]) {
      // 	tmp->d.allele[0][i]=toupper(tmp->d.allele[0][i]);
      // 	i++;
      // }
      // i=0;
      // while(tmp->d.allele[1][i]) {
      // 	tmp->d.allele[1][i]=toupper(tmp->d.allele[1][i]);
      // 	i++;
      // }
      // bcf_update_alleles(hdr_out,tmp,(const char**)tmp->d.allele,tmp->n_allele);

      string variant=(string)_buf.front()->d.allele[0] +"."+ (string)_buf.front()->d.allele[1];

      if(_seen.count(variant)) {
      else {
	bcf_write1(outf, hdr_out, _buf.front());
      bcf_destroy1(      _buf.front() );
コード例 #4
static void print_missed_line(bcf_sr_regions_t *regs, void *data)
    args_t *args = (args_t*) data;
    call_t *call = &args->aux;
    bcf1_t *missed = args->missed_line;

    if ( args->flag & CF_GVCF ) error("todo: Combine --gvcf and --insert-missed\n");

    char *ss = regs->line.s;
    int i = 0;
    while ( i<args->aux.srs->targets_als-1 && *ss )
        if ( *ss=='\t' ) i++;
    if ( !*ss ) error("Could not parse: [%s] (%d)\n", regs->line.s,args->aux.srs->targets_als);

    missed->rid  = bcf_hdr_name2id(call->hdr,regs->seq_names[regs->prev_seq]);
    missed->pos  = regs->start;
    bcf_update_alleles_str(call->hdr, missed,ss);

    bcf_write1(args->out_fh, call->hdr, missed);
コード例 #5
int main_vcfcall(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *samples_fname = NULL;
    args_t args;
    memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args_t));
    args.argc = argc; args.argv = argv;
    args.aux.prior_type = -1;
    args.aux.indel_frac = -1;
    args.aux.theta      = 1e-3;
    args.aux.pref       = 0.5;
    args.aux.min_perm_p = 0.01;
    args.aux.min_lrt    = 1;
    args.flag           = CF_ACGT_ONLY;
    args.output_fname   = "-";
    args.output_type    = FT_VCF;
    args.aux.trio_Pm_SNPs = 1 - 1e-8;
    args.aux.trio_Pm_ins  = args.aux.trio_Pm_del  = 1 - 1e-9;

    int i, c, samples_is_file = 0;

    static struct option loptions[] =
        {"skip-Ns",0,0,'N'},            // now the new default

    char *tmp = NULL;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h?o:O:r:R:s:S:t:T:ANMV:vcmp:C:XYn:P:f:ig:", loptions, NULL)) >= 0)
        switch (c)
            case 'g':
                args.flag |= CF_GVCF;
                args.gvcf.min_dp = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse, expected integer argument: -g %s\n", optarg);
            case 'f': args.aux.output_tags |= parse_format_flag(optarg); break;
            case 'M': args.flag &= ~CF_ACGT_ONLY; break;     // keep sites where REF is N
            case 'N': args.flag |= CF_ACGT_ONLY; break;      // omit sites where first base in REF is N (the new default)
            case 'A': args.aux.flag |= CALL_KEEPALT; break;
            case 'c': args.flag |= CF_CCALL; break;          // the original EM based calling method
            case 'i': args.flag |= CF_INS_MISSED; break;
            case 'v': args.aux.flag |= CALL_VARONLY; break;
            case 'o': args.output_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'O':
                      switch (optarg[0]) {
                          case 'b': args.output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
                          case 'u': args.output_type = FT_BCF; break;
                          case 'z': args.output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
                          case 'v': args.output_type = FT_VCF; break;
                          default: error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
            case 'C':
                      if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"alleles") ) args.aux.flag |= CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES;
                      else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"trio") ) args.aux.flag |= CALL_CONSTR_TRIO;
                      else error("Unknown argument to -C: \"%s\"\n", optarg);
            case 'X': args.aux.flag |= CALL_CHR_X; break;
            case 'Y': args.aux.flag |= CALL_CHR_Y; break;
            case 'V':
                      if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"snps") ) args.flag |= CF_INDEL_ONLY;
                      else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"indels") ) args.flag |= CF_NO_INDEL;
                      else error("Unknown skip category \"%s\" (-S argument must be \"snps\" or \"indels\")\n", optarg);
            case 'm': args.flag |= CF_MCALL; break;         // multiallelic calling method
            case 'p': args.aux.pref = atof(optarg); break;
            case 'P': args.aux.theta = strtod(optarg,&tmp);
                      if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse, expected float argument: -P %s\n", optarg);
            case 'n': parse_novel_rate(&args,optarg); break;
            case 'r': args.regions = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args.regions = optarg; args.regions_is_file = 1; break;
            case 't': args.targets = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args.targets = optarg; args.targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 's': samples_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'S': samples_fname = optarg; samples_is_file = 1; break;
            default: usage(&args);
    if ( optind>=argc )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) args.bcf_fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
        else usage(&args);
    else args.bcf_fname = argv[optind++];

    // Sanity check options and initialize
    if ( samples_fname )
        args.samples = read_samples(&args.aux, samples_fname, samples_is_file, &args.nsamples);
        args.aux.ploidy = (uint8_t*) calloc(args.nsamples+1, 1);
        args.aux.all_diploid = 1;
        for (i=0; i<args.nsamples; i++)
            args.aux.ploidy[i] = args.samples[i][strlen(args.samples[i]) + 1];
            if ( args.aux.ploidy[i]!=2 ) args.aux.all_diploid = 0;
    if ( args.flag & CF_GVCF )
        // Force some flags to avoid unnecessary branching
        args.aux.flag &= ~CALL_KEEPALT;
        args.aux.flag |= CALL_VARONLY;
    if ( (args.flag & CF_CCALL ? 1 : 0) + (args.flag & CF_MCALL ? 1 : 0) + (args.flag & CF_QCALL ? 1 : 0) > 1 ) error("Only one of -c or -m options can be given\n");
    if ( !(args.flag & CF_CCALL) && !(args.flag & CF_MCALL) && !(args.flag & CF_QCALL) ) error("Expected -c or -m option\n");
    if ( args.aux.n_perm && args.aux.ngrp1_samples<=0 ) error("Expected -1 with -U\n");    // not sure about this, please fix
    if ( args.aux.flag & CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES )
        if ( !args.targets ) error("Expected -t or -T with \"-C alleles\"\n");
        if ( !(args.flag & CF_MCALL) ) error("The \"-C alleles\" mode requires -m\n");
    if ( args.aux.flag & CALL_CHR_X && args.aux.flag & CALL_CHR_Y ) error("Only one of -X or -Y should be given\n");
    if ( args.flag & CF_INS_MISSED && !(args.aux.flag&CALL_CONSTR_ALLELES) ) error("The -i option requires -C alleles\n");

    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args.aux.srs) )
        bcf1_t *bcf_rec = args.aux.srs->readers[0].buffer[0];
        if ( args.samples_map ) bcf_subset(args.aux.hdr, bcf_rec, args.nsamples, args.samples_map);
        bcf_unpack(bcf_rec, BCF_UN_STR);

        // Skip unwanted sites
        if ( args.aux.flag & CALL_VARONLY )
            int is_ref = 0;
            if ( bcf_rec->n_allele==1 ) is_ref = 1;     // not a variant
            else if ( bcf_rec->n_allele==2 )
                // second allele is mpileup's X, not a variant
                if ( bcf_rec->d.allele[1][0]=='X' ) is_ref = 1;
                else if ( bcf_rec->d.allele[1][0]=='<' && bcf_rec->d.allele[1][1]=='X' && bcf_rec->d.allele[1][2]=='>' ) is_ref = 1;
            if ( is_ref )
                // gVCF output
                if ( args.flag & CF_GVCF ) gvcf_write(args.out_fh, &args.gvcf, args.aux.hdr, bcf_rec, 1);
        if ( (args.flag & CF_INDEL_ONLY) && bcf_is_snp(bcf_rec) ) continue;    // not an indel
        if ( (args.flag & CF_NO_INDEL) && !bcf_is_snp(bcf_rec) ) continue;     // not a SNP
        if ( (args.flag & CF_ACGT_ONLY) && (bcf_rec->d.allele[0][0]=='N' || bcf_rec->d.allele[0][0]=='n') ) continue;   // REF[0] is 'N'

        bcf_unpack(bcf_rec, BCF_UN_ALL);

        // Various output modes: QCall output (todo)
        if ( args.flag & CF_QCALL )
            qcall(&args.aux, bcf_rec);

        // Calling modes which output VCFs
        int ret;
        if ( args.flag & CF_MCALL )
            ret = mcall(&args.aux, bcf_rec);
            ret = ccall(&args.aux, bcf_rec);
        if ( ret==-1 ) error("Something is wrong\n");

        // gVCF output
        if ( args.flag & CF_GVCF )
            gvcf_write(args.out_fh, &args.gvcf, args.aux.hdr, bcf_rec, ret?0:1);

        // Normal output
        if ( (args.aux.flag & CALL_VARONLY) && ret==0 ) continue;     // not a variant
        bcf_write1(args.out_fh, args.aux.hdr, bcf_rec);
    if ( args.flag & CF_GVCF ) gvcf_write(args.out_fh, &args.gvcf, args.aux.hdr, NULL, 0);
    if ( args.flag & CF_INS_MISSED ) bcf_sr_regions_flush(args.aux.srs->targets);
    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: vcfisec.c.pysam.c プロジェクト: bayolau/pysam
void isec_vcf(args_t *args)
    bcf_srs_t *files = args->files;
    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
    htsFile *out_fh = NULL;

    // When only one VCF is output, print VCF to pysam_stdout or -o file
    int out_std = 0;
    if ( args->nwrite==1 && !args->prefix ) out_std = 1;
    if ( args->targets_list && files->nreaders==1 ) out_std = 1;
    if ( out_std )
        out_fh = hts_open(args->output_fname? args->output_fname : "-",hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
        if ( out_fh == NULL ) error("Can't write to %s: %s\n", args->output_fname? args->output_fname : "standard output", strerror(errno));
        if ( args->n_threads ) hts_set_threads(out_fh, args->n_threads);
        if (args->record_cmd_line) bcf_hdr_append_version(files->readers[args->iwrite].header,args->argc,args->argv,"bcftools_isec");
        bcf_hdr_write(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header);
    if ( !args->nwrite && !out_std && !args->prefix )
        fprintf(pysam_stderr,"Note: -w option not given, printing list of sites...\n");

    int n;
    while ( (n=bcf_sr_next_line(files)) )
        bcf_sr_t *reader = NULL;
        bcf1_t *line = NULL;
        int i, ret = 0;
        for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
            if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;

            if ( args->nflt && args->flt[i] )
                bcf1_t *rec = bcf_sr_get_line(files, i);
                int pass = filter_test(args->flt[i], rec, NULL);
                if ( args->flt_logic[i] & FLT_EXCLUDE ) pass = pass ? 0 : 1;
                if ( !pass )
                    files->has_line[i] = 0;

            if ( !line )
                line = files->readers[i].buffer[0];
                reader = &files->readers[i];
            ret |= 1<<i;    // this may overflow for many files, but will be used only with two (OP_VENN)

        switch (args->isec_op)
            case OP_COMPLEMENT: if ( n!=1 || !bcf_sr_has_line(files,0) ) continue; break;
            case OP_EQUAL: if ( n != args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_PLUS: if ( n < args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_MINUS: if ( n > args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_EXACT:
                for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( files->has_line[i] != args->isec_exact[i] ) break;
                if ( i<files->nreaders ) continue;

        if ( out_std )
            if ( bcf_sr_has_line(files,args->iwrite) )
                bcf_write1(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header, files->readers[args->iwrite].buffer[0]);
        else if ( args->fh_sites )
            str.l = 0;
            kputs(reader->header->id[BCF_DT_CTG][line->rid].key, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            kputw(line->pos+1, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 0) kputs(line->d.allele[0], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 1) kputs(line->d.allele[1], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            for (i=2; i<line->n_allele; i++)
                kputc(',', &str);
                kputs(line->d.allele[i], &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                kputc(bcf_sr_has_line(files,i)?'1':'0', &str);
            kputc('\n', &str);

        if ( args->prefix )
            if ( args->isec_op==OP_VENN && ret==3 )
                if ( !args->nwrite || args->write[0] )
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[2], bcf_sr_get_header(files,0), bcf_sr_get_line(files,0));
                if ( !args->nwrite || args->write[1] )
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[3], bcf_sr_get_header(files,1), bcf_sr_get_line(files,1));
                for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;
                    if ( args->write && !args->write[i] ) continue;
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[i], files->readers[i].header, files->readers[i].buffer[0]);
    if ( str.s ) free(str.s);
    if ( out_fh ) hts_close(out_fh);
コード例 #7
ファイル: vcfconcat.c プロジェクト: Bratdaking/pysam
static void concat(args_t *args)
    int i;
    if ( args->phased_concat )  // phased concat
        // keep only two open files at a time
        while ( args->ifname < args->nfnames )
            int new_file = 0;
            while ( args->files->nreaders < 2 && args->ifname < args->nfnames )
                if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files,args->fnames[args->ifname]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->fnames[args->ifname],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
                new_file = 1;

                if ( args->start_pos[args->ifname-1]==-1 ) break;   // new chromosome, start with only one file open
                if ( args->ifname < args->nfnames && args->start_pos[args->ifname]==-1 ) break; // next file starts on a different chromosome

            // is there a line from the previous run? Seek the newly opened reader to that position
            int seek_pos = -1;
            int seek_chr = -1;
            if ( bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,0) )
                bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,0);
                bcf_sr_seek(args->files, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[0].header,line), line->pos);
                seek_pos = line->pos;
                seek_chr = bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[0].header,line));
            else if ( new_file )
                bcf_sr_seek(args->files,NULL,0);  // set to start

            int nret;
            while ( (nret = bcf_sr_next_line(args->files)) )
                if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,0) )  // no input from the first reader
                    // We are assuming that there is a perfect overlap, sites which are not present in both files are dropped
                    if ( ! bcf_sr_region_done(args->files,0) ) continue;

                    bcf_sr_remove_reader(args->files, 0);

                // Get a line to learn about current position
                for (i=0; i<args->files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,i) ) break;
                bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,i);

                // This can happen after bcf_sr_seek: indel may start before the coordinate which we seek to.
                if ( seek_chr>=0 && seek_pos>line->pos && seek_chr==bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[i].header,line)) ) continue;
                seek_pos = seek_chr = -1;

                //  Check if the position overlaps with the next, yet unopened, reader
                int must_seek = 0;
                while ( args->ifname < args->nfnames && args->start_pos[args->ifname]!=-1 && line->pos >= args->start_pos[args->ifname] )
                    must_seek = 1;
                    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files,args->fnames[args->ifname]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->fnames[args->ifname],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
                if ( must_seek )
                    bcf_sr_seek(args->files, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[i].header,line), line->pos);
                    seek_pos = line->pos;
                    seek_chr = bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[i].header,line));

                // We are assuming that there is a perfect overlap, sites which are not present in both files are dropped
                if ( args->files->nreaders>1 && !bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,1) && !bcf_sr_region_done(args->files,1) ) continue;

                phased_push(args, bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,0), args->files->nreaders>1 ? bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,1) : NULL);

            if ( args->files->nreaders )
                while ( args->files->nreaders )
                    bcf_sr_remove_reader(args->files, 0);
    else if ( args->files )  // combining overlapping files, using synced reader
        while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
            for (i=0; i<args->files->nreaders; i++)
                bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,i);
                if ( !line ) continue;
                bcf_translate(args->out_hdr, args->files->readers[i].header, line);
                bcf_write1(args->out_fh, args->out_hdr, line);
                if ( args->remove_dups ) break;
    else    // concatenating
        kstring_t tmp = {0,0,0};
        int prev_chr_id = -1, prev_pos;
        bcf1_t *line = bcf_init();
        for (i=0; i<args->nfnames; i++)
            htsFile *fp = hts_open(args->fnames[i], "r"); if ( !fp ) error("Failed to open: %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
            bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(fp); if ( !hdr ) error("Failed to parse header: %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
            if ( !fp->is_bin && args->output_type&FT_VCF )
                line->max_unpack = BCF_UN_STR;
                // if VCF is on both input and output, avoid VCF to BCF conversion
                while ( hts_getline(fp, KS_SEP_LINE, &fp->line) >=0 )
                    char *str = fp->line.s;
                    while ( *str && *str!='\t' ) str++;
                    tmp.l = 0;
                    int chr_id = bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, tmp.s);
                    if ( chr_id<0 ) error("The sequence \"%s\" not defined in the header: %s\n(Quick workaround: index the file.)\n", tmp.s, args->fnames[i]);
                    if ( prev_chr_id!=chr_id )
                        prev_pos = -1;
                        if ( args->seen_seq[chr_id] )
                            error("\nThe chromosome block %s is not contiguous, consider running with -a.\n", tmp.s);
                    char *end;
                    int pos = strtol(str+1,&end,10) - 1;
                    if ( end==str+1 ) error("Could not parse line: %s\n", fp->line.s);
                    if ( prev_pos > pos )
                        error("The chromosome block %s is not sorted, consider running with -a.\n", tmp.s);
                    args->seen_seq[chr_id] = 1;
                    prev_chr_id = chr_id;

                    if ( vcf_write_line(args->out_fh, &fp->line)!=0 ) error("Failed to write %d bytes\n", fp->line.l);
                // BCF conversion is required
                line->max_unpack = 0;
                while ( bcf_read(fp, hdr, line)==0 )
                    bcf_translate(args->out_hdr, hdr, line);

                    if ( prev_chr_id!=line->rid )
                        prev_pos = -1;
                        if ( args->seen_seq[line->rid] )
                            error("\nThe chromosome block %s is not contiguous, consider running with -a.\n", bcf_seqname(args->out_hdr, line));
                    if ( prev_pos > line->pos )
                        error("The chromosome block %s is not sorted, consider running with -a.\n", bcf_seqname(args->out_hdr, line));
                    args->seen_seq[line->rid] = 1;
                    prev_chr_id = line->rid;

                    if ( bcf_write(args->out_fh, args->out_hdr, line)!=0 ) error("Failed to write\n");
コード例 #8
ファイル: vcfisec.c プロジェクト: monkollek/bcftools
void isec_vcf(args_t *args)
    bcf_srs_t *files = args->files;
    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
    htsFile *out_fh = NULL;

    // When only one VCF is output, print VCF to stdout
    int out_std = 0;
    if ( args->nwrite==1 ) out_std = 1;
    if ( args->targets_list && files->nreaders==1 ) out_std = 1;
    if ( out_std ) 
        out_fh = hts_open("-",hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
        bcf_hdr_write(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header);
    if ( !args->nwrite && !out_std && !args->prefix )
        fprintf(stderr,"Note: -w option not given, printing list of sites...\n");

    int n;
    while ( (n=bcf_sr_next_line(files)) )
        bcf_sr_t *reader = NULL;
        bcf1_t *line = NULL;
        int i, ret = 0;
        for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
            if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;
            if ( !line ) 
                line = files->readers[i].buffer[0];
                reader = &files->readers[i];
            ret |= 1<<i;    // this may overflow for many files, but will be used only with two (OP_VENN)

        switch (args->isec_op) 
            case OP_COMPLEMENT: if ( n!=1 || !bcf_sr_has_line(files,0) ) continue; break;
            case OP_EQUAL: if ( n != args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_PLUS: if ( n < args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_MINUS: if ( n > args->isec_n ) continue;

        if ( out_std )
            if ( bcf_sr_has_line(files,args->iwrite) )
                bcf_write1(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header, files->readers[args->iwrite].buffer[0]);
        else if ( args->fh_sites )
            str.l = 0;
            kputs(reader->header->id[BCF_DT_CTG][line->rid].key, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            kputw(line->pos+1, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 0) kputs(line->d.allele[0], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 1) kputs(line->d.allele[1], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            for (i=2; i<line->n_allele; i++)
                kputc(',', &str);
                kputs(line->d.allele[i], &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                kputc(bcf_sr_has_line(files,i)?'1':'0', &str);
            kputc('\n', &str);

        if ( args->prefix )
            if ( args->isec_op==OP_VENN )
                bcf_write1(args->fh_out[ret-1], reader->header, line);
                for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;
                    if ( args->write && !args->write[i] ) continue;
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[i], files->readers[i].header, files->readers[i].buffer[0]);
    if ( str.s ) free(str.s);
    if ( out_fh ) hts_close(out_fh);
コード例 #9
ファイル: query.c プロジェクト: CoREse/gqt
//{{{ void get_bcf_query_result(uint32_t *mask,
void get_bcf_query_result(uint32_t *mask,
                        uint32_t mask_len,
                        struct gqt_query *q,
                        char **id_query_list,
                        uint32_t *id_lens,
                        uint32_t num_qs,
                        uint32_t num_fields,
                        char *vid_file_name,
                        char *bcf_file_name,
                        int bcf_output)

    /* The VID file contains the line numbers of the variants after they have
     * been sorted.  To reach back into the BCF file to print the metadata
     * associated with the variants marked in the mask, we need to create a
     * sorted list of line numbers we want.  So first we intersect the VID file
     * and the mask, then sort it.
    FILE *vid_f = fopen(vid_file_name, "rb");
    if (!vid_f)
        err(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot read file\"%s\"", vid_file_name);

    uint32_t *vids = (uint32_t *) malloc(num_fields*sizeof(uint32_t));
    if (!vids )
        err(EX_OSERR, "malloc error");

    size_t fr = fread(vids, sizeof(uint32_t), num_fields, vid_f);
    check_file_read(vid_file_name, vid_f, num_fields, fr);

    struct vid_file *vid_f = open_vid_file(vid_file_name);

    uint32_t i, j, masked_vid_count = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < mask_len; ++i)
        masked_vid_count += popcount(mask[i]);

    uint32_t *masked_vids = (uint32_t *)
    if (!masked_vids )
        err(EX_OSERR, "malloc error");
    uint32_t masked_vid_i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < mask_len; ++i) {
        uint32_t bytes = mask[i];
	if (bytes == 0)
            continue; /* skip a bunch of ops if you can */
        for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
            if (bytes & (1 << (31 - j))) {
                masked_vids[masked_vid_i] = vid_f->vids[i*32 + j];
        if (masked_vid_i == masked_vid_count)


    qsort(masked_vids, masked_vid_count, sizeof(uint32_t), compare_uint32_t);

    htsFile *fp    = hts_open(bcf_file_name,"rb");
    bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(fp);
    bcf1_t *line    = bcf_init1();
    //bcf_hdr_set_samples(hdr, print_name_csv, 0);

    htsFile *out;
    if (!bcf_output)
        out = hts_open("-", "w");
        out = hts_open("-", "wb");

    int r = bcf_hdr_write(out, hdr);

    uint32_t bcf_line_i = 0;
    masked_vid_i = 0;
    while ( bcf_read(fp, hdr, line) != -1) {
        if (masked_vids[masked_vid_i] == bcf_line_i) {
            r = bcf_unpack(line, BCF_UN_ALL);
            r = bcf_write1(out, hdr, line);
        if (masked_vid_i == masked_vid_count)
        bcf_line_i += 1;

コード例 #10
int main_plugin(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    args_t *args  = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->argc    = argc; args->argv = argv;
    args->files   = bcf_sr_init();
    args->output_fname = "-";
    args->output_type = FT_VCF;
    args->nplugin_paths = -1;
    int regions_is_file = 0, targets_is_file = 0, plist_only = 0;

    if ( argc==1 ) usage(args);
    char *plugin_name = NULL;
    if ( argv[1][0]!='-' ) { plugin_name = argv[1]; argc--; argv++; }

    static struct option loptions[] =
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h?o:O:r:R:li:e:v",loptions,NULL)) >= 0)
        switch (c) {
            case 'v': args->verbose = 1; break;
            case 'o': args->output_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'O':
                switch (optarg[0]) {
                    case 'b': args->output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'u': args->output_type = FT_BCF; break;
                    case 'z': args->output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'v': args->output_type = FT_VCF; break;
                    default: error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
            case 'e': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break;
            case 'i': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_INCLUDE; break;
            case 'r': args->regions_list = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args->regions_list = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;
            case 't': args->targets_list = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args->targets_list = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'l': plist_only = 1; break;
            case '?':
            case 'h': load_plugin(args, plugin_name, 1, &args->plugin); fprintf(stderr,"%s",args->plugin.usage()); return 0; break;
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);
    if ( plist_only )  return list_plugins(args);

    char *fname = NULL;
    if ( optind>=argc || argv[optind][0]=='-' )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
        else usage(args);
        args->plugin.argc = argc - optind + 1;
        args->plugin.argv = argv + optind - 1;
        fname = argv[optind];
        args->plugin.argc = argc - optind;
        args->plugin.argv = argv + optind;
    optind = 0;
    args->plugin.argv[0] = plugin_name;
    load_plugin(args, plugin_name, 1, &args->plugin);

    if ( args->regions_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
    if ( args->targets_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list, targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);
        args->files->collapse |= COLLAPSE_SOME;
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fname) ) error("Failed to open or the file not indexed: %s\n", fname);

    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
        bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,0);
        if ( args->filter )
            int pass = filter_test(args->filter, line, NULL);
            if ( args->filter_logic & FLT_EXCLUDE ) pass = pass ? 0 : 1;
            if ( !pass ) continue;
        line = args->plugin.process(line);
        if ( line ) bcf_write1(args->out_fh, args->hdr_out, line);
    return 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: mendelian.c プロジェクト: samtools/bcftools
int run(int argc, char **argv)
    char *trio_samples = NULL, *trio_file = NULL, *rules_fname = NULL, *rules_string = NULL;
    args.mode = 0;
    args.output_fname = "-";

    static struct option loptions[] =
    int c;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "?ht:T:l:cdr:R:o:O:",loptions,NULL)) >= 0)
        switch (c) 
            case 'o': args.output_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'O':
                      switch (optarg[0]) {
                          case 'b': args.output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
                          case 'u': args.output_type = FT_BCF; break;
                          case 'z': args.output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
                          case 'v': args.output_type = FT_VCF; break;
                          default: error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
            case 'R': rules_fname = optarg; break;
            case 'r': rules_string = optarg; break;
            case 'd': args.mode |= MODE_DELETE; break;
            case 'c': args.mode |= MODE_COUNT; break;
            case 'l': 
                if ( !strcmp("+",optarg) ) args.mode |= MODE_LIST_GOOD; 
                else if ( !strcmp("x",optarg) ) args.mode |= MODE_LIST_BAD; 
                else error("The argument not recognised: --list %s\n", optarg);
            case 't': trio_samples = optarg; break;
            case 'T': trio_file = optarg; break;
            case 'h':
            case '?':
            default: error("%s",usage()); break;
    if ( rules_fname )
        args.rules = regidx_init(rules_fname, parse_rules, NULL, sizeof(rule_t), &args);
        args.rules = init_rules(&args, rules_string);
    if ( !args.rules ) return -1;
    args.itr     = regitr_init(args.rules);
    args.itr_ori = regitr_init(args.rules);

    char *fname = NULL;
    if ( optind>=argc || argv[optind][0]=='-' )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
        else error("%s",usage());
        fname = argv[optind];

    if ( !trio_samples && !trio_file ) error("Expected the -t/T option\n");
    if ( !args.mode ) error("Expected one of the -c, -d or -l options\n");
    if ( args.mode&MODE_DELETE && !(args.mode&(MODE_LIST_GOOD|MODE_LIST_BAD)) ) args.mode |= MODE_LIST_GOOD|MODE_LIST_BAD;

    args.sr = bcf_sr_init();
    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args.sr, fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args.sr->errnum));
    args.hdr = bcf_sr_get_header(args.sr, 0);
    args.out_fh = hts_open(args.output_fname,hts_bcf_wmode(args.output_type));
    if ( args.out_fh == NULL ) error("Can't write to \"%s\": %s\n", args.output_fname, strerror(errno));
    bcf_hdr_write(args.out_fh, args.hdr);

    int i, n = 0;
    char **list;
    if ( trio_samples )
        args.ntrios = 1;
        args.trios = (trio_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(trio_t));
        list = hts_readlist(trio_samples, 0, &n);
        if ( n!=3 ) error("Expected three sample names with -t\n");
        args.trios[0].imother = bcf_hdr_id2int(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, list[0]);
        args.trios[0].ifather = bcf_hdr_id2int(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, list[1]);
        args.trios[0].ichild  = bcf_hdr_id2int(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, list[2]);
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) free(list[i]);
    if ( trio_file )
        list = hts_readlist(trio_file, 1, &n);
        args.ntrios = n;
        args.trios = (trio_t*) calloc(n,sizeof(trio_t));
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
            char *ss = list[i], *se;
            se = strchr(ss, ',');
            if ( !se ) error("Could not parse %s: %s\n",trio_file, ss);
            *se = 0;
            args.trios[i].imother = bcf_hdr_id2int(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, ss);
            if ( args.trios[i].imother<0 ) error("No such sample: \"%s\"\n", ss);
            ss = ++se; 
            se = strchr(ss, ',');
            if ( !se ) error("Could not parse %s\n",trio_file);
            *se = 0;
            args.trios[i].ifather = bcf_hdr_id2int(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, ss);
            if ( args.trios[i].ifather<0 ) error("No such sample: \"%s\"\n", ss);
            ss = ++se; 
            if ( *ss=='\0' ) error("Could not parse %s\n",trio_file);
            args.trios[i].ichild = bcf_hdr_id2int(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, ss);
            if ( args.trios[i].ichild<0 ) error("No such sample: \"%s\"\n", ss);

    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args.sr) )
        bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args.sr,0);
        line = process(line);
        if ( line )
            if ( line->errcode ) error("TODO: Unchecked error (%d), exiting\n",line->errcode);
            bcf_write1(args.out_fh, args.hdr, line);

    fprintf(stderr,"# [1]nOK\t[2]nBad\t[3]nSkipped\t[4]Trio\n");
    for (i=0; i<args.ntrios; i++)
        trio_t *trio = &args.trios[i];
            bcf_hdr_int2id(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, trio->imother),
            bcf_hdr_int2id(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, trio->ifather),
            bcf_hdr_int2id(args.hdr, BCF_DT_SAMPLE, trio->ichild)
    if ( hts_close(args.out_fh)!=0 ) error("Error: close failed\n");
    return 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: bam_plcmd.c プロジェクト: Annak17/partis
 * Performs pileup
 * @param conf configuration for this pileup
 * @param n number of files specified in fn
 * @param fn filenames
static int mpileup(mplp_conf_t *conf, int n, char **fn)
    extern void *bcf_call_add_rg(void *rghash, const char *hdtext, const char *list);
    extern void bcf_call_del_rghash(void *rghash);
    mplp_aux_t **data;
    int i, tid, pos, *n_plp, tid0 = -1, beg0 = 0, end0 = 1u<<29, ref_len, ref_tid = -1, max_depth, max_indel_depth;
    const bam_pileup1_t **plp;
    bam_mplp_t iter;
    bam_hdr_t *h = NULL; /* header of first file in input list */
    char *ref;
    void *rghash = NULL;
    FILE *pileup_fp = NULL;

    bcf_callaux_t *bca = NULL;
    bcf_callret1_t *bcr = NULL;
    bcf_call_t bc;
    htsFile *bcf_fp = NULL;
    bcf_hdr_t *bcf_hdr = NULL;

    bam_sample_t *sm = NULL;
    kstring_t buf;
    mplp_pileup_t gplp;

    memset(&gplp, 0, sizeof(mplp_pileup_t));
    memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(kstring_t));
    memset(&bc, 0, sizeof(bcf_call_t));
    data = calloc(n, sizeof(mplp_aux_t*));
    plp = calloc(n, sizeof(bam_pileup1_t*));
    n_plp = calloc(n, sizeof(int));
    sm = bam_smpl_init();

    if (n == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"[%s] no input file/data given\n", __func__);

    // read the header of each file in the list and initialize data
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        bam_hdr_t *h_tmp;
        data[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(mplp_aux_t));
        data[i]->fp = sam_open(fn[i], "rb");
        if ( !data[i]->fp )
            fprintf(stderr, "[%s] failed to open %s: %s\n", __func__, fn[i], strerror(errno));
        hts_set_fai_filename(data[i]->fp, conf->fai_fname);
        data[i]->conf = conf;
        h_tmp = sam_hdr_read(data[i]->fp);
        if ( !h_tmp ) {
            fprintf(stderr,"[%s] fail to read the header of %s\n", __func__, fn[i]);
        data[i]->h = i? h : h_tmp; // for i==0, "h" has not been set yet
        bam_smpl_add(sm, fn[i], (conf->flag&MPLP_IGNORE_RG)? 0 : h_tmp->text);
        // Collect read group IDs with PL (platform) listed in pl_list (note: fragile, strstr search)
        rghash = bcf_call_add_rg(rghash, h_tmp->text, conf->pl_list);
        if (conf->reg) {
            hts_idx_t *idx = sam_index_load(data[i]->fp, fn[i]);
            if (idx == 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[%s] fail to load index for %s\n", __func__, fn[i]);
            if ( (data[i]->iter=sam_itr_querys(idx, data[i]->h, conf->reg)) == 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] fail to parse region '%s'\n", __func__, conf->reg);
            if (i == 0) tid0 = data[i]->iter->tid, beg0 = data[i]->iter->beg, end0 = data[i]->iter->end;
        if (i == 0) h = h_tmp; /* save the header of first file in list */
        else {
            // FIXME: to check consistency
    // allocate data storage proportionate to number of samples being studied sm->n
    gplp.n = sm->n;
    gplp.n_plp = calloc(sm->n, sizeof(int));
    gplp.m_plp = calloc(sm->n, sizeof(int));
    gplp.plp = calloc(sm->n, sizeof(bam_pileup1_t*));

    fprintf(stderr, "[%s] %d samples in %d input files\n", __func__, sm->n, n);
    // write the VCF header
    if (conf->flag & MPLP_BCF)
        const char *mode;
        if ( conf->flag & MPLP_VCF )
            mode = (conf->flag&MPLP_NO_COMP)? "wu" : "wz";   // uncompressed VCF or compressed VCF
            mode = (conf->flag&MPLP_NO_COMP)? "wub" : "wb";  // uncompressed BCF or compressed BCF

        bcf_fp = bcf_open(conf->output_fname? conf->output_fname : "-", mode);
        if (bcf_fp == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[%s] failed to write to %s: %s\n", __func__, conf->output_fname? conf->output_fname : "standard output", strerror(errno));

        bcf_hdr = bcf_hdr_init("w");
        kstring_t str = {0,0,0};

        ksprintf(&str, "##samtoolsVersion=%s+htslib-%s\n",samtools_version(),hts_version());
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr, str.s);

        str.l = 0;
        ksprintf(&str, "##samtoolsCommand=samtools mpileup");
        for (i=1; i<conf->argc; i++) ksprintf(&str, " %s", conf->argv[i]);
        kputc('\n', &str);
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr, str.s);

        if (conf->fai_fname)
            str.l = 0;
            ksprintf(&str, "##reference=file://%s\n", conf->fai_fname);
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr, str.s);

        // todo: use/write new BAM header manipulation routines, fill also UR, M5
        for (i=0; i<h->n_targets; i++)
            str.l = 0;
            ksprintf(&str, "##contig=<ID=%s,length=%d>", h->target_name[i], h->target_len[i]);
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr, str.s);
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##ALT=<ID=X,Description=\"Represents allele(s) other than observed.\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=INDEL,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description=\"Indicates that the variant is an INDEL.\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=IDV,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Maximum number of reads supporting an indel\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=IMF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Maximum fraction of reads supporting an indel\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Raw read depth\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=VDB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Variant Distance Bias for filtering splice-site artefacts in RNA-seq data (bigger is better)\",Version=\"3\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=RPB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Read Position Bias (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=MQB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Mapping Quality Bias (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=BQB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Base Quality Bias (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=MQSB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Mapping Quality vs Strand Bias (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=RPB2,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Read Position Bias [CDF] (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=MQB2,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Mapping Quality Bias [CDF] (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=BQB2,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Base Quality Bias [CDF] (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=MQSB2,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Mann-Whitney U test of Mapping Quality vs Strand Bias [CDF] (bigger is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=SGB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Segregation based metric.\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=MQ0F,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Fraction of MQ0 reads (smaller is better)\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=I16,Number=16,Type=Float,Description=\"Auxiliary tag used for calling, see description of bcf_callret1_t in bam2bcf.h\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=QS,Number=R,Type=Float,Description=\"Auxiliary tag used for calling\">");
        bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=G,Type=Integer,Description=\"List of Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods\">");
        if ( conf->fmt_flag&B2B_FMT_DP )
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of high-quality bases\">");
        if ( conf->fmt_flag&B2B_FMT_DV )
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=DV,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of high-quality non-reference bases\">");
        if ( conf->fmt_flag&B2B_FMT_DPR )
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=DPR,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of high-quality bases observed for each allele\">");
        if ( conf->fmt_flag&B2B_INFO_DPR )
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##INFO=<ID=DPR,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of high-quality bases observed for each allele\">");
        if ( conf->fmt_flag&B2B_FMT_DP4 )
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=DP4,Number=4,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of high-quality ref-fwd, ref-reverse, alt-fwd and alt-reverse bases\">");
        if ( conf->fmt_flag&B2B_FMT_SP )
            bcf_hdr_append(bcf_hdr,"##FORMAT=<ID=SP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Phred-scaled strand bias P-value\">");

        for (i=0; i<sm->n; i++)
            bcf_hdr_add_sample(bcf_hdr, sm->smpl[i]);
        bcf_hdr_add_sample(bcf_hdr, NULL);
        bcf_hdr_write(bcf_fp, bcf_hdr);

        bca = bcf_call_init(-1., conf->min_baseQ);
        bcr = calloc(sm->n, sizeof(bcf_callret1_t));
        bca->rghash = rghash;
        bca->openQ = conf->openQ, bca->extQ = conf->extQ, bca->tandemQ = conf->tandemQ;
        bca->min_frac = conf->min_frac;
        bca->min_support = conf->min_support;
        bca->per_sample_flt = conf->flag & MPLP_PER_SAMPLE;

        bc.bcf_hdr = bcf_hdr;
        bc.n = sm->n;
        bc.PL = malloc(15 * sm->n * sizeof(*bc.PL));
        if (conf->fmt_flag)
            assert( sizeof(float)==sizeof(int32_t) );
            bc.DP4 = malloc(sm->n * sizeof(int32_t) * 4);
            bc.fmt_arr = malloc(sm->n * sizeof(float)); // all fmt_flag fields
            if ( conf->fmt_flag&(B2B_INFO_DPR|B2B_FMT_DPR) )
                // first B2B_MAX_ALLELES fields for total numbers, the rest per-sample
                bc.DPR = malloc((sm->n+1)*B2B_MAX_ALLELES*sizeof(int32_t));
                for (i=0; i<sm->n; i++)
                    bcr[i].DPR = bc.DPR + (i+1)*B2B_MAX_ALLELES;
    else {
        pileup_fp = conf->output_fname? fopen(conf->output_fname, "w") : stdout;

        if (pileup_fp == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[%s] failed to write to %s: %s\n", __func__, conf->output_fname, strerror(errno));

    if (tid0 >= 0 && conf->fai) { // region is set
        ref = faidx_fetch_seq(conf->fai, h->target_name[tid0], 0, 0x7fffffff, &ref_len);
        ref_tid = tid0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) data[i]->ref = ref, data[i]->ref_id = tid0;
    } else ref_tid = -1, ref = 0;

    // begin pileup
    iter = bam_mplp_init(n, mplp_func, (void**)data);
    if ( conf->flag & MPLP_SMART_OVERLAPS ) bam_mplp_init_overlaps(iter);
    max_depth = conf->max_depth;
    if (max_depth * sm->n > 1<<20)
        fprintf(stderr, "(%s) Max depth is above 1M. Potential memory hog!\n", __func__);
    if (max_depth * sm->n < 8000) {
        max_depth = 8000 / sm->n;
        fprintf(stderr, "<%s> Set max per-file depth to %d\n", __func__, max_depth);
    max_indel_depth = conf->max_indel_depth * sm->n;
    bam_mplp_set_maxcnt(iter, max_depth);
    bcf1_t *bcf_rec = bcf_init1();
    int ret;
    while ( (ret=bam_mplp_auto(iter, &tid, &pos, n_plp, plp)) > 0) {
        if (conf->reg && (pos < beg0 || pos >= end0)) continue; // out of the region requested
        if (conf->bed && tid >= 0 && !bed_overlap(conf->bed, h->target_name[tid], pos, pos+1)) continue;
        if (tid != ref_tid) {
            free(ref); ref = 0;
            if (conf->fai) ref = faidx_fetch_seq(conf->fai, h->target_name[tid], 0, 0x7fffffff, &ref_len);
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) data[i]->ref = ref, data[i]->ref_id = tid;
            ref_tid = tid;
        if (conf->flag & MPLP_BCF) {
            int total_depth, _ref0, ref16;
            for (i = total_depth = 0; i < n; ++i) total_depth += n_plp[i];
            group_smpl(&gplp, sm, &buf, n, fn, n_plp, plp, conf->flag & MPLP_IGNORE_RG);
            _ref0 = (ref && pos < ref_len)? ref[pos] : 'N';
            ref16 = seq_nt16_table[_ref0];
            bcf_callaux_clean(bca, &bc);
            for (i = 0; i < gplp.n; ++i)
                bcf_call_glfgen(gplp.n_plp[i], gplp.plp[i], ref16, bca, bcr + i);
            bc.tid = tid; bc.pos = pos;
            bcf_call_combine(gplp.n, bcr, bca, ref16, &bc);
            bcf_call2bcf(&bc, bcf_rec, bcr, conf->fmt_flag, 0, 0);
            bcf_write1(bcf_fp, bcf_hdr, bcf_rec);
            // call indels; todo: subsampling with total_depth>max_indel_depth instead of ignoring?
            if (!(conf->flag&MPLP_NO_INDEL) && total_depth < max_indel_depth && bcf_call_gap_prep(gplp.n, gplp.n_plp, gplp.plp, pos, bca, ref, rghash) >= 0)
                bcf_callaux_clean(bca, &bc);
                for (i = 0; i < gplp.n; ++i)
                    bcf_call_glfgen(gplp.n_plp[i], gplp.plp[i], -1, bca, bcr + i);
                if (bcf_call_combine(gplp.n, bcr, bca, -1, &bc) >= 0) {
                    bcf_call2bcf(&bc, bcf_rec, bcr, conf->fmt_flag, bca, ref);
                    bcf_write1(bcf_fp, bcf_hdr, bcf_rec);
        } else {
            fprintf(pileup_fp, "%s\t%d\t%c", h->target_name[tid], pos + 1, (ref && pos < ref_len)? ref[pos] : 'N');
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                int j, cnt;
                for (j = cnt = 0; j < n_plp[i]; ++j) {
                    const bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[i] + j;
                    if (bam_get_qual(p->b)[p->qpos] >= conf->min_baseQ) ++cnt;
                fprintf(pileup_fp, "\t%d\t", cnt);
                if (n_plp[i] == 0) {
                    fputs("*\t*", pileup_fp);
                    if (conf->flag & MPLP_PRINT_MAPQ) fputs("\t*", pileup_fp);
                    if (conf->flag & MPLP_PRINT_POS) fputs("\t*", pileup_fp);
                } else {
                    for (j = 0; j < n_plp[i]; ++j) {
                        const bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[i] + j;
                        if (bam_get_qual(p->b)[p->qpos] >= conf->min_baseQ)
                            pileup_seq(pileup_fp, plp[i] + j, pos, ref_len, ref);
                    putc('\t', pileup_fp);
                    for (j = 0; j < n_plp[i]; ++j) {
                        const bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[i] + j;
                        int c = bam_get_qual(p->b)[p->qpos];
                        if (c >= conf->min_baseQ) {
                            c = c + 33 < 126? c + 33 : 126;
                            putc(c, pileup_fp);
                    if (conf->flag & MPLP_PRINT_MAPQ) {
                        putc('\t', pileup_fp);
                        for (j = 0; j < n_plp[i]; ++j) {
                            const bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[i] + j;
                            int c = bam_get_qual(p->b)[p->qpos];
                            if ( c < conf->min_baseQ ) continue;
                            c = plp[i][j].b->core.qual + 33;
                            if (c > 126) c = 126;
                            putc(c, pileup_fp);
                    if (conf->flag & MPLP_PRINT_POS) {
                        putc('\t', pileup_fp);
                        for (j = 0; j < n_plp[i]; ++j) {
                            if (j > 0) putc(',', pileup_fp);
                            fprintf(pileup_fp, "%d", plp[i][j].qpos + 1); // FIXME: printf() is very slow...
            putc('\n', pileup_fp);

    // clean up
    if (bcf_fp)
    if (pileup_fp && conf->output_fname) fclose(pileup_fp);
    bam_smpl_destroy(sm); free(buf.s);
    for (i = 0; i < gplp.n; ++i) free(gplp.plp[i]);
    free(gplp.plp); free(gplp.n_plp); free(gplp.m_plp);
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (data[i]->iter) hts_itr_destroy(data[i]->iter);
    free(data); free(plp); free(ref); free(n_plp);
    return ret;
コード例 #13
ファイル: abcWriteBcf.cpp プロジェクト: ANGSD/angsd
void abcWriteBcf::print(funkyPars *pars){
  kstring_t buf;
    hdr = bcf_hdr_init("w");
    rec    = bcf_init1();
  lh3struct *lh3 = (lh3struct*) pars->extras[5];
  freqStruct *freq = (freqStruct *) pars->extras[6];
  genoCalls *geno = (genoCalls *) pars->extras[10];
  for(int s=0;s<pars->numSites;s++){

    rec->rid = bcf_hdr_name2id(hdr,header->target_name[pars->refId]);
    rec->pos = pars->posi[s];//<- maybe one index?
    //    bcf_update_id(hdr, rec, "rs6054257");
    char majmin[4]={intToRef[pars->major[s]],',',intToRef[pars->minor[s]],'\0'};
    bcf_update_alleles_str(hdr, rec, majmin);
    rec->qual = 29;
    // .. FILTER
    int32_t tmpi = bcf_hdr_id2int(hdr, BCF_DT_ID, "PASS");
    bcf_update_filter(hdr, rec, &tmpi, 1);
    // .. INFO
    tmpi = pars->keepSites[s];
    bcf_update_info_int32(hdr, rec, "NS", &tmpi, 1);

      int depth = 0;
      for(int i=0; i<4*pars->nInd; i++)
	depth += pars->counts[s][i];
      tmpi = depth;
      bcf_update_info_int32(hdr, rec, "DP", &tmpi, 1);

      float tmpf = freq->freq_EM[s];
      bcf_update_info_float(hdr, rec, "AF", &tmpf, 1);
    // .. FORMAT
      int32_t *tmpia = (int*)malloc(bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr)*2*sizeof(int32_t));
      for(int i=0; i<pars->nInd;i++){
	  tmpia[2*i+0] = bcf_gt_unphased(0);
	  tmpia[2*i+1] = bcf_gt_unphased(0);
	}else if(geno->dat[s][i]==1){
	  tmpia[2*i+0] = bcf_gt_unphased(0);
	  tmpia[2*i+1] = bcf_gt_unphased(1);
	}  else{
	  tmpia[2*i+0] = bcf_gt_unphased(1);
	  tmpia[2*i+1] = bcf_gt_unphased(1);
      bcf_update_genotypes(hdr, rec, tmpia, bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr)*2); 
      int32_t *tmpfa = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t)*bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr));
      suint *ary=pars->counts[s];
      for(int i=0;i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr);i++)
	tmpfa[i] = ary[0]+ary[1]+ary[2]+ary[3];
      bcf_update_format_int32(hdr, rec, "DP", tmpfa,bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr) );
      float *tmpfa  =   (float*)malloc(3*bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr)*sizeof(float  ));
      int32_t *tmpi = (int32_t*)malloc(3*bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr)*sizeof(int32_t));
      double *ary = lh3->lh3[s];
      for(int i=0;i<bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr);i++)
	for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
	  tmpfa[i*3+j] = ary[i*3+j]/M_LN10;
	  tmpi[i*3+j] =(int) -log10(exp(ary[i*3+j]))*10.0;
	  //	  fprintf(stderr,"pl:%d raw:%f\n",tmpi[i*3+j],ary[i*3+j]);
      bcf_update_format_float(hdr, rec, "GL", tmpfa,3*bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr) );
      bcf_update_format_int32(hdr, rec, "PL", tmpi,3*bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr) );

    if ( bcf_write1(fp, hdr, rec)!=0 ){
      fprintf(stderr,"Failed to write to \n");
    //    fprintf(stderr,"------\n");
コード例 #14
ファイル: vcfview.c プロジェクト: humanlongevity/bcftools
int main_vcfview(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    args_t *args  = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
    args->argc    = argc; args->argv = argv;
    args->files   = bcf_sr_init();
    args->clevel  = -1;
    args->print_header = 1;
    args->update_info = 1;
    args->output_type = FT_VCF;
    int targets_is_file = 0, regions_is_file = 0;

    static struct option loptions[] =
    char *tmp;
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "l:t:T:r:R:o:O:s:S:Gf:knv:V:m:M:auUhHc:C:Ii:e:xXpPq:Q:g:",loptions,NULL)) >= 0)
        char allele_type[8] = "nref";
        switch (c)
            case 'O':
                switch (optarg[0]) {
                    case 'b': args->output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'u': args->output_type = FT_BCF; break;
                    case 'z': args->output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
                    case 'v': args->output_type = FT_VCF; break;
                    default: error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
            case 'l':
                args->clevel = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse argument: --compression-level %s\n", optarg);
                args->output_type |= FT_GZ; 
            case 'o': args->fn_out = optarg; break;
            case 'H': args->print_header = 0; break;
            case 'h': args->header_only = 1; break;

            case 't': args->targets_list = optarg; break;
            case 'T': args->targets_list = optarg; targets_is_file = 1; break;
            case 'r': args->regions_list = optarg; break;
            case 'R': args->regions_list = optarg; regions_is_file = 1; break;

            case 's': args->sample_names = optarg; break;
            case 'S': args->sample_names = optarg; args->sample_is_file = 1; break;
            case  1 : args->force_samples = 1; break;
            case 'a': args->trim_alts = 1; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'I': args->update_info = 0; break;
            case 'G': args->sites_only = 1; break;

            case 'f': args->files->apply_filters = optarg; break;
            case 'k': args->known = 1; break;
            case 'n': args->novel = 1; break;
            case 'm':
                args->min_alleles = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse argument: --min-alleles %s\n", optarg);
            case 'M': 
                args->max_alleles = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
                if ( *tmp ) error("Could not parse argument: --max-alleles %s\n", optarg);
            case 'v': args->include_types = optarg; break;
            case 'V': args->exclude_types = optarg; break;
            case 'e': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break;
            case 'i': args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_INCLUDE; break;

            case 'c':
                args->min_ac_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%d:%s",&args->min_ac, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%d",&args->min_ac)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --min-ac %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->min_ac_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;
            case 'C':
                args->max_ac_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%d:%s",&args->max_ac, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%d",&args->max_ac)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --max-ac %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->max_ac_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;
            case 'q':
                args->min_af_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%f:%s",&args->min_af, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%f",&args->min_af)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --min_af %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->min_af_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;
            case 'Q':
                args->max_af_type = ALLELE_NONREF;
                if ( sscanf(optarg,"%f:%s",&args->max_af, allele_type)!=2 && sscanf(optarg,"%f",&args->max_af)!=1 )
                    error("Error: Could not parse --min_af %s\n", optarg);
                set_allele_type(&args->max_af_type, allele_type);
                args->calc_ac = 1;

            case 'x': args->private_vars |= FLT_INCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'X': args->private_vars |= FLT_EXCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'u': args->uncalled |= FLT_INCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'U': args->uncalled |= FLT_EXCLUDE; args->calc_ac = 1; break;
            case 'p': args->phased |= FLT_INCLUDE; break; // phased
            case 'P': args->phased |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break; // exclude-phased
            case 'g':
                if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"hom") ) args->gt_type = GT_NEED_HOM;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"het") ) args->gt_type = GT_NEED_HET;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"miss") ) args->gt_type = GT_NEED_MISSING;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"^hom") ) args->gt_type = GT_NO_HOM;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"^het") ) args->gt_type = GT_NO_HET;
                else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"^miss") ) args->gt_type = GT_NO_MISSING;
                else error("The argument to -g not recognised. Expected one of hom/het/miss/^hom/^het/^miss, got \"%s\".\n", optarg);
            case '?': usage(args);
            default: error("Unknown argument: %s\n", optarg);

    if ( args->filter_logic == (FLT_EXCLUDE|FLT_INCLUDE) ) error("Only one of -i or -e can be given.\n");
    if ( args->private_vars > FLT_EXCLUDE ) error("Only one of -x or -X can be given.\n");
    if ( args->uncalled > FLT_EXCLUDE ) error("Only one of -u or -U can be given.\n");
    if ( args->phased > FLT_EXCLUDE ) error("Only one of -p or -P can be given.\n");

    if ( args->sample_names && args->update_info) args->calc_ac = 1;

    char *fname = NULL;
    if ( optind>=argc )
        if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
        else usage(args);
    else fname = argv[optind];

    // read in the regions from the command line
    if ( args->regions_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, args->regions_list, regions_is_file)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", args->regions_list);
    else if ( optind+1 < argc )
        int i;
        kstring_t tmp = {0,0,0};
        for (i=optind+2; i<argc; i++) { kputc(',',&tmp); kputs(argv[i],&tmp); }
        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->files, tmp.s, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n", tmp.s);
    if ( args->targets_list )
        if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->files, args->targets_list, targets_is_file, 0)<0 )
            error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n", args->targets_list);

    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files, fname) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", fname,bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));

    bcf_hdr_t *out_hdr = args->hnull ? args->hnull : (args->hsub ? args->hsub : args->hdr);
    if (args->print_header)
        bcf_hdr_write(args->out, out_hdr);
    else if ( args->output_type & FT_BCF )
        error("BCF output requires header, cannot proceed with -H\n");
    if (!args->header_only)
        while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
            bcf1_t *line = args->files->readers[0].buffer[0];
            if ( line->errcode && out_hdr!=args->hdr ) error("Undefined tags in the header, cannot proceed in the sample subset mode.\n");
            if ( subset_vcf(args, line) )
                bcf_write1(args->out, out_hdr, line);
    return 0;