void gui_playlist_update(void) { int x; char guitemp[1024]; if(damp_using_gui) { gui_list_clear(damp_gui_win_playlist, damp_gui_list_playlist); for(x=0;x<damp_playlist_size;x++) { if(damp_playlist_random) sprintf(guitemp,get_filename(damp_playlist[damp_playlist_order[x]].filename)); else sprintf(guitemp,get_filename(damp_playlist[x].filename)); if(damp_beautify_filenames) { beautify(guitemp); gui_list_additem(damp_gui_win_playlist, damp_gui_list_playlist, guitemp); } else gui_list_additem(damp_gui_win_playlist, damp_gui_list_playlist, guitemp); } gui_window[damp_gui_win_playlist].content_changed = TRUE; } }
CodeEditor::CodeEditor(QWidget *parent) : QPlainTextEdit(parent){ lineNumberArea = new LineNumberArea(this); findDialog_ = new FindDialog(this); findDialog_->setModal(false); findDialog_->setTextEdit(this); findReplaceDialog_ = new FindReplaceDialog(this); findReplaceDialog_->setModal(false); findReplaceDialog_->setTextEdit(this); qtScriptReservedWords_<<"break"<<"case"<<"catch"<<"continue"<<"debugger"<<"default"<<"delete"<<"do"<<"else"<<"finally"<<\ "for"<<"function"<<"if"<<"in"<<"instanceof"<<"new"<<"return"<<"switch"<<"this"<<"throw"<<"try"<<\ "typeof"<<"var"<<"void"<<"while"<<"with"; syntaxHighlighter_ = new ScriptSyntaxHighlighter(this->document()); s = Global::guiSettings(this); s->beginGroup("CodeEditor"); QFont font = s->value("font",this->font()).value<QFont>(); this->setFont(font); s->endGroup(); findAction = new QAction("Find...",this); connect(findAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(findDialog())); findAction->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+F")); addAction(findAction); findReplaceAction = new QAction("Replace...",this); connect(findReplaceAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(findReplaceDialog())); findReplaceAction->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+R")); addAction(findReplaceAction); beautifyAction = new QAction("Beautify javascript code",this); connect(beautifyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(beautify())); beautifyAction->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+B")); addAction(beautifyAction); connect(this, SIGNAL(blockCountChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateLineNumberAreaWidth(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(updateRequest(QRect,int)), this, SLOT(updateLineNumberArea(QRect,int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(highlightCurrentLine())); updateLineNumberAreaWidth(0); highlightCurrentLine(); completer_ = new QCompleter(this); completer_->setModel(modelFromStringList(qtScriptReservedWords_)); completer_->setModelSorting(QCompleter::CaseInsensitivelySortedModel); completer_->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); completer_->setWrapAround(false); this->setCompleter(completer_); }
void closeCFile(fileinfo* fi, bool beautifyIt) { fclose(fi->fptr); // // We should beautify if (1) we were asked to and (2) either (a) we // were asked to save the C code or (b) we were asked to codegen cpp // #line information (note that this can affect the output in the // event of a failed C compilation whether or not the --savec option // is used because a C codegen error will report the Chapel line #, // which can be helpful. // // TODO: With some refactoring, we could simply do the #line part of // beautify without also improving indentation and such which could // save some time. // if (beautifyIt && (saveCDir[0] || printCppLineno)) beautify(fi); }
void print_ptr_rec(ptr x) { /*printf("%u\n", x);*/ if (is_fixnum(x)) { printf("%d", to_fixnum(x)); } else if (x == bool_f) { printf("#f"); } else if (x == bool_t) { printf("#t"); } else if (is_null(x)) { print_null(); } else if (is_char(x)) { printf("%s", beautify(to_char(x))); } else if (is_pair(x)) { printf("("); print_pair(x); printf(")"); } else { printf("#<unknown 0x%08x>", x); } }
void QmlAnchors::setAnchor(AnchorLine::Type sourceAnchorLine, const QmlItemNode &targetQmlItemNode, AnchorLine::Type targetAnchorLine) { RewriterTransaction transaction = qmlItemNode().qmlModelView()->beginRewriterTransaction(); if (qmlItemNode().isInBaseState()) { if ((qmlItemNode().nodeInstance().hasAnchor("anchors.fill") && (sourceAnchorLine & AnchorLine::Fill)) || ((qmlItemNode().nodeInstance().hasAnchor("anchors.centerIn") && (sourceAnchorLine & AnchorLine::Center)))) { removeAnchor(sourceAnchorLine); } const QString propertyName = anchorPropertyName(sourceAnchorLine); QString targetExpression = targetQmlItemNode.modelNode().validId(); if (targetQmlItemNode.modelNode() == qmlItemNode().modelNode().parentProperty().parentModelNode()) targetExpression = "parent"; if (sourceAnchorLine != AnchorLine::Center && sourceAnchorLine != AnchorLine::Fill) targetExpression = targetExpression + QLatin1Char('.') + lineTypeToString(targetAnchorLine); qmlItemNode().modelNode().bindingProperty(propertyName).setExpression(targetExpression); } beautify(); }
LoginDialog::LoginDialog(QDialog *parent) : QDialog(parent) { logoLabel = new QLabel(this); photoLabel = new QLabel(this); autologCheck = new QCheckBox(this); rememberCheck = new QCheckBox(this); userCombo = new QComboBox(this); keyEdit = new QLineEdit(this); loginButton = new QPushButton(this); exitButton = new QPushButton(this); minButton = new QPushButton(this); connect(loginButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &LoginDialog::on_loginButton_clicked); connect(exitButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &LoginDialog::close); connect(minButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &LoginDialog::showMinimized); this->setMouseTracking(true); logoLabel->setMouseTracking(true); exitButton->setMouseTracking(true); beautify(); //判断数据库是否存在 QDir *temp = new QDir; bool exist = temp->exists("history.db"); if(exist) qDebug() << "exist"; else newHistroy(); //初始化输入框内容 init_userCombo(); init_keyEdit(); //建立TCPSocket对象 log = new QTcpSocket(this); con(); ismousepressed = false; }
void prettyPrint(const QueryData& q, const std::vector<std::string>& order) { std::cout << beautify(q, order); }
static void showpartner() { register int i, k; register char *p, *p1; auto int firsttime[2][2]; memset(firsttime, 0, sizeof(firsttime)); for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if (((k == 0) && showincoming) || ((k == 1) && showoutgoing)) { for (i = 0; i < knowns; i++) if (partner[k][i].ncalls) { if (k) { if (!firsttime[k][0]) { printf("\nAngerufene (dialout) calls Charge Duration Computed\n"); strich('-', 71); firsttime[k][0] = 1; } /* if */ printf("%-25s %5d %12s %s %12s\n", clip(onlynumbers ? partner[k][i].num : known[i]->who, 25), partner[k][i].ncalls, printRate(partner[k][i].pay), timestr(partner[k][i].duration), printRate(partner[k][i].compute)); } else { if (!firsttime[k][0]) { printf("\nAnrufer (dialin) calls Duration\n"); strich('-', 41); firsttime[k][0] = 1; } /* if */ printf("%-25s %5d %s\n", clip(onlynumbers ? partner[k][i].num : known[i]->who, 25), partner[k][i].ncalls, timestr(partner[k][i].duration)); } /* else */ } /* if */ printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < nunknown[k]; i++) if (unknown[k][i].ncalls) { p = beautify(unknown[k][i].num); if (k) { if (!firsttime[k][1]) { printf("\nunbekannte Angerufene (dialout) von calls Charge Duration Computed\n"); strich('-', 95); firsttime[k][1] = 1; } /* if */ p1 = msnsum[SUBTOTAL][unknown[k][i].si1][unknown[k][i].ihome].alias; printf("%-16s <- %-12s %5d %12s %s %12s\n", p, clip(p1 ? p1 : "", 16), unknown[k][i].ncalls, printRate(unknown[k][i].pay), timestr(unknown[k][i].duration), printRate(unknown[k][i].compute)); } else { if (!firsttime[k][1]) { printf("\nunbekannte Anrufer (dialin) an Rufnummer calls Duration\n"); strich('-', 64); firsttime[k][1] = 1; } /* if */ printf("%-16s -> %-12s %5d %s\n", p, msnsum[SUBTOTAL][unknown[k][i].si1][unknown[k][i].ihome].alias, unknown[k][i].ncalls, timestr(unknown[k][i].duration)); } /* else */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* for */ } /* showpartner */
void closeCFile(fileinfo* fi, bool beautifyIt) { fclose(fi->fptr); if (beautifyIt && saveCDir[0]) beautify(fi); }