コード例 #1
ファイル: oun_proc.cpp プロジェクト: 112212/7k2
//--------- Begin of function Unit::think_betray ---------//
int Unit::think_betray()
	int unitRecno = sprite_recno;

	err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

	if( !race_id )
		return 0;

		return 0;

	if( spy_recno )			// spies do not betray here, spy has its own functions for betrayal
		return 0;

	//----- if the unit is in training or is constructing a building, do not rebel -------//

	if( !is_visible() && unit_mode != UNIT_MODE_OVERSEE )
		return 0;

	if( loyalty >= UNIT_BETRAY_LOYALTY )      // you when unit is
		return 0;

	if( !unit_res[unit_id]->race_id || !nation_recno ||
		 rank_id==RANK_KING || spy_recno )
		return 0;

	err_when(unit_res[unit_id]->unit_class == UNIT_CLASS_GOD);

	//------ turn towards other nation --------//

	int    i, bestNationRecno=0, nationScore, bestScore=loyalty;      // the score must be larger than the current loyalty
	Nation *curNation, *nationPtr;
	int	 unitRegionId = region_id();

	if( loyalty==0 )        // if the loyalty is 0, it will definitely betray
		bestScore = -100;

	curNation = nation_array[nation_recno];

	for( i=nation_array.size() ; i>0 ; i-- )
		if( nation_array.is_deleted(i) )

		if( !curNation->get_relation(i)->has_contact || i==nation_recno )

		nationPtr = nation_array[i];

		if( nationPtr->is_human() != is_human() )

		//--- only if the nation has a base town in the region where the unit stands ---//

		if( !region_array.nation_has_base_town(unitRegionId, i) )


		nationScore = (int) nationPtr->reputation
						  + (nationPtr->overall_rating - curNation->overall_rating);

		if( race_res.is_same_race(nationPtr->race_id, race_id) )
			nationScore += 30;

		if( nationScore > bestScore )
			bestScore       = nationScore;
			bestNationRecno = i;

	err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

	if( bestNationRecno )
		return betray(bestNationRecno);
	else if( loyalty==0 )
		// If there is no good nation to turn towards to and
		// the loyalty has dropped to 0, resign itself and
		// leave the nation.
		// However, if the unit is spy, it will stay with the
		// nation as it has never been really loyal to the nation.

		if( rank_id != RANK_KING && is_visible() &&
			 !spy_recno )
			return 1;

	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: oun_ind.cpp プロジェクト: mecirt/7k2
//--------- Begin of function Unit::think_independent_hero --------//
void Unit::think_independent_hero()
	//------ think about go to serve a kingdom -------//

	int bestNationRecno=0, curRating;

	int bestRating = (skill_level() + combat_level()/2) / 3;

	if( item.id )
		bestRating += (item_res.rareness(item.id)+1) * 10;


	int i;
	for( i=nation_array.size() ; i>0 ; i-- )
		if( nation_array.is_deleted(i) )

		Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[i];

		curRating = (int) nationPtr->reputation + nationPtr->overall_rating;

		if( sprite_recno%2==0 )			// some heroes look at kill_monster_score, but some don't
			curRating += (int) nationPtr->kill_monster_score/10;

		if( race_id == nationPtr->race_id )
			curRating += 10;

		if( curRating > bestRating )
			bestRating = curRating;
			bestNationRecno = i;

	if( bestNationRecno )
		//------ change nation now --------//

		if( !betray(bestNationRecno) )

		//---- the unit moves close to the newly joined nation ----//


	//---- randomly locate a destination to walk to ----//

	int xLoc, yLoc, regionId = region_id();

	for( i=100 ; i>0 ; i-- )
		xLoc = m.random(MAX_WORLD_X_LOC);
		yLoc = m.random(MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC);

		Location* locPtr = world.get_loc(xLoc, yLoc);

		if( locPtr->walkable() && locPtr->region_id == regionId )

	if( i==0 )

	move(xLoc, yLoc);
コード例 #3
ファイル: oun_proc.cpp プロジェクト: 112212/7k2
//--------- Begin of function Unit::spy_change_nation ---------//
// Change the deceiving nation recno of a spy unit which you control.
// <int>  newNationRecno - the new nation the spy changes its cloack to 
// <char> remoteAction   - remote action type 
void Unit::spy_change_nation(int newNationRecno, char remoteAction)
	if( newNationRecno == nation_recno )

	if( newNationRecno && nation_array.is_deleted(newNationRecno) )      // this can happen in a multiplayer message

	//------- if this is a remote action -------//

	if( !remoteAction && remote.is_enable() )
		// packet structure <unit recno> <new nation Recno>
		short *shortPtr = (short *)remote.new_send_queue_msg(MSG_UNIT_SPY_NATION, 2*sizeof(short) );
		*shortPtr = sprite_recno;
		shortPtr[1] = newNationRecno;

	//----- update the var in Spy ------//

	Spy* spyPtr = spy_array[spy_recno];

	//--- when a spy change cloak to another nation, he can't cloak as a general, he must become a soldier first ---//

	if( is_visible() &&					// if the spy is a commander in a camp, don't set its rank to soldier
		 rank_id == RANK_GENERAL &&
		 newNationRecno != spyPtr->true_nation_recno )

	// If this spy unit is a general or an overseer of the
	// cloaked nation, when he changes nation, that will
	// inevitably be noticed by the cloaked nation.

	if( spyPtr->true_nation_recno != nation_array.player_recno )	// only send news message if he is not the player's own spy
		if( rank_id == RANK_GENERAL || unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_OVERSEE ||
			 spyPtr->notify_cloaked_nation_flag )
			//-- if this spy's cloaked nation is the player's nation, the player will be notified --//

			if( nation_recno == nation_array.player_recno )
				news_array.unit_betray(sprite_recno, newNationRecno);

		//---- send news to the cloaked nation if notify flag is on ---//

		if( spyPtr->notify_cloaked_nation_flag )
			if( newNationRecno == nation_array.player_recno )    			// cloaked as the player's nation
				news_array.unit_betray(sprite_recno, newNationRecno);

	//--------- change nation recno now --------//

	spyPtr->cloaked_nation_recno = newNationRecno;

	betray(newNationRecno);		// call the betray function to change natino. There is no difference between a spy changing nation and a unit truly betrays