コード例 #1
ファイル: vcfconcat.c プロジェクト: Bratdaking/pysam
static void naive_concat(args_t *args)
    // only compressed BCF atm
    BGZF *bgzf_out = bgzf_open(args->output_fname,"w");;

    const size_t page_size = 32768;
    char *buf = (char*) malloc(page_size);
    kstring_t tmp = {0,0,0};
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<args->nfnames; i++)
        htsFile *hts_fp = hts_open(args->fnames[i],"r");
        if ( !hts_fp ) error("Failed to open: %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
        htsFormat type = *hts_get_format(hts_fp);

        if ( type.format==vcf ) error("The --naive option currently works only for compressed BCFs, sorry :-/\n");
        if ( type.compression!=bgzf ) error("The --naive option currently works only for compressed BCFs, sorry :-/\n");

        BGZF *fp = hts_get_bgzfp(hts_fp);
        if ( !fp || bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length )
            error("Failed to read %s: %s\n", args->fnames[i], strerror(errno));

        uint8_t magic[5];
        if ( bgzf_read(fp, magic, 5) != 5 ) error("Failed to read the BCF header in %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
        if (strncmp((char*)magic, "BCF\2\2", 5) != 0) error("Invalid BCF magic string in %s\n", args->fnames[i]);

        if ( bgzf_read(fp, &tmp.l, 4) != 4 ) error("Failed to read the BCF header in %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
        if ( bgzf_read(fp, tmp.s, tmp.l) != tmp.l ) error("Failed to read the BCF header in %s\n", args->fnames[i]);

        // write only the first header
        if ( i==0 )
            if ( bgzf_write(bgzf_out, "BCF\2\2", 5) !=5 ) error("Failed to write %d bytes to %s\n", 5,args->output_fname);
            if ( bgzf_write(bgzf_out, &tmp.l, 4) !=4 ) error("Failed to write %d bytes to %s\n", 4,args->output_fname);
            if ( bgzf_write(bgzf_out, tmp.s, tmp.l) != tmp.l) error("Failed to write %d bytes to %s\n", tmp.l,args->output_fname);

        // Output all non-header data that were read together with the header block
        int nskip = fp->block_offset;
        if ( fp->block_length - nskip > 0 )
            if ( bgzf_write(bgzf_out, fp->uncompressed_block+nskip, fp->block_length-nskip)<0 ) error("Error: %d\n",fp->errcode);
        if ( bgzf_flush(bgzf_out)<0 ) error("Error: %d\n",bgzf_out->errcode);

        // Stream the rest of the file as it is, without recompressing, but remove BGZF EOF blocks
        ssize_t nread, ncached = 0, nwr;
        const int neof = 28;
        char cached[neof];
        while (1)
            nread = bgzf_raw_read(fp, buf, page_size);

            // page_size boundary may occur in the middle of the EOF block, so we need to cache the blocks' ends
            if ( nread<=0 ) break;
            if ( nread<=neof )      // last block
                if ( ncached )
                    // flush the part of the cache that won't be needed
                    nwr = bgzf_raw_write(bgzf_out, cached, nread);
                    if (nwr != nread) error("Write failed, wrote %d instead of %d bytes.\n", nwr,(int)nread);

                    // make space in the cache so that we can append to the end
                    if ( nread!=neof ) memmove(cached,cached+nread,neof-nread);

                // fill the cache and check for eof outside this loop

            // not the last block, flush the cache if full
            if ( ncached )
                nwr = bgzf_raw_write(bgzf_out, cached, ncached);
                if (nwr != ncached) error("Write failed, wrote %d instead of %d bytes.\n", nwr,(int)ncached);
                ncached = 0;

            // fill the cache
            nread -= neof;
            ncached = neof;

            nwr = bgzf_raw_write(bgzf_out, buf, nread);
            if (nwr != nread) error("Write failed, wrote %d instead of %d bytes.\n", nwr,(int)nread);
        if ( ncached && memcmp(cached,"\037\213\010\4\0\0\0\0\0\377\6\0\102\103\2\0\033\0\3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0",neof) )
            nwr = bgzf_raw_write(bgzf_out, cached, neof);
            if (nwr != neof) error("Write failed, wrote %d instead of %d bytes.\n", nwr,(int)neof);
        if (hts_close(hts_fp)) error("Close failed: %s\n",args->fnames[i]);
    if (bgzf_close(bgzf_out) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",bgzf_out->errcode);
コード例 #2
ファイル: tabix.c プロジェクト: Illumina/akt
int reheader_file(const char *fname, const char *header, int ftype, tbx_conf_t *conf)
    if ( ftype & IS_TXT || !ftype )
        BGZF *fp = bgzf_open(fname,"r");
        if ( !fp || bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length ) return -1;

        char *buffer = fp->uncompressed_block;
        int skip_until = 0;

        // Skip the header: find out the position of the data block
        if ( buffer[0]==conf->meta_char )
            skip_until = 1;
            while (1)
                if ( buffer[skip_until]=='\n' )
                    if ( skip_until>=fp->block_length )
                        if ( bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length ) error("FIXME: No body in the file: %s\n", fname);
                        skip_until = 0;
                    // The header has finished
                    if ( buffer[skip_until]!=conf->meta_char ) break;
                if ( skip_until>=fp->block_length )
                    if (bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length) error("FIXME: No body in the file: %s\n", fname);
                    skip_until = 0;

        // Output the new header
        FILE *hdr  = fopen(header,"r");
        if ( !hdr ) error("%s: %s", header,strerror(errno));
        const size_t page_size = 32768;
        char *buf = malloc(page_size);
        BGZF *bgzf_out = bgzf_open("-", "w");
        ssize_t nread;
        while ( (nread=fread(buf,1,page_size-1,hdr))>0 )
            if ( nread<page_size-1 && buf[nread-1]!='\n' ) buf[nread++] = '\n';
            if (bgzf_write(bgzf_out, buf, nread) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",bgzf_out->errcode);
        if ( fclose(hdr) ) error("close failed: %s\n", header);

        // Output all remainig data read with the header block
        if ( fp->block_length - skip_until > 0 )
            if (bgzf_write(bgzf_out, buffer+skip_until, fp->block_length-skip_until) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",fp->errcode);
        if (bgzf_flush(bgzf_out) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",bgzf_out->errcode);

        while (1)
            nread = bgzf_raw_read(fp, buf, page_size);
            if ( nread<=0 ) break;

            int count = bgzf_raw_write(bgzf_out, buf, nread);
            if (count != nread) error("Write failed, wrote %d instead of %d bytes.\n", count,(int)nread);
        if (bgzf_close(bgzf_out) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",bgzf_out->errcode);
        if (bgzf_close(fp) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",fp->errcode);
        error("todo: reheader BCF, BAM\n");  // BCF is difficult, records contain pointers to the header.
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Brainiarc7/TS
int reheader_file(const char *header, const char *file, int meta)
    BGZF *fp = bgzf_open(file,"r");
    if (bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length)
        return -1;
    char *buffer = fp->uncompressed_block;
    int skip_until = 0;

    if ( buffer[0]==meta )
        skip_until = 1;

        // Skip the header
        while (1)
            if ( buffer[skip_until]=='\n' )
                if ( skip_until>=fp->block_length )
                    if (bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length)
                        error("no body?\n");
                    skip_until = 0;
                // The header has finished
                if ( buffer[skip_until]!=meta ) break;
            if ( skip_until>=fp->block_length )
                if (bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length)
                    error("no body?\n");
                skip_until = 0;

    FILE *fh = fopen(header,"r");
    if ( !fh )
        error("%s: %s", header,strerror(errno));
    int page_size = getpagesize();
    char *buf = valloc(page_size);
    BGZF *bgzf_out = bgzf_fdopen(fileno(stdout), "w");
    ssize_t nread;
    while ( (nread=fread(buf,1,page_size-1,fh))>0 )
        if ( nread<page_size-1 && buf[nread-1]!='\n' )
            buf[nread++] = '\n';
        if (bgzf_write(bgzf_out, buf, nread) < 0) error("Error: %s\n",bgzf_out->error);

    if ( fp->block_length - skip_until > 0 )
        if (bgzf_write(bgzf_out, buffer+skip_until, fp->block_length-skip_until) < 0) 
            error("Error: %s\n",fp->error);
    if (bgzf_flush(bgzf_out) < 0) 
        error("Error: %s\n",bgzf_out->error);

    while (1)
        nread = knet_read(fp->x.fpr, buf, page_size);
        nread = fread(buf, 1, page_size, fp->file);
        if ( nread<=0 ) 

        int count = fwrite(buf, 1, nread, bgzf_out->x.fpw);
        int count = fwrite(buf, 1, nread, bgzf_out->file);
        if (count != nread)
            error("Write failed, wrote %d instead of %d bytes.\n", count,(int)nread);

    if (bgzf_close(bgzf_out) < 0) 
        error("Error: %s\n",bgzf_out->error);
    return 0;
コード例 #4
static void reheader_vcf_gz(args_t *args)
    BGZF *fp = bgzf_open(args->fname,"r");
    if ( !fp || bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length )
        error("Failed to read %s: %s\n", args->fname, strerror(errno));

    kstring_t hdr = {0,0,0};
    char *buffer = (char*) fp->uncompressed_block;

    // Read the header and find the position of the data block
    if ( buffer[0]!='#' ) error("Could not parse the header, expected '#', found '%c'\n", buffer[0]);

    int skip_until = 1;     // end of the header in the current uncompressed block
    while (1)
        if ( buffer[skip_until]=='\n' )
            if ( skip_until>=fp->block_length )
                if ( bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length ) error("FIXME: No body in the file: %s\n", args->fname);
                skip_until = 0;
            // The header has finished
            if ( buffer[skip_until]!='#' )
        if ( skip_until>=fp->block_length )
            if (bgzf_read_block(fp) != 0 || !fp->block_length) error("FIXME: No body in the file: %s\n", args->fname);
            skip_until = 0;

    int nsamples = 0;
    char **samples = NULL;
    if ( args->samples_fname )
        samples = hts_readlines(args->samples_fname, &nsamples);
    if ( args->header_fname )
        free(hdr.s); hdr.s = NULL; hdr.l = hdr.m = 0;
        read_header_file(args->header_fname, &hdr);
    if ( samples )
        set_samples(samples, nsamples, &hdr);
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<nsamples; i++) free(samples[i]);

    // Output the modified header
    BGZF *bgzf_out = bgzf_dopen(fileno(stdout), "w");
    bgzf_write(bgzf_out, hdr.s, hdr.l);

    // Output all remainig data read with the header block
    if ( fp->block_length - skip_until > 0 )
        if ( bgzf_write(bgzf_out, buffer+skip_until, fp->block_length-skip_until)<0 ) error("Error: %d\n",fp->errcode);
    if ( bgzf_flush(bgzf_out)<0 ) error("Error: %d\n",bgzf_out->errcode);

    // Stream the rest of the file without as it is, without decompressing
    ssize_t nread;
    int page_size = getpagesize();
    char *buf = (char*) valloc(page_size);
    while (1)
        nread = bgzf_raw_read(fp, buf, page_size);
        if ( nread<=0 ) break;

        int count = bgzf_raw_write(bgzf_out, buf, nread);
        if (count != nread) error("Write failed, wrote %d instead of %d bytes.\n", count,(int)nread);
    if (bgzf_close(bgzf_out) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",bgzf_out->errcode);
    if (bgzf_close(fp) < 0) error("Error: %d\n",fp->errcode);