コード例 #1
void C1_MacroAssembler::null_check(Register r, Label* Lnull) {
  if (TrapBasedNullChecks) { // SIGTRAP based
  } else { // explicit
    //const address exception_entry = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::throw_null_pointer_exception_id);
    assert(Lnull != NULL, "must have Label for explicit check");
    cmpdi(CCR0, r, 0);
    bc_far_optimized(Assembler::bcondCRbiIs1, bi0(CCR0, Assembler::equal), *Lnull);
コード例 #2
inline void MacroAssembler::bns_far(ConditionRegister crx, Label& L, int optimize) { MacroAssembler::bc_far(bcondCRbiIs0, bi0(crx, summary_overflow), L, optimize); }
コード例 #3
inline void MacroAssembler::bne_far(ConditionRegister crx, Label& L, int optimize) { MacroAssembler::bc_far(bcondCRbiIs0, bi0(crx, equal), L, optimize); }
コード例 #4
inline void MacroAssembler::bgt_far(ConditionRegister crx, Label& L, int optimize) { MacroAssembler::bc_far(bcondCRbiIs1, bi0(crx, greater), L, optimize); }
コード例 #5
void C1_MacroAssembler::allocate_array(
  Register obj,                        // result: pointer to array after successful allocation
  Register len,                        // array length
  Register t1,                         // temp register
  Register t2,                         // temp register
  Register t3,                         // temp register
  int      hdr_size,                   // object header size in words
  int      elt_size,                   // element size in bytes
  Register klass,                      // object klass
  Label&   slow_case                   // continuation point if fast allocation fails
) {
  assert_different_registers(obj, len, t1, t2, t3, klass);

  // Determine alignment mask.
  assert(!(BytesPerWord & 1), "must be a multiple of 2 for masking code to work");
  int log2_elt_size = exact_log2(elt_size);

  // Check for negative or excessive length.
  size_t max_length = max_array_allocation_length >> log2_elt_size;
  if (UseTLAB) {
    size_t max_tlab = align_size_up(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::max_size() >> log2_elt_size, 64*K);
    if (max_tlab < max_length) { max_length = max_tlab; }
  load_const_optimized(t1, max_length);
  cmpld(CCR0, len, t1);
  bc_far_optimized(Assembler::bcondCRbiIs1, bi0(CCR0, Assembler::greater), slow_case);

  // compute array size
  // note: If 0 <= len <= max_length, len*elt_size + header + alignment is
  //       smaller or equal to the largest integer; also, since top is always
  //       aligned, we can do the alignment here instead of at the end address
  //       computation.
  const Register arr_size = t1;
  Register arr_len_in_bytes = len;
  if (elt_size != 1) {
    sldi(t1, len, log2_elt_size);
    arr_len_in_bytes = t1;
  addi(arr_size, arr_len_in_bytes, hdr_size * wordSize + MinObjAlignmentInBytesMask); // Add space for header & alignment.
  clrrdi(arr_size, arr_size, LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes);                              // Align array size.

  // Allocate space & initialize header.
  if (UseTLAB) {
    tlab_allocate(obj, arr_size, 0, t2, slow_case);
  } else {
    eden_allocate(obj, arr_size, 0, t2, t3, slow_case);
  initialize_header(obj, klass, len, t2, t3);

  // Initialize body.
  const Register base  = t2;
  const Register index = t3;
  addi(base, obj, hdr_size * wordSize);               // compute address of first element
  addi(index, arr_size, -(hdr_size * wordSize));      // compute index = number of bytes to clear
  initialize_body(base, index);

  if (CURRENT_ENV->dtrace_alloc_probes()) {
    //assert(obj == O0, "must be");
    //call(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::dtrace_object_alloc_id)),
    //     relocInfo::runtime_call_type);
