コード例 #1
ファイル: myModule.cpp プロジェクト: xufango/contrib_bk
void MyThread::run(){

    * do some work ....
    * for example, convert the input image to a binary image using the threshold provided 
   unsigned char value;

   while (isStopping() != true) { // the thread continues to run until isStopping() returns true
      cout << "myThread: threshold value is " << *thresholdValue << endl;
      do {
         image = imagePortIn->read(true);
      } while ((image == NULL) && (isStopping() != true));  // exit loop if shutting down;
      if (isStopping()) break; // abort this loop to avoid make sure we don't continue and possibly use NULL images 

      ImageOf<PixelRgb> &binary_image = imagePortOut->prepare();

      for (x=0; x<image->width(); x++) {
         for (y=0; y<image->height(); y++) {

             rgbPixel = image->safePixel(x,y);

             if (((rgbPixel.r + rgbPixel.g + rgbPixel.b)/3) > *thresholdValue) {
                value = (unsigned char) 255;
             else {
                value = (unsigned char) 0;

             rgbPixel.r = value;
             rgbPixel.g = value;
             rgbPixel.b = value;

             binary_image(x,y) = rgbPixel;

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: shikumidesign/perc_sample
int main() {

	std::cout << "Wave Effect Sample" << std::endl;

	//Initialize PerC Device
	PXCSmartPtr<PXCSession> session;
	pxcStatus sts = PXCSession_Create(&session);
	if(sts < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
		std::cout << "Failed to PXCSession_Create: " << sts << std::endl;
		return 1;
	UtilCapture capture(session);

	PXCCapture::VideoStream::DataDesc req;
	memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
	req.streams[0].format = PXCImage::COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24;
	req.streams[1].format = PXCImage::COLOR_FORMAT_DEPTH;

	sts = capture.LocateStreams(&req);
	if(sts < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
		std::cout << "Failed to LocateStreams: " << sts << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Make sure the device is connected." << std::endl;
		return 2;

	PXCCapture::VideoStream::ProfileInfo camera_info, depth_info;
	const cv::Size camera_size(camera_info.imageInfo.width, camera_info.imageInfo.height);
	const cv::Size depth_size(depth_info.imageInfo.width, depth_info.imageInfo.height);

	std::cout << "Camera info: " << camera_info.imageInfo.width << "x" << camera_info.imageInfo.height
		<< " (" << camera_info.frameRateMin.numerator / camera_info.frameRateMin.denominator << ")" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Depth info: " << depth_info.imageInfo.width << "x" << depth_info.imageInfo.height
		<< " (" << depth_info.frameRateMin.numerator / depth_info.frameRateMin.denominator << ")" << std::endl;

	cv::Mat3b camera_image(camera_size);
	cv::Mat1b binary_image(depth_size);
	cv::Mat1b binary_show_image;
	cv::Mat1b resized_binary_image;
	cv::Mat1b dilated_binary_image;
	cv::Mat1f wave_image;
	cv::Mat1f wave_show_image;
	cv::Mat3b refract_image;

	Wave wave_object(depth_size);
	Refract refract_object;

	int distance_threshold_10cm = 5;
	int dilate_interation = 5;

	cv::createTrackbar("distance", "binary", &distance_threshold_10cm, 10);
	cv::createTrackbar("dilate", "binary", &dilate_interation, 10);
	cv::createTrackbar("C/100", "wave", NULL, 70, OnWaveCChanged, &wave_object);
	cv::setTrackbarPos("C/100", "wave", (int)(wave_object.get_c() * 100));
	cv::createTrackbar("D/100", "wave", NULL, 100, OnWaveDChanged, &wave_object);
	cv::setTrackbarPos("D/100", "wave", (int)(wave_object.get_D() * 100));
	cv::createTrackbar("K/100", "wave", NULL, 100, OnWaveKChanged, &wave_object);
	cv::setTrackbarPos("K/100", "wave", (int)(wave_object.get_K() * 100));
	cv::createTrackbar("iteration", "wave", NULL, 10, OnWaveIteratorChanged, &wave_object);
	cv::setTrackbarPos("iteration", "wave", wave_object.get_num_iteration());
	cv::createTrackbar("fixed", "wave", NULL, 1, OnWaveFixedBoundaryChanged, &wave_object);
	cv::setTrackbarPos("fixed", "wave", wave_object.get_fixed_boundary());
	cv::createTrackbar("alpha", "refract", NULL, 100, OnRefractAlphaChanged, &refract_object);
	cv::setTrackbarPos("alpha", "refract", (int)refract_object.get_alpha());

	std::cout << "Press ESC key to exit." << std::endl;

	while(true) {

		PXCSmartArray<PXCImage> images;
		PXCSmartSP sp;
		sts = capture.ReadStreamAsync(images, &sp);
		if(sts < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
			std::cout << "Failed to ReadStreamAsync: " << sts << std::endl;
		sts = sp->Synchronize();
		if(sts < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
			std::cout << "Failed to Synchronize: " << sts << std::endl;

		//Get camera image
		PXCImage::ImageData camera_data;
		sts = images[0]->AcquireAccess(PXCImage::ACCESS_READ, PXCImage::COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24, &camera_data);
		if(sts == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
			const cv::Mat wrap_camera(camera_size, CV_8UC3, camera_data.planes[0], camera_data.pitches[0]);
			cv::flip(wrap_camera, camera_image, 1);//Flip around y-axis
		} else {
			std::cout << "Failed to AcquireAccess to camera: " << sts << std::endl;

		//Get depth image
		PXCImage::ImageData depth_data;
		sts = images[1]->AcquireAccess(PXCImage::ACCESS_READ, PXCImage::COLOR_FORMAT_DEPTH, &depth_data);
		if(sts == PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
			const cv::Mat wrap_depth(depth_size, CV_16SC1, depth_data.planes[0], depth_data.pitches[0]);
			const cv::Mat wrap_uv(depth_size, CV_32FC2, depth_data.planes[2], depth_data.pitches[2]);

			Binalize(wrap_depth, wrap_uv, binary_image, distance_threshold_10cm * 100);
			cv::flip(binary_image, binary_image, 1);//Flip around y-axis

		} else {
			std::cout << "Failed to AcquireAccess to depth: " << sts << std::endl;

		cv::dilate(binary_image, dilated_binary_image, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1, -1), dilate_interation, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE);
		//Resize to display
		cv::resize(dilated_binary_image, binary_show_image, cv::Size(400, 300));

		//Apply wave propagation
		wave_object(dilated_binary_image, wave_image);
		//Convert to display
		cv::resize(wave_image, wave_show_image, cv::Size(400, 300));
		wave_show_image.convertTo(wave_show_image, wave_show_image.type(), 0.5, 0.5);

		//Apply refraction
		refract_object(camera_image, wave_image, refract_image);

		//Blend screen
		cv::resize(dilated_binary_image, resized_binary_image, camera_size);
		BlendScreen(refract_image, resized_binary_image, cv::Vec3b(40, 30, 0));

		//Display binary image
		cv::imshow("binary", binary_show_image);
		cv::imshow("wave", wave_show_image);
		cv::imshow("refract", refract_image);

		//Exit if ESC key is pressed
		if(cv::waitKey(1) == 0x1b) {


	return 0;