コード例 #1
ファイル: yuy2_shader.cpp プロジェクト: EduardMe/gpu_img_proc
bool Yuy2_shader::init()
    return init_shaders(true, common_src_vs, true, yuy2_fs);
コード例 #2
ファイル: zh.c プロジェクト: lucasgautheron/Atlas
void zh()
  double expected_mass = 91.2;
   //TFile* f = TFile::Open("Hgg_Moriond2013-Y2012_merge_200804_216432_NoMassCut.root");  // open the file
 // TFile* f = TFile::Open("Hgg_Moriond2013-Y2012_ZH600_Pythia_NoMassCut.root");
    TFile* f = TFile::Open("Hgg_Moriond2013-Y2012_merge_200804_216432_Presel_1lepton.root");
   // TFile* f = TFile::Open("small.root");  // open the file
  TTree* tree = (TTree*)f->Get("tree");

  float m, me;
  photon p1, p2;
  electron e1, e2;
  muon m1, m2;
  electron th;
  bool dielectron = 0, dimuon = 0;
  int zee, zmm;
  bind_attributes(tree, p1, p2, e1, e2, m1, m2);

  float avg_m, sigma_m;

  tree->SetBranchAddress("mgg", &m); 
  tree->SetBranchAddress("mee", &me); 
  tree->SetBranchAddress("isDielectron", &dielectron);
  tree->SetBranchAddress("isMuon", &dimuon);
  tree->SetBranchAddress("trueHiggs_pt", &th.p);
  tree->SetBranchAddress("is_true_Zee", &zee);
  tree->SetBranchAddress("is_true_Zmm", &zmm);
  const int n = 50;
  float E_min = 150, E_max = 1250;
  TH1F* h = new TH1F("h", "m_{ZH} \\mbox{ distribution};m_{ZH} \\mbox{ (GeV)};\\mbox{Ev/10GeV}", n, E_min, E_max); // create a histogram : 500 bins
  TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2", "m_{ZH} \\mbox{ distribution};m_{ZH} \\mbox{ (GeV)};\\mbox{Ev/5GeV}", n, E_min, E_max); // create a histogram : 500 bins ranging from 100 to 600 GeV.
  //TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2", "invariant mass gamma gamma", 500, 50, 250); // create a histogram : 500 bins ranging from 100 to 600 GeV.
 //TF1 *fitgauss = new TF1("fitexpo", "gaus", 70, 110);

  int totalEntries = 0;
  int looseEntries = 0;
  int keptEntries = 0;
  unsigned int count = tree->GetEntries();
  double max_m = 0;
  int found_zee = 0, found_zmm = 0, true_zee = 0, true_zmm = 0;
  int found_hgg = 0;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    //if(p1.true_E < 0) continue;
    if(p1.tight && p2.tight && p1.E > 0 && p2.E > 0) found_hgg++;

    //if(p1.mother==25 && p2.mother==25)
        //if(p1.tight && p2.tight)
            /*vec imp1, imp2;
            imp1.pr2c(p1.E, p1.phi, p1.eta);
            imp2.pr2c(p2.E, p2.phi, p2.eta);
            float p = imp1.norm();
            imp1.c2pr(imp1.x, imp1.y, imp1.z);*/
            /*float px = p1.true_E * TMath::Cos(p1.true_phi) + p2.true_E * TMath::Cos(p2.true_phi);
            float py = p1.true_E * TMath::Sin(p1.true_phi) + p2.true_E * TMath::Sin(p2.true_phi);
            float pz = p1.true_E * TMath::SinH(p1.true_eta) + p2.true_E * TMath::SinH(p2.true_eta) ;
            float p = TMath::Sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz);
            float eta = TMath::ATanH(pz/p);*/
            //y[k] = invMassTrue(p1, p2);
            //x[k] = eta;
            //printf("%.2f\n", imp1.z - eta);
            //float theta = 2*atan(exp(-imp1.z));
            double z_mass = -1, z_energy, z_momentum;
            electron z;
            vec imp1, imp2;
            vec a, b, c, d;
            float ae, be, ce, de;
            bool has_z_and_h = true;
            if(zee) true_zee++;
            else if(zmm) true_zmm++;
            if(m1.p > 0 && m2.p > 0 /*&& dimuon*/)
                m1.E = m1.p;
                m2.E = m2.p;
                z_mass = invMass(m1,m2);
                imp1.pr2c(m1.E, m1.phi, m1.eta);
                imp2.pr2c(m2.E, m2.phi, m2.eta);
                float p = imp1.norm();
                z_momentum = p;
                z_energy =  m1.E * cosh(m1.eta) + m2.E * cosh(m2.eta);
                imp1.c2pr(imp1.x, imp1.y, imp1.z);
                z.E = p;
                z.phi = imp1.y;
                z.eta = imp1.z;
                a.pr2c(m1.E, m1.phi, m1.eta);
                b.pr2c(m2.E, m2.phi, m2.eta);
                ae = m1.E * cosh(m1.eta);
                be = m2.E * cosh(m2.eta);
            else if(e1.p > 0 && e2.p > 0)
                e1.E = e1.p;
                e2.E = e2.p;
                z_mass = invMass(e1,e2);
                imp1.pr2c(e1.E, e1.phi, e1.eta);
                imp2.pr2c(e2.E, e2.phi, e2.eta);
                float p = imp1.norm();
                z_momentum = p;
                z_energy = e1.E * cosh(e1.eta) + e2.E * cosh(e2.eta);
                imp1.c2pr(imp1.x, imp1.y, imp1.z);
                z.E = p;
                z.phi = imp1.y;
                z.eta = imp1.z;
                a.pr2c(e1.E, e1.phi, e1.eta);
                b.pr2c(e2.E, e2.phi, e2.eta);
                ae = e1.E * cosh(e1.eta);
                be = e2.E * cosh(e2.eta);
            if(z_mass < 0) continue;
            has_z_and_h &= (z_mass < 100 && z_mass > 80);
            if(p1.tight && p2.tight && p1.E > 0 && p2.E > 0)
                double h_mass = -1, h_energy, h_momentum;
                h_mass = invMass(p1,p2);
                imp1.pr2c(p1.E, p1.phi, p1.eta);
                imp2.pr2c(p2.E, p2.phi, p2.eta);
                c.pr2c(p1.E, p1.phi, p1.eta);
                d.pr2c(p2.E, p2.phi, p2.eta);
                ce =  p1.E * cosh(p1.eta);
                de =  p2.E * cosh(p2.eta);
                electron H;
                float p = imp1.norm();
                h_momentum = p;
                h_energy = p1.E * cosh(p1.eta) + p2.E * cosh(p2.eta);
                imp1.c2pr(imp1.x, imp1.y, imp1.z);
                H.E = p;
                H.phi = imp1.y;
                H.eta = imp1.z;
                imp1.pr2c(z_momentum/cosh(z.eta), z.phi, z.eta);
                imp2.pr2c(h_momentum/cosh(H.eta), H.phi, H.eta);
                float p2 = imp1.norm();
                float m = sqrt((z_energy+h_energy)*(z_energy+h_energy)-p2*p2);
                m = sqrt((ae+be+ce+de)*(ae+be+ce+de) - a.norm() * a.norm());
                has_z_and_h &= (h_mass < 130 && h_mass > 120);
                //has_z_and_h &= (zee || zmm);
                if(m > 0)
                    if(has_z_and_h) printf("%.3f %.3f\n", z_mass+h_mass, m);
	                if(!has_z_and_h) h2->Fill(m);
	                //if(has_z_and_h) h->Fill(z_mass+h_mass);
	            if(m > max_m /*&& has_z_and_h*/) max_m = m;

    /*if(m1.p > 0 && m2.p > 0)
        m1.E = m1.p;
        m2.E = m2.p;
        h->Fill(invMass(m1, m2));

    /*if(e1.p > 0 && e2.p > 0)
        e1.E = e1.p;
        e2.E = e2.p;
        h->Fill(invMass(e1, e2));

  printf("Masse max: %.3f; Int: %.3f\n, ee %.4f, mm %.4f, %d, %d, %d, %d", max_m, h->Integral(), float(found_zee)/float(true_zee), float(found_zmm)/float(true_zmm), true_zee, true_zmm, found_hgg, (int)count);
  //h->Fit(fitgauss, "R");
  /*TGraph *gr = new TGraph(n,x,y);
  /* TF1 *fitexpo = new TF1("fitexpo", expon, E_min, E_max, 2);
    reject = true;
   reject = false;
 /*  printf("%.3f %.3f\n",  fitexpo->GetChisquare(), fitexpo->GetChisquare()/fitexpo->GetNDF());
   float a = fitexpo->GetParameter(0);
   float b = fitexpo->GetParameter(1);
    TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]+[1] * exp(-(x-[2])^2 / (2*[3]))",100,150);
    f1->SetParLimits(3,3.0, 10.0);
    f1->SetParLimits(0, a, a);

    TF1 *fit = h->GetFunction("f1");
    float c = fit->GetParameter(2), d = fit->GetParameter(3), e = fit->GetParameter(4);
   float chi_bg = 0, chi_tot = 0;
   for(int k = 1; k <= n; ++k)
       float x = E_min + (E_max - E_min) * (float(k))/float(n);
       float y = fitexpo->Eval((float)x);
       printf("%.3f %.3f\n", y, (float)h->GetBinContent(k));
       chi_bg += (h->GetBinContent(k)-y)*(h->GetBinContent(k)-y) / y;
       y = fit->Eval((float)x);
       y = exp(a+b*x) + c * exp(-(x-d)*(x-d) / (2*e));
       chi_tot += (h->GetBinContent(k)-y)*(h->GetBinContent(k)-y) / y;
   printf("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", chi_bg, chi_bg/float(n-1), chi_tot, chi_tot/float(n-1));
      printf("%.3f %.3f\n",  fit->GetChisquare(), fit->GetChisquare()/fit->GetNDF());*/
 // h->Draw(); // plot the histogram
コード例 #3
bool Matrix_m_shader::init()
    return init_shaders(true, common_src_vs, true, matrix_m_fs);
コード例 #4
ファイル: rgba_shader.cpp プロジェクト: EduardMe/gpu_img_proc
bool Rgba_shader::init()
    return init_shaders(true, common_src_vs, true, rgba_fs);
コード例 #5
ファイル: eta.c プロジェクト: lucasgautheron/Atlas
void eta()
//  TFile* f = TFile::Open("small.root");  // open the file
//    TFile* f = TFile::Open("Hgg_Moriond2013-Y2012_merge_200804_216432_Presel_1lepton.root");
  //  TFile* f = TFile::Open("Hgg_Moriond2013-Y2012_ZH900_Pythia_NoMassCut.root");  // open the file
 // TTree* tree = (TTree*)f->Get("tree");

  float m, me;
  photon p1, p2;
  electron e1, e2;
  muon m1, m2;

  float avg_m, sigma_m;
  const int N = 8;
  TFile *files[N];
  TTree *trees[N];
  int count[N];
  for(int k = 0; k < N; ++k)
      char filename[128] = "";
      sprintf(filename, "Hgg_Moriond2013-Y2012_ZH%d00_Pythia_NoMassCut.root", k+2);
      files[k] = TFile::Open(filename);
      trees[k] = (TTree *)files[k]->Get("tree");
      count[k] = trees[k]->GetEntries();
      bind_attributes(trees[k], p1, p2, e1, e2, m1, m2);
  const int n = 12;
  TF1 *fa = new TF1("fa1","(cos(x/2)/sin(x/2)  ) / ((cos(x/2)/sin(x/2)) *(cos(x/2)/sin(x/2)) + 1)",0,3.142);

  TH1F* h = new TH1F("h", "\\mbox{ erreur energie };\\Delta E_{T}/E_{T};\\mbox{count}", n, E_min, E_max); // create a histogram : 500 bins ranging from 100 to 600 GeV.
  TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2", "invariant mass gamma gamma", n, E_min, E_max); // create a histogram : 500 bins ranging from 100 to 600 GeV.

  int totalEntries = 0;
  int looseEntries = 0;
  int keptEntries = 0;
  /*int n = 0, k = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tree->GetEntries(); i++) {
    //if(p1.true_E < 0) continue;
    if(p1.true_mother==25 && p2.true_mother==25)
        if(p1.true_E > 0)
  float *x = new float[n+1], *y = new float[n+1];*/
   //TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","gaus",122, 128);
   double *err[n];
   int elems[n], index[n];
   double en[n], den[n], xerr[n], yerr[n];
  for (unsigned a = 0; a < N; ++a)
	  TTree *tree = trees[a];
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count[a]; i++) {
		//if(p1.true_E < 0) continue;

		//if(p1.mother==25 && p2.mother==25)
		    //if(p1.true_E > 0)
		        vec imp1, imp2;
		        imp1.pr2c(p1.true_E, p1.true_phi, p1.true_eta);
		        imp2.pr2c(p2.true_E, p2.true_phi, p2.true_eta);
		        float p = imp1.norm();
		        imp1.c2pr(imp1.x, imp1.y, imp1.z);
		        /*float px = p1.true_E * TMath::Cos(p1.true_phi) + p2.true_E * TMath::Cos(p2.true_phi);
		        float py = p1.true_E * TMath::Sin(p1.true_phi) + p2.true_E * TMath::Sin(p2.true_phi);
		        float pz = p1.true_E * TMath::SinH(p1.true_eta) + p2.true_E * TMath::SinH(p2.true_eta) ;
		        float p = TMath::Sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz);
		        float eta = TMath::ATanH(pz/p);*/
		        //y[k] = invMassTrue(p1, p2);
		        //x[k] = eta;
		        //printf("%.2f\n", imp1.z - eta);
		        //float theta = 2*atan(exp(-imp1.z));
		        // todo: par unité d'angle solide en fct de theta ?
		        /*float i1 = p1.true_E * cosh(p1.true_eta);
		        float i2 = p2.true_E * cosh(p2.true_eta);*/
		        /*if(p1.tight && p1.true_E > E_min && p1.true_E < E_max)

		        if(p2.tight && p2.true_E > E_min && p2.true_E < E_max)
		        p1.E *= cosh(p1.true_eta);
		        p2.E *= cosh(p2.true_eta);
		        p1.true_E *= cosh(p1.true_eta);
		        p2.true_E *= cosh(p2.true_eta);
		           if(abs(p1.E-p1.true_E) > 50) printf("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", p1.true_E, p1.E, p1.eta, p1.isolTrack);
		           if(abs(p2.E-p2.true_E) > 50) printf("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", p2.true_E, p2.E, p2.eta, p2.isolTrack);
  for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
      err[k] = NULL;
      elems[k] = 0;
  for (unsigned a = 0; a < N; ++a)
	  TTree *tree = trees[a];
	  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count[a]; ++i)
		  TAxis *xaxis = h->GetXaxis();
		  int bin1 = xaxis->FindBin(p1.true_E)-1;
		  int bin2 = xaxis->FindBin(p2.true_E)-1;

		  if(keep_photon(p1) && bin1 >= 0 && bin1<n)
		  if(keep_photon(p2) && bin2 >= 0 && bin2<n)
  for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
      err[k] = new double[elems[k]];
      index[k] = 0;
  for (unsigned a = 0; a < N; ++a)
	  TTree *tree = trees[a];
	  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < count[a]; ++i)
		  TAxis *xaxis = h->GetXaxis();
		  int bin1 = xaxis->FindBin(p1.true_E)-1;
		  int bin2 = xaxis->FindBin(p2.true_E)-1;

		  if(keep_photon(p1) && bin1 >= 0 &&  bin1 < n)
		      err[bin1][index[bin1]++] = p1.E-p1.true_E;
		  if(keep_photon(p2) && bin2 >= 0 &&  bin2 < n)
		      err[bin2][index[bin2]++] = p2.E-p2.true_E;
  for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
      double mean = 0;
      for(int j = 0; j < elems[k]; ++j)
         mean += err[k][j];
      mean /= double(elems[k]);
      double tot = 0;
      //mean = 0;
      for(int j = 0; j < elems[k]; ++j)
         //if(k == 2) printf("err: %.3f \n", err[k][j]);
         tot += (err[k][j]-mean) * (err[k][j]-mean);
      tot /= double(elems[k]);
      double E = float(E_min + float(k)/float(n) * (E_max-E_min));
      /*printf("%.2f %.6f %.6f %.6f %% %.7f %% %.7f %d\n", E, float(mean), float(sqrt(tot)), 100 * float(sqrt(tot))/float(E), 100 * float(sqrt(tot))/float(E)/sqrt(index[k]-1), float(1)/float(n) * (E_max-E_min)/2.0, index[k]);*/
      printf("%.2f %.6f %% %.7f %% %.7f %d\n", E, 100 * float(sqrt(tot))/float(E), 100 * float(sqrt(tot))/float(E)/sqrt(index[k]-1), float(1)/float(n) * (E_max-E_min)/2.0, index[k]);
      en[k] = E;
      den[k] = 100 * float(sqrt(tot))/float(E);
      yerr[k] = 100 * float(sqrt(tot))/float(E)/sqrt(index[k]-1);
      xerr[k] = float(1)/float(n) * (E_max-E_min)/2.0;
   TF1 *energy = new TF1("energy", " [0]/sqrt(x) + [1]", 100, 1000);
   TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(n,en,den,xerr,yerr);
   gr->SetTitle("\\mbox{Resolution en energie};E\\mbox{ (GeV) };\\sigma_{E} / E \\mbox{ \\% }");
   /* h->Sumw2();

  TH1F *r = (TH1F *)h->Clone();
  r->Divide(h, h2, 1., 1., "B");

  printf("tight ratio: %.6f\n", float(keptEntries)/float(totalEntries));
 // h->Draw(); // plot the histogram
コード例 #6
bool Eigen_shader::init()
    return init_shaders(true, common_src_vs, true, eigen_fs);