コード例 #1
ファイル: g_screen.c プロジェクト: GarethNelson/BennuGD
int gr_lock_screen()
    if ( screen_locked ) return 1 ;

    screen_locked = 1 ;

    if ( scale_resolution != -1 )
        if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK( scale_screen ) ) SDL_LockSurface( scale_screen ) ;
        if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK( screen ) ) SDL_LockSurface( screen ) ;

    if ( enable_scale || scale_mode != SCALE_NONE )
        if ( scrbitmap && ( scrbitmap->info_flags & GI_EXTERNAL_DATA ) )
            bitmap_destroy( scrbitmap ) ;
            scrbitmap = NULL ;

        if ( !scrbitmap )
            scrbitmap = bitmap_new( 0, screen->w / 2, screen->h / 2, sys_pixel_format->depth ) ;
            bitmap_add_cpoint( scrbitmap, 0, 0 ) ;
        if ( !scrbitmap || !( scrbitmap->info_flags & GI_EXTERNAL_DATA ) )
            if ( scrbitmap ) bitmap_destroy( scrbitmap ) ;
            scrbitmap = bitmap_new_ex( 0, screen->w, screen->h, screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->pixels, screen->pitch );
            bitmap_add_cpoint( scrbitmap, 0, 0 ) ;

    return 1 ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: libtext.c プロジェクト: GarethNelson/BennuGD
GRAPH * gr_text_bitmap( int fontid, const char * text, int alignment )
    GRAPH * gr ;
    int x, y ;
    FONT   * f ;

    // Splinter
    if ( !text || !*text ) return NULL;
    if ( fontid < 0 || fontid >= MAX_FONTS || !fonts[fontid] ) return NULL; // Incorrect font type

    f = fonts[fontid] ;

    /* Un refresco de paleta en mitad de gr_text_put puede provocar efectos
     * desagradables al modificar el tipo de letra del sistema */

    if ( palette_changed ) gr_refresh_palette() ;

    gr = bitmap_new_syslib( gr_text_width( fontid, ( const unsigned char * ) text ), gr_text_height( fontid, ( const unsigned char * ) text ), sys_pixel_format->depth ) ;
    if ( !gr ) return NULL;

    gr_clear( gr ) ;
    if ( !gr_text_put( gr, 0, fontid, 0, -gr_text_margintop( fontid, ( const unsigned char * ) text ), ( const unsigned char * ) text ) )
        bitmap_destroy( gr );
        return NULL;

    switch ( alignment )
        case ALIGN_TOP_LEFT:    // 0
        case ALIGN_TOP:         // 1
        case ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT:   // 2
            y = 0 ;
            break ;

        case ALIGN_CENTER_LEFT: // 3
        case ALIGN_CENTER:      // 4
        case ALIGN_CENTER_RIGHT:// 5
            y = gr->height / 2 ;
            break ;

            y = gr->height - 1 ;
            break ;


    switch ( alignment )
        case ALIGN_TOP_LEFT:    // 0
        case ALIGN_CENTER_LEFT: // 3
        case ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT: // 6
            x = 0 ;
            break ;

        case ALIGN_TOP:         // 1
        case ALIGN_CENTER:      // 4
        case ALIGN_BOTTOM:      // 7
            x = gr->width / 2 ;
            break ;

            x = gr->width - 1 ;
            break ;


    bitmap_add_cpoint( gr, x, y ) ;
    return gr ;
コード例 #3
static int grproc_get_real_point( INSTANCE * my, int * params )
    GRAPH * b ;
    int x, y, r, centerx, centery, px = 0, py = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0 ;
    int _angle = 0, angle = 0;

    b = instance_graph( my ) ;
    if ( !b )  return 0 ;

    /* Point 0 is the graphic center, but it may be not defined */
    if ( params[0] == 0 && ( b->ncpoints == 0 || b->cpoints[0].x == CPOINT_UNDEFINED ) )
        if ( b->ncpoints == 0 )
            bitmap_add_cpoint( b, b->width / 2, b->height / 2 );
            b->cpoints[0].x = b->width / 2;
            b->cpoints[0].y = b->height / 2;
        if (( uint32_t )params[0] >= b->ncpoints || params[0] < 0)
            return 0 ;

    if ( b->cpoints[params[0]].x == CPOINT_UNDEFINED && b->cpoints[params[0]].y == CPOINT_UNDEFINED )
        return 0;

    r = LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, REGIONID ) ;
    if ( r < 0 || r > 31 ) r = 0 ;

    if ( b->cpoints[0].x != CPOINT_UNDEFINED && b->cpoints[0].y != CPOINT_UNDEFINED )
        centerx = b->cpoints[0].x ;
        centery = b->cpoints[0].y ;
        centerx = b->width / 2 ;
        centery = b->height / 2 ;

    if ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, ANGLE ) != 0 && !LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, XGRAPH ) )
        _angle = angle = LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, ANGLE ) ;

/* if ( b->cpoints[params[0]].x >= 0 )
        if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, FLAGS ) & B_HMIRROR )
            px = centerx - b->cpoints[params[0]].x - 1 ;
            px = b->cpoints[params[0]].x - centerx ;

        if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, FLAGS ) & B_VMIRROR )
            py = centery - b->cpoints[params[0]].y - 1 ;
            py = b->cpoints[params[0]].y - centery ;
        px = py = 0 ; */

    if ( params[0] > 0 )
        px = b->cpoints[params[0]].x - centerx ;
        py = b->cpoints[params[0]].y - centery ;

        if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, FLAGS ) & B_HMIRROR )
            if (_angle)
                py = (centery - b->cpoints[params[0]].y) ;
                angle = 90000 + ( 90000 - angle );
                px = (centerx - b->cpoints[params[0]].x) ;

        if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, FLAGS ) & B_VMIRROR )
            if (_angle)
                px = (centerx - b->cpoints[params[0]].x) ;
                angle = 360000 + ( 180000 - angle );
                py = (centery - b->cpoints[params[0]].y) ;

    if ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZEX ) == 100 && LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZEY ) == 100 )
        if ((( int )LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZE ) ) > 0 )
            // Corrected a bug from the casting that rounded to 0
            px = ( int )( px * ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZE ) / 100.0F ) ) ;
            py = ( int )( py * ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZE ) / 100.0F ) ) ;
        // Adding size_x/size_y control
        if ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZEX ) > 0 )
            px = ( int )( px * ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZEX ) / 100.0F ) ) ;

        if ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZEY ) > 0 )
            py = ( int )( py * ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, GRAPHSIZEY ) / 100.0F ) ) ;

    if ( angle )
        float cos_angle = ( float ) cos( angle * M_PI / -180000.0 );
        float sin_angle = ( float ) sin( angle * M_PI / -180000.0 );

        rx = ( int )(( double )px * cos_angle - ( double )py * sin_angle ) ;
        ry = ( int )(( double )px * sin_angle + ( double )py * cos_angle ) ;

        px = rx ;
        py = ry ;

    x = LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, COORDX ) ;
    y = LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, COORDY ) ;

    RESOLXY( mod_grproc, my, x, y );

    rx = x + px ;
    ry = y + py ;

    if ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, RESOLUTION ) > 0 )
        rx *= LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, RESOLUTION );
        ry *= LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, RESOLUTION );
    else if ( LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, RESOLUTION ) < 0 )
        rx /= -LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, RESOLUTION );
        ry /= -LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, RESOLUTION );

    *( int * )params[1] = rx ;
    *( int * )params[2] = ry ;

    return 1 ;
コード例 #4
ファイル: file_fnt.c プロジェクト: segafan/bennugd-monolithic
static int gr_font_loadfrom( file * fp )
    char header[8];
    int bpp;
    int types, i, id;
    uint32_t y;
    FONT * f;
    PALETTE * pal = NULL;

        int width ;
        int height ;
        int yoffset ;
        int fileoffset ;

    _chardata chardata[256] ;

    if ( font_count == MAX_FONTS ) return -1 ;

    /* Read the file header */

    if ( !file_read( fp, header, 8 ) ) return -1;

    if (
        memcmp( header, FNT_MAGIC, 7 ) != 0 &&
        memcmp( header, FNX_MAGIC, 7 ) != 0 )
        return -1;

    bpp = header[7];
    if ( bpp == 0 ) bpp = 8;

    /* Read or ignore the palette */

    if ( bpp == 8 && !( pal = gr_read_pal_with_gamma( fp ) ) ) return -1 ;

    /* Read the character data (detect old format) */

    if ( header[2] == 'x' )
        if ( !file_readSint32( fp, &types ) )
            pal_destroy( pal );
            return -1 ;
        if ( !file_read( fp, chardata, sizeof( chardata ) ) )
            pal_destroy( pal );
            return -1 ;
        for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &chardata[i].width );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &chardata[i].height );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &chardata[i].xadvance );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &chardata[i].yadvance );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &chardata[i].xoffset );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &chardata[i].yoffset );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &chardata[i].fileoffset );
        if ( !file_readSint32( fp, &types ) )
            pal_destroy( pal );
            return -1 ;
        if ( !file_read( fp, oldchardata, sizeof( oldchardata ) ) )
            pal_destroy( pal );
            return -1 ;
        for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &oldchardata[i].width );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &oldchardata[i].height );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &oldchardata[i].yoffset );
            ARRANGE_DWORD( &oldchardata[i].fileoffset );

            chardata[i].width      = oldchardata[i].width;
            chardata[i].height     = oldchardata[i].height;
            chardata[i].xoffset    = 0;
            chardata[i].yoffset    = oldchardata[i].yoffset;
            chardata[i].xadvance   = oldchardata[i].width;
            chardata[i].yadvance   = oldchardata[i].height + oldchardata[i].yoffset;
            chardata[i].fileoffset = oldchardata[i].fileoffset;

    /* Create the font */

    if ( header[2] == 'x' )
        id = gr_font_new( types, header[7] ) ;
        id = gr_font_new( CHARSET_CP850, 8 ) ;

    if ( id == -1 )
        pal_destroy( pal );
        return -1 ;

    f = fonts[id];
    if ( !f )
        gr_font_destroy( id );
        pal_destroy( pal );
        return -1 ;

    /* Load the character bitmaps */

    for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
        GRAPH * gr;
        uint8_t * ptr;

        f->glyph[i].xadvance = chardata[i].xadvance ;
        f->glyph[i].yadvance = chardata[i].yadvance ;

        if ( chardata[i].fileoffset == 0 || chardata[i].width == 0 || chardata[i].height == 0 ) continue ;

        f->glyph[i].xoffset = chardata[i].xoffset ;
        f->glyph[i].yoffset = chardata[i].yoffset ;

        file_seek( fp, chardata[i].fileoffset, SEEK_SET ) ;
        f->glyph[i].bitmap = gr = bitmap_new( i, chardata[i].width, chardata[i].height, f->bpp ) ;
        if ( !gr )
            gr_font_destroy( id );
            pal_destroy( pal );
            return -1 ;
        bitmap_add_cpoint( gr, 0, 0 ) ;
        gr->format->palette = pal;
        pal_use( pal );

        for ( y = 0, ptr = gr->data; y < gr->height; y++, ptr += gr->pitch )
            if ( !file_read( fp, ptr, gr->widthb ) ) break ;

            if ( gr->format->depth == 16 )
                ARRANGE_WORDS( ptr, ( int )gr->width );
            else if ( gr->format->depth == 32 )
                ARRANGE_DWORDS( ptr, ( int )gr->width );

        f->glyph[i].yoffset = chardata[i].yoffset ;
    if ( f->glyph[32].xadvance == 0 ) f->glyph[32].xadvance = f->glyph['j'].xadvance ;

    pal_destroy( pal ); // Elimino la instancia inicial

    return id ;