コード例 #1
bool core::handle_incoming_block(const Block& b, block_verification_context& bvc, bool control_miner, bool relay_block) {
  if (control_miner) {

  m_blockchain_storage.add_new_block(b, bvc);

  if (control_miner) {

  if (relay_block && bvc.m_added_to_main_chain) {
    std::list<crypto::hash> missed_txs;
    std::list<Transaction> txs;
    m_blockchain_storage.get_transactions(b.txHashes, txs, missed_txs);
    if (!missed_txs.empty() && m_blockchain_storage.get_block_id_by_height(get_block_height(b)) != get_block_hash(b)) {
      logger(INFO) << "Block added, but it seems that reorganize just happened after that, do not relay this block";
    } else {
      if (!(txs.size() == b.txHashes.size() && missed_txs.empty())) {
        logger(ERROR, BRIGHT_RED) << "can't find some transactions in found block:" <<
          get_block_hash(b) << " txs.size()=" << txs.size() << ", b.txHashes.size()=" << b.txHashes.size() << ", missed_txs.size()" << missed_txs.size(); return false;

      NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK::request arg;
      arg.hop = 0;
      arg.current_blockchain_height = m_blockchain_storage.get_current_blockchain_height();
      bool r = block_to_blob(b, arg.b.block);
      if (!(r)) { logger(ERROR, BRIGHT_RED) << "failed to serialize block"; return false; }
      for (auto& tx : txs) {


  return true;
コード例 #2
  bool core::handle_incoming_block(const Block& b, block_verification_context& bvc, bool control_miner, bool relay_block) {
    if (control_miner) {

    m_blockchain_storage.add_new_block(b, bvc);

    if (control_miner) {

    if (relay_block && bvc.m_added_to_main_chain) {
      std::list<crypto::hash> missed_txs;
      std::list<Transaction> txs;
      m_blockchain_storage.get_transactions(b.txHashes, txs, missed_txs);
      if (!missed_txs.empty() && m_blockchain_storage.get_block_id_by_height(get_block_height(b)) != get_block_hash(b)) {
        LOG_PRINT_L0("Block added, but it seems that reorganize just happened after that, do not relay this block");
      } else {
        CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(txs.size() == b.txHashes.size() && missed_txs.empty(), false, "can't find some transactions in found block:" <<
          get_block_hash(b) << " txs.size()=" << txs.size() << ", b.txHashes.size()=" << b.txHashes.size() << ", missed_txs.size()" << missed_txs.size());

        NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK::request arg = AUTO_VAL_INIT(arg);
        arg.hop = 0;
        arg.current_blockchain_height = m_blockchain_storage.get_current_blockchain_height();
        bool r = block_to_blob(b, arg.b.block);
        CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to serialize block");
        for (auto& tx : txs) {

        cryptonote_connection_context exclude_context = boost::value_initialized<cryptonote_connection_context>();
        m_pprotocol->relay_block(arg, exclude_context);

    return true;
コード例 #3
  bool core::queryBlocks(const std::list<crypto::hash>& knownBlockIds, uint64_t timestamp,
      uint64_t& resStartHeight, uint64_t& resCurrentHeight, uint64_t& resFullOffset, std::list<BlockFullInfo>& entries) {

    LockedBlockchainStorage lbs(m_blockchain_storage);

    uint64_t currentHeight = lbs->get_current_blockchain_height();
    uint64_t startOffset = 0;

    if (!lbs->find_blockchain_supplement(knownBlockIds, startOffset)) {
      return false;

    uint64_t startFullOffset = 0;

    if (!lbs->getLowerBound(timestamp, startOffset, startFullOffset))
      startFullOffset = startOffset;

    resFullOffset = startFullOffset;

    if (startOffset != startFullOffset) {
      std::list<crypto::hash> blockIds;
      if (!lbs->getBlockIds(startOffset, std::min(uint64_t(BLOCKS_IDS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT), startFullOffset - startOffset), blockIds)) {
        return false;

      for (const auto& id : blockIds) {
        entries.back().block_id = id;

    auto blocksLeft = std::min(BLOCKS_IDS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT - entries.size(), size_t(BLOCKS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT));

    if (blocksLeft) {
      std::list<Block> blocks;
      lbs->get_blocks(startFullOffset, blocksLeft, blocks);

      for (auto& b : blocks) {
        BlockFullInfo item;

        item.block_id = get_block_hash(b);

        if (b.timestamp >= timestamp) {
          // query transactions
          std::list<Transaction> txs;
          std::list<crypto::hash> missedTxs;
          lbs->get_transactions(b.txHashes, txs, missedTxs);

          // fill data
          block_complete_entry& completeEntry = item;
          completeEntry.block = block_to_blob(b);
          for (auto& tx : txs) {


    resCurrentHeight = currentHeight;
    resStartHeight = startOffset;

    return true;