コード例 #1
ファイル: consume.c プロジェクト: alcap-org/AlcapDAQ
   INT status, size, trans, run_number;
   char host_name[256], str[32];
   INT event_id, request_id;
   DWORD last_time;
   BOOL via_callback;

   /* get parameters */

   printf("ID of event to request: ");
   ss_gets(str, 32);
   event_id = atoi(str);

   printf("Host to connect: ");
   ss_gets(host_name, 256);

   printf("Get all events (0/1): ");
   ss_gets(str, 32);
   all_flag = atoi(str);

   printf("Receive via callback ([y]/n): ");
   ss_gets(str, 32);
   via_callback = str[0] != 'n';

   /* connect to experiment */
   status = cm_connect_experiment(host_name, "",
                                  all_flag ? "Power Consumer" : "Consumer", NULL);
   if (status != CM_SUCCESS)
      return 1;

   /* open the "system" buffer, 1M size */
   bm_open_buffer("SYSTEM", EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE, &hBufEvent);

   /* set the buffer cache size */
   bm_set_cache_size(hBufEvent, 100000, 0);

   /* place a request for a specific event id */
   bm_request_event(hBufEvent, (WORD) event_id, TRIGGER_ALL,
                    all_flag ? GET_ALL : GET_SOME, &request_id,
                    via_callback ? process_event : NULL);

   /* place a request for system messages */

   /* place a request for transition notification */
   cm_register_transition(TR_START, via_callback? transition : NULL);

   last_time = 0;

   do {
      if (via_callback)
         status = cm_yield(1000);
      else {
         /* receive event "manually" and call receive_event */
         size = sizeof(event_buffer);
         status = bm_receive_event(hBufEvent, event_buffer, &size, ASYNC);
         if (status == BM_SUCCESS)
            process_event(hBufEvent, request_id, (EVENT_HEADER *) event_buffer,
                          (void *) (((EVENT_HEADER *) event_buffer) + 1));

         /* receive transitions "manually" */
         if (cm_query_transition(&trans, &run_number, NULL))
            transition(run_number, NULL);

         /* call yield once every 100 ms */
         if (ss_millitime() - last_time > 100) {
            last_time = ss_millitime();
            status = cm_yield(0);

   } while (status != RPC_SHUTDOWN && status != SS_ABORT);


   return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mevb.c プロジェクト: gm2-pisa/gm2daq
INT register_equipment(void)
   INT index, size, status;
   char str[256];
   EQUIPMENT_INFO *eq_info;
   EQUIPMENT_STATS *eq_stats;
   HNDLE hKey;

   /* get current ODB run state */
   size = sizeof(run_state);
   run_state = STATE_STOPPED;
   db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/State", &run_state, &size, TID_INT, TRUE);
   size = sizeof(run_number);
   run_number = 1;
   status = db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/Run number", &run_number, &size, TID_INT, TRUE);
   assert(status == SUCCESS);

   /* scan EQUIPMENT table from mevb.C */
   for (index = 0; equipment[index].name[0]; index++) {
      eq_info = &equipment[index].info;
      eq_stats = &equipment[index].stats;

      if (eq_info->event_id == 0) {
         printf("\nEvent ID 0 for %s not allowed\n", equipment[index].name);

      /* init status */
      equipment[index].status = EB_SUCCESS;

      sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s/Common", equipment[index].name);

      /* get last event limit from ODB */
      if (eq_info->eq_type != EQ_SLOW) {
         db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);
         size = sizeof(double);
         if (hKey)
            db_get_value(hDB, hKey, "Event limit", &eq_info->event_limit, &size, TID_DOUBLE, TRUE);

      /* Create common subtree */
      status = db_check_record(hDB, 0, str, EQUIPMENT_COMMON_STR, TRUE);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         printf("Cannot check equipment record, status = %d\n", status);
      db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);

      if (equal_ustring(eq_info->format, "FIXED"))
         equipment[index].format = FORMAT_FIXED;
      else                      /* default format is MIDAS */
         equipment[index].format = FORMAT_MIDAS;

      gethostname(eq_info->frontend_host, sizeof(eq_info->frontend_host));
      strcpy(eq_info->frontend_name, frontend_name);
      strcpy(eq_info->frontend_file_name, frontend_file_name);

      /* set record from equipment[] table in frontend.c */
      db_set_record(hDB, hKey, eq_info, sizeof(EQUIPMENT_INFO), 0);

      /* get record once at the start equipment info */
      size = sizeof(EQUIPMENT_INFO);
      db_get_record(hDB, hKey, eq_info, &size, 0);

    /*---- Create just the key , leave it empty ---------------------------------*/
      sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s/Variables", equipment[index].name);
      db_create_key(hDB, 0, str, TID_KEY);
      db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);
      equipment[index].hkey_variables = hKey;

    /*---- Create and initialize statistics tree -------------------*/
      sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s/Statistics", equipment[index].name);

      status = db_check_record(hDB, 0, str, EQUIPMENT_STATISTICS_STR, TRUE);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         printf("Cannot create/check statistics record, error %d\n", status);

      status = db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         printf("Cannot find statistics record, error %d\n", status);

      eq_stats->events_sent = 0;
      eq_stats->events_per_sec = 0;
      eq_stats->kbytes_per_sec = 0;

      /* open hot link to statistics tree */
      status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, eq_stats, sizeof(EQUIPMENT_STATS)
                              , MODE_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         cm_msg(MERROR, "register_equipment",
                "Cannot open statistics record, error %d. Probably other FE is using it", status);

    /*---- open event buffer ---------------------------------------*/
      if (eq_info->buffer[0]) {
         status = bm_open_buffer(eq_info->buffer, 2 * max_event_size, &equipment[index].buffer_handle);
         if (status != BM_SUCCESS && status != BM_CREATED) {
            cm_msg(MERROR, "register_equipment",
                   "Cannot open event buffer. Try to reduce EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE in midas.h \
          and rebuild the system.");
            return 0;

	 if (1)
	     int level = 0;
	     bm_get_buffer_level(equipment[index].buffer_handle, &level);
	     printf("Buffer %s, level %d, info: \n", eq_info->buffer, level);

         /* set the default buffer cache size */
         bm_set_cache_size(equipment[index].buffer_handle, 0, SERVER_CACHE_SIZE);
      } else {