コード例 #1
ファイル: rsa.c プロジェクト: 0x64616E69656C/boringssl
static int check_mod_inverse(int *out_ok, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *ainv,
                             const BIGNUM *m, int check_reduced, BN_CTX *ctx) {
  BIGNUM *tmp = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
  int ret = tmp != NULL &&
            bn_mul_consttime(tmp, a, ainv, ctx) &&
            bn_div_consttime(NULL, tmp, tmp, m, ctx);
  if (ret) {
    *out_ok = BN_is_one(tmp);
    if (check_reduced && (BN_is_negative(ainv) || BN_cmp(ainv, m) >= 0)) {
      *out_ok = 0;
  return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: rsa_impl.c プロジェクト: MateusDeSousa/FiqueRico
int RSA_generate_key_ex(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb) {
  // See FIPS 186-4 appendix B.3. This function implements a generalized version
  // of the FIPS algorithm. |RSA_generate_key_fips| performs additional checks
  // for FIPS-compliant key generation.

  // Always generate RSA keys which are a multiple of 128 bits. Round |bits|
  // down as needed.
  bits &= ~127;

  // Reject excessively small keys.
  if (bits < 256) {
    return 0;

  // Reject excessively large public exponents. Windows CryptoAPI and Go don't
  // support values larger than 32 bits, so match their limits for generating
  // keys. (|check_modulus_and_exponent_sizes| uses a slightly more conservative
  // value, but we don't need to support generating such keys.)
  // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/3161
  // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa387685(VS.85).aspx
  if (BN_num_bits(e_value) > 32) {
    return 0;

  int ret = 0;
  int prime_bits = bits / 2;
  BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
  if (ctx == NULL) {
    goto bn_err;
  BIGNUM *totient = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
  BIGNUM *pm1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
  BIGNUM *qm1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
  BIGNUM *sqrt2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
  BIGNUM *pow2_prime_bits_100 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
  BIGNUM *pow2_prime_bits = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
  if (totient == NULL || pm1 == NULL || qm1 == NULL || sqrt2 == NULL ||
      pow2_prime_bits_100 == NULL || pow2_prime_bits == NULL ||
      !BN_set_bit(pow2_prime_bits_100, prime_bits - 100) ||
      !BN_set_bit(pow2_prime_bits, prime_bits)) {
    goto bn_err;

  // We need the RSA components non-NULL.
  if (!ensure_bignum(&rsa->n) ||
      !ensure_bignum(&rsa->d) ||
      !ensure_bignum(&rsa->e) ||
      !ensure_bignum(&rsa->p) ||
      !ensure_bignum(&rsa->q) ||
      !ensure_bignum(&rsa->dmp1) ||
      !ensure_bignum(&rsa->dmq1)) {
    goto bn_err;

  if (!BN_copy(rsa->e, e_value)) {
    goto bn_err;

  // Compute sqrt2 >= ⌊2^(prime_bits-1)×√2⌋.
  if (!bn_set_words(sqrt2, kBoringSSLRSASqrtTwo, kBoringSSLRSASqrtTwoLen)) {
    goto bn_err;
  int sqrt2_bits = kBoringSSLRSASqrtTwoLen * BN_BITS2;
  assert(sqrt2_bits == (int)BN_num_bits(sqrt2));
  if (sqrt2_bits > prime_bits) {
    // For key sizes up to 3072 (prime_bits = 1536), this is exactly
    // ⌊2^(prime_bits-1)×√2⌋.
    if (!BN_rshift(sqrt2, sqrt2, sqrt2_bits - prime_bits)) {
      goto bn_err;
  } else if (prime_bits > sqrt2_bits) {
    // For key sizes beyond 3072, this is approximate. We err towards retrying
    // to ensure our key is the right size and round up.
    if (!BN_add_word(sqrt2, 1) ||
        !BN_lshift(sqrt2, sqrt2, prime_bits - sqrt2_bits)) {
      goto bn_err;
  assert(prime_bits == (int)BN_num_bits(sqrt2));

  do {
    // Generate p and q, each of size |prime_bits|, using the steps outlined in
    // appendix FIPS 186-4 appendix B.3.3.
    if (!generate_prime(rsa->p, prime_bits, rsa->e, NULL, sqrt2,
                        pow2_prime_bits_100, ctx, cb) ||
        !BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 0) ||
        !generate_prime(rsa->q, prime_bits, rsa->e, rsa->p, sqrt2,
                        pow2_prime_bits_100, ctx, cb) ||
        !BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 1)) {
      goto bn_err;

    if (BN_cmp(rsa->p, rsa->q) < 0) {
      BIGNUM *tmp = rsa->p;
      rsa->p = rsa->q;
      rsa->q = tmp;

    // Calculate d = e^(-1) (mod lcm(p-1, q-1)), per FIPS 186-4. This differs
    // from typical RSA implementations which use (p-1)*(q-1).
    // Note this means the size of d might reveal information about p-1 and
    // q-1. However, we do operations with Chinese Remainder Theorem, so we only
    // use d (mod p-1) and d (mod q-1) as exponents. Using a minimal totient
    // does not affect those two values.
    int no_inverse;
    if (!bn_usub_consttime(pm1, rsa->p, BN_value_one()) ||
        !bn_usub_consttime(qm1, rsa->q, BN_value_one()) ||
        !bn_lcm_consttime(totient, pm1, qm1, ctx) ||
        !bn_mod_inverse_consttime(rsa->d, &no_inverse, rsa->e, totient, ctx)) {
      goto bn_err;

    // Retry if |rsa->d| <= 2^|prime_bits|. See appendix B.3.1's guidance on
    // values for d.
  } while (BN_cmp(rsa->d, pow2_prime_bits) <= 0);

  if (// Calculate n.
      !bn_mul_consttime(rsa->n, rsa->p, rsa->q, ctx) ||
      // Calculate d mod (p-1).
      !bn_div_consttime(NULL, rsa->dmp1, rsa->d, pm1, ctx) ||
      // Calculate d mod (q-1)
      !bn_div_consttime(NULL, rsa->dmq1, rsa->d, qm1, ctx)) {
    goto bn_err;

  // Sanity-check that |rsa->n| has the specified size. This is implied by
  // |generate_prime|'s bounds.
  if (BN_num_bits(rsa->n) != (unsigned)bits) {
    goto err;

  // Call |freeze_private_key| to compute the inverse of q mod p, by way of
  // |rsa->mont_p|.
  if (!freeze_private_key(rsa, ctx)) {
    goto bn_err;

  // The key generation process is complex and thus error-prone. It could be
  // disastrous to generate and then use a bad key so double-check that the key
  // makes sense.
  if (!RSA_check_key(rsa)) {
    goto err;

  ret = 1;

  if (!ret) {
  if (ctx != NULL) {
  return ret;