コード例 #1
ファイル: board.c プロジェクト: sgergo/projecttiva
void board_blink_led(led_t led) {
	switch (led) {
		case RED:

		case BLUE:

		case GREEN:
コード例 #2
ファイル: board.c プロジェクト: sgergo/project4133
void board_blink_led(void) {

コード例 #3
ファイル: board_eeprom.c プロジェクト: sgergo/projecttiva
static int32_t board_eeprom_enable_eeprom_peripherial(void) {
	board_delay_ms (100);

	return ROM_EEPROMInit();
コード例 #4
int  main (int argc, char **argv)
    sys_Init (0, 0);                    // Turn off WDT, init MCU clocks, ...

    pin_Config (LED1, GPIO_OUTPUT, 0);  // Setup LED1 for output to show activity

       // Configure the L6474 Stepper Ctl chip and the motor attached to it.
       // This includes downloading configuration parameters into the L6474.
extern  volatile uint8_t   numberOfDevices;   // used by EasySpin
numberOfDevices = 1;    // save max # devices for EasySpin logic

//  ret_code = configure_stepper_motor();

     /* Attach the function Error_Handler (defined below) to the error Handler*/
EasySpin_AttachErrorHandler (Error_Handler);

     /* Attach the function MyFlagInterruptHandler (defined below) to the EXTI IRQ flag interrupt */
EasySpin_AttachFlagInterrupt (MyFlagInterruptHandler);

     //    re-Init of the EasysSpin library
EasySpin_Begin (1);

       //     Read inexistent register to test MyFlagInterruptHandler
       /* Try to read an inexistent register.  */
       /* The flag interrupt should be raised */
       /* and the MyFlagInterruptHandler function called */
//  EasySpin_CmdGetParam (0, (easySPIN_Registers_t) 0x1F);
    sys_Delay_Millis (500);

     /* Move device 0 of 16000 steps in the FORWARD direction */
EasySpin_Move (0, FORWARD, 16000);
     /* Wait for the motor of device 0 ends moving */
EasySpin_WaitWhileActive(0)  ;

HAL_Delay (1000);

    while (1)
         //                        MOTION   CONTROL
         // Perform a repeated sequence of steps, as if we were doing DIY
         // printing or some other form of positioning/machining sequence.
            // Setup an initial speed profile and go into full-step mode so that
            // we can quickly move the stepper to the desired starting position
            // for machinng something.
          /* Select full step mode for the motor */
        EasySpin_SelectStepMode (0, easySPIN_STEP_SEL_1);
          /* Set speed and acceleration to be consistent with full step mode */
        EasySpin_SetMaxSpeed (0,100);
        EasySpin_SetMinSpeed (0,50);
        EasySpin_SetAcceleration (0,10);
        EasySpin_SetDeceleration (0,10);

          /* Move the motor to go position 200 */
        EasySpin_GoTo (0,200);
          /* Wait for the motor to stop moving */
        EasySpin_WaitWhileActive (0)  ;

          /* Set the current position of motor to be its "Home" position */
        EasySpin_SetHome (0);
        pin_Toggle (LED1);                    // show activity - toggle LED

            // Now go into 1/16 step mode and set an associated speed profile
            // so we can machine something
          /* Set L6474 to drive motor in 1/16 microstepping mode */
        EasySpin_SelectStepMode (0,easySPIN_STEP_SEL_1_16);
          /* Update speed, acceleration, deceleration for 1/16 microstep mode*/
        EasySpin_SetMaxSpeed (0,1600);
        EasySpin_SetMinSpeed (0,800);
        EasySpin_SetAcceleration (0,160);
        EasySpin_SetDeceleration (0,160);
        pin_Toggle (LED1);                    // show activity - toggle LED

            // Now sweep the motor back and forth several passes as if
            // machining or printing something.
         for (i = 0;  i < total_motor_passes;  i++)
                 /* Request motor to step FORWARD to position 6400 */
             EasySpin_GoTo (0,6400);
                 /* Wait for motor to stop moving */
             EasySpin_WaitWhileActive (0);

                 /* Request motor to step BACKWARD to -6400 position */
             EasySpin_GoTo (0,6400);
                 /* Wait for motor to stop moving */
             EasySpin_WaitWhileActive (0);

             pin_Toggle (LED1);        // show activity - toggle after each pass

          /* In preparation for a new sequence, request Motor to go to Home */
        EasySpin_GoHome (0);
        EasySpin_WaitWhileActive (0)  ;

        board_delay_ms (1000);      // pause between sequences
コード例 #5
ファイル: pmrf.c プロジェクト: abtink/openthread
void pmrf_delay_ms(uint32_t ms)
    board_delay_ms(ms, OSP_DELAY_OS_COMPAT_DISABLE);
int  main (int argc, char **argv)
    GPIO_InitTypeDef   GPIO_InitStruct;

    board_init();                      // Turn off WDT, init MCU clocks, ...

    board_systick_timer_config();      // configure 1 ms timer

    LED1_INIT();                       // Setup LED1 for output
//  LED2_INIT();                       // Setup LED2 for output  not on STM32

while (uart_test1)  // TEMP DEBUG of Baud Rate
   CONSOLE_WRITE ("\n\rInitialization complete. Type in a config parm:\n\r");
      ;        // loop till get some data
CONSOLE_READ_STRING ((char*) uart_cmd_buf, 12);

CONSOLE_WRITE ("Type in a single char: ");
ret_code = 0;
while (ret_code == 0)              // wait till we get a char in
   ret_code = CONSOLE_GET_CHAR();
CONSOLE_WRITE_CHAR (ret_code);     // echo it

       // Setup GPIOs to operate in Timer/PWM mode
       // Start with PA8 (Arduino D7) = TIM1_CH1
       /* TIM1 module - Channel 1 output */
    GPIO_InitStruct.Pin       = GPIO_PIN_8;      // PA8 = Arduino D7
    GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF1_TIM1;   // Alt Func = Timer/PWM
    GPIO_InitStruct.Mode      = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
    GPIO_InitStruct.Pull      = GPIO_PULLUP;
    GPIO_InitStruct.Speed     = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH;
    HAL_GPIO_Init (GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);

       /* TIM1 module - Channel 1 complementary output */
    GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_13;           // PB13 - not on Arduino - Morpho CN10 - 30
    HAL_GPIO_Init (GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);

       // Configure PWM module to be used
       // SystemCoreClock variable holds HCLK frequency and is defined in system_stm32f4xx.c file.
    uwPeriod = (SystemCoreClock / 20000 ) - 1;       // set period = 20 K Hz
    ret_code = board_pwm_init_module (PWM_MODULE_1, PWM_COUNT_DOWN,
                                      uwPeriod, 0);

       // Configure PWM channel(s) to be used
    ret_code = board_pwm_config_channel (PWM_MODULE_1, PWM_CHANNEL_1,
                                         (uwPeriod/4), 0);   // 25 % duty cycle

       // Enable the PWM module and its associated channels
    ret_code = board_pwm_enable (PWM_MODULE_1, 0);

    while (1)
            // initial checkout - see if PWM is working
        LED1_TOGGLE();              // show activity
        board_delay_ms (1000);

// -----   INITIAL CHECKOUT   -----

#if (LATER)
       // Ensure DRV8848 is OFF during config.
       // setup nSLEEP PB_2 pin (J2-2) to LOW to turn off the DRV8848
    pin_Config (Pin19, GPIO_OUTPUT);
    pin_Low (Pin19);

      // Setup PWMs to drive the DRV8711 Stepper
      // first, get the period for a 20 K Hz PWM frequency
    pwm_period = board_frequency_to_period_ticks (PWM_20K_FREQUENCY);

      // then initialize the needed PWMs, passing in startup period
        // do basic setup for PWM and Interval Timer  (turn on clocks)
        // Skipping the /32 gives better accuracy (20.004 KHz vs 20.81 K Hz using /32)
//  MAP_SysCtlPWMClockSet (SYSCTL_PWMDIV_32);         // do not do / 32 of Master clock and see results
    MAP_SysCtlPWMClockSet (SYSCTL_PWMDIV_1);          // Setup Master PWM I/O clock
    MAP_SysCtlPeripheralEnable (SYSCTL_PERIPH_PWM1);  // turn on PWM module 1 clock
//  mg_PWMclock  = MAP_SysCtlClockGet() / 32;   // save Max PWM Clock value
    mg_PWMclock  = MAP_SysCtlClockGet();        // save Max PWM Clock value
    mg_Sysclock  = MAP_SysCtlClockGet();        // This says 80 MHz
    nmap_SysClkTicks = MAP_SysCtlClockGet();    // This says 80 MHz after switching over to MAP_ version.
                                                // Before that, non MAP_ version was saying 66 MHz, which is whacked out

       // Setup PWM pins that are used by DRV8848
       //    PWM A / AIN1 = PA_4 TA1.2   J2-8        PWM B / BIN1 = PA_6 TA1.1   J1-9
       //    DIR A / AIN2 = PA_3 TA1CCR2 J2-9        DIR B / BIN2 = PA_7 TA1CCR1 J1-10
       //    nSLEEP = PB_2               J2-2        nFAULT = PE_0               J2-3
       //    VREF   = PE_4  Adc9         J1-5

       // setup DRV8701 STEP_AIN1 PA_6 pin (J1-9) for PWM mode
       // setup DRV8848 BIN1      PA_6 pin (J1-9) for PWM mode
    MAP_GPIOPinTypePWM (GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_6);   // setup BIN1 PWM (J1-9)
    MAP_GPIOPinConfigure (GPIO_PA6_M1PWM2);

       // Setup PWM and associated Count mode.
       // Tiva only supports DOWN counts, not UP counts

       // setup default PWM Period and duty cycle
    mg_PWMperiod = (mg_PWMclock / PWM_20K_FREQUENCY) - 1;   // default period /32  = 124   (125 - 1)
                                                            // default period /1   = 3999  (4000 - 1)
    MAP_PWMGenPeriodSet (PWM1_BASE, PWM_GEN_1, mg_PWMperiod);

    MAP_PWMPulseWidthSet (PWM1_BASE, PWM_OUT_2, mg_PWMperiod / 4);  // duty of 25 %
    pwm_duty_value = mg_PWMperiod / 4;                   // save it for ADC checks

      //   Start up the PWM
    MAP_PWMGenEnable (PWM1_BASE, PWM_GEN_1);             // start up the PWM  ??? need ???

    MAP_PWMOutputState (PWM1_BASE, PWM_OUT_2_BIT, true); // Enable PWM pin output

       // setup DIR BIN2 PA_7 pin (J1-10) to LOW
    pin_Config (Pin10, GPIO_OUTPUT);   // setup BIN2 DIR (J1-10)
    pin_Low (Pin10);

       // Turn off AIN1 PWM and AIN2 DIR pins PA_4 / PA_3 pins (J2-8/J2-9) to LOW
    pin_Config (Pin13, GPIO_OUTPUT);   // setup AIN1 PWM (J2-8)
    pin_Low (Pin13);
    pin_Config (Pin12, GPIO_OUTPUT);   // setup AIN2 DIR (J2-9)
    pin_Low (Pin12);

       // set nSLEEP PB_2 pin (J2-2) to HIGH to turn on the DRV8848
    pin_High (Pin19);

    while (1)
 //      LED1_TOGGLE();            // Setup LED1 for output
         if  (adc_Check_All_Complete())
             {     // we have a completed ADC reading. Pull in the latest reading
               adc_Read (&adc_value);
               if ( (adc_value > (adc_cur_value +10)) ||  (adc_value < (adc_cur_value - 1)) )
                  {    // we have a major change in valu. Update the PWM
                    adc_cur_value = adc_value;
                       // scale the PWM Duty_Cycle (o - 4000) value to match the ADC value (0-4096)
                    if (adc_cur_value > 3999)
                       pwm_duty_value = 3999;
                       else pwm_duty_value = adc_value;
                       // set the new PWM duty ccyle
                    MAP_PWMPulseWidthSet (PWM1_BASE, PWM_OUT_2, pwm_duty_value);
                       // start a new ADC sampling cycle
         board_delay_ms (250);     // wait 250 ms (1/4 sec) between samples
