コード例 #1
ファイル: c_hl2mp_player.cpp プロジェクト: uunx/quakelife2
 * Orient head and eyes towards m_lookAt.
void C_HL2MP_Player::UpdateLookAt( void )
	// head yaw
	if (m_headYawPoseParam < 0 || m_headPitchPoseParam < 0)

	// orient eyes
	m_viewtarget = m_vLookAtTarget;

	// blinking
	if (m_blinkTimer.IsElapsed())
		m_blinktoggle = !m_blinktoggle;
		m_blinkTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 1.5f, 4.0f ) );

	// Figure out where we want to look in world space.
	QAngle desiredAngles;
	Vector to = m_vLookAtTarget - EyePosition();
	VectorAngles( to, desiredAngles );

	// Figure out where our body is facing in world space.
	QAngle bodyAngles( 0, 0, 0 );
	bodyAngles[YAW] = GetLocalAngles()[YAW];

	float flBodyYawDiff = bodyAngles[YAW] - m_flLastBodyYaw;
	m_flLastBodyYaw = bodyAngles[YAW];

	// Set the head's yaw.
	float desired = AngleNormalize( desiredAngles[YAW] - bodyAngles[YAW] );
	desired = clamp( desired, m_headYawMin, m_headYawMax );
	m_flCurrentHeadYaw = ApproachAngle( desired, m_flCurrentHeadYaw, 130 * gpGlobals->frametime );

	// Counterrotate the head from the body rotation so it doesn't rotate past its target.
	m_flCurrentHeadYaw = AngleNormalize( m_flCurrentHeadYaw - flBodyYawDiff );
	desired = clamp( desired, m_headYawMin, m_headYawMax );
	SetPoseParameter( m_headYawPoseParam, m_flCurrentHeadYaw );

	// Set the head's yaw.
	desired = AngleNormalize( desiredAngles[PITCH] );
	desired = clamp( desired, m_headPitchMin, m_headPitchMax );
	m_flCurrentHeadPitch = ApproachAngle( desired, m_flCurrentHeadPitch, 130 * gpGlobals->frametime );
	m_flCurrentHeadPitch = AngleNormalize( m_flCurrentHeadPitch );
	SetPoseParameter( m_headPitchPoseParam, m_flCurrentHeadPitch );
コード例 #2
ファイル: larvaFind.cpp プロジェクト: LabLouis/eLife_2015
//Main tracking Algorithm
void AnalysisModule::larvaFind(uchar * img, int imWidth, int imHeight, int frameInd){

	input = cv::Mat(imHeight,imWidth,CV_8UC1,NULL);
	input.data = img;
	if(output.rows != imHeight | output.cols != imWidth) output.create(imHeight,imWidth,CV_8UC1);
	int nextInd = (index+1)%sampleInd.size();

	//for Profiling
	sampleInd[nextInd] = frameInd;
	sampleTime[nextInd] = frameInd * frameIntervalMS;

	//On first image, automatically determine threshold level using the Otsu method
	// Minimizes within group variance of thresholded classes.  Should land on the best boundary between backlight and larva
	if(index == -1) threshold = otsuThreshold(img,imWidth*imHeight);

	//Can speed this up by applying to a roi bounding box a bit larger than the previous one

	//Simple inverted binary threshold of the image
	cv::threshold(input,output,threshold,255,CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);  profile[0] = toctic();
	//Detect Contours in the binary image
	cv::findContours(output,contours,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);  profile[1] = toctic();
	//No contours detected
	if (contours.size() == 0) {

	//find contour with largest perimeter length
	double maxLen = 0; int maxInd = -1;
	double cLen;
	for(int i=0; i<contours.size(); i++){
		cLen = cv::arcLength(cv::Mat(contours[i]), false);
		if(cLen >= maxLen){ maxLen = cLen; maxInd = i; };
	//Check to make sure that the perimeter is a larva by simple size analysis 
	//(larva should have a certain perimeter length at 8.1um/pixel)
	cLarva[nextInd] = contours[maxInd];
	//calculate bounding box
	bBox[nextInd] = cv::boundingRect(cv::Mat(cLarva[nextInd])); profile[2] = toctic();
	//Calculate fourier coefficients
	centroid[nextInd] = cv::Point2f(fourier[nextInd][0][AX],fourier[nextInd][0][AY]); profile[3] = toctic();

	//Reconstruct the estimated boundary
	fourierReconstruct(fourier[nextInd],cFit,fitRes); profile[4] = toctic();
	//Calculate Curvature
	perimeterCurvature(cFit,curve,fitRes/8); profile[5] = toctic();

	//Find head and tail based on curvature minimums (small angle = sharp region)
	head[nextInd] = headTail[0];
	tail[nextInd] = headTail[1]; profile[6] = toctic();

	//Calculate Skeleton
	skeletonCalc(cFit,skeleton,headTail,length[nextInd],neck[nextInd]); profile[7] = toctic();

	//Calculate bearing and head angle to bearing
	bodyAngles(tailBearingAngle[nextInd], headToBodyAngle[nextInd], head[nextInd], neck[nextInd], tail[nextInd]); profile[8] = toctic();

	//Capture stage position 
	stagePos[nextInd] = cv::Point(gui->stageThread->xpos,gui->stageThread->ypos);
	//Keep track of entire history with a sample every 30 frames
	if((nextInd % 30) == 0){
		fullTrack[(fullTrackInd+1)%fullTrack.size()].x = stagePos[nextInd].x/gui->stageThread->tickPerMM_X+centroid[nextInd].x*gui->camThread->umPerPixel/1000.0;
		fullTrack[(fullTrackInd+1)%fullTrack.size()].y = stagePos[nextInd].y/gui->stageThread->tickPerMM_Y+centroid[nextInd].y*gui->camThread->umPerPixel/1000.0;
		fullTrackStim[(fullTrackInd+1)%fullTrack.size()] = binStimMax;
		binStimMax = 0; //updated from stimThread

	//Calculate Velocities of head and tail

	//Spew out profiling info
	//for(int i=0; i<9; i++) qDebug("%d: %.4fms",i,profile[i]*1000);

コード例 #3
 * Orient head and eyes towards m_lookAt.
void C_CHostage::UpdateLookAt( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr )
	if (!m_isInit)
		m_isInit = true;
		Initialize( );

	// head yaw
	if (m_headYawPoseParam < 0 || m_bodyYawPoseParam < 0 || m_headPitchPoseParam < 0)

	if (GetLeader())
		m_lookAt = GetLeader()->EyePosition();
	// orient eyes
	m_viewtarget = m_lookAt;

	// blinking
	if (m_blinkTimer.IsElapsed())
		m_blinktoggle = !m_blinktoggle;
		m_blinkTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 1.5f, 4.0f ) );

	// Figure out where we want to look in world space.
	QAngle desiredAngles;
	Vector to = m_lookAt - EyePosition();
	VectorAngles( to, desiredAngles );

	// Figure out where our body is facing in world space.
	float poseParams[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM];
	GetPoseParameters( pStudioHdr, poseParams );
	QAngle bodyAngles( 0, 0, 0 );
	bodyAngles[YAW] = GetRenderAngles()[YAW] + RemapVal( poseParams[m_bodyYawPoseParam], 0, 1, m_bodyYawMin, m_bodyYawMax );

	float flBodyYawDiff = bodyAngles[YAW] - m_flLastBodyYaw;
	m_flLastBodyYaw = bodyAngles[YAW];

	// Set the head's yaw.
	float desired = AngleNormalize( desiredAngles[YAW] - bodyAngles[YAW] );
	desired = clamp( desired, m_headYawMin, m_headYawMax );
	m_flCurrentHeadYaw = ApproachAngle( desired, m_flCurrentHeadYaw, HOSTAGE_HEAD_TURN_RATE * gpGlobals->frametime );

	// Counterrotate the head from the body rotation so it doesn't rotate past its target.
	m_flCurrentHeadYaw = AngleNormalize( m_flCurrentHeadYaw - flBodyYawDiff );
	desired = clamp( desired, m_headYawMin, m_headYawMax );
	SetPoseParameter( pStudioHdr, m_headYawPoseParam, m_flCurrentHeadYaw );

	// Set the head's yaw.
	desired = AngleNormalize( desiredAngles[PITCH] );
	desired = clamp( desired, m_headPitchMin, m_headPitchMax );
	m_flCurrentHeadPitch = ApproachAngle( desired, m_flCurrentHeadPitch, HOSTAGE_HEAD_TURN_RATE * gpGlobals->frametime );
	m_flCurrentHeadPitch = AngleNormalize( m_flCurrentHeadPitch );
	SetPoseParameter( pStudioHdr, m_headPitchPoseParam, m_flCurrentHeadPitch );

	SetPoseParameter( pStudioHdr, "head_roll", 0.0f );