コード例 #1
ファイル: qcd_study1.c プロジェクト: SusyRa2b/Statistics
   void qcd_study1( bool fillHists=false, bool savePlots=false, bool interactive=true, const char* datfile = "null" ) {

      TLine* line = new TLine() ;

      gStyle->SetPalette(1) ;
      gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.20) ;

      gDirectory->Delete("h*") ;

      int nBinsBjets = 3 ;

        //-- met3-ht3-v5
        const int nBinsMET   = 3 ;
        const int nBinsHT    = 3 ;
         // const int version = 5;
        float Mbins[nBinsMET+1] = {125, 200.,350.,99999.};
        float Hbins[nBinsHT+1] = {400, 600.,1000.,99999.};

  //  ////-- met4-ht3-v3
  //  const int nBinsMET   = 4 ;
  //  const int nBinsHT    = 3 ;
  //      const int version = 3;
  //  float Mbins[nBinsMET+1] = {125, 150.,250.,350.,99999.};
  //  float Hbins[nBinsHT+1] = {400, 600.,1000.,99999.};

      ////-- met4-ht4-v15
      //const int nBinsMET   = 4 ;
      //const int nBinsHT    = 4 ;
      //    const int version = 15;
      //float Mbins[nBinsMET+1] = {125, 150.,250.,350.,99999.};
      //float Hbins[nBinsHT+1] = {400, 500.,800.,1000.,99999.};

      TH2F* hdummy = new TH2F("hdummy","",2, Mbins[0], 1500., 2, Hbins[0], 1500. ) ;

      const int nQcdSamples(9) ;

      char inputfile[9][1000] = {
      } ;

      char samplename[9][100] = {
      } ;

 //   int samplecolor[9] = {
 //      kOrange+8,
 //      kRed,
 //      KMagenta+2,
 //      KBlue+1,
 //      KAzure+2,
 //      KGreen+2,
 //      kPink-2,
 //      kViolet+2,
 //      kOrange+2
 //   } ;

      int samplecolor[9] = {
      } ;

      TH2F*   h0lep[nQcdSamples][nBinsBjets] ;
      TH2F*   hldp [nQcdSamples][nBinsBjets] ;

      TCanvas* cqcd = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cqcd") ;
      if ( cqcd == 0x0 ) {
         cqcd = new TCanvas("cqcd", "qcd study", 700, 900 ) ;

      char hname[1000] ;
      char htitle[1000] ;

      if ( fillHists ) {

         TChain* qcdch[nQcdSamples] ;

         printf("\n\n") ;
         for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {

            qcdch[si] = new TChain("tree") ;
            printf(" %2d : connecting to %s\n", si, inputfile[si] ) ;
            qcdch[si] -> Add( inputfile[si] ) ;

            for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {

               sprintf( hname, "h_0lep_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
               sprintf( htitle, "QCD 0lep yield, nb=%d, %s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
               printf("         booking hist %s : %s\n", hname, htitle ) ;
               h0lep[si][bbi] = new TH2F( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, Mbins, nBinsHT, Hbins ) ;
               h0lep[si][bbi] -> Sumw2() ;
               sprintf( hname, "h_ldp_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
               sprintf( htitle, "QCD  LDP yield, nb=%d, %s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
               printf("         booking hist %s  : %s\n", hname, htitle ) ;
               hldp [si][bbi] = new TH2F( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, Mbins, nBinsHT, Hbins ) ;
               hldp [si][bbi] -> Sumw2() ;

            } // bbi.

         } // si.
         printf("\n\n") ;

         char basecuts[10000] ;
         sprintf( basecuts, "pt_1st_leadJet>50&&pt_2nd_leadJet>50&&pt_3rd_leadJet>50&&HT>400&&MET>125&&nMu==0&&nEl==0&&nB>=1&&nJets>=3" ) ;

         char bcut[3][100] = { "nB==1", "nB==2", "nB>=3" } ;

         for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {

            printf(" %2d : %s : 0lep\n", si, samplename[si] ) ; cout << flush ;
            for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {

               char arg1[1000] ;

               char cuts0lep[10000] ;
               sprintf( cuts0lep, "(%s)&&(minDelPhiN>4&&%s)", basecuts, bcut[bbi] ) ;
               printf("     %db, 0lep cuts : %s\n", bbi+1, cuts0lep ) ;
               sprintf( arg1, "HT:MET>>h_0lep_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
               qcdch[si] -> Draw( arg1, cuts0lep ) ;
               hdummy->Draw() ;
               h0lep[si][bbi]->Draw("samecolz") ;
               cqcd->Update() ; cqcd->Draw() ;

               char cutsldp[10000] ;
               sprintf( cutsldp, "(%s)&&(minDelPhiN<=4&&%s)", basecuts, bcut[bbi] ) ;
               printf("     %db, ldp  cuts : %s\n", bbi+1, cutsldp  ) ;
               sprintf( arg1, "HT:MET>>h_ldp_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
               qcdch[si] -> Draw( arg1, cutsldp, "colz" ) ;
               hdummy->Draw() ;
               hldp[si][bbi]->Draw("samecolz") ;
               cqcd->Update() ; cqcd->Draw() ;

            } // bbi.

         } // si.

         saveHist( "rootfiles/qcd-study1.root", "h*" ) ;



      gStyle->SetOptStat(0) ;

      gDirectory->Delete("h*") ;
      loadHist( "rootfiles/qcd-study1.root" ) ;

      for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {
         for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {

            sprintf( hname, "h_0lep_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            printf("  loading %s\n", hname ) ;
            h0lep[si][bbi] = (TH2F*) gDirectory->FindObject( hname ) ;
            if ( h0lep[si][bbi] == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** %s missing.\n\n", hname ) ; return ; }
            sprintf( hname, "h_ldp_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            printf("  loading %s\n", hname ) ;
            hldp [si][bbi] = (TH2F*) gDirectory->FindObject( hname ) ;
            if ( hldp [si][bbi] == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** %s missing.\n\n", hname ) ; return ; }

         } // bbi.
      } // si.

     //--- Flatten 2D histos and compute 0lep/LDP ratios for each sample.

      int nbins = nBinsMET*(nBinsHT+1) + 1 ;

      TH1F* hflat_0lep[nQcdSamples][nBinsBjets] ;
      TH1F* hflat_ldp [nQcdSamples][nBinsBjets] ;
      TH1F* hflat_0lepldp_ratio[nQcdSamples][nBinsBjets] ;

      sprintf( hname, "hflat_0lep_all" ) ;
      sprintf( htitle, "All QCD 0lep events" ) ;
      TH1F* hflat_0lep_all = bookHist( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, nBinsHT, 5 ) ;
      sprintf( hname, "hflat_ldp_all" ) ;
      sprintf( htitle, "All QCD ldp events" ) ;
      TH1F* hflat_ldp_all = bookHist( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, nBinsHT, 5 ) ;

      for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {
         for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {

            sprintf( hname, "hflat_0lep_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            sprintf( htitle, "QCD 0lep events, nb=%d, %s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            hflat_0lep[si][bbi] = bookHist( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, nBinsHT, si ) ;
            hflat_0lep[si][bbi]->SetFillColor(11) ;
            hldp[si][bbi]->Print("all") ;

            sprintf( hname, "hflat_ldp_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            sprintf( htitle, "QCD LDP events, nb=%d, %s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            hflat_ldp[si][bbi] = bookHist( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, nBinsHT, si ) ;
            hflat_ldp[si][bbi]->SetFillColor(11) ;

            sprintf( hname, "hflat_0lepldp_ratio_%db_%s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            sprintf( htitle, "QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb=%d, %s", bbi+1, samplename[si] ) ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi] = bookHist( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, nBinsHT, si ) ;

            for ( int mbi=0; mbi<nBinsMET; mbi++ ) {
               for ( int hbi=0; hbi<nBinsHT; hbi++ ) {

                  int histbin = 1 + (nBinsHT+1)*mbi + hbi + 1 ;

                  float n0lep     = h0lep[si][bbi] -> GetBinContent( mbi+1, hbi+1 ) ;
                  float n0lep_err = h0lep[si][bbi] -> GetBinError( mbi+1, hbi+1 ) ;

                  float nldp      = hldp [si][bbi] -> GetBinContent( mbi+1, hbi+1 ) ;
                  float nldp_err  = hldp [si][bbi] -> GetBinError( mbi+1, hbi+1 ) ;

                  hflat_0lep[si][bbi] -> SetBinContent( histbin, n0lep ) ;
                  hflat_0lep[si][bbi] -> SetBinError( histbin, n0lep_err ) ;

                  hflat_ldp[si][bbi]  -> SetBinContent( histbin, nldp ) ;
                  hflat_ldp[si][bbi]  -> SetBinError( histbin, nldp_err ) ;

                  double ratio(0.) ;
                  if ( nldp > 0 ) { ratio = n0lep / nldp ; }
                  double ratio_err(0.) ;
                  if ( n0lep_err > 0. && nldp_err > 0. ) {
                     ratio_err = ratio * sqrt( pow(n0lep_err/n0lep,2) + pow(nldp_err/nldp,2) ) ;

                  hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi] -> SetBinContent( histbin, ratio ) ;
                  hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi] -> SetBinError( histbin, ratio_err ) ;

               } // hbi.
            } // mbi.

            hflat_0lep_all -> Add( hflat_0lep[si][bbi] ) ;
            hflat_ldp_all  -> Add( hflat_ldp [si][bbi] ) ;

            cqcd->Clear() ;
            cqcd->Divide(1,3) ;

            cqcd->cd(1) ;
            hflat_0lep[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("histe") ;
            hflat_0lep[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("samee") ;

            cqcd->cd(2) ;
            hflat_ldp[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("histe") ;
            hflat_ldp[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("samee") ;

            cqcd->cd(3) ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi]->SetMinimum(-0.1) ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi]->SetMaximum(0.6) ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi]->SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi]->SetLineWidth(2) ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi]->DrawCopy() ;
            gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
            gPad->SetGridy(1) ;
            line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;

            cqcd->Update() ; cqcd->Draw() ;

         } // si.
      } // bbi.

      TH1F* hflat_0lep_all_sqrtNerrs = (TH1F*) hflat_0lep_all->Clone("hflat_0lep_all_sqrtNerrs") ;
      TH1F* hflat_ldp_all_sqrtNerrs  = (TH1F*) hflat_ldp_all ->Clone("hflat_ldp_all_sqrtNerrs") ;

      for ( int bi=1; bi<=nbins; bi++ ) {
         double val ;
         val = hflat_0lep_all_sqrtNerrs->GetBinContent( bi ) ;
         hflat_0lep_all_sqrtNerrs -> SetBinError( bi, sqrt(val) ) ;
         val = hflat_ldp_all_sqrtNerrs->GetBinContent( bi ) ;
         hflat_ldp_all_sqrtNerrs -> SetBinError( bi, sqrt(val) ) ;

     //--- Compute sample average of 0lep/LDP ratio

      TH1F* hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[nBinsBjets] ;

      for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {

         sprintf( hname, "hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_%db", bbi+1 ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "QCD 0lep/LDP average ratio, nb=%d", bbi+1 ) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] = bookHist( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, nBinsHT, 5 ) ;

         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] -> SetMarkerStyle(24) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] -> SetMarkerSize(2.0) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] -> SetLineWidth(3) ;

         for ( int binind=1; binind<=nbins; binind++ ) {

            double wvsum(0.) ;
            double wsum(0.) ;

            for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {

               double val = hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi] -> GetBinContent( binind ) ;
               double err = hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi] -> GetBinError( binind ) ;
               if ( err > 0 ) {
                  double weight = 1./(err*err) ;
                  wvsum += val*weight ;
                  wsum  += weight ;
            } // si.

            if ( wsum > 0. ) {
               hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] -> SetBinContent( binind, wvsum/wsum ) ;
               hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] -> SetBinError( binind, 1./sqrt(wsum) ) ;

         } // binind

      } // bbi.

     //--- Compute RMS spread of samples and total uncertainty

      TH1F* hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[nBinsBjets] ;

      printf("\n\n") ;
      for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {

         sprintf( hname, "hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_%db_withRMSerror", bbi+1 ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "QCD 0lep/LDP average ratio, RMS included in error, nb=%d", bbi+1 ) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] = bookHist( hname, htitle, nBinsMET, nBinsHT, 5 ) ;

         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetMarkerStyle(24) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetMarkerSize(2.0) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetLineWidth(3) ;

         for ( int binind=1; binind<=nbins; binind++ ) {

            double sumsquare(0.) ;
            int    nsum(0) ;

            double ave     = hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] -> GetBinContent( binind ) ;
            double ave_err = hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi] -> GetBinError( binind ) ;

            for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {

               double val = hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi] -> GetBinContent( binind ) ;
               double err = hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi] -> GetBinError( binind ) ;

               if ( err <= 0 ) { continue ; }
               if ( val <= 0 ) { continue ; }
               if ( err/val > 0.5 ) { continue ; } //-- do not include points with very large errors.

               double diff = val - ave ;

               sumsquare += diff*diff ;

               nsum ++ ;

            } // si.

            if ( nsum > 1 ) {
               double rms = sqrt(sumsquare/nsum) ;
               double totalerr = sqrt( ave_err*ave_err + rms*rms ) ;
               const char* binlabel = hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinLabel( binind ) ;
               printf(" %s : %s : ratio = %5.3f, stat err = %5.3f, RMS = %5.3f,  total err = %5.3f\n",
                   hname, binlabel, ave, ave_err, rms, totalerr ) ;
               hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetBinContent( binind, ave ) ;
               hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetBinError( binind, totalerr ) ;
            } else {
               hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetBinContent( binind, ave ) ;
               hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetBinError( binind, ave_err ) ;

         } // binind
         printf("\n") ;

      } // bbi.
      printf("\n\n") ;

     //--- compute global average 0lep/LDP ratio.

      double all0lep(0.) ;
      double allldp(0.) ;

      printf("\n\n") ;
      for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {
         for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {

            double sample_all0lep = h0lep[si][bbi] -> Integral() ;
            double sample_allldp  = hldp [si][bbi] -> Integral() ;
            double sample_ratio(0.) ;
            if ( sample_allldp > 0 ) { sample_ratio = sample_all0lep / sample_allldp ; }

            printf( "%s, nb=%d : 0lep = %8.1f,  LDP = %8.1f, ratio = %5.3f\n", samplename[si], bbi+1, sample_all0lep, sample_allldp, sample_ratio ) ;

            all0lep += sample_all0lep ;
            allldp += sample_allldp ;

         } // si.
         printf("\n") ;
      } // bbi.
      printf("\n\n") ;

      double global_0lepldp_ratio(0.) ;
      if ( allldp > 0.) {
         global_0lepldp_ratio = all0lep / allldp ;
      } else {
         printf("\n\n *** You screwed up.\n\n") ; return ;
      printf("  overall : 0lep = %9.1f,  LDP = %9.1f, ratio = %5.3f\n", all0lep, allldp, global_0lepldp_ratio ) ;

     //--- Compute scale factors.  SF_i = (0lep/LDP)_i / global_(0lep/LDP)

      TH1F* hflat_scale_factor[nBinsBjets] ;
      TH1F* hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[nBinsBjets] ;

      for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {

         sprintf( hname, "hflat_scale_factor_%db", bbi+1 ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "QCD scale factor, nb=%d", bbi+1 ) ;
         hflat_scale_factor[bbi] = (TH1F*) hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi]->Clone( hname ) ;
         hflat_scale_factor[bbi] -> SetTitle( htitle ) ;
         hflat_scale_factor[bbi] -> Scale( 1./ global_0lepldp_ratio ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "hflat_scale_factor_%db_withRMSerror", bbi+1 ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "QCD scale factor, nb=%d, RMS error included ", bbi+1 ) ;
         hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[bbi] = (TH1F*) hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[bbi]->Clone( hname ) ;
         hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[bbi] -> SetTitle( htitle ) ;
         hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[bbi] -> Scale( 1./ global_0lepldp_ratio ) ;

      } // bbi.

     //--- set Scale Factor values in dat file if one is provided.

      if ( strcmp( datfile, "null" ) != 0 ) {

         printf("\n\n\n Setting QCD scale factors in %s\n\n", datfile ) ;

         for ( int mbi=0; mbi<nBinsMET; mbi++ ) {
            for ( int hbi=0; hbi<nBinsHT; hbi++ ) {
               for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {
                  char parname[1000] ;
                  int histbin = 1 + (nBinsHT+1)*mbi + hbi + 1 ;
                  double val = hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[bbi]->GetBinContent( histbin ) ;
                  double err = hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[bbi]->GetBinError( histbin ) ;
                  if ( err <= 0 ) {
                     val = 1.0 ;
                     err = 3.0 ;
                  sprintf( parname, "sf_qcd_M%d_H%d_%db", mbi+1, hbi+1, bbi+1 ) ;
                  updateFileValue( datfile, parname, val ) ;
                  sprintf( parname, "sf_qcd_M%d_H%d_%db_err", mbi+1, hbi+1, bbi+1 ) ;
                  updateFileValue( datfile, parname, err ) ;
               } // bbi.
            } // hbi.
         } // mbi.


     //===========  End calculations.  Plots and other output below here.  ===================================

     //--- Plot all samples together

      TCanvas* cqcd2 = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cqcd2") ;
      if ( cqcd2 == 0x0 ) {
         cqcd2 = new TCanvas("cqcd2", "qcd study", 1700, 600 ) ;

      TLegend* l2 = new TLegend( 0.79, 0.70,  0.99, 0.99 ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[0][0], "120 to 170" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[1][0], "170 to 300" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[2][0], "300 to 470" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[3][0], "470 to 600" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[4][0], "600 to 800" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[5][0], "800 to 1000" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[6][0], "1000 to 1400" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[7][0], "1400 to 1800" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[8][0], "> 1800" ) ;
      l2->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0], "Average ratio" ) ;

      cqcd2 -> Clear() ;
      cqcd2 -> Divide(3,1) ;

      cqcd2 -> cd(1) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio[0][0] -> SetTitle("QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb=1") ;
      for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][0] -> SetMarkerStyle(20+si) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][0] -> SetLineColor(samplecolor[si]) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][0] -> SetMarkerColor(samplecolor[si]) ;
         if ( si == 0 ) { hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][0] -> DrawCopy() ; } else { hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][0] -> DrawCopy("same") ; }
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0]->DrawCopy("same") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      l2->Draw() ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd2 -> cd(2) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio[0][1] -> SetTitle("QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb=2") ;
      for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][1] -> SetMarkerStyle(20+si) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][1] -> SetLineColor(samplecolor[si]) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][1] -> SetMarkerColor(samplecolor[si]) ;
         if ( si == 0 ) { hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][1] -> DrawCopy() ; } else { hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][1] -> DrawCopy("same") ; }
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1]->DrawCopy("same") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      l2->Draw() ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd2 -> cd(3) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio[0][2] -> SetTitle("QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb>=3") ;
      for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][2] -> SetMarkerStyle(20+si) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][2] -> SetLineColor(samplecolor[si]) ;
         hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][2] -> SetMarkerColor(samplecolor[si]) ;
         if ( si == 0 ) { hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][2] -> DrawCopy() ; } else { hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][2] -> DrawCopy("same") ; }
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2]->DrawCopy("same") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      l2->Draw() ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd2->Update() ; cqcd2->Draw() ;

      if ( savePlots ) {
         cqcd2 -> SaveAs("outputfiles/qcd-study1-allonone.png") ;
         cqcd2 -> SaveAs("outputfiles/qcd-study1-allonone.pdf") ;

     //--- Go through the samples, 1 by 1, and draw numerator, denominator, and ratio

      TCanvas* cqcd3 = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cqcd3") ;
      if ( cqcd3 == 0x0 ) {
         cqcd3 = new TCanvas("cqcd3", "qcd study", 1200, 900 ) ;

      char oldtitle[1000] ;
      sprintf( oldtitle, "QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb=1, %s", samplename[0] ) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio[0][0] -> SetTitle(oldtitle) ;
      sprintf( oldtitle, "QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb=2, %s", samplename[0] ) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio[0][1] -> SetTitle(oldtitle) ;
      sprintf( oldtitle, "QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb>=3, %s", samplename[0] ) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio[0][2] -> SetTitle(oldtitle) ;

      cqcd3->Clear() ;
      cqcd3->Divide(3,3) ;

      for ( int si=0; si<nQcdSamples; si++ ) {
         TLegend* l3 = new TLegend( 0.65, 0.78, 0.99, 0.92) ;
         l3->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][0], samplename[si] ) ;
         l3->AddEntry( hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0], "Average") ;
         for ( int bbi=0; bbi<nBinsBjets; bbi++ ) {

            cqcd3->cd(1+bbi) ;
            hflat_0lep[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("histe") ;
            hflat_0lep[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("samee") ;

            cqcd3->cd(4+bbi) ;
            hflat_ldp[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("histe") ;
            hflat_ldp[si][bbi] -> DrawCopy("samee") ;

            cqcd3->cd(7+bbi) ;
            gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
            gPad->SetGridy(1) ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio[si][bbi]->DrawCopy() ;
            hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[bbi]->DrawCopy("same") ;
            line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
            l3->Draw() ;

         } // bbi.

         cqcd3->Update() ; cqcd3->Draw() ;

         if ( savePlots ) {
            char filename[1000] ;
            sprintf( filename, "outputfiles/qcd-study1-%s.pdf", samplename[si] ) ;
            cqcd3 -> SaveAs( filename ) ;
            sprintf( filename, "outputfiles/qcd-study1-%s.png", samplename[si] ) ;
            cqcd3 -> SaveAs( filename ) ;
         if ( interactive ) {
            char a = getchar() ;
            if ( a == 'q') { return ; }

      } // si.

     //--- Draw the average 0lep/LDP ratio with MC stat error and total error.

      TCanvas* cqcd4 = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cqcd4") ;
      if ( cqcd4 == 0x0 ) {
         cqcd4 = new TCanvas("cqcd4", "qcd study", 1700, 600 ) ;

      gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(5) ;

      cqcd4->Clear() ;
      cqcd4->Divide(3,1) ;

      cqcd4 -> cd(1) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0] -> SetTitle("Average QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb=1") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0] -> SetMarkerSize(1.2) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0] -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0] -> SetMaximum(0.6) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0] -> SetMinimum(-0.1) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0]->DrawCopy("e1") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[0]->SetMarkerStyle() ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[0]->SetLineColor(4) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[0]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[0]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd4 -> cd(2) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1] -> SetTitle("Average QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb=2") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1] -> SetMarkerSize(1.2) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1] -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1] -> SetMaximum(0.6) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1] -> SetMinimum(-0.1) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1]->DrawCopy("e1") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[1]->SetMarkerStyle() ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[1]->SetLineColor(4) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[1]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[1]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd4 -> cd(3) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2] -> SetTitle("Average QCD 0lep/LDP ratio, nb>=3") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2] -> SetMarkerSize(1.2) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2] -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2] -> SetMaximum(0.6) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2] -> SetMinimum(-0.1) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2]->DrawCopy("e1") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[2]->SetMarkerStyle() ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[2]->SetLineColor(4) ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave_withRMSerror[2]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      hflat_0lepldp_ratio_ave[2]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd4->Update() ; cqcd4->Draw() ;

      if ( savePlots ) {
         cqcd4 -> SaveAs("outputfiles/qcd-study1-averatio.png") ;
         cqcd4 -> SaveAs("outputfiles/qcd-study1-averatio.pdf") ;

     //--- Draw the QCD scale factor with MC stat error and total error.

      TCanvas* cqcd5 = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cqcd5") ;
      if ( cqcd5 == 0x0 ) {
         cqcd5 = new TCanvas("cqcd5", "qcd study", 1700, 600 ) ;

      gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(5) ;

      cqcd5->Clear() ;
      cqcd5->Divide(3,1) ;

      cqcd5 -> cd(1) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[0] -> SetTitle("QCD Scale Factor, nb=1") ;
      hflat_scale_factor[0] -> SetMarkerSize(1.2) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[0] -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[0] -> SetMaximum(2.6) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[0] -> SetMinimum(-0.1) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[0]->DrawCopy("e1") ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[0]->SetMarkerStyle() ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[0]->SetLineColor(4) ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[0]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      hflat_scale_factor[0]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd5 -> cd(2) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[1] -> SetTitle("QCD Scale Factor, nb=2") ;
      hflat_scale_factor[1] -> SetMarkerSize(1.2) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[1] -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[1] -> SetMaximum(2.6) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[1] -> SetMinimum(-0.1) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[1]->DrawCopy("e1") ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[1]->SetMarkerStyle() ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[1]->SetLineColor(4) ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[1]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      hflat_scale_factor[1]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd5 -> cd(3) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[2] -> SetTitle("QCD Scale Factor, nb>=3") ;
      hflat_scale_factor[2] -> SetMarkerSize(1.2) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[2] -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[2] -> SetMaximum(2.6) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[2] -> SetMinimum(-0.1) ;
      hflat_scale_factor[2]->DrawCopy("e1") ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[2]->SetMarkerStyle() ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[2]->SetLineColor(4) ;
      hflat_scale_factor_withRMSerror[2]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      hflat_scale_factor[2]->DrawCopy("samee1") ;
      line->DrawLine(0.5,0,nbins+0.5,0) ;
      gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      cqcd5->Update() ; cqcd5->Draw() ;

      if ( savePlots ) {
         cqcd5 -> SaveAs("outputfiles/qcd-study1-scalefactor.png") ;
         cqcd5 -> SaveAs("outputfiles/qcd-study1-scalefactor.pdf") ;

   } // qcd_study.
コード例 #2
ファイル: SSexcess.C プロジェクト: ataffard/SusyWeakProdAna
void study(int type, bool wBkg){
  string slep="_ee";
  string SLEP="_EE_";
    slep = "_mm";
    SLEP = "_MM_";
    slep = "_em";
    SLEP = "_EM_";

  TCut EE("llType==0");
  TCut MM("llType==1");
  TCut EM("llType==2");

  //start modif
  bool logy=false;//true;

  TCut SJ("j_isC20 || j_isB20 || j_isF30");

  TCut SEL("nSJets>=0 ");
  //TCut SEL("nSJets>0 && metrel>60 ");
  //TCut SEL(SJ && "nSJets==1 && (mll>100 & mll<110) && l_pt[0]>30 ");
  //TCut SEL("nSJets==1 && metrel>40 && (mll>100 & mll<110) ");
  //TCut SEL("nSJets==1 && met>40 && l_pt[0]>30");
  //TCut SEL("nSJets==1 && metrel>40");
  //TCut SEL("nSJets==1 && metrel>40 && l_pt[0]>30");
  //TCut SEL(SJ && "nSJets==1 && metrel>40 && l_pt[0]>30 && (mll>100 & mll<110)");
  //TCut SEL(SJ && "nSJets==1 && l_pt[0]>30 && (mll>100 & mll<110)");
  //TCut SEL("nSJets==1 && metrel>40 && mll>90 & mll<120 && l_pt[0]");
  //TCut SEL("nSJets<2 && metrel>40 ");

  //string var = "l_pt[1]";
  //string var = "l_q[0]+l_q[1]";
  //string var = "sqrt(2*l_pt[0]*met * (1- cos(acos(cos(l_phi[0]-met_phi)))))";
  //  string var = "mll";
  //string var = "pTll";
  //string var = "met";
  string var = "metrel";
  //string var = "met_refEle";
  //string var = "met_refMuo";
  //string var = "met_refJet";
  //string var = "met_cellout";
  //  string var = "acos(cos(l_phi[1]-met_phi))";
  //string var = "nSJets";
  //string var = "j_pt";
  //string var = "j_eta";
  //string var = "j_jvf";

  string sName = "CR2LepSS_noCut"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_VR1SS"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_Jveto"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_ge1SJ_metrel70"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1Jptl030Mll100-110"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_Metrel40Mll100-110"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMet40ptl030"+ SLEP + var;
  //  string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40ptl030"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_LE1JMetrel40"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40Mll90-120"+ SLEP + var;
  //  string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40ptl030mll102-106"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40ptl030mll100-110"+ SLEP + var;

  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1Jptl030IN"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40ptl030IN"+ SLEP + var;
  //string sName = "CR2LepSS_1JMetrel40ptl030OUT"+ SLEP + var;

  //end modif

  //No changes needed below
  string hName ="hdata"+slep;

  TH1F* hdata = bookHist(var,hName);
  if(hdata==NULL) abort();

  TCut CEE( (SEL && EE  ) * "w");
  TCut CMM( (SEL && MM  ) * "w");
  TCut CEM( (SEL && EM  ) * "w");

    TH1F* hFake = (TH1F*)  hdata->Clone();

    TH1F* hWW = (TH1F*)  hdata->Clone();

    TH1F* hWZ = (TH1F*)  hdata->Clone();

    TH1F* hZZ = (TH1F*)  hdata->Clone();

    TH1F* hTOP = (TH1F*)  hdata->Clone();

    TH1F* hZJET = (TH1F*)  hdata->Clone();

  //Fill histo
    string cmd1 = var + ">>hdata_ee";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hFake_ee";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hWW_ee";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hWZ_ee";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hZZ_ee";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hTOP_ee";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hZJET_ee";
  else if (type==1) {
    string cmd1 = var + ">>hdata_mm";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hFake_mm";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hWW_mm";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hWZ_mm";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hZZ_mm";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hTOP_mm";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hZJET_mm";
 else if (type==2) {
    string cmd1 = var + ">>hdata_em";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hFake_em";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hWW_em";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hWZ_em";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hZZ_em";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hTOP_em";
      cmd1 = var + ">>hZJET_em";

  if(wBkg)   plot(hdata,hFake,hWW,hWZ,hZZ,hTOP,hZJET, sName,logy);
  else       plot(hdata,sName,logy);
