ConfigPlugin::ConfigPlugin(GluxiBot *parent) : BasePlugin(parent), DiscoHandler(GLUXI_CONFIG_NODE,"", "Configuration") { bot()->registerIqHandler(""); bot()->registerIqHandler(""); bot()->rootDiscoHandler()->registerDiscoHandler(this); addInfoItem(new FeatureItem("")); addInfoItem(new IdentityItem("automation", "command-node", "Configuration")); commands << "GET" << "SET"; }
UserPlugin::UserPlugin(GluxiBot *parent) : BasePlugin(parent) { commands << "VERSION" << "PING" << "DISCO" << "VCARD" << "PHOTO" << "STATLIST" << "STAT" << "UPTIME" << "TIME"; bot()->registerIqHandler("jabber:iq:version"); bot()->registerIqHandler("jabber:iq:last"); bot()->registerIqHandler("jabber:iq:time"); bot()->registerIqHandler(""); bot()->registerIqHandler(""); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void) argc; (void) argv; Logger::Echo("Main", "nvsk v0.1"); signal(SIGINT, onSignal); if(!g_config->load() || !g_config->getNum()) return -1; ScriptEnv::Init(); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < g_config->getNum(); ++i) { BotPtr bot(new Bot(i)); Bot::Instances.insert({i, bot}); threads.push_back(std::thread(std::bind(&Bot::worker, bot))); } while(threads.size()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); Bot::Instances.clear(); ScriptEnv::Finish(); return 0; }
void Controller::update_bullets() { Bullet *bullet(0); Bot *bot(0); sf::Vector2f hitPoint; for (unsigned int i(0); i < m_model.get_bullets().size(); i++) { // Get a direct pointer for convenience. bullet = (Bullet*) m_model.get_bullets()[i]; if (m_model.collides(bullet, hitPoint)) // Collision with circles and world' boundaries. { m_view.add_explosion(hitPoint); m_model.erase_bullet(i); } else if (m_model.collides(bullet, &bot, hitPoint)) // Collision with bots. { m_view.add_explosion(hitPoint); m_model.inflict_damages(bot); if (!bot->is_alive()) { bullet->get_bot_origin()->add_kill(); m_view.add_bot_explosion(bot->get_position()); } m_model.erase_bullet(i); } else bullet->move(); // Update position. } }
void Controller::update_bots() { // Loop over all the bots. Bot *bot(0); sf::Vector2f hitPoint; for (int i(0); i < (int) m_model.get_bots().size(); i++) // See bot death below for the cast. { // Get a direct pointer for convenience. bot = (Bot*) m_model.get_bots()[i]; // Get and manage the request of each bot. BotConnector::Request const& request(bot->get_connector().get_request()); unsigned int circlesCount(0), botsCount(0), bulletsCount(0); // Results for a scan. switch (request.type) { case BotConnector::SKIP: // The bot asked to skip its turn. bot->get_connector().answer_request(bot->get_health(), bot->get_bullets_left(), bot->get_num_kills()); break; case BotConnector::MOVE: // The bot asked to move forward. bot->move(); bot->get_connector().answer_request(bot->get_health(), bot->get_bullets_left(), bot->get_num_kills()); break; case BotConnector::ROTATE: // The bot asked to be rotated. bot->rotate(request.rotationDegrees); bot->get_connector().answer_request(bot->get_health(), bot->get_bullets_left(), bot->get_num_kills()); break; case BotConnector::FIRE: // The bot asked to fire a bullet. if (bot->get_bullets_left() > 0) m_model.fire_bullet(bot); bot->get_connector().answer_request(bot->get_health(), bot->get_bullets_left(), bot->get_num_kills()); break; case BotConnector::SCAN: // The bot asked a scan. bot->set_scan(request.scanDistance, request.scanRadius); m_model.scan(bot, request.scanCircles, circlesCount, request.scanBots, botsCount, request.scanBullets, bulletsCount); bot->get_connector().answer_scan_request(bot->get_health(), bot->get_bullets_left(), bot->get_num_kills(), circlesCount, botsCount, bulletsCount); break; default: // The bot did not ask for anything. break; } // Manage collisions. Bot *botCollision(0); if (m_model.collides(bot, &botCollision, hitPoint)) { m_view.add_explosion(hitPoint); m_model.inflict_damages(bot); if (!bot->is_alive()) { if (botCollision != 0) // If the bot collides with another bot and not the world, add a kill to this other bot. botCollision->add_kill(); m_view.add_bot_explosion(bot->get_position()); i--; // If the bot has been removed from the vector (dead), the next bot will be on the current index. } } // Load new bullets. bot->load_bullet(); } }
int main() { // (void) signal(SIGINT,doquit); Communication comm; testBot bot(&comm); Walk walk(&bot); // while(walk.velocity()*1.5<=90) // { // walk.accelerate(); // walk.dribble(); // } // while(1) // { double pi=acos(-1); walk.move(100.0,-pi/4); // cvNamedWindow("w"); // char c= cvWaitKey(10); // if(c=='c' || c==27) // break; // } return 0; };
void UserPlugin::sendTime(gloox::Stanza* s) { time_t rawtime; struct tm *timeinfo; char buffer[80]; time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime ); strftime (buffer, 80, "%Z",timeinfo); QString tz = QString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer); QString display = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss %1 yyyy").arg(tz); QString utc = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC().toString("yyyyMMddhh:mm:ss"); gloox::Stanza *st = gloox::Stanza::createIqStanza(s->from(), s->findAttribute("id"), gloox::StanzaIqResult, "jabber:iq:time"); gloox::Tag* tag=st->findChild("query"); assert(tag); tag->addChild(new gloox::Tag("utc", utc.toStdString())); tag->addChild(new gloox::Tag("tz", tz.toStdString())); tag->addChild(new gloox::Tag("display", display.toStdString())); qDebug() << QString::fromStdString(st->xml()); bot()->client()->send(st); }
int main() { std::cout << "Chatterbot v9.0 Copyright (C) 2009 Gonzales Cenelia\n" << std::endl; try { CBot bot("Chatterbot9"); bot.signon(); while(!bot.quit()) { bot.get_input(); bot.respond(); } } catch(std::string str) { std::cerr << str << std::endl; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "The program has stop due to some unknown exception" << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); srand (time(NULL)); if (FLAGS_race_id.empty()) { FLAGS_race_id = random_race_id(); } std::cout << "Race id: " << FLAGS_race_id << std::endl; boost::filesystem::create_directories("bin/" + FLAGS_race_id); try { std::cout << "Host: " << FLAGS_host << ", port: " << FLAGS_port << ", name: " << FLAGS_bot << ", key:" << FLAGS_key << std::endl; std::unique_ptr<bots::RawBot> bot(new bots::RawBot(GetBot(FLAGS_bot_algorithm))); utils::Connection connection(FLAGS_host, FLAGS_port); run(&connection, bot.get(), FLAGS_bot, FLAGS_key); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "EXCEPTION!!!" << std::endl; std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 2; } return 0; }
void MythD3D9Painter::DrawRect(const QRect &area, const QBrush &fillBrush, const QPen &linePen, int alpha) { int style =; if (style == Qt::SolidPattern || style == Qt::NoBrush) { if (!m_render) return; if (style != Qt::NoBrush) m_render->DrawRect(area, fillBrush.color(), alpha); if ( != Qt::NoPen) { int lineWidth = linePen.width(); QRect top(QPoint(area.x(), area.y()), QSize(area.width(), lineWidth)); QRect bot(QPoint(area.x(), area.y() + area.height() - lineWidth), QSize(area.width(), lineWidth)); QRect left(QPoint(area.x(), area.y()), QSize(lineWidth, area.height())); QRect right(QPoint(area.x() + area.width() - lineWidth, area.y()), QSize(lineWidth, area.height())); m_render->DrawRect(top, linePen.color(), alpha); m_render->DrawRect(bot, linePen.color(), alpha); m_render->DrawRect(left, linePen.color(), alpha); m_render->DrawRect(right, linePen.color(), alpha); } return; } MythPainter::DrawRect(area, fillBrush, linePen, alpha); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); SignalHandler signalHandler; Q_UNUSED(signalHandler) if (QCoreApplication::arguments().length() < 2) qFatal("Specify superuser user-id."); bool ok; auto headadminId = QCoreApplication::arguments()[1].toLongLong(&ok); if (!ok) qFatal("Specify superuser user-id."); app.setApplicationName("Telegram-Bot"); app.setApplicationVersion(Bot::version()); //qputenv("QT_LOGGING_RULES", "tg.*=false"); qputenv("QT_LOGGING_RULES", "tg.*=false\nbot.*.debug=false"); //qputenv("DEBUG", "true"); Database database; Bot bot(&database, headadminId); bot.installModule(new Board); bot.installModule(new Help); bot.installModule(new Subscribe); bot.installModule(new ConfigModule); bot.installModule(new GroupModule); bot.init(); return app.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; char server[256] = SERVER; struct option long_options[] = { { "channel", 1, NULL, 'c' }, { "debug", 0, NULL, 'd' }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "nick", 1, NULL, 'n' }, { "password", 1, NULL, 'l' }, { "port", 1, NULL, 'p' }, { "ssl", 0, NULL, 's' }, { "version", 0, NULL, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; signal(SIGINT, sigint_cb); signal(SIGTERM, sigint_cb); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:dh?n:l:p:sv", long_options, NULL)) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'c': channel = strdup(optarg); break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'n': nick = strdup(optarg); break; case 'l': pass = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': port = strdup(optarg); break; case 'v': return puts("v" VERSION) == EOF; case 's': if (ssl_init()) error(1, 0, "Failed creating SSL context, missing library?"); break; case 'h': case '?': return usage(0); } } if (optind < argc) strncpy(server, argv[optind++], sizeof(server)); return bot(server, port); }
QString UserPlugin::resolveTargetJid(gloox::Stanza* s, const QString& arg) { QString jid=bot()->getJID(s, arg); if (jid.isEmpty()) jid=arg; if (jid.isEmpty()) jid=QString::fromStdString(s->from().full()); return jid; }
void coll_box::get_corners( vec2_f24p8& lt_corner, vec2_f24p8& rt_corner, vec2_f24p8& rb_corner, vec2_f24p8& lb_corner ) { lt_corner.x = lb_corner.x = left(); rt_corner.x = rb_corner.x = right(); lt_corner.y = rt_corner.y = top(); lb_corner.y = rb_corner.y = bot(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::draw(){ { //This colors the background ofBackgroundGradient( ofColor(55), ofColor(0), OF_GRADIENT_CIRCULAR ); //"Turns on alpha blending (which is on by default since OF version 0.8.0). It simply wraps opengl commands that enable blending, and turn on a common blend mode." (From ofEnableAlphaBlending(); // This feeds values measured in pixels, the frequency value will be pretty small float frequency = ofMap( ofGetMouseX(), 0, ofGetWidth(), 0.0001, 0.05 ); // Draw ticks at each unit edge int numTicks = ceil(ofGetWidth() * frequency); float areaCovered = numTicks; if( numTicks <= 5 ) { numTicks *= 10; } //for loop for( int i = 0; i < numTicks; i++ ) { float noisePos = ofMap( i, 0, numTicks, 0, areaCovered); //Maps the position of the noise float screenX = noisePos * (1.0/frequency); //Tracks the X location of the screen ofVec2f top( screenX, 0); //Computes the top of the screen ofVec2f bot( screenX, ofGetHeight()); //Computes the bottome of the screen // Brighter white lines at unit edges (0,1,2) and less bright at fractionals (0.1,0.2, etc), but only if we are zoomed in enough if( (abs(fmodf(noisePos, 1.0)) <= 0) && areaCovered < 18 ) { ofSetColor( ofColor::white, 90 ); } else { ofSetColor( ofColor::white, 30 ); } ofLine( top, bot); //Tells the line to go inbetween the top and bottom of the of the screen ofVec2f textPos = top + ofVec2f(4,20); // Text location fontSmall.drawString( ofToString(noisePos), textPos.x, textPos.y ); //String of text } // Compute a noise position for each pixels x position, taking a frequency value into account float noiseMagnitude = 300; //Size of the wave ofMesh mesh; //creates mesh mesh.setMode( OF_PRIMITIVE_LINE_STRIP); //Could not find out what this does int res = ofGetWidth(); for( int i = 0; i < res; i++ ) //for loop { ofVec2f pos = ofVec2f( ofMap( i, 0, res, 0, ofGetWidth() ), ofGetHeight() * 0.5f ); //Handles the position of the wave float noisePos = (pos.x * frequency); //The position of the noise equals the x position times the frequency float noiseValue = ofSignedNoise( noisePos ); // ofSignedNoise gives us a value -1..1 ofVec2f drawPos = pos + ofVec2f(0,noiseValue * noiseMagnitude); //The is the draw position mesh.addVertex( drawPos ); //adds the vertices } ofSetColor( ofColor::white );//sets color to white mesh.draw(); //draws the mesh } }
static void newuhs(bool incr) { int newhs, h = u.uhunger; newhs = (h > 1000) ? SATIATED : (h > 150) ? NOT_HUNGRY : (h > 50) ? HUNGRY : (h > 0) ? WEAK : FAINTING; if (newhs == FAINTING) { if (u.uhs == FAINTED) newhs = FAINTED; if (u.uhs <= WEAK || rn2(20 - u.uhunger / 10) >= 19) { if (u.uhs != FAINTED && multi >= 0 /* %% */) { pline("You faint from lack of food."); nomul(-10 + (u.uhunger / 10)); nomovemsg = "You regain consciousness."; afternmv = unfaint; newhs = FAINTED; } } else if (u.uhunger < -(int)(200 + 25 * u.ulevel)) { u.uhs = STARVED; flags.botl = 1; bot(); pline("You die from starvation."); done("starved"); } } if (newhs != u.uhs) { if (newhs >= WEAK && u.uhs < WEAK) losestr(1); /* this may kill you -- see below */ else if (newhs < WEAK && u.uhs >= WEAK && u.ustr < u.ustrmax) losestr(-1); switch (newhs) { case HUNGRY: pline((!incr) ? "You only feel hungry now." : (u.uhunger < 145) ? "You feel hungry." : "You are beginning to feel hungry."); break; case WEAK: pline((!incr) ? "You feel weak now." : (u.uhunger < 45) ? "You feel weak." : "You are beginning to feel weak."); break; } u.uhs = newhs; flags.botl = 1; if (u.uhp < 1) { pline("You die from hunger and exhaustion."); killer = "exhaustion"; done("starved"); } } }
bool Game::showMainMenu() { Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad top("introscr_top" , 0.0f, 0.0f, kScreenWidth, kScreenHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad bot("startupscrbot", 0.0f, 0.0f, kScreenWidth, kScreenHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); top.setPosition(kTopScreenX , kTopScreenY , 0.0f); bot.setPosition(kBottomScreenX, kBottomScreenY, 0.0f);;; Graphics::Aurora::TextureHandle buttonTexture = loadNCGR("main_pnl_off", "gui_main_pnl", 8, 2, "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", (const char *) 0, (const char *) 0, (const char *) 0, "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"); Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad button(buttonTexture, 0.0f, 0.0f, 240.0f, 48.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); button.setPosition(-120.0f, -120.0f, -1.0f);; Graphics::Aurora::Text buttonText(_guiFont, TalkMan.getString(15860)); float buttonX, buttonY, buttonZ; button.getPosition(buttonX, buttonY, buttonZ); const float buttonTextX = buttonX + ((button.getWidth() - buttonText.getWidth()) / 2.0f); const float buttonTextY = buttonY + ((button.getHeight() - buttonText.getHeight()) / 2.0f); buttonText.setPosition(buttonTextX, buttonTextY, -2.0f);; Graphics::Aurora::Text helpText(_guiFont, TalkMan.getString(18707)); const float helpTextX = kBottomScreenX + ((kScreenWidth - helpText.getWidth()) / 2.0f); const float helpTextY = kBottomScreenY; helpText.setPosition(helpTextX, helpTextY, -2.0f);; GfxMan.unlockFrame(); if (!waitClick()) return false; GfxMan.lockFrame(); helpText.hide(); buttonText.hide(); button.hide(); top.hide(); bot.hide(); return true; }
AbstractConfigurator* ConfigPlugin::getConfiguratorVerbose(gloox::Stanza* s) { AbstractConfigurator* config=bot()->getConfigurator(s); if (!config) { reply(s,"Unable to find configurator"); return 0; } return config; }
int coll_box::contains( const vec2_f24p8& point ) { if ( point.x > left() && point.x < right() && point.y > top() && point.y < bot() ) { return true; } return false; }
bool Cylinder::computeNearestPoints(const Vector3D &test_point, Vector3D &top_point, Vector3D &bot_point) const { Vector2D test_point2d(test_point[0], test_point[1]); Vector2D top2d, bot2d; bool top_status = top().computeNearestPoint(test_point2d, top2d); bool bot_status = bot().computeNearestPoint(test_point2d, bot2d); return top_status && bot_status; }
static void winch() { int oldLI = LI, oldCO = CO, i; register struct WinDesc *cw; getwindowsz(); if((oldLI != LI || oldCO != CO) && ttyDisplay) { ttyDisplay->rows = LI; ttyDisplay->cols = CO; cw = wins[BASE_WINDOW]; cw->rows = ttyDisplay->rows; cw->cols = ttyDisplay->cols; if(flags.window_inited) { cw = wins[WIN_MESSAGE]; cw->curx = cw->cury = 0; tty_destroy_nhwindow(WIN_STATUS); WIN_STATUS = tty_create_nhwindow(NHW_STATUS); if(u.ux) { #ifdef CLIPPING if(CO < COLNO || LI < ROWNO+3) { setclipped(); tty_cliparound(u.ux,; } else { clipping = FALSE; clipx = clipy = 0; } #endif i = ttyDisplay->toplin; ttyDisplay->toplin = 0; docrt(); bot(); ttyDisplay->toplin = i; flush_screen(1); if(i) { addtopl(toplines); } else for(i=WIN_INVEN; i < MAXWIN; i++) if(wins[i] && wins[i]->active) { /* cop-out */ addtopl("Press Return to continue: "); break; } (void) fflush(stdout); if(i < 2) flush_screen(1); } } } }
void UserPlugin::sendVersion(gloox:: Stanza* s) { gloox::Stanza *st=gloox::Stanza::createIqStanza(s->from(), s->findAttribute("id"), gloox::StanzaIqResult, "jabber:iq:version"); gloox::Tag* tag=st->findChild("query"); assert(tag); tag->addChild(new gloox::Tag("name","GluxiBot")); tag->addChild(new gloox::Tag("version",getGluxiVersion())); tag->addChild(new gloox::Tag("os",version().toStdString())); qDebug() << QString::fromStdString(st->xml()); bot()->client()->send(st); }
// @requires UseG1GC TEST_VM(FreeRegionList, length) { if (!UseG1GC) { return; } FreeRegionList l("test"); const uint num_regions_in_test = 5; // Create a fake heap. It does not need to be valid, as the HeapRegion constructor // does not access it. MemRegion heap(NULL, num_regions_in_test * HeapRegion::GrainWords); // Allocate a fake BOT because the HeapRegion constructor initializes // the BOT. size_t bot_size = G1BlockOffsetTable::compute_size(heap.word_size()); HeapWord* bot_data = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(HeapWord, bot_size, mtGC); ReservedSpace bot_rs(G1BlockOffsetTable::compute_size(heap.word_size())); G1RegionToSpaceMapper* bot_storage = G1RegionToSpaceMapper::create_mapper(bot_rs, bot_rs.size(), os::vm_page_size(), HeapRegion::GrainBytes, BOTConstants::N_bytes, mtGC); G1BlockOffsetTable bot(heap, bot_storage); bot_storage->commit_regions(0, num_regions_in_test); // Set up memory regions for the heap regions. MemRegion mr0(heap.start(), HeapRegion::GrainWords); MemRegion mr1(mr0.end(), HeapRegion::GrainWords); MemRegion mr2(mr1.end(), HeapRegion::GrainWords); MemRegion mr3(mr2.end(), HeapRegion::GrainWords); MemRegion mr4(mr3.end(), HeapRegion::GrainWords); HeapRegion hr0(0, &bot, mr0); HeapRegion hr1(1, &bot, mr1); HeapRegion hr2(2, &bot, mr2); HeapRegion hr3(3, &bot, mr3); HeapRegion hr4(4, &bot, mr4); l.add_ordered(&hr1); l.add_ordered(&hr0); l.add_ordered(&hr3); l.add_ordered(&hr4); l.add_ordered(&hr2); EXPECT_EQ(l.length(), num_regions_in_test) << "Wrong free region list length"; l.verify_list(); bot_storage->uncommit_regions(0, num_regions_in_test); delete bot_storage; FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(HeapWord, bot_data); }
static void pre_move_tasks(boolean didmove) { boolean is_on_elbereth = sengr_at("Elbereth", u.ux,; /* recalc attribute bonuses from items */ calc_attr_bonus(); find_ac(); if (! || Blind) special_vision_handling(); /* update "Elbereth" status */ if (was_on_elbereth != is_on_elbereth) { was_on_elbereth = is_on_elbereth; iflags.botl = 1; } if (iflags.botl) bot(); if (didmove && (u.uhave.amulet || Clairvoyant) && !In_endgame(& && !BClairvoyant && !(moves % 15) && !rn2(2)) do_vicinity_map(); u.umoved = FALSE; if (multi > 0) { lookaround(); if (!multi) { /* lookaround may clear multi */ flags.move = 0; iflags.botl = 1; } } if (didmove && moves % 100 == 0) realtime_tasks(); update_inventory(); update_location(FALSE); if (didmove) { /* Mark the current square as stepped on unless blind, * since that would imply that we had properly explored it. */ struct rm *loc = &level->locations[u.ux][]; if (!Blind && !loc->mem_stepped) loc->mem_stepped = 1; } }
void LinePos::decr() { if (bot()) return; if (il.col == 0) { --ilist; --ln; il = iLine(&*ilist, 0); while (!(*il).isNull()) ++il; } else --il; }
bool Cylinder::computeEdges(const Vector3D &test_point, Vector3D &top_right, Vector3D &bot_right, Vector3D &top_left, Vector3D &bot_left) const { Vector2D test_point2d(test_point[0], test_point[1]); Vector2D top_right2d, top_left2d; int top_status = top().computeExtremalPoints(test_point2d, top_right2d, top_left2d); top_right[0] = top_right2d[0]; top_right[1] = top_right2d[1]; top_right[2] = m_length; top_left[0] = top_left2d[0]; top_left[1] = top_left2d[1]; top_left[2] = m_length; Vector2D bot_right2d, bot_left2d; int bot_status = bot().computeExtremalPoints(test_point2d, bot_right2d, bot_left2d); bot_right[0] = bot_right2d[0]; bot_right[1] = bot_right2d[1]; bot_right[2] = 0.0; bot_left[0] = bot_left2d[0]; bot_left[1] = bot_left2d[1]; bot_left[2] = 0.0; return (top_status != 0) || (bot_status != 0); }
void codeFrame::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *){ QPainter painter(this); QRect rect (0,0,width(),height()); botA = new QImage(); topA = new QImage(":/images/resources/arrow.png"); *botA = topA->mirrored(true,true); QRect top( (width()-topA->width()-32), 4, topA->width(), topA->height() ); QRect bot( (width()-botA->width()-32), height() - botA->height() -4 , botA->width(), botA->height()); painter.setOpacity(0.8); painter.drawImage(rect, QImage(":/images/resources/dropspace.png")); painter.drawImage(bot, *botA); painter.drawImage(top,*topA); }
void Octree::split() { for(int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) { FixedPoint bot_x; FixedPoint top_x; if (x == 0) { bot_x = bot.x; top_x = center.x; } else { bot_x = center.x; top_x = top.x; } for(int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) { FixedPoint bot_y; FixedPoint top_y; if (y == 0) { bot_y = bot.y; top_y = center.y; } else { bot_y = center.y; top_y = top.y; } for(int z = 0; z < 2; ++z) { FixedPoint bot_z; FixedPoint top_z; if (z == 0) { bot_z = bot.z; top_z = center.z; } else { bot_z = center.z; top_z = top.z; } Location bot(bot_x, bot_y, bot_z); Location top(top_x, top_y, top_z); children[x][y][z].reset(new Octree(bot, top, depth + 1)); } } } hasChildren = true; for(auto it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) { insertObject(*it); } objects.clear(); }
// Does next turn. void nextTurn(GameBoard * game, PlayerList * playerlist) { /* If the current player is human, ask where they want to play. otherwise, pass bot gamestate and do what it passes back. */ int i = NUMBER_OF_GAME_SQUARES+1; int j = NUMBER_OF_GAME_SQUARES+1; Player currentPlayer = playerlist->players[(int) playerlist->whosTurn]; printf("Player %c: where do you play?: ", currentPlayer.tile); if (currentPlayer.human) { scanf("%i %i", &i, &j); while ((i < 1) || (i > NUMBER_OF_GAME_SQUARES) || (j < 1) || (j > NUMBER_OF_GAME_SQUARES) || (game->tile[i-1][j-1] != 0x0)) { if (!((i < 1) || (i > NUMBER_OF_GAME_SQUARES) || (j < 1) || (j > NUMBER_OF_GAME_SQUARES))) { printf("Player %c has played there already.\n", game->tile[i-1][j-1]); } else { printf("An index was out of range or invalid.\n"); } printf("Please try again: "); // Clear stdin... int c; while ((c = getc(stdin)) != '\n'); scanf("%i %i", &i, &j); } i = i - 1; j = j - 1; // Clear stdin... int c; while ((c = getc(stdin)) != '\n'); } else { bot(*game, &i, &j, *playerlist, currentPlayer.tile); printf("%i %i\n", i+1, j+1); // ^ Bot prints line to screen as if it were playing like a person. } game->tile[i][j] = currentPlayer.tile; playerlist->whosTurn += 1; playerlist->whosTurn %= playerlist->numPlayers; }
bool Game::showMainMenu() { Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad top("introscr_top" , 0.0f, 0.0f, kScreenWidth, kScreenHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad bot("startupscrbot", 0.0f, 0.0f, kScreenWidth, kScreenHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); top.setPosition(kTopScreenX , kTopScreenY , 0.0f); bot.setPosition(kBottomScreenX, kBottomScreenY, 0.0f);;; Graphics::Aurora::TextureHandle buttonTexture = loadNCGR("main_pnl_off", "gui_main_pnl", 8, 2, "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", (const char *) 0, (const char *) 0, (const char *) 0, "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"); Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad button(buttonTexture, 0.0f, 0.0f, 240.0f, 48.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); button.setPosition(-120.0f, -120.0f, -1.0f);; Graphics::Aurora::Text buttonText(_guiFont, 240.0f, 48.0f, TalkMan.getString(15860), 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Graphics::Aurora::kHAlignCenter, Graphics::Aurora::kVAlignMiddle); buttonText.setPosition(-120.0f, -120.0f, -2.0f);; Graphics::Aurora::Text helpText(_guiFont, kScreenWidth, kScreenHeight, TalkMan.getString(18707), 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Graphics::Aurora::kHAlignCenter, Graphics::Aurora::kVAlignBottom); helpText.setPosition(kBottomScreenX, kBottomScreenY, -2.0f);; GfxMan.unlockFrame(); if (!waitClick()) return false; GfxMan.lockFrame(); helpText.hide(); buttonText.hide(); button.hide(); top.hide(); bot.hide(); return true; }