static void box_dim(int nmat,t_matrix mat[],t_matrix *mat2,t_psrec *psr, int elegend,bool bFrame, real *w,real *h,real *dw,real *dh) { int i,maxytick; real ww,hh,dww,dhh; hh=dww=dhh=0; maxytick=0; ww=0; for(i=0; (i<nmat); i++) { ww=max(ww,mat[i].nx*psr->xboxsize); hh+=box_height(&(mat[i]),psr); maxytick=max(maxytick,mat[i].nx); } if (bFrame) { if (mat[0].label_y[0]) dww+=2.0*(psr->Y.fontsize+DDD); if (psr->Y.major > 0) dww += psr->Y.majorticklen + DDD + psr->Y.tickfontsize*(log(maxytick)/log(10.0)); else if (psr->Y.minor > 0) dww+=psr->Y.minorticklen; if (mat[0].label_x[0]) dhh+=psr->X.fontsize+2*DDD; if (/* fool emacs auto-indent */ (elegend==elBoth && (mat[0].legend[0] || mat2[0].legend[0])) || (elegend==elFirst && mat[0].legend[0]) || (elegend==elSecond && mat2[0].legend[0]) ) dhh+=2*(psr->legfontsize*FUDGE+2*DDD); else dhh+=psr->legfontsize*FUDGE+2*DDD; if (psr->X.major > 0) dhh+=psr->X.tickfontsize*FUDGE+2*DDD+psr->X.majorticklen; else if (psr->X.minor > 0) dhh+=psr->X.minorticklen; hh+=(nmat-1)*box_dh(psr); hh+=box_dh_top(TRUE,psr); if (nmat>1) hh+=(nmat-1)*box_dh_top(FALSE,psr); } *w=ww; *h=hh; *dw=dww; *dh=dhh; }
static void draw_zerolines(t_psdata out, real x0, real y0, real w, int nmat, t_matrix mat[], t_psrec *psr) { real xx, yy, dy, xx00, yy00; int i, x, y; xx00 = x0-1.5; yy00 = y0-1.5; ps_linewidth(out, psr->zerolinewidth); for (i = 0; (i < nmat); i++) { dy = box_height(&(mat[i]), psr); /* mat[i].axis_x and _y were already set by draw_boxes */ if (psr->X.lineatzero) { ps_rgb(out, linecolors[psr->X.lineatzero]); for (x = 0; (x < mat[i].nx); x++) { xx = xx00+(x+0.7)*psr->xboxsize; /* draw lines whenever tick label almost zero (e.g. next trajectory) */ if (x != 0 && x < mat[i].nx-1 && abs(mat[i].axis_x[x]) < 0.1*abs(mat[i].axis_x[x+1]-mat[i].axis_x[x]) ) { ps_line (out, xx, yy00, xx, yy00+dy+2); } } } if (psr->Y.lineatzero) { ps_rgb(out, linecolors[psr->Y.lineatzero]); for (y = 0; (y < mat[i].ny); y++) { yy = yy00+(y+0.7)*psr->yboxsize; /* draw lines whenever tick label almost zero (e.g. next trajectory) */ if (y != 0 && y < mat[i].ny-1 && abs(mat[i].axis_y[y]) < 0.1*abs(mat[i].axis_y[y+1]-mat[i].axis_y[y]) ) { ps_line (out, xx00, yy, xx00+w+2, yy); } } } yy00 += box_height(&(mat[i]), psr)+box_dh(psr)+box_dh_top(IS_ONCE, psr); } }
void ps_mat(char *outf,int nmat,t_matrix mat[],t_matrix mat2[], bool bFrame,bool bDiag,bool bFirstDiag, bool bTitle,bool bTitleOnce,bool bYonce,int elegend, real size,real boxx,real boxy,char *m2p,char *m2pout, int mapoffset) { char *libm2p; char buf[256],*legend; t_psdata out; t_psrec psrec,*psr; int W,H; int i,j,x,y,col,leg=0; real x0,y0,xx; real w,h,dw,dh; int nmap1=0,nmap2=0,leg_nmap; t_mapping *map1=NULL,*map2=NULL,*leg_map; bool bMap1,bNextMap1,bDiscrete; libm2p = m2p ? strdup(libfn(m2p)) : m2p; get_params(libm2p,m2pout,&psrec); psr=&psrec; if (psr->X.major <= 0 ) tick_spacing((mat[0].flags & MAT_SPATIAL_X) ? mat[0].nx + 1 : mat[0].nx, mat[0].axis_x, psr->X.offset, 'X', &(psr->X.major), &(psr->X.minor) ); if (psr->X.minor <= 0 ) psr->X.minor = psr->X.major / 2; if (psr->Y.major <= 0) tick_spacing((mat[0].flags & MAT_SPATIAL_Y) ? mat[0].ny + 1 : mat[0].ny, mat[0].axis_y, psr->Y.offset, 'Y', &(psr->Y.major), &(psr->Y.minor) ); if (psr->Y.minor <= 0) psr->Y.minor = psr->Y.major / 2; if (boxx>0) { psr->xboxsize=boxx; psr->yboxsize=boxx; } if (boxy>0) psr->yboxsize=boxy; if (psr->xboxsize==0) { psr->xboxsize = size/mat[0].nx; printf("Set the x-size of the box to %.3f\n",psr->xboxsize); } if (psr->yboxsize==0) { psr->yboxsize = size/mat[0].nx; printf("Set the y-size of the box to %.3f\n",psr->yboxsize); } nmap1=0; for (i=0; (i<nmat); i++) if (mat[i].nmap>nmap1) { nmap1=mat[i].nmap; map1=mat[i].map; leg=i+1; } if (leg!=1) printf("Selected legend of matrix # %d for display\n",leg); if (mat2) { nmap2=0; for (i=0; (i<nmat); i++) if (mat2[i].nmap>nmap2) { nmap2=mat2[i].nmap; map2=mat2[i].map; leg=i+1; } if (leg!=1) printf("Selected legend of matrix # %d for second display\n",leg); } if ( (mat[0].legend[0]==0) && psr->legend ) strcpy(mat[0].legend, psr->leglabel); bTitle = bTitle && mat[nmat-1].title[0]; bTitleOnce = bTitleOnce && mat[nmat-1].title[0]; psr->bTitle = bTitle; psr->bTitleOnce = bTitleOnce; psr->bYonce = bYonce; /* Set up size of box for nice colors */ box_dim(nmat,mat,mat2,psr,elegend,bFrame,&w,&h,&dw,&dh); /* Set up bounding box */ W=w+dw; H=h+dh; /* Start box at */ x0=dw; y0=dh; x = W+psr->xoffs; y = H+psr->yoffs; if (bFrame) { x += 5*DDD; y += 4*DDD; } out=ps_open(outf,0,0,x,y); ps_linewidth(out,psr->linewidth); ps_init_rgb_box(out,psr->xboxsize,psr->yboxsize); ps_init_rgb_nbox(out,psr->xboxsize,psr->yboxsize); ps_translate(out,psr->xoffs,psr->yoffs); if (bFrame) { ps_comment(out,"Here starts the BOX drawing"); draw_boxes(out,x0,y0,w,nmat,mat,psr); } for(i=0; (i<nmat); i++) { if (bTitle || (bTitleOnce && i==nmat-1) ) { /* Print title, if any */ ps_rgb(out,BLACK); ps_strfont(out,psr->titfont,psr->titfontsize); if (!mat2 || (strcmp(mat[i].title,mat2[i].title) == 0)) strcpy(buf,mat[i].title); else sprintf(buf,"%s / %s",mat[i].title,mat2[i].title); ps_ctext(out,x0+w/2,y0+box_height(&(mat[i]),psr)+psr->titfontsize, buf,eXCenter); } sprintf(buf,"Here starts the filling of box #%d",i); ps_comment(out,buf); for(x=0; (x<mat[i].nx); x++) { int nexty; int nextcol; xx=x0+x*psr->xboxsize; ps_moveto(out,xx,y0); y=0; bMap1 = (!mat2 || (x<y || (x==y && bFirstDiag))); if ((bDiag) || (x!=y)) col = mat[i].matrix[x][y]; else col = -1; for(nexty=1; (nexty<=mat[i].ny); nexty++) { bNextMap1 = (!mat2 || (x<nexty || (x==nexty && bFirstDiag))); /* TRUE: upper left -> map1 */ /* FALSE: lower right -> map2 */ if ((nexty==mat[i].ny) || (!bDiag && (x==nexty))) nextcol = -1; else nextcol=mat[i].matrix[x][nexty]; if ( (nexty==mat[i].ny) || (col!=nextcol) || (bMap1!=bNextMap1) ) { if (col >= 0) if (bMap1) ps_rgb_nbox(out,&(mat[i].map[col].rgb),nexty-y); else ps_rgb_nbox(out,&(mat2[i].map[col].rgb),nexty-y); else ps_moverel(out,0,psr->yboxsize); y=nexty; bMap1=bNextMap1; col=nextcol; } } } y0+=box_height(&(mat[i]),psr)+box_dh(psr)+box_dh_top(IS_ONCE,psr); } if (psr->X.lineatzero || psr->Y.lineatzero) { /* reset y0 for first box */ y0=dh; ps_comment(out,"Here starts the zero lines drawing"); draw_zerolines(out,x0,y0,w,nmat,mat,psr); } if (elegend!=elNone) { ps_comment(out,"Now it's legend time!"); ps_linewidth(out,psr->linewidth); if ( mat2==NULL || elegend!=elSecond ) { bDiscrete = mat[0].bDiscrete; legend = mat[0].legend; leg_nmap = nmap1; leg_map = map1; } else { bDiscrete = mat2[0].bDiscrete; legend = mat2[0].legend; leg_nmap = nmap2; leg_map = map2; } if (bDiscrete) leg_discrete(out,psr->legfontsize,DDD,legend, psr->legfontsize,psr->legfont,leg_nmap,leg_map); else { if ( elegend!=elBoth ) leg_continuous(out,x0+w/2,w/2,DDD,legend, psr->legfontsize,psr->legfont,leg_nmap,leg_map, mapoffset); else leg_bicontinuous(out,x0+w/2,w,DDD,mat[0].legend,mat2[0].legend, psr->legfontsize,psr->legfont,nmap1,map1,nmap2,map2); } ps_comment(out,"Were there, dude"); } ps_close(out); }
static void draw_boxes(t_psdata ps,real x0,real y0,real w, int nmat,t_matrix mat[],t_psrec *psr) { char buf[12]; char *mylab; real xxx; char **xtick,**ytick; real xx,yy,dy,xx00,yy00,offset_x,offset_y; int i,j,x,y,ntx,nty,strlength; /* Only necessary when there will be no y-labels */ strlength = 0; /* Draw the box */ ps_rgb(ps,BLACK); ps_linewidth(ps,psr->boxlinewidth); yy00=y0; for(i=0; (i<nmat); i++) { dy=box_height(&(mat[i]),psr); ps_box(ps,x0-1,yy00-1,x0+w+1,yy00+dy+1); yy00+=dy+box_dh(psr)+box_dh_top(IS_ONCE,psr); } /* Draw the ticks on the axes */ ps_linewidth(ps,psr->ticklinewidth); xx00=x0-1; yy00=y0-1; for (i=0; (i<nmat); i++) { if (mat[i].flags & MAT_SPATIAL_X) { ntx = mat[i].nx + 1; offset_x = 0.1; } else { ntx = mat[i].nx; offset_x = 0.6; } if (mat[i].flags & MAT_SPATIAL_Y) { nty = mat[i].ny + 1; offset_y = 0.1; } else { nty = mat[i].ny; offset_y = 0.6; } snew(xtick,ntx); for(j=0; (j<ntx); j++) { sprintf(buf,"%g",mat[i].axis_x[j]); xtick[j]=strdup(buf); } ps_strfont(ps,psr->X.tickfont,psr->X.tickfontsize); for(x=0; (x<ntx); x++) { xx = xx00 + (x + offset_x)*psr->xboxsize; if ( ( bRmod(mat[i].axis_x[x], psr->X.offset, psr->X.major) || (psr->X.first && (x==0))) && ( (i == 0) || box_do_all_x_maj_ticks(psr) ) ) { /* Longer tick marks */ ps_line (ps,xx,yy00,xx,yy00-psr->X.majorticklen); /* Plot label on lowest graph only */ if (i == 0) ps_ctext(ps,xx, yy00-DDD-psr->X.majorticklen-psr->X.tickfontsize*0.8, xtick[x],eXCenter); } else if ( bRmod(mat[i].axis_x[x], psr->X.offset, psr->X.minor) && ( (i == 0) || box_do_all_x_min_ticks(psr) ) ){ /* Shorter tick marks */ ps_line(ps,xx,yy00,xx,yy00-psr->X.minorticklen); } else if ( bRmod(mat[i].axis_x[x], psr->X.offset, psr->X.major) ) { /* Even shorter marks, only each X.major */ ps_line(ps,xx,yy00,xx,yy00-(psr->boxspacing/2)); } } ps_strfont(ps,psr->Y.tickfont,psr->Y.tickfontsize); snew(ytick,nty); for(j=0; (j<nty); j++) { sprintf(buf,"%g",mat[i].axis_y[j]); ytick[j]=strdup(buf); } for(y=0; (y<nty); y++) { yy = yy00 + (y + offset_y)*psr->yboxsize; if ( bRmod(mat[i].axis_y[y], psr->Y.offset, psr->Y.major) || (psr->Y.first && (y==0))) { /* Major ticks */ strlength=max(strlength,(int)strlen(ytick[y])); ps_line (ps,xx00,yy,xx00-psr->Y.majorticklen,yy); ps_ctext(ps,xx00-psr->Y.majorticklen-DDD, yy-psr->Y.tickfontsize/3.0,ytick[y],eXRight); } else if ( bRmod(mat[i].axis_y[y], psr->Y.offset, psr->Y.minor) ) { /* Minor ticks */ ps_line(ps,xx00,yy,xx00-psr->Y.minorticklen,yy); } } sfree(xtick); sfree(ytick); /* Label on Y-axis */ if (!psr->bYonce || i==nmat/2) { if (strlen(psr->Y.label) > 0) mylab = psr->Y.label; else mylab = mat[i].label_y; if (strlen(mylab) > 0) { ps_strfont(ps,psr->Y.font,psr->Y.fontsize); ps_flip(ps,TRUE); xxx=x0-psr->X.majorticklen-psr->X.tickfontsize*strlength-DDD; ps_ctext(ps,yy00+box_height(&mat[i],psr)/2.0,612.5-xxx, mylab,eXCenter); ps_flip(ps,FALSE); } } yy00+=box_height(&(mat[i]),psr)+box_dh(psr)+box_dh_top(IS_ONCE,psr); } /* Label on X-axis */ if (strlen(psr->X.label) > 0) mylab = psr->X.label; else mylab = mat[0].label_x; if (strlen(mylab) > 0) { ps_strfont(ps,psr->X.font,psr->X.fontsize); ps_ctext(ps,x0+w/2,y0-DDD-psr->X.majorticklen-psr->X.tickfontsize*FUDGE- psr->X.fontsize,mylab,eXCenter); } }