コード例 #1
ファイル: finddefault.c プロジェクト: ruthmagnus/audacity
/* Parse preference files, find default device, search devices --
   This parses the preference file(s) once for input and once for
   output, which is inefficient but much simpler to manage. Note
   that using the readbinaryplist.c module, you cannot keep two
   plist files (user and system) open at once (due to a simple
   memory management scheme).
PmDeviceID find_default_device(char *path, int input, PmDeviceID id)
/* path -- the name of the preference we are searching for
   input -- true iff this is an input device
   id -- current default device id
   returns matching device id if found, otherwise id
    static char *pref_file = "com.apple.java.util.prefs.plist";
    char *pref_str = NULL;
    // read device preferences
    value_ptr prefs = bplist_read_user_pref(pref_file);
    if (prefs) {
        value_ptr pref_val = value_dict_lookup_using_path(prefs, path);
        if (pref_val) {
            pref_str = value_get_asciistring(pref_val);
    if (!pref_str) {
        bplist_free_data(); /* look elsewhere */
        prefs = bplist_read_system_pref(pref_file);
        if (prefs) {
            value_ptr pref_val = value_dict_lookup_using_path(prefs, path);
            if (pref_val) {
                pref_str = value_get_asciistring(pref_val);
    if (pref_str) { /* search devices for match */
        int i = pm_find_default_device(pref_str, input);
        if (i != pmNoDevice) {
            id = i;
    if (prefs) {
    return id;
コード例 #2
ファイル: readbinaryplist.c プロジェクト: Angeldude/pure-data
value_ptr bplist_read_pldata(pldata_ptr data)
    value_ptr result = NULL;
    bplist_info_node bplist;
    uint8_t *ptr;
    uint64_t top_level_object;
    int i;

    if (data == NULL)  return NULL;
    if (!is_binary_plist(data)) {
        bplist_log("Bad binary plist: too short or invalid header.\n");
        return NULL;
    // read trailer
    ptr = (uint8_t *) (data->data + data->len - kTRAILER_SIZE);
    bplist.offset_int_size = ptr[6];
    bplist.object_ref_size = ptr[7];
    bplist.object_count = convert_uint64(ptr + 8);
    top_level_object = convert_uint64(ptr + 16);
    bplist.offset_table_offset = convert_uint64(ptr + 24);
    // Basic sanity checks
    if (bplist.offset_int_size < 1 || bplist.offset_int_size > 8 ||
        bplist.object_ref_size < 1 || bplist.object_ref_size > 8 ||
        bplist.offset_table_offset < kHEADER_SIZE) {
        bplist_log("Bad binary plist: trailer declared insane.\n");
        return NULL;                
    // Ensure offset table is inside file
    uint64_t offsetTableSize = bplist.offset_int_size * bplist.object_count;
    if (offsetTableSize + bplist.offset_table_offset + kTRAILER_SIZE > 
        data->len) {
        bplist_log("Bad binary plist: offset table overlaps end of container.\n");
        return NULL;
    bplist.data_bytes = data->data;
    bplist.length = data->len;
    bplist.cache = NULL; /* dictionary is empty */

    bplist_log_verbose("Got a sane bplist with %llu items, offset_int_size: %u, object_ref_size: %u\n", 
                      bplist.object_count, bplist.offset_int_size, 
    /* at this point, we are ready to do some parsing which allocates
        memory for the result data structure. If memory allocation (using
        allocate fails, a longjmp will return to here and we simply give up
    i = setjmp(abort_parsing);
    if (i == 0) {
        result = extract_object(&bplist, top_level_object);
    } else {
        bplist_log("allocate() failed to allocate memory. Giving up.\n");
        result = NULL;
    if (!result) {
    return result;