NPBool CPlugin::init(NPWindow* pNPWindow) { if(pNPWindow == NULL) return FALSE; #ifdef XP_WIN m_hWnd = (HWND)pNPWindow->window; if(m_hWnd == NULL) return FALSE; // subclass window so we can intercept window messages and // do our drawing to it lpOldProc = SubclassWindow(m_hWnd, (WNDPROC)PluginWinProc); // associate window with our CPlugin object so we can access // it in the window procedure SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)this); #endif m_Window = pNPWindow; m_bInitialized = TRUE; g_pNPInstance = m_pNPInstance; g_pNPWindow = pNPWindow; PString strPluginPath; #ifdef XP_WIN // NPAPI plugin //Get Current Path of exe char szFullFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; GetModuleFileName ( GetModuleHandle(NULL), szFullFileName, MAX_PATH ) ; strPluginPath = szFullFileName; PINDEX nPos = strPluginPath.FindLast( "\\" ); strPluginPath = strPluginPath.Mid( 0, nPos + 1 ) + "plugins\\js2n\\"; #else // not Windows - assuming Linux BrInitError error; if (br_init_lib(&error) == 0 && error != BR_INIT_ERROR_DISABLED) { printf( "Error - can't init binreloc, code %d\n", error ); } strPluginPath = br_find_exe_dir("/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/"); strPluginPath += "js2n/"; #endif g_NativeLogic.Init( g_strPageURL, strPluginPath ); return TRUE; }
void ConfigRoot::osConfigInstallDir() { #ifdef SUPERSERVER // Try getting the root path from the executable install_dir = getRootPathFromExePath(); if (install_dir.hasData()) { return; } #elif defined(ENABLE_BINRELOC) BrInitError brError; if (br_init_lib(&brError)) { string temp; PathUtils::splitLastComponent(install_dir, temp, br_find_exe_dir(FB_PREFIX)); return; } #endif // As a last resort get it from the default install directory install_dir = string(FB_PREFIX); }
path_t locate_bin_directory(const logger* log, bool verbose) { // locate the binary and build its path #if KZH_PLATFORM == KZH_PLATFORM_LINUX // use binreloc and fs to build up our paths int brres = br_init(0); if (brres == 0) { if (verbose) { log->error() << "binreloc could not be initialised"; } throw std::runtime_error("Unable to resolve paths! binreloc could not be initialized"); } char *tmp_bin_path = br_find_exe_dir("."); path_t bin_path = path_t(tmp_bin_path).make_preferred(); free(tmp_bin_path); br_free(); return bin_path; #elif KZH_PLATFORM == KZH_PLATFORM_APPLE // use NSBundlePath() to build up our paths // return path_t(macBundlePath() + "/Contents/MacOS").make_preferred(); return path_t(macBundlePath()).make_preferred(); #else // Windows // use GetModuleFileName() and fs to build up our paths on Windows TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH)) { if (verbose) { log->error() << "Unable to resolve path: " << GetLastError();; } throw std::runtime_error("Unable to resolve paths! GetModuleFileName() failed. See the log for the error."); } return path_t(string_t(szPath)).remove_filename().make_preferred(); #endif }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { AMX amx; cell ret = 0; int err, i; clock_t start,end; STACKINFO stackinfo = { 0 }; AMX_IDLE idlefunc; if (argc < 2) PrintUsage(argv[0]); /* function "usage" aborts the program */ #if !defined AMX_NODYNALOAD && defined ENABLE_BINRELOC && (defined __LINUX__ || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __OpenBSD__) /* see for the BinReloc module */ if (br_init(NULL)) { char *libroot=br_find_exe_dir(""); setenv("AMXLIB",libroot,0); free(libroot); } /* if */ #endif /* Load the program and initialize the abstract machine. */ err = aux_LoadProgram(&amx, argv[1]); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) { /* try adding an extension */ char filename[_MAX_PATH]; strcpy(filename, argv[1]); strcat(filename, ".amx"); err = aux_LoadProgram(&amx, filename); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) PrintUsage(argv[0]); } /* if */ /* To install the debug hook "just-in-time", the signal function needs * a pointer to the abstract machine(s) to abort. There are various ways * to implement this; here I have done so with a simple global variable. */ global_amx = &amx; signal(SIGINT, sigabort); /* Initialize two core extension modules (more extension modules may be * loaded & initialized automatically as DLLs or shared libraries. */ amx_ConsoleInit(&amx); err = amx_CoreInit(&amx); ExitOnError(&amx, err); /* save the idle function, if set by any of the extension modules */ if (amx_GetUserData(&amx, AMX_USERTAG('I','d','l','e'), (void**)&idlefunc) != AMX_ERR_NONE) idlefunc = NULL; for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-stack") == 0) { uint16_t flags; amx_Flags(&amx, &flags); if ((flags & AMX_FLAG_NOCHECKS) != 0) printf("This script was compiled with debug information removed.\n" "Stack monitoring is disfunctional\n\n"); /* Set "user data" with which the debug monitor can monitor stack usage * per abstract machine (in this example, though, there is only one abstract * machine, so a global variable would have sufficed). */ memset(&stackinfo, 0, sizeof stackinfo); err = amx_SetUserData(&amx, AMX_USERTAG('S','t','c','k'), &stackinfo); ExitOnError(&amx, err); /* Install the debug hook, so that we can start monitoring the stack/heap * usage right from the beginning of the script. */ amx_SetDebugHook(&amx, prun_Monitor); } /* if */ } /* for */ start=clock(); /* Run the compiled script and time it. The "sleep" instruction causes the * abstract machine to return in a "restartable" state (it restarts from * the point that it stopped. This allows for a kind of light-weight * cooperative multi-tasking. As native functions (or the debug hook) can * also force an abstract machine to "sleep", you can also use it to create * "latent functions": functions that allow the host application to continue * processing, and/or other abstract machines to run, while they wait for * some resource. */ err = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_MAIN); while (err == AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { if (idlefunc != NULL) { /* If the abstract machine was put to sleep, we can handle events during * that time. To save the "restart point", we must make a copy of the AMX * (keeping the stack, frame, instruction pointer and other vital * registers), but without cloning the entire abstract machine. * There should be some criterion on when the abstract machine must be * "woken up". In this example run-time, the parameter of the sleep * instruction is taken to be a delay in milliseconds. In your own host * application, you can choose to wait on a resource/semaphore or other. */ AMX nested_amx = amx; clock_t stamp = clock(); while (((clock() - stamp)*1000)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC < amx.pri && (err = idlefunc(&nested_amx,amx_Exec)) == AMX_ERR_NONE) /* nothing */; ExitOnError(&nested_amx, err); } /* if */ err = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_CONT); } /* while */ if (idlefunc == NULL || err != AMX_ERR_INDEX) ExitOnError(&amx, err); /* event-driven programs may not have main() */ /* For event-driven programs, we also need to loop over the idle/monitor * function that some extension module installed (this could be the console * module, for example). We did this if the main program was put to "sleep", * but we do that here too. */ if (idlefunc != NULL) { while ((err = idlefunc(&amx,amx_Exec)) == AMX_ERR_NONE) /* nothing */; ExitOnError(&amx, err); } /* if */ end=clock(); /* Free the compiled script and resources. This also unloads and DLLs or * shared libraries that were registered automatically by amx_Init(). */ aux_FreeProgram(&amx); /* Print the return code of the compiled script (often not very useful), * its run time, and its stack usage. */ if (ret!=0) printf("\nReturn value: %ld\n", (long)ret); printf("\nRun time: %.2f seconds\n",(double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if (stackinfo.maxstack != 0 || stackinfo.maxheap != 0) { printf("Stack usage: %ld cells (%ld bytes)\n", stackinfo.maxstack / sizeof(cell), stackinfo.maxstack); printf("Heap usage: %ld cells (%ld bytes)\n", stackinfo.maxheap / sizeof(cell), stackinfo.maxheap); } /* if */ #if defined AMX_TERMINAL /* This is likely a graphical terminal, which should not be closed * automatically */ { extern int amx_termctl(int,int); while (amx_termctl(4,0)) /* nothing */; } #endif return 0; }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { char **newargs; int i, k = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 /* CommandLineToArgvW() might return a different argc than the * one passed to main(), so let it overwrite that, as we won't * use argv[] on Windows anyway. */ wchar_t **wargv = CommandLineToArgvW (GetCommandLineW (), &argc); #endif newargs = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * (argc + 2) + count_mono_options_args ()); #ifdef _WIN32 newargs [k++] = g_utf16_to_utf8 (wargv [0], -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); #else newargs [k++] = argv [0]; #endif if (mono_options != NULL) { i = 0; while (mono_options[i] != NULL) newargs[k++] = mono_options[i++]; } BrInitError err = 0; if (br_init(&err) == 1) { char *exedir = br_find_exe_dir(NULL); if (exedir) { setenv("MONO_PATH",exedir,1); mono_set_dirs(exedir, exedir); chdir(exedir); free(exedir); } } else { switch (err) { case BR_INIT_ERROR_NOMEM: printf("Could not allocate enough memory\n"); break; case BR_INIT_ERROR_OPEN_MAPS: case BR_INIT_ERROR_READ_MAPS: case BR_INIT_ERROR_INVALID_MAPS: printf("Couldn't access /proc/self/maps!\n"); break; case BR_INIT_ERROR_DISABLED: printf("BinReloc disabled!!\n"); break; } return 1; } // Calculate image_name char *image_name; char *exe = br_find_exe(NULL); char *pos = strrchr(exe, '/'); if (pos != NULL) { image_name = strdup(pos+1); pos = strstr(image_name,".bin."); if (pos != NULL) { strcpy(pos, ".exe"); } } free(exe); newargs [k++] = image_name; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { #ifdef _WIN32 newargs [k++] = g_utf16_to_utf8 (wargv [i], -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); #else newargs [k++] = argv [i]; #endif } #ifdef _WIN32 LocalFree (wargv); #endif newargs [k] = NULL; return mono_main (k, newargs); }