コード例 #1
ファイル: ADF7023.c プロジェクト: 200018171/contiki
  unsigned char status;
  int counter = 0;

  for(;;) {


    if((status & STATUS_SPI_READY) == 0) {
      /* The SPI bus is not ready. Continue polling the status word. */

    if(status & STATUS_CMD_READY) {
      /* The SPI bus is ready and CMD_READY == 1. This is the state we want. */

    if((status & STATUS_FW_STATE) == FW_STATE_PHY_OFF) {
      /* SPI is ready, but CMD_READY == 0 and the radio is in state PHY_OFF. */
      /* It seems that the ADF7023 gets stuck in this state sometimes (errata?), so transition to PHY_ON: */
コード例 #2
void DomainUnstructured::compute_cell_center_coordinates(TabType & coord, entier index_begin) const
  const entier dim = nodes_.dimension(1);
  const entier nb_elem = elements_.dimension(0);
  const entier nb_som_elem = elements_.dimension(1);
  const double facteur = 1. / (double) nb_som_elem;
  double tmp[3];
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_elem; i++) {
    int j, k;
    tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0.;
    for (j = 0; j < nb_som_elem; j++) {
      int som = elements_(i, j);
      for (k = 0; k < loop_max(dim, 3); k++) {
        tmp[k] += nodes_(som, k);
        break_loop(k, dim);
    for (k = 0; k < loop_max(dim, 3); k++) {
      coord(index_begin + i, k) = tmp[k] * facteur;
      break_loop(k, dim);
コード例 #3
void build_geometry_(OperatorRegularize & op,
                     const DomainUnstructured & src, LataDeriv<Domain> & dest_domain)
  Journal(verb_level) << "OperatorRegularize domain " << src.id_.name_ << endl;
  if (src.elt_type_ != Domain::quadri && src.elt_type_ != Domain::hexa) {
    Journal() << "Error in OperatorRegularize::build_geometry: cannot operate on unstructured mesh with this element type" << endl;

  DomainIJK & dest = dest_domain.instancie(DomainIJK);
  dest.elt_type_ = src.elt_type_;
  const entier nsom = src.nodes_.dimension(0);
  const entier dim = src.nodes_.dimension(1);
  ArrOfInt nb_som_dir(dim);
    double product_n = 1.;
    for (entier i_dim = 0; i_dim < dim; i_dim++) {
      ArrOfFloat & coord = dest.coord_.add(ArrOfFloat());
      entier i;
      for (i = 0; i < nsom; i++)
        coord[i] = src.nodes_(i, i_dim);
      retirer_doublons(coord, op.tolerance_);
      product_n *= coord.size_array();
      // Add extended domain layer:
      if (coord.size_array() > 1) {
        const entier n = coord.size_array();
        const entier l = op.extend_layer_;
        coord.resize_array(n + l * 2);
        double x0 = coord[n-1];
        double delta = coord[n-2] - x0;
        for (i = 1; i <= l; i++)
          coord[n + l + i] = x0 + delta * i;
        for (i = l-1; i >= 0; i--)
          coord[i + l] = coord[i];
        x0 = coord[l];
        delta = coord[l+1] - x0;
        for (i = 1; i <= l; i++)
          coord[l - i] = x0 - delta * i;
      nb_som_dir[i_dim] = coord.size_array();
    // Verifying that unique has deleted many points...
    // If well organised, nsom=nx*ny*nz
    // If chaos, nsom=(nx+ny+nz)/3
    // We want to verify that we are nearer to organisation than to chaos !
    if (product_n > (double) nsom * (double) nsom - 1.) {
      Journal() << "Positions do not seam regular !" << endl;
  int i;
  int nb_som_ijk = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) 
    nb_som_ijk *= nb_som_dir[i];
  IntTab ijk_indexes;
  ijk_indexes.resize(nsom, dim);
  for (i = 0; i < nsom; i++) {
    entier ijk_index = 0;
    for (int j = dim-1; j >= 0; j--) {
      const double x = src.nodes_(i,j);
      int index = search_in_ordered_vect(x, dest.coord_[j]);
      if (index < 0) {
        Journal() << "Error: coordinate (" << i << "," << j << ") = " << x << " not found in regularize" << endl
                  << "Try reducing regularize tolerance value (option regularize=epsilon)" << endl;
      ijk_indexes(i, j) = index;
      ijk_index += index;
      if (j)
        ijk_index *= nb_som_dir[j-1];
    op.renum_nodes_[i] = ijk_index;
  const int max_index = max_array(nb_som_dir);
  int nb_elems_ijk = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
    nb_elems_ijk *= nb_som_dir[i] - 1;
  dest.invalid_connections_ = 1; // Everything invalid by default
  const int nelem = src.elements_.dimension(0);
  const int nb_som_elem = src.elements_.dimension(1);
  // Pour chaque element, indice dans le maillage ijk du plus sommet le plus proche de l'origine
  // (pour les faces...)
  ArrOfInt idx_elem_som;
  int min_index[3];
  for (i = 0; i < nelem; i++) {
    min_index[0] = min_index[1] = min_index[2] = max_index;
    for (int j = 0; j < nb_som_elem; j++) {
      int node = src.elements_(i,j);
      for (int k = 0; k < loop_max(dim, 3); k++) {
        int idx = ijk_indexes(node, k);
        min_index[k] = (idx < min_index[k]) ? idx : min_index[k];
    entier idx = 0;
    entier idx_som = 0;
    if (dim == 1) {
      idx = min_index[0];
      idx_som = idx;
    } else if (dim == 2) {
      idx = min_index[1] * (nb_som_dir[0]-1) + min_index[0];
      idx_som = min_index[1] * nb_som_dir[0] + min_index[0];
    } else if (dim == 3) {
      idx = (min_index[2] * (nb_som_dir[1]-1) + min_index[1]) * (nb_som_dir[0]-1) + min_index[0];
      idx_som = (min_index[2] * nb_som_dir[1] + min_index[1]) * nb_som_dir[0] + min_index[0];
    } else
    op.renum_elements_[i] = idx;
    idx_elem_som[i] = idx_som;
  if (src.faces_ok()) {
    const int nfaces = src.faces_.dimension(0);
    op.renum_faces_ = -1;
    const int nb_elem_face = src.elem_faces_.dimension(1);
    ArrOfInt delta_dir(dim);
    delta_dir[0] = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < dim; i++)
      delta_dir[i] = delta_dir[i-1] * nb_som_dir[i-1];
    for (i = 0; i < nelem; i++) {
      // Les faces haut, gauche et arriere du cube a l'origine portent le numero 0
      // Voir DomaineIJK pour la convention sur la numerotation des faces
      for (entier j = 0; j < nb_elem_face; j++) {
        const entier i_face = src.elem_faces_(i, j);
        entier dir = j % dim;
        entier index = idx_elem_som[i];
        if (j>=dim) 
          index += delta_dir[dir];
        // Encodage du numero de la face et de la direction
        index = (index << 2) + dir;
        if (op.renum_faces_[i_face] < 0) {
          op.renum_faces_[i_face] = index;
        } else if (op.renum_faces_[i_face] != index) {
          Journal() << "Error in OperatorRegularize: faces renumbering failed" << endl;
  op.geom_init_ = 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: pcapp.hpp プロジェクト: jshrake/pcapp
inline device::~device() {
  if (loop_running_) {