BDevice::BDevice() : accessibilityMode(false), x(0), y(0) { name.resize(BRLAPI_MAXNAMELENGTH + 1); this->socket = brlapi_openConnection(NULL, NULL); brlapi_getDisplaySize(&x, &y); brlapi_getDriverName(&name[0], BRLAPI_MAXNAMELENGTH + 1); }
/* Opens a connection with BrlAPI's server */ static int brl_construct(BrailleDisplay *brl, char **parameters, const char *device) { brlapi_connectionSettings_t settings; = parameters[PARM_HOST]; settings.auth = parameters[PARM_AUTH]; CHECK((brlapi_openConnection(&settings, &settings)>=0), out); logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Connected to %s using %s",, settings.auth); CHECK((brlapi_enterTtyModeWithPath(NULL, 0, NULL)>=0), out0); logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Got tty successfully"); CHECK((brlapi_getDisplaySize(&brl->textColumns, &brl->textRows)==0), out1); logMessage(LOG_DEBUG,"Found out display size: %dx%d", brl->textColumns, brl->textRows); displaySize = brl->textColumns*brl->textRows; prevData = malloc(displaySize); CHECK((prevData!=NULL), out1); prevText = malloc(displaySize * sizeof(wchar_t)); CHECK((prevText!=NULL), out2); prevShown = 0; restart = 0; logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Memory allocated, returning 1"); return 1; out2: free(prevData); out1: brlapi_leaveTtyMode(); out0: brlapi_closeConnection(); out: logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Something went wrong, returning 0"); return 0; }
END_OPTION_TABLE static void showDisplaySize(void) { unsigned int x, y; fprintf(stderr,"Getting display size: "); if (brlapi_getDisplaySize(&x, &y)<0) { brlapi_perror("failed"); exit(PROG_EXIT_FATAL); } fprintf(stderr, "%dX%d\n", x, y); }
static void showDots(void) { unsigned int x, y; brlapi_keyCode_t k; if (brlapi_getDisplaySize(&x, &y)<0) { brlapi_perror("failed"); exit(PROG_EXIT_FATAL); } if (brlapi_enterTtyMode(-1, NULL)<0) { brlapi_perror("enterTtyMode"); exit(PROG_EXIT_FATAL); } if (x*y<DOTS_TOTALLEN) { fprintf(stderr,"can't show dots with a braille display with less than %d cells\n",(int)DOTS_TOTALLEN); exit(PROG_EXIT_SEMANTIC); } { char text[x*y+1]; unsigned char or[x*y]; brlapi_writeArguments_t wa = BRLAPI_WRITEARGUMENTS_INITIALIZER; fprintf(stderr,"Showing dot patterns\n"); memcpy(text,DOTS_TEXT,DOTS_TEXTLEN); memset(text+DOTS_TEXTLEN,' ',sizeof(text)-DOTS_TEXTLEN); text[x*y] = 0; wa.regionBegin = 1; wa.regionSize = sizeof(or); wa.text = text; memset(or,0,sizeof(or)); or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+0] = BRL_DOT_1; or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+1] = BRL_DOT_2; or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+2] = BRL_DOT_3; or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+3] = BRL_DOT_4; or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+4] = BRL_DOT_5; or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+5] = BRL_DOT_6; or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+6] = BRL_DOT_7; or[DOTS_TEXTLEN+7] = BRL_DOT_8; wa.orMask = or; if (brlapi_write(&wa)<0) { brlapi_perror("brlapi_write"); exit(PROG_EXIT_FATAL); } } brlapi_readKey(1, &k); }
/* ** Initialize the application and connect to brlapi ** Init brlapi raw mode and print a welcome message on the terminal */ int brl_init(t_env *env) { brlapi_settings_t settings; char p[100]; unsigned int x, y; = NULL; /* Connect to BrlAPI */ if (brlapi_initializeConnection(NULL, NULL) < 0) { brlapi_perror("brlapi_initializeConnection"); return -1; } /* Get driver id & name */ brlapi_getDriverName(p, 100); if (!p) brlapi_perror("brlapi_getDriverName"); else printf("Driver name: %s\n",p); /* Get display size */ if (brlapi_getDisplaySize(&x, &y) < 0) brlapi_perror("brlapi_getDisplaySize"); else printf("Braille display has %d line%s of %d column%s\n",y,y>1?"s":"",x,x>1?"s":""); /* Try entering raw mode, immediately go out from raw mode */ printf("Trying to enter in raw mode... "); if (brlapi_enterRawMode("EuroBraille") < 0) brlapi_perror("brlapi_getRaw"); else { printf("Ok\n"); } /* welcome message */ brl_lasting_message(EUTP_VERSION); get_ident(env->ident); printf("Identification: %20s\n", env->ident); return 0; }